At the surface, it may look to some as if it is only recreational activity, but when seen deeper, it is political and cultural education through recreation programs. It is a great idea that also strengthens ties among our people in general, families and individuals in particular, by creating the opportunity to participate in some exciting recreation programs. The occasion will be wonderful if families and kids are especially encouraged to participate. This is an added sweetner from assena to the great work in which it has been engaged.
“Truly Truly i say to you” is prolific contributer but his agenda is questionable. If I were to choose between him and Yosief Ghebrehiwet, I would say Yosief is Eritrean citizen who deeply cares about the Eritrean people and he has been doing all he can to alleviate our misery by informing us as widely and as deeply as possible. No one can plausibly question Yosief’s courage, intelligence, clarity, hard work or agenda. Sadly’s Saleh Ghadi equated him with unionists (andnetawyan) and some of his followers have been echoing that unfair characterization.
Truly, on the other hand, seems to enjoy creating confusion and unfounded accusations such as ‘angnet, awrajainet…’ I fear that Truly could be one of the spoilers such as ‘noble teacher’ deliberately confusing and misleading innocent people. In my opinion this method is characteristic feature of those covert enemies of the Eritrean people.
Truly will keep quiet about Ali Salim but YG et al are soft targets for him. God forgive us all.
I have been asking myself about Yosief Ghebrehiwot. I hope YG is well but can anyone pass my message that we miss his articles and wish him well.
Brothers Selamawi & Aradom very well said indeed.
Truly Truly i say to you is simply like Sophia T/mariam that is gual hidrtina of Eritrean politics.
Wedi & gual hidirtina (Truly Truly & Sophia T/m) never existed anywhere or contributed anything to Eritrean struggle. However, they are now experts and critics of the genuine fighters and contributors of new democratic Eritrea that is the great YG & kubur haw Wedi Meharena.
Mr Truly, you might have another connection with your Sophia hawlal of being Amichetat but don’t think that you are more smart “aradas” than the rest genuine Eritreans.
For your information Mr Truly, the great and the only YG (Mr Yosief G/hiwot) is our Boris Pasternak (the author of Dr.Zhivago). He is a taboo buster and a piper who awakens those in deep sleep or coma, due to a spell cast by the Eritrean Ghedli voodoo (also called the revolution.)
In future Mr Truly please leave the great genuine people like YG, Wedi Meharena and Kombishitato and just mind your own business. And as to your continues quotes of the bible, I am told that the devil also quotes the bible for its own ends and to deceive the gullible ones.
So what I would continue to do with your quotes of the holy bible is to just take its messages but to completely ignore/forget the messenger. God bless Eritrea and its suffering people.
Last, haw Selamawi, just like your name you are truly a peaceful and always a great contributor to Assenna and please keep it up brother.
Kindly stick to one pen name. Also make use of Assenna guidelines.
Thank you.
Tamrat TamratDecember 22, 2014
YG has said all that have to be said. He is against the promoters of colonization be it Italian or arabaization of Eritrea like people. YG works is almost completed and forwarding to all concerning citizens is too expensive for him and the peoples he represent are most at home under the oppressor regime.
The awatenians are like hgdef. Hgdef knows all the failures of derg but imposing derg policy in Tigrinya language is the best solution while awatenians waiting the fall of Hgdef and impose the same derg system in Arabic.
This is a curse!
Any one who separates the tigrians in to ehtiopians and eritreans, afars into Ethiopians and eritreans and try to unite Tigrians and afars where ever they are is a complete fiasco. The colonizers have done it because they don’t give a shiiiiit in imposing thir rules for their economical ad vantage. This all of us know.
Truly you may have a disagreement with YG’s views but to label him ethiopian or andnet is a very weak argument.And also to attribute failure of a website to attract visitors to a single contributor is not a reasonable argument.You may need to read YG’s writing and try to understand it first.
This is a great way to fund Assenna. Kudos to the team of four.
Assenna team,
Just to lend a hand, I challenge for two people to donate $100/each and I can match those $200. Any taker?
Thank you for being a role model, impressive. I have being contributing to Assenna when ever I can, hope all participant of this form follow your lead. Thank you.
Simon G.,
I salute you my friend and I for one will take up your challenge and go with the $100 for this worthy cause. Assenna team take note: I will contribute $100. Who is next?
I belive Assenna is our voice. HGDF is working so hard to label bad name but Assenna is true Eritrean voice. Asmarino is almost flooded by negative and put downs about Eritrea and it’s people instead of positive critism. It doesn’t work that way.
Well done guys! let’s support Assenna by joining the New Year party! i’m sure the spirit will be electrifying with such vocalists as Hani and the entire team! Wow!!!
Dear team assenna organizer if you change this date it will be huge no of poeple wellcome but on this date i gues a lott of poeple will be strugling while they willing to attend
Wadbahar December 18, 2014
At the surface, it may look to some as if it is only recreational activity, but when seen deeper, it is political and cultural education through recreation programs. It is a great idea that also strengthens ties among our people in general, families and individuals in particular, by creating the opportunity to participate in some exciting recreation programs. The occasion will be wonderful if families and kids are especially encouraged to participate. This is an added sweetner from assena to the great work in which it has been engaged.
Truly Truly i say to you December 19, 2014
ሃው ኣርዓዶም “ብዘይ ኣሰናን ኣዝማሪኖን ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ኩሉ ተቓውሞን ደጊም ኣይምነቕሐን። ኣዝማሪኖ ኣብ`ቲ መጀመርያ ኣሰና ከይወጸት ከላ ዝተጻወተቶ ታራ ዝርሳዕ ኣይኮነን። ኣዝማሪኖ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ፍለማ እግሩ ዝመከተትን ኣዝያ ሓያል ወብሳይት ዝነበረትን ኢያ። ወዲ፡ማሓረና ምስ ሸምገለ ግን ኣዝማሪኖ ከም`ቲ ዝድለ ኣይኮነትን እምበር ክሳብ ሎሚ ትቓለስ ዘላ ሓያል ወብሳይት ኢያ።” ኢልካ
ክቡር ሃው ብሃቂ ኣይተጋገኻን። ግንስ ትፈልጥ´ዶ ስለምንታይ ኣስመሪኖ ክትሓስስን ክትሃስርን ዝብቀዕት፧ እወ ወዲ መሃረና ኣሪጉ እታ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ብዮሴፍ ገብረ ሕይወት ክትባሃት ምስጀመረት ኣብ ክንዲ ናይ ኤርትራ ሕዝቢ ሓረርታን መንፈስን ዘንጽባርቅ ሃሳባት ከም ቀደማ ተእንግድ፡ እታ መርበብ
ብኢትዮጵያዊነትን ብናይ ሓድነት ኣጀንዳ ዝትመልኡ ሰባት ርኢቶታት ብብዝሃት ከተእንግድ ስለጀመረት እዩ። ብሓጺሩ ንኣስመሪኖ ሞት ቀንዲ ምኽንያት ዮሴፍ ኮይኑ ከምኮምፕሽታቶ ዝኣምሰሉ ብዙሃት ናይ ኣንድንት ኣጀንዳ ዘለዎም ሰባት ስለተወሰዅዎ ከኣኒ እዩ በቲ ጉዳይ ኤርትውራያን ተቆጢዖም ቀስ በቀስ ክገድዋ ጀሚሮም ሕጂ ናብ ኢትዮጵያ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ዝተቀየረት። ነዚ ጉዳይ ይትረፍ ንሕና ተቃወምቲ፣ ናይ ሕግደፍ ካድሬታት እንዃዕ ከይተረፈ ነቲ ብዮሴፍን መሰላቱን፣ ነቲ ናይ ነጻነት ገድሊ ታሪክን ናይ ጅግና ሀምድ ኢድሪስ ኣዋተ ታሪክን እናበለሉን እናዋደቁን ንዝጽሕፍዎ ብምኩናን ነቲ ዝኽተሎም ሕዝቢ ከምዚ
ዝኣምሰሉ ሰባት እዮም እምበኣር ናይ ኤርት ተቃወምቲ ውድባት ኢና ዝብሉኹም፤ ነቲ ብክንደይ ምስዋእቲ ዝተረኸበ ነጻነት ኣናናሸዉ ናብ ባርነት ክምልሱኻ ዝፍትኑ እናበሉ ከደናግርዎም ኣይሰማእኩምን ተኮይንኹም፣
ነቲ ፈነወ
2014-10-11 ቲቪ ድምጺ ኤርትራውያን ስቶክሆልም ፡ ምስ ኣቶ ብርሃነ ገብረሂወት
ኣብ Alenalki. com ዝወጸ ኢንተርቢው ስምእዎ። እሞ ኣብ ሃገረ ኣሜሪካ ቆንሲል ኤርትራ ኣቶ ብርሃነ ነዚ ዕድል ረኺቡ ድላዩ ተበለ መኣስ ተጋግዩ? ኣይ በኣል ዮሴፍን ኮምፒሽታቶን ዝኣምሰሉ እንድዮም ዕድል ዝህብዎም ዘለዉ?
ነዊህ ተዛሪበ ምእንቲ ትርጉም ዘየብሉ ከይከውን እቲ ቀንዲ ክላቦ ዝደልይ እታ እንኮ ሃቀኛ ናይ ኤርትራውያን መርበርብ ሓበሬታ ዝኾነት ኣሰና ካብ ኣስመሪኖ ውድቀት ተማሂራ፣ ናይ ኤርትራዊ መንፈስን ሃረርታን ጥራይ ከምልማዳ ከተእንግድ ክመክርን ከዘካክርን ስልዝደለኹ እዩ። ምኽንያቱ ኣብ ኣሰናም ናይ ሃድነትን ኣንጻር ነጻነትናን ዝቃወሙ ሰባት ብብዝሃት ኣይኹን እንበር እእንገድ ጀሚሩ እእዘብ ስለዘለኹ ስክፍታ ስለዘህደረለይ እዩ።
ከምቲ ሓዋርያ ቅዱስ ጳውሎስ ንሰብ ገላትያ 3;3 ) “ክሳዕ ክንድዚዶ ዓያሱ ኢኹም፧ ብመንፈስ ጀሚርኩምሲ፡ ሕጂዶ ብስጋ ኽትፍጽሙ ትደልዩ ኣሎኹም ዝበሎ ከይ ከውን ነገሩ ማለተይ እዩ። ኣስመሪኖ ኣሮማይ ብመንፈስ ጀሚራ ብስጋ ከምዝፈጸመት ኣፍሊጣ እያ።
ኣብ መወዳእታ እቲ ንኣሰና ንምስሳን ዝተዳለወ ለይታዊ ትልሂት ኣብ ክንዲ ሓዲሽ ኣመት ዝኸውን ድሕሪ ሃድሽ ኣመት ኣብ ዝተመረጸ ዝሓሸ እዋን ተዝኸውን ዝበለጽ ኣፍራዪ ይመስለኒ። ምክንያቱ ብሃዲሽ ኣመት ብዙህ ኣማራጺ ለይታዊ ትልሂት ስልዝካየድ ቁጽሩ ዉሁድ ሰብ ጥራይ ከይሳተፍ ስልዝሰጋእኩ እዩ። ደሃን ንፈትኖ´ሞ ተዘየዋጽእ ብካልእ ግዘም ደጊምና ክንቅጽሎ ኢና ዝብሃል ተኾይኑም፣ ሕራይ ቅዱስ ሓሳብ እዩ ኣሳልጦ ይግበረልኩም ይግበረልና ኢለ ሰናይ ትምኒተይ ይገልጽ።
ኣርዓዶም December 19, 2014
ኣንታ ትሩልይ ትሩልይ
እንታይ ኢኻ ትብል ዘለኻ፡ መርገጺኻ እንታይ ኢዩ? ኣብ ኤርትራ ሓርነት ክህሉ ሰላም ክሰፍን ትደሊ ዲኻ ዋላስ ካብ ዘኦም ናይ ህግደፍ ስለያ ዝተለ ኣኻ ኢኻ።
የስዮፍ ገብረሂወት እንታይ ኢዩ በዲሉ። ብሳላ የስየፍ ገብረሂወት ስባ ኩሉ ህዝቢ ነቒሑ። ገድሊ ማለት የስየፍ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ እቶም ኣብኡ ዝተዋስኡ ከይተረፉ ተዛሪቦምሉ ኢዮም።
ስለዚ ቢ ቤላ-ቤሎው ሰብ ኣይትፈረድ። የስየፍ ነቲ ኣገባብ ገድሊ ኢዩ ዝግገለጸ እምበር፡ ንናጽነት ገድሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣየነኣኣሰን።
ኣገባብ ኣገዳድላ ግን ፍሉይ ዝገብሮ ኣሎ
-እቲ ምእንቲ ናጽነት ብምሉእ ልቡ ንኽስዋእ ዝወፈረ
– እቲ ናጽነት ከምጽእ ዘይኮነስ ምሁራት ብምጽናት ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ተወጢሑ ክነብር ዝደልን ኢዩ ነይሩ ኣብ ገድሊ ኤርትራ።
ስለዚ ንምሉእ ሓፈሻዊ ` እታ ሕብእቲ ሰልፊ` መጻሕፍቲ ናይ ዝተፍላለዩ ተጋደልቲ ውጽዩ ኣሎ ንበቡ።
ተዘይኮይኑ ንየስየፍ ኣልዕል ኣቢልካ ክትነቕፍን ገብን ኣብርእሲኡ ክትፈርድ ምፍታን ፍጹም ጌጋ ኢዩ እብል ኣነ።
ኣስማሪኖ ድማ መስርሐ ኮይኑ ክሳብ ሕጂ በቲ ትኽእሎ ዓቕሚ ትሰርሕ ኣላ፡ ከም`ቲ ቕድም እኵ እንተዘይኮነ፡ ምስ ፋስቡክን ዜናታትን ዘራክብ ብዙሕ ሊንክ ኣለዋ። ብሰንኪ ዛሕሊ ተሳተፍቲ ተዘይኮይኑ፡ ድሌትካ ጽሒፍካ ከተውጽ ኣልካ`ውን ትኽእል ኢያ ዝብል ግምት ኣለኒ።
ሕሰበሉ ሕሰበሉ።
እዚ ዎድሓንካ።
Selamawi December 19, 2014
Selam Aradom. You wrote: ‘መርገጺኻ እንታይ ኢዩ? ኣብ ኤርትራ ሓርነት ክህሉ ሰላም ክሰፍን ትደሊ ዲኻ ዋላስ ካብ ዘኦም ናይ ህግደፍ ስለያ ዝተለ ኣኻ ኢኻ። የስዮፍ ገብረሂወት እንታይ ኢዩ በዲሉ።’ I say thank you.
“Truly Truly i say to you” is prolific contributer but his agenda is questionable. If I were to choose between him and Yosief Ghebrehiwet, I would say Yosief is Eritrean citizen who deeply cares about the Eritrean people and he has been doing all he can to alleviate our misery by informing us as widely and as deeply as possible. No one can plausibly question Yosief’s courage, intelligence, clarity, hard work or agenda. Sadly’s Saleh Ghadi equated him with unionists (andnetawyan) and some of his followers have been echoing that unfair characterization.
Truly, on the other hand, seems to enjoy creating confusion and unfounded accusations such as ‘angnet, awrajainet…’ I fear that Truly could be one of the spoilers such as ‘noble teacher’ deliberately confusing and misleading innocent people. In my opinion this method is characteristic feature of those covert enemies of the Eritrean people.
Truly will keep quiet about Ali Salim but YG et al are soft targets for him. God forgive us all.
I have been asking myself about Yosief Ghebrehiwot. I hope YG is well but can anyone pass my message that we miss his articles and wish him well.
God bless
Gurja December 20, 2014
Brothers Selamawi & Aradom very well said indeed.
Truly Truly i say to you is simply like Sophia T/mariam that is gual hidrtina of Eritrean politics.
Wedi & gual hidirtina (Truly Truly & Sophia T/m) never existed anywhere or contributed anything to Eritrean struggle. However, they are now experts and critics of the genuine fighters and contributors of new democratic Eritrea that is the great YG & kubur haw Wedi Meharena.
Mr Truly, you might have another connection with your Sophia hawlal of being Amichetat but don’t think that you are more smart “aradas” than the rest genuine Eritreans.
For your information Mr Truly, the great and the only YG (Mr Yosief G/hiwot) is our Boris Pasternak (the author of Dr.Zhivago). He is a taboo buster and a piper who awakens those in deep sleep or coma, due to a spell cast by the Eritrean Ghedli voodoo (also called the revolution.)
In future Mr Truly please leave the great genuine people like YG, Wedi Meharena and Kombishitato and just mind your own business. And as to your continues quotes of the bible, I am told that the devil also quotes the bible for its own ends and to deceive the gullible ones.
So what I would continue to do with your quotes of the holy bible is to just take its messages but to completely ignore/forget the messenger. God bless Eritrea and its suffering people.
Last, haw Selamawi, just like your name you are truly a peaceful and always a great contributor to Assenna and please keep it up brother.
assenna December 20, 2014
Kindly stick to one pen name. Also make use of Assenna guidelines.
Thank you.
Tamrat Tamrat December 22, 2014
YG has said all that have to be said. He is against the promoters of colonization be it Italian or arabaization of Eritrea like people. YG works is almost completed and forwarding to all concerning citizens is too expensive for him and the peoples he represent are most at home under the oppressor regime.
The awatenians are like hgdef. Hgdef knows all the failures of derg but imposing derg policy in Tigrinya language is the best solution while awatenians waiting the fall of Hgdef and impose the same derg system in Arabic.
This is a curse!
Any one who separates the tigrians in to ehtiopians and eritreans, afars into Ethiopians and eritreans and try to unite Tigrians and afars where ever they are is a complete fiasco. The colonizers have done it because they don’t give a shiiiiit in imposing thir rules for their economical ad vantage. This all of us know.
asmerom December 23, 2014
Truly you may have a disagreement with YG’s views but to label him ethiopian or andnet is a very weak argument.And also to attribute failure of a website to attract visitors to a single contributor is not a reasonable argument.You may need to read YG’s writing and try to understand it first.
Simon G. December 19, 2014
This is a great way to fund Assenna. Kudos to the team of four.
Assenna team,
Just to lend a hand, I challenge for two people to donate $100/each and I can match those $200. Any taker?
Eritreawit December 20, 2014
Simon G,
Thank you for being a role model, impressive. I have being contributing to Assenna when ever I can, hope all participant of this form follow your lead. Thank you.
Simon G. December 20, 2014
Thank you, Sis. I am glad that you help this wonderful media! That’s what at least we can do.
Fikre December 20, 2014
Simon G.,
I salute you my friend and I for one will take up your challenge and go with the $100 for this worthy cause. Assenna team take note: I will contribute $100. Who is next?
Simon G. December 20, 2014
Brother Fikre,
I am glad that I can match your donation. Right on, brother!
One more taker needed. Who is next?
Truly Truly i say to you December 20, 2014
ብመጀመርያ ቁሩብ ካብ ኣርእስቲ ወጻኢ ንዛረብ ስለዘለና ንኣይውን ስክፍ ስለዝበለኒ ዘሎ ኣቀዲምና ናይ ኣሰና ሰናይ ፍቃድ ምርካብን፡ እቅሬታ ምሕታትም ግቡእ ስለዝመስለኒ ተተፈቂዱለይ፣ ኣርዓዶም ብዛእባ ናተይ መርገጺ ንዘለካ ስክፍታ ከብርሃልካ ድልው እዬ።
እምበኣርከስ ኣነ ከምቶም “ንሱ ንሕና፡ ንሕና ንሱ” ዝብሉ ኣይነት ሰብ ደይኮንኩ፣ እንታይ ደኣ “ኢሳያስ_ ኢሳያስ እዩ፤ ኣን ድማ ኣነ እዬ” ዝብል መርገጺ ዘለኒ ሰብ እዬ። ብተወሳኺ “መንግስትና ሕዝብና እዩ፤ ሕዝብና መንግስትና እዩ” ከምቶም ዝብሉ ሰባትም ኣይኮንኩን፤ እንታይ ድኣ ሕዝብና ይሕመቅ ይንፋእ ሕዝብና እዩ፤ ዋላ ብእሽነቶም ምኣንጣይ እንተህረሩኒ ቤተሰባይ፣ ሕዝበይን ወገነይን ስልዝኾኑ ንሃዋሩ ከጸልኦም ኣይክእልን እዬ። ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ግን መንግስትናን ሕዝብናን ኣይኮነን ዝብል መርገጺ እዩ ዘለኒ፤ ብተግባሩ ኣይኮነን´ከኣ።
ኣብ ተቃወምቲ ምስትመጽእ´ከኣ ንመንግስቲ ኤርትራ ምቅዋም ማለት ንሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ምጽላእ፣ ነቲ ሓርነታዊ ተጋድሎ ምንሻው፣ ንጅግና ሃመድ እድሪስ ኣዋተ ከም ሽፍታ ሽሙ ምብላል፣ ንናጽነት ኤርትራ ደይምእማን ማለት ተኾይኑ፣ ኣነ ምስዞም ሰባት ከምደየለኹ ኣግሂደ ከገልጸልካ እፈቱ።
እንድህር ንዮሴፍን ደቀመዛሙርቱን ክርድኦም ተኾይኑ´ከኣ፣ ኣብ ክንዲ ንሙሉእ ተጋዳላይ ሕይወቱ ዘሕለፈሉ ናይ ገድሊ ታሪኽ ምንሻውን ምጽላምን፣ ልክእ ከም ክቡር ተጋዳላይ የማነ ተስፋገርጊስ ነቲ ገድሊ ታሪኽ ንዘብላሽውዎ ውሁዳት እሱባት ሰባት ካብ ኢሳያስ ጀሚርካ ነቶም ተሃባበርቱ (ሃገራዊት ጋንታ ጥፍኣት ኤርትራ)ንዝኾኑ ሂደት ሰባት ጥራይ ፈልዮም ነቲ ናይ ገድሊ ሕማቅ ታሪክ በዞም ሰባት ጥራይ ከምዝተበለለ ተዝነግሩና ነሮም ምተቀበልናዮም ነርና። ግንስ ንሳቶም ሂዞምዎ ዘለው ንሙሉእ ገርሂ ልቢ ተጋዳላይን ነቲ ዝወጽእሉን ዝተሰውእሉን ዕላማ ብኣልማማ ምንሻው እዩ። ምስዚ ተስማማእ ኣይትበለኒ። ኖ ትሩሊ ኣይፋልካን ብገጋ ተረዲእካዮ እንበር በኣል ዮሴፍ ንተንኮላት ኢሳያስ እንበር ፣ ነቲ ናይ ገድሊ ዕላማን ንናጽነት ኤርትራ ብምቅዋም ኣይኮነን ዘናሽዉ ዘለዉ ትብለኒ እንተድኣሃሊኻ፣ እቲ ጉዳይ ከምቲ ትብሎ ዘለኻ ሃቂ ተኮይኑ፣ ኣነ ምስዞም ሰባት ዘይሰማምእ ጉዳይ ኣይክህልወንን ማለት´ዩ።
ኣነ ንኣሰና ዝፈትዋን ዝድግፋን ድማ ልክእ ከማይ ነቲ ሕዝብን ሃገርን ምስሕመቁ እናኽበረት፣ ግነስ ነቶም ንጥፋት ኤርትራ ምክንያት ንዝኾኑ ውልቀ ሰባት ፈልያ ስሞም ብምኳን ብትብኣትን ብፍጹም ሃገራዊነትን ትቃለስ ዘላ ናይ ሕዝቢ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ብምዃና እዩ። በዚ ምኽንያት ከኣ እዛ መርበብ ክትድገፍን ክት ሰስንን ኣለዋ ብመርገጺኣ ክሳብ ጸነእት። እዚ እዩ ድማ ኣብ ሃገር ምስኣተኻ ምስ ሓፉሽ ሕዝቢ ከናብረካን ከኽብረካን ዝኽእል መትከል እንበር፣ ዝኾነ ኣንፈት ተተቀይሩ ሕዝቢ ዘስተውእለሉ ኣእምሮ ስለዘለዎ ማንም ሰብ ካብ ትእዝብቲ ሓፋሽ ነጻ ኣይክኸውንን እዩ።
Mesinas December 20, 2014
ክብሪ ሞያኦም ዝሓለዉ ስነ ጥበበኛታት! ወትሩ ኣብ ጎድኒ ህዝቢ’ምበር ንዘላሚ (ንዓማጺ) ወይ ድማ ንዓንተር ንምግልጋል፡ ብውልቃዊ ረብሓ ይኹን ብራዕዲ ዘይተመልኩ ሃበርም ሓርበኛታት! ከምቲ ብሓንቲ ወንጭፍ ክልተ ዑፍ ዚሃርም ሓላው መሸላ፡ ወፍርኹም ማንታ’ዩ ሸቶኡ’ዩ! ኣገናዕ! ሃየ በሉ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ነበርቲ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ፡ ንድርብ ዕላማ ውፈሩ። እዚ ጓይላ’ዚ ሕቆ ምልኪ ንምድልዳልን ስቓይ ህዝብና ንምንዋሕን ዚግበር ዳንኬራ ኣይኮነን። ብኣንጻሩ ንድሕነት ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ዚካየድ ምትእኽኻብ’ዩ።
Eritreawit December 20, 2014
I belive Assenna is our voice. HGDF is working so hard to label bad name but Assenna is true Eritrean voice. Asmarino is almost flooded by negative and put downs about Eritrea and it’s people instead of positive critism. It doesn’t work that way.
meron December 20, 2014
Well done guys! let’s support Assenna by joining the New Year party! i’m sure the spirit will be electrifying with such vocalists as Hani and the entire team! Wow!!!
Danny December 20, 2014
I don’t think anyone will miss this huge a show. I’m in. Assenna here we come!
bekit December 21, 2014
New Year’s Party with the one and only Assenna!!!!!!! How cool is that! December 22, 2014
Thanks for those who arrange this occasions raising fund assena.
Johans December 22, 2014
Dear team assenna organizer if you change this date it will be huge no of poeple wellcome but on this date i gues a lott of poeple will be strugling while they willing to attend