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Review overview
  • Debasse December 17, 2014

    I support the idea. Assenna is best. Assenna is nightmare for hgdf as a case always. Support assenna and shorten hgdf life in eritrea.

  • Adulis December 17, 2014

    Amhara maxim Goes “if the almighty god feels like having dance, he makes Tigre (Eritreans) be full”.

  • Kombishtato December 17, 2014

    This is the best cause that should be replicated in all diaspora cities such as my own Stockholm, Stuttgart, Amsterdam, Oslo, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Toronto, Milano …
    Even though Assenna keeps on deleting my comments and is not doing a good job in defending my rights to put my honest comments, I still believe that it is the best Eritrean web site on news, comments and views. Only in Assenna can one hear the unbiased views or read the news from inside destitute failed Eritrea or the comments posted on the suffering of Eritreans in the savage Arab world under and the ignorant Arab world or the suffering in the Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea.
    Only in Assenna can one hear the true eye witness account of ato Yemane Teklegergish, a former clandestine high officer of the EPLF secrete party while other hypocrite websites would not talk or discuss crimes committed by Jebha and under the notorious elite identity starved leaders and rank members of the old Jebha.

    • Dawit Meconen December 18, 2014


      The Mighty EPLFs will live for ever, and your shameful history as well, your history of committing Ethiopian National Treason.

      By the way, do you know why woyane murdered EPRPs ? ….. To please the Mighties, the EPLFs.

      • Gurja December 18, 2014

        Dawit Meconnen,
        It seems that you have nothing more than “woyane/Tigray-Ethiopia” for a politics. I know you are a typical fantasist and will continue to live in your own bubble.
        Get real. The true friend of Eritrea is TPLF or Woyane as you put it. It’s unfortunate that many Eritreans are oblivion of this fact that is crawling all over their faces. Without the massive and positive contribution of the great Woyane/TPLF your ‘mighty EPLF’ would have taken another more 30 yrs to get out of Sahel’s trenches and defeat the Derge.
        In short, you are one of “those who can’t defend themselves from their tormentors can’t defend their country”. Wisdom is about staying focused on today – even now! Stop moving from one fiction to the next fiction for once and for good. Last Mr dawit meconnen, you are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

        • Henok Girmay December 19, 2014

          Bravo brother Ato Gurja,
          Indeed, you’ve said it all really well. Denial of the reality on the ground and living in a virtual world with a big dose of romanticism is a strong defense mechanism. Ato Dawit Meconen should swallow the bitter truth and try to make a proper legal u-turn from his endless day dreams. It is very sad and unfortunate that some people like Dawit Meconen still use woyane & Ethiopia for their spectacular failures. Eritrea would have been the luckiest country, if it was to be like Ethiopia at this moment. But it seems we are doomed with Dawit Meconen’s mighty EPLF/PFDJ for life! What a cursed people and country indeed and unfortunately!

  • ERITRAWIT December 17, 2014

    Radio assenna, n Isaias resey hmam zkoneto skab Sudan kteso zfetena radio wesat, Medeb Sina akreba hzba zenbet radio eya hages nay geden eu kedleya.

  • Fasil G/h December 17, 2014

    We will be there in full force to support Radio Assenna and also its kudus missions and fights against PFDJ. More details is also needed as with regards to food (dinner) availability for the (skabuli) single ones. The stage seems to be getting ready for positive changes in our beautiful Eritrea in 2015. There is a British proverb saying that “You knew the value of water when the well is dry”. And lets now all appreciate and help Radio Assenna before it goes dry or broke, lets help it as much as possible early/soon.

  • Araya Debessay December 17, 2014

    I think this is a great idea that should be replicated in all cities where there are critical mass of Eritreans. Let’s all welcome the new Year, and let’s hope 2015 will be the year that will bring the end of the suffering of our people. At the same time it is worth helping the media,, that is playing a critical role in bringing an end to the dictatorial regime that is ruining our country.

  • petros tesfagherghis December 18, 2014

    Well done Assenna.

    Music is the best expression of people whose human rights is violated. We lose the future if we let the music die. There is a precedence during the long struggle. ላሎየ ላሎየ ዓወት ንዓኻ ትጋደል ዘለኻ ፥ ላሎየ ላሎየ ኩናት ዊዒሎም ጉዋይላ ዝድራሮም የ።
    During anti-Vietnam war in America the following song was popular such as. Wake up, stand up and don’t give up the fight. ደለይቲ ፍትሒ do it. Come and enjoy with all those who share the value of justice and democracy.


  • petros tesfagherghis December 18, 2014

    Well done Assenna.

    Music is the best expression of people whose human rights is violated. We lose the future if we let the music die. There is a precedence during the long struggle. ላሎየ ላሎየ ዓወት ንዓኻ ትጋደል ዘለኻ ፥ ላሎየ ላሎየ ኩናት ዊዒሎም ጉዋይላ ዝድራሮም የ።
    During anti-Vietnam war in America the following song was popular such as. Wake up, stand up and don’t give up the fight. ደለይቲ ፍትሒ do it. Come and enjoy with all those who share the value of justice and democracy.


  • Mana December 18, 2014

    Antum sebat kem Tsegay sebAy delo eyu abzi Alem. Tegadilu mesiEus Hji keA n isaias 20 amet teqaliswo. KemziAom Aserte entezhlwuna isaias kedem mtefeE. Tsegay Anbesa. bAka hzbi eritrea ykore eyu.

  • ኣርዓዶም December 18, 2014

    ብዘይ ኣሰናን ኣዝማሪኖን ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ኩሉ ተቓውሞን ደጊም ኣይምነቕሐን። ኣዝማሪኖ ኣብ`ቲ መጀመርያ ኣሰና ከይወጸት ከላ ዝተጻወተቶ ታራ ዝርሳዕ ኣይኮነን። ኣዝማሪኖ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ፍለማ እግሩ ዝመከተትን ኣዝያ ሓያል ወብሳይት ዝነበረትን ኢያ። ወዲ-ማሓረና ምስ ሸምገለ ግን ኣዝማሪኖ ከም`ቲ ዝድለ ኣይኮነትን እምበር ክሳብ ሎሚ ትቓለስ ዘላ ሓያል ወብሳይት ኢያ።
    ን ኣሰና ወሊዳ ድማ ኣዝማሪኖ ብዝተዛነየ መልክዕ ክሳብ ሕጂ ትቕጽል ኣላ።
    ኣሰና ዌብሳይት ብ ኣላይነት ጅግና ኣማኒኤል እያሱ ትካየድ ዘላ ሓያልን ህብብትን ፍትውትን ዌብሳይት ኢያ። ብሳላ ተባዕ ኣማኔል ኩሉ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ተቓወምትን መን ነመን ተፋሊጥናን ፈሊጥናን። ሕጂ እቲ ጸላም ኣብ ምቕንጣጡ ኢዩ፡ እዚ ድማ ብሳላ ነቐፌታን ነብሰ ነቐፌታን ኣሰና ወብሳይት ክከውን እኽል።
    ሕጂ`ውን ኣሰና ካብ ሓገዝ ህዝቢ እትንቐሳቐስ ብምዅና መጠን፡ እነሆ ለይታዊ ምዝንጋዕ ኣዳልያ`ሞ ሃየ ደለይቲ ጽቡቕን ኤርትራውያን ተሳትፎናን ሓገዝናን ነርኢ።
    ብዘይ ኣሰና
    ሃየ በሉ ንራኸብ ኩልና
    ኢደይ ኢድካ ንበል ነበርክት ሓገዝና
    ቓልሲ ንሓርነት ጉዕዞ ምስ ኣሰና
    ህዝቢ እትምር፡ፍትውቲ ረድዮና

    ብሓያል ቕልጽም ህግደፍ ክእለ
    ህዝቢ ይብል ኣሎ ሕጂ ተላዒለ
    ገዝኡ ክምለስ ኣንግሁ ዝወፈረ
    ሃገሩ ክርኢ፡ ብስደት ዝሰገረ
    ክወፍር ንህንጻ፡ ክሰርሕ ብማኦረ
    ኣሰና ኣሰና`ወ ይዕጢቓ ጋምባለ
    ምስ ሸጥ ዘለ ዕጣቕ ከምኡ`ውን ስረ።

    • Selamawi December 19, 2014

      Dear Aradom you forgot

      They did great job at one stage but since they hosted Ali Salim’s reckless and crude views – both in its initial and in its U-turn form, they started calling people ‘andnet, crusaders…’ they did not play a positive role in the Awasa debacle where a new quwam was audaciously presented, when they shouted loud to ‘freeze’ Kunama’s Qenrelios from the Baito, their lack of interest to cover the Sainai abuses on our citizens their uncalled for attack on in the past…their status is not as high as it used to be.
      That said, they deserve to be mentioned on the list for challenging the beastly dictatorship.

      God bless all Eritreans

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