ዓቢ ሰልፋዊ ጉዕዞ ንድሕነት ህዝቢ ኣብ ዋሽንግቶን ዲሲ
ነዚ ኣብ መላእ ህዝብና ብሓፈሻ፣ ኣብ መንእሰያትን ኣዴታትን ቆልዑን ድማ ብፍላይ ዝወርድ ዘሎ መከራን መቕዘፍትን ግቡእ ቆላሕታ ረኺቡ ንምድሓኖም ኩሉ ዝምልከቶ ኣህጉራዊ ትካላትን መንግስታትን ማሕበራትን ንምኩሕኳሕ ብህጹጽ ግዲኦም ንኽገብሩ ዝጠልብ - ዓቢ ሰልፋዊ ጉዕዞ ንድሕነት

ነዚ ኣብ መላእ ህዝብና ብሓፈሻ፣ ኣብ መንእሰያትን ኣዴታትን ቆልዑን ድማ ብፍላይ ዝወርድ ዘሎ መከራን መቕዘፍትን ግቡእ ቆላሕታ ረኺቡ ንምድሓኖም ኩሉ ዝምልከቶ ኣህጉራዊ ትካላትን መንግስታትን ማሕበራትን ንምኩሕኳሕ ብህጹጽ ግዲኦም ንኽገብሩ ዝጠልብ – ዓቢ ሰልፋዊ ጉዕዞ ንድሕነት ህዝቢ – ዓርቢ 23 ግንቦት 2014 ኣብ ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ ክካየድ ተዳልዩ ኣሎ።
Hidat April 29, 2014
m April 29, 2014
why we are cowerdess we escape like ratss from our land our Eritrean peploe suffering a lot we have to stay in our land to fight to the dictator why we alwayss crying like monkeyess we have to go back all of us to motherlad to do somthing not 20 yearess to say waywaywayway like monkeyssss we are cowerdess,liaresss,selfish pepole in the hole world we only do Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra we we we but we are nothing only talk
Mesinas April 29, 2014
ኣገናዕ ኣሃዱታት ግንባር ዋሽንድተን ዲሲ! ኣጆኹም ኣጆና ቀሪባ’ያ ሓርነትና!
m April 30, 2014
ab washington koff eilke freedom kimexee what a joke
Mesinas April 29, 2014
ኣገናዕ ኣሃዱታት ግንባር ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ! ኣጆኹም ኣጆና ቀሪባ’ያ ሓርነትና! ሳቮያ ኢልና ከም ተመን ዕዳጋ ጠፋዕ ጠፋዕ ነብሎ ነዚ ኣሰለት!
Asmeret May 1, 2014
H.K. April 30, 2014
Dear brothers and sisters of DC, We are proud of YOU!!!!
Keep it up untill the Mafia Group is wiped out of Eritrea!!!
I know you had been very instrumental during the liberation time and I am sure you can topple the crippled system and throw him to the garbage bag of history like his friend Ghadafi!!!
TaEsa April 30, 2014
well done ahwat. keep it up.