የሎናን ዲና ?
ኣብዚ አዋን’ዚ ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብጠቅላላ ዕድመኡ ንመርዓ፡ ንካልኣይ ደረጃ ትምህርትን ስድራቤት ንምሕጋዝ ን ዝበጽሐ ኤርትራዊ መንእሰይ ድማ ብፍላይ፡ ካብ መኣዲ ትምህርቲ ተሰናኺሉ ዕጫኡ ንግዱድ ዕስክርና፡ ስደትን ሕሰም መነባብሮን ኮይኑ’ሎ ። እቲ ኣዝዩ ዘሕዝን ግን፡

ኣብዚ አዋን’ዚ ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብጠቅላላ ዕድመኡ ንመርዓ፡ ንካልኣይ ደረጃ ትምህርትን ስድራቤት ንምሕጋዝ ን ዝበጽሐ ኤርትራዊ መንእሰይ ድማ ብፍላይ፡ ካብ መኣዲ ትምህርቲ ተሰናኺሉ ዕጫኡ ንግዱድ ዕስክርና፡ ስደትን ሕሰም መነባብሮን ኮይኑ’ሎ ። እቲ ኣዝዩ ዘሕዝን ግን፡ ኣብ ጎደናታት ኣስመራ፡ ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ገዛእ መሬቶም ጓኖት እቶም ብስም ደምህት ዝፍለጡ ዕሱባት ሓለውቲ ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ድማ ከም ደቂ ዓዲ ተኣሚኖም ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝብና ስውርን ሓድሽን መግዛኣቲ ይፍጽሙ ኣለዉ። እዚ ተርእዮ’ዚ ከኣ፡ ውልቀ- መላኺ ኢሳያስ ዕድሚኡ ንምንዋሕ ኢሉ ዝፍሓሶ ተንኮል ኢዩ። ብግልባጡ ግን፡ ስርዓተ ኣልቦ ኢሳያስ ክሳብ ክንደይ ብህዝቢ ኤርትራ ተፈንፊኑ ከምዘሎን ብኤርትራዊ ከምዘይተኣማመንን መረጋገጺ እዩ።
- ዕላማን መንነትን ደምሒት ብዘየገድስ፡ ህዝብና ብጥሜት ሓለንጊ እናተገርፈን ብሕጽረት መንበሪ ኣባይቲ፡ ኤለክትሪክ፡ ዝስተ ማይ እናተሳቐየን እንከሎ፡ ኣባላት ደምህት ጮማ ክበልዑ፡ ኣብ ዝወቀበ ኣባይቲ ክቅመጡን ካልእ ማእለያ ዘይብሉ ጉንዖታት ክግበረሎምን ከጋይጹን ምርኣይ፡ ሕድሪ ስውኣት ከም ምጥላም’ዩ ዝቁጸር። ኤርትራዊ፡ ንመግዛእቲ ኢትዮጵያ ጸሪጉ ብሰላምን ክብረትን ክነብር እምበር፡ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ሓድሽ ኣደራዕን ከጋጥሞን ብባዕዳውያን ክሰራጠን ድሌቱ ኣይኮነን፡
- ኣባላት ደምህት፡ ነቲ ካብ ሕሱም ኣገዛዝኣ ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ንምንጋፍ ዝፈትዋ ሃገሩ ሕቆኡ ሂቡ ክስደድ ዝቅሰብ ዘሎ ኤርትራዊ፡ ኣብ ብሎኮታትን ዶባትን ኤርትራ መንነት ወረቀት ክሓቱ፡ ከሰራጥዩን ክኣስሩን እንከለዉ ዘበንያ ግርምቢጥስ ማይ ንዓቀብ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ክልተ ሞት እዩ።
- ዓድኻ ክዝመት ዓይንኻ ኣይትተዓመት ከምዝብሃል፡ እቲ ብኣረሜናዊ ኢሳያስን ኤርትራውያን ሃወርያታቱን ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝብና ዝፍጸም ዘሎ ይቅረ ዘይብሃሎን መዳርግቲ ዘይርከቦን ገበን ከይኣክል፡ ብመወቀፎም ዘይፍለጥ ባንዳታት ክርገጽን ክብሩ ክግሃስን እንከሎ፡ ወለዲ፡ ኣሕዋትን ደቂ ስውኣትን “ስውኣትና ኣይስምዑን ኣይርኣዩን” ኢሎም ከማርሩን ጥርዓኖም ናብ ስውኣቶም ከቅርቡ እንክለዉን፡ እቶም ሕድሪ ስውኣት ዝተቀበልና የለናን ዲና? ዋላስ ሃገር ትጥፋእ፡ መቃብር ስውኣትና ይረገጽን መዐንደሪ ጓኖት ትኹን እዩ ምርጫና?
ጽላል ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ
Weldu Birhan February 8, 2015
ጽላለ ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ,
እቲ ቀንዲ ዘሕርረና ድማ ኣብ ክንዲ ቋንቋ ህዝበ ትግርኛ “መንቃሳቐሲ”ኢሎም ዝሓቱ “መዋሳወሲ” ዝብሃል ካብ ዓዶም ዘምጽእዎ ኤርትራዊ ዘይርድኦ ትግርኛ ምጥቃሞም ንህዝቢ ብጣዕሚ ከም ዘቖጥፆ እዩ ዝርኣየኒ ኣነ።እቲ ደቅና ብሰበስልጣን ህግደፍ ምዕማጸን ለሚድናዮ፣ምኽንያቱ ምብላዕ ምብልዑስ ዝብኢ ዓድና ይብልዓዮ ከም ዝብሃል፣ እቲ ኣወዳትና ብበደዊን ምዕማጾም እውን ኣካል ቃልሲ ስለ ዝኾነ እንተ ኣቕሓረና እውን ኣብ ሃገርና ብጓኖት ኣይኮነን ዝፍጸም ዘሎ፣ከም መዋሳወሲ ኣቢላ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘጕሃየቶ ግን የላን።መዋሳወሲ እንተዘየላዓዒላትና፣ እንታይ ከላዓዕለና እዩ ፧
ውድቀት ንትግራይ ትግርኚ
Debre February 9, 2015
ክቡር ሓው ወልዱ ብርሃን
ሓሳብካ ምርዳእ ኣብዩኒ። ብሓውኻ ካብ ምዕማጽ ንላዕሊ እንታይ ኣሎ ሊዕሊኡ ዝመጽእ በደል? ምብላዕ ምብሉዑስ ዝብኢ ዓድና ይብላዓዮ ዝበሃል እኮ ንቁጠባዊ ነገራት ‘ምበር ንዓመጽ ኣይኮነን። ዝለዓለ ዓመጽን መቕተልትን ብወገን እንዳተፈጸመ ከመይ ኢሉ ‘ዩ ካብ ደምሂት መወሳወሲ ትብል ቃል ዝሓይሽ። ዓመጽ ብጓና ክመጽእ ከሎ ጓኖት ስለዝኾኑ ‘ዮም ፈጺሞሞ ትብል። እለኽ-ማይ ክኸውን ከሎ ኸኣ ዝብኢ ዓድና ይብልዓዮ ትብል። ሓውኻ ከመይ ኢሉ ይዕምጸካ። ኣይ ሓውኻ እንድዩ። ኣብ መንጎ ኣይተላኽዕ። ጽቡቕ ኣይኮነን። ሓደ መርገጺ ውሰድ። ወይ ተቃዋማይ ወይ ደጋፋይ። ኣብ መንጎ ዘሎ ኩሉሻዕ ብኽልተ በትሪ እዩ ዝህረም፡ ክመኽረካ።
WediHagher February 9, 2015
“እቲ ደቅና ብሰበስልጣን ህግደፍ ምዕማጸን ለሚድናዮ፣ምኽንያቱ ምብላዕ ምብልዑስ ዝብኢ ዓድና ይብልዓዮ ከም ዝብሃል፣ እቲ ኣወዳትና ብበደዊን ምዕማጾም እውን ኣካል ቃልሲ ስለ ዝኾነ እንተ ኣቕሓረና እውን ኣብ ሃገርና ብጓኖት ኣይኮነን ዝፍጸም ዘሎ”
Weldu Birhan aka Cow[ard] Face
Aya Mihretu, iniyekhatkum dikhum ?
Dahaykum labey kemlebele leyfeletna ?
Zeray February 9, 2015
Weldu Berhan
ምብላዕ ምብልዑስ ዝብኢ ዓድና ይብልዓዮ :: You don’t understand and you can’t relate Weldu. Of course you are not a woman. Rape is Rape who ever the criminal is. A victim is also a victim regardless who the victimizer is. Apologize and move on with this one.
ከም መዋሳወሲ ኣቢላ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘጕሃየቶ ግን የላን Are you serious? Maybe you are not reading the people right. The people against oppression. Whether the opportunist Eritreans oppress them or Ethiopian’s oppress them. The martyrs sacrificed their lives to bring freedom, democracy, respect of each individual etc..for all citizens. Anything less than that is a reason to fight back.
Do away with PFDJ system, do away with Dictatorship and do away with all those opportunists regardless who they are.
Finally, if there are genuine PFDJ followers in diaspora and you are supporting the system because you truly believe in the system, I urge you to go to Eritrea and find out yourself and make a genuine effort to find the truth.
Eritreawit February 8, 2015
Weldu Birhan, AKA COW FACE, ugoslavo, the ” NOBEL ” RATHER HASAD teacher. you are so obivouse, you came again when you see new strong faces coming to ASSENNA, to spoil, ANta Hasad, kondaf——, stay away from our forum. We don’t have any problem with Tigray OR Ethiopia. our problem is sick people like you, and hgdf leaders, blined supporters who have no class and identity.
Weldu Birhan February 8, 2015
Who is cow face ? Simple minded people run to insults and I gotcha philosophy because they have no brain of their own ,their nationalism is based on whom to hate or whom to criticize, sounds familiar love ?
waEro February 8, 2015
we all know you are cow face
tesfamichael February 9, 2015
I am reading many written from many Eritreans different sentence and words to Eritrean’s who lives in this world I would like to pass my advice using by Asena as the following
I. Eritrean students force to Sawa and the Demhite solders take to bring woods far from the camp Sawa and cell to smugglers
2.Many Eritreans youngster after many problems they inter to Ethiopia Eritrean refugee camp and smugglers they will take from the camp to Sudan after taking few kilometer they will sell to another smaglers.
dear Amanuel our people we could not get good chance after liberation in 1991 but at this time I recived many call from my relatives pay $3.000 dollar for release again after three days if you will not pay $10.0000 this is not belong to Eritrean’s. Please could you share
MightyEmbasoyra February 9, 2015
ጽላል ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ,
So, what is your point? Whose fault is that? Demhit’s or those extremely ignorant Eritrean generals and colonels? Doesn’t is that tell us Eritreans, inside or abroad, that we are becoming lame? What is the point of issuing this kind of articles? Why are we whining rather than doing something?
Yes, we got it. Yes we know there are a lot of Demhit members in Eritrea. So does Ginbot 7 or what ever that # is. So what? This is nothing new. The question is what are we going to do?
We are recycling old news that we learn nothing from it. Doesn’t this tell us we are really incapable of fixing our problem? Are we that stupid or became of greedy society? By now, almost everyone, with their right mind, know our problem. What we need is a solution. It is about time to write solution not identifying problems. Sorry for sounding rude.
Debre February 9, 2015
ክቡር ማይቲእምባይሶራ
እቶም ሕድሪ ስውኣት ዝተቀበልና የለናን ዲና? ትብል ሕቶ ፍታሕ እያ ትሕብር ዘላ። እቶም ሕድሪ ዝተቀበሉ ኣጽቂጥም ዘለዉ ካብ ተረ ተጋዳላይ ክሳብ ናይ ኢሳይያስ ጀነራላት ብሙሉኦም ኣብውሽጥም ኣብወጻኢም ዝርከቡ ነቲ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ወሲካ ሕሊነኦም ንኽፍትሹ ተዘኻኽር ሕቶ እያ። ነዚኣ ጽሕፍቲ በዚ መልኽዕ ረኣያ።
MightyEmbasoyra February 9, 2015
Thanks for the explanation.
tamrat tamrat February 9, 2015
Ya man a good waking call question! But the answer doesnt make you happy.
The leaders live a luxurious life.
The youths use sawa to flee eritrea to a better future.
Demhit and ginbot7 could have been jobless in ethiopia but now they are under eris government payroll with extra benefit.
The multitude opostion parties leaders get little in their part time work called free eri from hgdf.
Authers like awate.com Saleh milking good from the sad story of eri youths fleeing from home.
Both goverments and oppostion website get their daily bread.
The chat room is serving as a free entertainment for those who have Internet access.
Does this bring pfdj down? Hell no. Do people seam comfortable with the above I mentioned? Then tell me how the weakest embargoed even armed ethiopians roaming around the most hated by both eris and international communiy is staying in power with no end even in the near future?
assenna February 9, 2015
One question to you: Are you being fair now? Mxlal has the right to express herself, hasn’t she? That was indeed rude and thoughtless.
MightyEmbasoyra February 9, 2015
To Assenna and the forum,
My sincere apology.
Debre February 9, 2015
ክቡቲ ጽላል
ንሕቶኺ እቲ መልሲ ኣለና ‘ምበር ‘የ ክብለኪ። ብሂይወት ንቀሳቀስ። ሂይወትና ትልኽ ትልኽ ትብል። ትንፋስና ናይ ተፈጥሮ ግዴተኣ ትፍጽም። ግን ከኣ ዘይ ምህላውና ምሓሸ። ሕድሪ ኣብ መፈጸምትኡ ዘይብጸሐ እንታይ ክዓብስ!! ጌሌና ዓቅሚ ሲእንና፡ ጌለና ባይታ ሲእንና፡ ጌለና ተሃሚልናን ተታሊልናን፡ ጌለና ጠሊምናን ሕድሪ ስውኣት ከነፈጽም ኣይከኣልናን። እቶም ዝጠለሙ ሓዲኡ ኣፍሊጦም እዮም። ንዕኦም ኢና ንቃለሶም። እቶም ካልኦት ግን እንታይ ኢና ኮይንና። በዓል ገንዘብ ብገንዘቡ፡ በዓል ትምህርቲ ብትምህርቱ፡ በዓል ጉልበት ብጉልበቱ፡ ክንጋፈጦም ክንቃለሶም ይግበኣና። ሞት ፈሪህናያ። ብእንታይ ገደሰኒ ተዓሺና። ዓው ኢልና ኣብ ኣደባባይ ወጺእና ክንዛረብ ደይከኣልናሉ ምኽንያት ስለዝፈራህና ኢና። ስለዘይተሓላለና ኢና። ኣብ ቱኒዝያ ሓደ ሰብ ኣብ ኣደባባይ ነፍሱ በንዚን ነስኒሱ ምስ ኣቃጸለ ‘ኮ ‘ዩ ህዝቢ ሆ ኢሉ ዝተበገሰ። ንሕና ‘ኸ ሓደ ከምኡ እንተዝገብር ሆ ኢልና ምተበገስና ‘ዶ? ነፍስና ንመርምር። ከምዝመስለኒ ኣዚና ተዳሂልና ‘ሎና።
Saba February 9, 2015
ኣብዚ ከኣ ባውራጃ ወዲ ኣውራጃ ይመቓቐል ክንዲ ብስሙር ግንባር ንህዝቡ ደው ዝበሃል።
Semhar February 9, 2015
Love yourself, love your family, love your Adi ,love your Awraja (province ),love ERITREA.
Unite against your #1 enemies who are against you, your family, your Adios,your Awraja, and our county ERITREA.
Semhar February 9, 2015
Love your GOD, love yourself, love your family, love your Adi ,love your Awraja (province ),love ERITREA.
Unite against your #1 enemies who are against Your God, against you, your family, your Adios,your Awraja, and our county ERITREA.
Truly Truly i say to you February 9, 2015
እቲ ኣይትብከ እንድዩ ዘብክየኒ! ንሕና ደኣ ኣብቲ ኣድና ዘሎ ሕልው ኩነታት ከምቲ ሃብትና ጽላል ዝገለጸቶ፣ “ዘበንያ ግርምቢጥስ ማይ ንዓቀብ” ከምዝኾነ ብኣግኡ ስለዝበረሃልና እንድዩ፡ ማለት ኤርትራዊ ይትረፍ ብገዛእ ሃገሩ ከምቲ ንቡር ኣብ ሙሉእ ዓለም ዘለዉ ሃገራት ንዜጋታቶም ዝዋሃቦም ሃለፋ ወይ ቀዳማይ መሰል ከረክብ ይትረፍ፣ ከምቶም ብካልዓይ ሳልሳይ ንዝቁጸሩ ዝዋሃብ ኣይነትል መሰል እዃ ረኺቡ ቀሲኑ ከነብር ብዘይምኽኣሉ፣ ብዘሕዝንን ብዘሕፍርን ውርደት ካብ ሃገሩ ሃጽ ኢሉ ክጠፍእ ክብል በቲ ዝረክቦ ሕሰምን መከራን ስልዝጓሓይና፣ እንትወሃደ ሕዝብና ብሃገሩ ቀሲኑ ከም ኣቕሙ ናይ ምንባር መሰሉ ይተሃለው ስለዝበልና እንድዩ፣ ተሰልቢጦም ልክእ ፍሉይ ኤርታራዊነት ዝተሰመኣና As nationalists and racists ( ናሺናሊስትን ዘርእኛታት) ብዝብል ሽም ኣጠሚቆም ሽምና ከካፍኡ ዝፍትኑ ዘለዉ። ዝገርም እዩ ንሕናስ ብገዛእ ሃገርና ናይ ደማሂትን ተጋሩትን ካልዖት ኢትዮጵያውያንን ንዝረኸብዎ መሰል እንተዋሃደ ይወሃበና በልና እንበር፣ ሃለፋ ይገበረልና ብዝብል ስምኢት ኣይነበረን ሃገራዊነትናን ስሚኢትናን ንገልጽ ዘለና። ብዝኾነ እንታይ እዩ መፍትሒኡ እንድዩ እቲ ቀንዱ ቁም ነገሩ፣ ግደ ሃቂ ሃውና ሰምሃር ከምቲ ጸማም ሃደ ደርፉ ዝበሃል ነታ መፍትሒ ደጋጊሙ “ንወዲ መድሕን በራድን ንወዱን ነቶም ካብ ሃሙሽተ ዘይበልጹ ናይ ኢሳያስ ቀንዲ መጋበርቲ ምቅንጻል እዩ” ክብል ደጋጊሙ ገሊጽዋ ነሩ። ነዛ ቀሊል ግን ምኣንጣ ትሓትት መፍትሔ ክገብር ዘይከኣለ ሰብ፣ ብዛእባ ውግእ ምስ ሻእብያ እያ መፍትሔ ገለመለ እናበለ ዝሓልም ሰብ፣ ኣይትሓዙለይ ካብቶም ናይ ኤርትራውያን ምጽናት ዝደልይ ኢትዮጵያዊ ክኸውን ኣለዎ።
MightyEmbasoyra February 10, 2015
I am on a kind of sabbatical leave (look at me inflating myself) from this forum, per se, for few months – a year max.
Reason: without realizing, I am becoming more negative than the average member for some reason. So, no need to bring the members down. After all, what’s needed is uplifting materials here.
I have failed to learn from those great commentators and publishers. So, for the sake of the great Assenna forum, I have to take a break from being myself.
N.B. I will still work on my little project to support Assenna, financially that is.
See you when I see you!
ERITRAWIT February 10, 2015
long time friend you are not negative but you are frustrated we all are. We will miss you I am sure Truly will miss you too, even though you annoy him. I hope my note will change you mind.
sorry Truly it is a joke.
Genet-orginal February 10, 2015
What are you talking about? We need your input on many issues. You don’t need that much time off. You can take timeout here and there, but not months or a year. As far as I am concerned, it is ok to be upset ooccasionally. If We, Eritrean aren’t upset, with our situation, then who?
selamawit2 February 13, 2015
Migthy, is it about first becoming a kind of a perfect human being before interacting with others?
What you said about “Dr. Mikes” sabbatical should be applied to yourself, by yourself.
No, we don’t want to wait till you consider yourself “perfect”. That would be an everlasting project…:-)
Or in short: Planning to withdraw for such a mere nothing, you make me very said. Don’t do that – not for this reason.