ዎ…………… ዉጩ፡ 07-03-14፡
ዎ…………… ዉጩ፡ 07-03-14፡ ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ፡ አዛ ጽሕፍቲ ኣብ ግዜኣ ዘይምውጻኣ ይቕሬታ። ኣየ ዓለም ጣልማይ!! ኣየ ንእስነት ኣየ መልክዕ ኣየ ቆራጽነት ተጋዳላይ ሜ/ር ጀነራል ገብረእግዚኣቢሄር ዓንደማርያም(ዉጩ)። ሓቂ ንምዝራብ ኣብቲ ዝሓለፍናዮ ንቡር ዝተሓረሞ ጸሊም ናይ ቃልሲ ዘመን፡ ብመስዋእቲ ንዝተፈለዩና ብጾት
ዎ…………… ዉጩ፡ 07-03-14፡
ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ፡ አዛ ጽሕፍቲ ኣብ ግዜኣ ዘይምውጻኣ ይቕሬታ።
ኣየ ዓለም ጣልማይ!! ኣየ ንእስነት ኣየ መልክዕ ኣየ ቆራጽነት ተጋዳላይ ሜ/ር ጀነራል ገብረእግዚኣቢሄር ዓንደማርያም(ዉጩ)።
ሓቂ ንምዝራብ ኣብቲ ዝሓለፍናዮ ንቡር ዝተሓረሞ ጸሊም ናይ ቃልሲ ዘመን፡ ብመስዋእቲ ንዝተፈለዩና ብጾት እንትርፎ እታ መግነዚት ሜትሮ ዓለባን ከምኡ ድማ ክንዲ ቀብሪ፡ ተዝካርን ካልእ ንቡርን እንቆጽራ ዝነበርና ናይ ድሕሪ ሓመድ ድበ ናይ ደቓይቕ ናይ ሰማእታት ናይ ሕልና ጸሎትን፡ ዕጫኻ’ውን ከምኡ’ምበር ምንም ካልእ ባህጊ ከምዘይነበረካስ ይዝከረካዶ? እሞ ነዛ ናይ ሎሚ ምውቕትን ስልምትን ሳንዱቕካ ከመኡ’ውን ወዛሕዛሕ ቀበርትኻን ኣገባባቱን መለሳ ሕሉፍ እምነትካ እንታይ ፍሉይነት ከምዝረኺብካሉ’ዶ ኣምተለይ ?
ካልእሲ ይጽናሕ፡ ይዝከረካዶ ንእዝግዮ ሸኣሎ በላዕተኛ ሰብ ኲናት ከምዋዛ እናቆጸርካ ተውጽኦ ዝነበርካ ናይ ጽንዓት ቃላት? ይዝክረካ ዶ ኣብ ካናለታት ጨው ዕዳጋ ምስብጾትካ ኣብባሩድ ተጠቢስካን ተሸኺልካን ክንስኻ ንእሽቶ መዋጽኦ ንክትረክብ ንኣባላት ከቢድ ብረት ዝሃብካዮ ናይ “ኣሕቢርካ ዝበጠና፡ ኣሕቢርካ በለና” ጻውዒት? ሽዑ መዓስ ዓቕልኻ ጸቢብካ ኮይኑ ንዝዓበየ መስተርሆት ገለ ክትከፍል ንርእስኻ’ውን ክትውፈ ቅሩብነትካ ክትገልጽ ስለዝነበረካ’ምበር!!
ይዝከረካዶ እታ ድሕሪ ወላዲኻ ምእንታኻ ንቡር ዝመነነት ወላዲትካ ገለ ሓድጊ እንተገደፍካላ ከተምስለካ ክትከራኸር’ሞ ንስኻ ድማ ብጾትካ ኣብረመጽ ኲናት ባጽዕ ገዲፍካና ምኻድ ኣነዊርካ ዕጭ ክትነቁት? ንወላዲትካኸ ኣብቲ ዝቐጸለ መዋእልካ ከምትምኒታ ሸሞንተ ውሉዳት ከምዝገደፍካስ ኣበሲርካያዶኾ ንትኸውን?
ይዝከረካዶ ሰራዊትካ ኣኪብካ በቲ ናይ ጓሳ መሰል ኣቀራርባኻ ንተበግሶ መጥቃዕቲ ናደው ብ”ሓመድ ድበ” ክትገልጾ? ሽዑ መታን ናይሓ ዋሩ ሓራን ብልጽግትን ሃገርካ ክትርኢ’ምበር ኣብቲ መጥቃዕቲ ክንደይ ዝኣክል ሰብካ ከተጥፍእ ምዃንካ መዓስ ጠፊእካ?
ይዝከረካዶ ኣብቲ መራሒና ዝኣጎዶ ዘይኣድላይ ኲናት ንስኻ ብገርህኻ ብስም ‘ተወሪርና’ ብናይ ብድዐ ዝመስል “ወያነድኣ ክንጥርፋ ዘይ ጸገመናስ ክንፍንጣሓ እንታይ ክጽግመና” ኢልካ ኣብ መቐለ ዝነበረት ራዴዮ ክትነቕላ ክትብገስ?
ይዝከረካዶ ሽዑ ፋጺ ኣብ ዝተቖጻጸርካሉ ካብኣ ተንከስ ከይትብል ትእዛዝ ምስተዋህበካ ነገሩ’ዃ ጋን እንተኾነካ “ኣይ፡ ኣያ ኣይጠዓሞን” ኢልካ ከተማሳምስ ጸድፍን ገደልን ኮይኑ ክስማዓካ? ብኡ ኣቢላ ድማ ‘ኣያ’ ትብል ቃል መለለይትካ ክትከውን?
ይዝከረካዶ ንምንታይ ‘ኣያ’ ኣብዝገሸሉ እዋን ዘካየድካዮ ስርሒት ሕንቅልሕንቅሊተያት ንኣብነት ብጉልባብ “ኣስመራ መሕብኢት ጫካ ሃደምቲ መንእሰያት ኮይና” ተባሂሉ ዝተገብረ ግፋን ሳዕቤናት ማእሰርቲ ዓዲ ኣቤቶን ?
ይዝከረካዶ ብምኽንያት ኣብሞንጎኻን መቐናቕንትኻ ተባሂሉ ዝውረየሉ መዘናኻን ተወሊዑ ብትራጀዲ ስቢል ጀነራል ዝተደምደመ ኲና ት መን ከምዝስከሞ ከምተሸገርካን ከምዘይፈታሕካዮን?
ይዝከረካዶ መስዋእቲ ናይ ንርእሱ ግዳይ ሞት ዝኾነ ተጋ/ይ ተኽላይ ኪዳነ (ኣቦ መንበር ማሕበር ስንኩላን ኲናት ተጋደልቲ ኤርትራ) ስለዘይተዋሕጠልካ ‘ኢልካዮ’ ዝተባህለ ዘረባን ጌርካዮ ዝተባህለ ኣስተዋጽኦን?
ይዝከረካዶ እታ ንጽህቲ ሕልናኻ ንተንኮልን ማሕለኻን ኣያኻ ክትፍንጥስ ተሳኢንዋ ብምሽካላ ብኩሉ ነገሩ ጋን ምስተሰራሕካ ትኾኖ ሓርቢትካ ናብ ፈናጅለ- ጠራሙስ ከምዝነጠብካ? ሰሚዕካዮዶ ክሳብ ድማ ግበሮ ኣይትግበሮ ዝኾነ ሰብ ቀኒዑ ክጥምተካ ዘይተፍቅድ መላኺ ከም ዝተቐየርካን ኪኖ ንኸርስኻ፡ ኣእጋርካ’ውን ብኩቡር ዊስኪ ከምትልቕልቖ ከምዝተወርየልካ? ጌርካዮ እንተኾንካስ ብወገነይ ምንም ኣይሕዘልካን። ናይ ኣበተኹ ክንሱ ናይ ጽጋብ ከምዘይመስል ድማ ምንም ኣይትጠራጠር!!!!!!!!!!!
ሰሚዕካዮዶ መምህርካ ነበር ውጻእ መዓት ተጋ/ይ ተስፋይ ተምነዎ ብዛዕባ ‘ግርህናኻ’ ዝተዛረቦ ንስኻ’ውን ዘይትስሕቶ ዛንታኻ? ኣነ’ውን ብድሕሬኻ ኣያኻ ከምታ ኣመሉ ከምቲ ናይእኒ ወዲ-ዓሊ ኮነ ሽዑ ዝቐፈዶም እሙናቱ ብዛዕባኻ ዝገበሮ ድራማ ክገልጸልካ ጽን ኢልካ ስምዓኒ።
መቸም ኣብዚ ሃገርና ንቡር ሞት ደሪቕዋ ዘሎ እዋን መስዋእትኻ ንዓይን ከማይን ብዙሕ ዝዓይነቱ’ዃ እንተመሰለና መዓስን ብምንታይን ከምዝሓለፍካ ንስኻን ፈለጥቱን ጥራይ ኢኹም ትፈልጥዎ። ኮነ ካብተባህለ ድማ ክሳብ ተራና ዝበጽሕ ንኩነታት ኣካውናኡ ምውጋዕና ምንም ስለዘይእብስ እንሆ ከነውግዖምን ከነውጋዓካን ጽን በለኒ።
ብቐዳምነት ኣያ ብሂወትካ’ዃ እንተዘይገበሮ ‘ብድሕሬኻ’ ዝለዓለ ሓለቓ ሰራዊት ገይሩ ከምዝሸመካ ክገልጸልካ እንከለኹ ካብቲ ዝሰማዕ ናዮ ራዲዮ ኣስመራ ዝበለቶ ኢዩ። ኣበሃህላይ ኮነ ብቐንዱ’ቲ ስራሕ ትርጉሙ ጠላሕ ዘይብለካ እንተኾይኑ ተወሳኺ ዝመስለኒ ከብራሃል ካ። ከምኡ ምግባሩ ዉሉፍ ናይቲ ንዕዑ ጥራይ ዘሐጉሶን ዝርድኦን ድራማታት ብምዃኑ፡ ብናይ መወዳእታ ሚዛኑ ነቶም ህሉዋት መቐና ቕንትኻ ገይሩ ዝኾስኮሶም ባህ ከይብሎም ምስቲ ናይ ብሂወት እንተትነብር’ውን ዘይትሰርሓሉን ዘየብለጭልጭን ናይ ንማለቱ እምባ ከዋ ኽብቲ ንስኻ ከምትሓልፎም ገይሩ ከሻቕሎም ብምሕላኑ ኢዩ። ስራኪን ኣይግዳዱ ቀልቢ ኤርትራዊ ‘ስለዝፈለጦ’ ኣይዓጦን እንድዩ፡ ንዐኦ ም ከዐሽዎም ድማ ዒራ ሜትካ እንዲኻ ባህ ክብለካን ክብሎምን ከምኡ ከምዝገበረ ኣምሲሉ ኢዩ ሕሹኽ ዝብሎም።
ከምቲ ዕለተ-ትውልድኻ መዓስ ተሰዊእካ’ውን ትፈልጥ ኢኻ። ብወገነይ ዘይፈለጥካዮ ክሕብረካ ቀዳም ሸሞንተ መጋቢት፡ 2014፡ ልክዕ ኣብ ዕለተ-ዝኽሪ ኣህጉራዊ መዓልቲ ደቂ-ኣንስትዮ ክትቅበር ድማ ተወሲኑ ኣሎ። ሰዓቱ ሰዓት 10.00 ቅድሚ ቀትሪ። ስለምንታይ ከምኡ ተመሪጹን ሓቀኛ ትርጉሙን ዘዘንትዉልካ ከኣ ኣይክትስእንን ኢኻ። እቲ ጭቡጥ ግዳ ደቂ-ኣንስትዮ ናብ ውራየን ዘይኮነስ ከምደርሆ ሆላ ንዳ ተተተቲዐን ናብ መቓብር ሓርበኛ ከምራሓ ኢየን።
ኣነ’ሞ ኣብታ ናይ መወዳእታ ዝገደፍካኒ ማለት እታ ንስኻ ከምዛዋዛ ብናይ ዑስማን ዓብደርሒም ደርፊ “ኣደየ ወላዲተየ” እናበልካ፡ኮሙ ሽነርካን መምህርካን፡ ንዓይ’ውን ወዲጋንታይ ነበር ተጋ/ይ ተኽለ ልብሱ ድማ “ካብ መዓኮር ………. ክንደይ ቸንቲሜትሪ…… እናበለ ዘስ ሓቐና መዓልቲ ኣብኣ ኣለኹ። መቸም ኣብቲ ነዊሕ ጉዕዞና ከምተፈላለና ትርድኦ ኢኻ። ብወገነይ ከየድሃኻኒ ዎሆይ ክብለካ ኣይመረጽኩ ን። ንስኻ ድማ ሃንሳብ ጠንጢንካኒ ስለ ዝኸድካ ተመሊስካ’ውን ከተናድኒ ኣይከኣልካን። እሞበል ኣብቀብርኻ ክውዕል ይግባኣኒ’ዃ እን ተነበረ ብዘይምውዓለይ ቀንዲ ተሓታቲ ንስኻ ባዕልኻ ከምዝነበርካ መጠን ኣብቲ ዘይተርፍ ንኸዶ ጉዕዘና ህግደፋውያን ዋርድያ ደገ-ሰላ ም ኮይኖም ክጸንሑና እንተኾይኑ’ቲ ሕልሞም ከምኡ ዝኣመሰለ ጥልመት ከይስበለካን ብዓቢኡ ድማ ነቲ ኣብኡ ዝጽበየካ እምባ ወቐሳ ስዉኣት ክትምእዘዝ ካብሕጁ ብናይ መርገጺ ቃላት ስዉኣትና እናተላበኹ ዝሰናበተካ ዘለኹ ሓውኻን ብጻይካን ኢየ።
ኣምላኽ ይቕረ ኢሉ ዘልኣለማዊ ቅሳነት ይፍጠረልካ! ንዝፈጠርካዮም ዜጋታትና ደቅኻን ሙሉኣት ቤተ-ሰብካን ጽንዓት ይሃቦም።
Semhar March 12, 2014
ድሕሪ ደጊም የለን ወሰን-ወሰን
መላኺ ዘብኡ ኣይተመልሰን
ረሲዕኩሞ ዲኹም ሳዳም ሑሴን
Banna March 12, 2014
Well said Godefa nothing to add after that let’s close this topic
Selamawi March 12, 2014
Dear Godefa, I beg to differ. Wuchu is responsible for his actions (in war and in peace.) He did not value Eritrean lives, he did not work hard to keep the Eritrean people in harmony – he was a disgraceful narrow minded regionalist according to may eyewitnesses, one of whom being tegadalay Aron.
Wuchu did not side with the G 15, he did not side with the Eritrean people. Remember Adi Abeyto. He did not stand up when the Church of his fathers was being dismantled by pfdj satanic masters.
If any one was motivated by national enthusiasm, in their youth, to liberate Eritrea from Ethiopian rule, the same Eritrean people is perishing inside their country, in Sinai, in the Sahara desert, in the sea/ocean… The present days are the worst in Eritrean history. Any hero, any nationalist should stand up and say no to the destructive machine of pfdj. Wuchu did not stand up for us, but served his master and collaborated in creating the cruel regime that we have.
All our misery and horror has been happening on Wuchu’s watch. How do you justify him to be called a hero? My worry is that there are many like him who aspire to be called ‘heroes.’ Hopefully time will catch up with them before they cause more destruction.
I think we need to invent other words to replace tpfdj’s meaning of jognenet and meswaet!
Go bless
Kabire March 12, 2014
The people of Asmara said today: btsay wuchu rHus is already reporting from heaven. It has been raining the whole week unusually during tsome Arb’A all over Kebesa. Today’s rain was including hail storm all over Hamassien and the rivers are flooding.
Thank you Wuchu rHus
Asmara witnesses ice rain of extensive distribution
Asmara, 12 March 2014 – Asmara city witnessed an ice rain of extensive distribution today in the afternoon hours, local time.
Subsequently, a number of streets of the city experienced heavy flooding and ice clusters of 1-meter height in some cases, thus giving rise to traffic jam.
A significant amount of rainfall has been registered in the capital city and its environs since last week, today’s gauge being highly exceptional.
selamawit2 March 13, 2014
“It has been raining the whole week unusually during tsome Arb’A all over Kebesa.”
that really means, if iseyas and the rest of the generals follow him soon,
drought will vanish forever and eritrea will be a garden eden – wow!
(but kabire, you are wrong with the “sender” – don’t support the order from pfdj to create a wuchu myth.)
Semhar March 13, 2014
ገረዝጊሄር ዓንደማርያም (ውጩ) will be remembered for his weak leadership, his betrayal to his people, infidelity, unfaithfulness, and ignorance.
He was a hand and glove of the dictator. He was Isaya’s kedami.
ዋርድያ ኣያኡ ገረዝጊሄር ዓንደማርያም (ውጩ) was illiterate.
He was the one who started the war and gave weyane an excuse to declare war against Eritrea. We lost the war and we suffered heavy casualty because of his recklessness, and ignorance, lack of knowledge.
Andebrhan Ekube March 13, 2014
WUCHU was used by the dictator , becouse of luck of knowledge .
Selam March 13, 2014
Godefa Godefa,
Bejakha gdefena!!!!!! ztewekha entetewekha wuchu ntsuh aytgebron ikha, What ever you try you can not present Wuchu as an innocent man. STOP trying to portray him as a good man. It is an insult to our Martyrs!!!!! all those young souls will haunt you!!!!
zenghi haki March 13, 2014
Wuchu……Ni natsinet ab mimitsae zighebero tewefaynet ..bi flay dima moral serawit ab mihab zinebero ghide abyi eka entekone ab dihri natsinet ghina neti ni beynu koynu ziziwira eritrea ..’Essayas’kem mesarihi zitikemelom kem dilayu ziziwero …zibelo zighebir seb eyu neyru………..ni zimete seb aykisesin eyu enatebahile tarik mikiyar kem hade filuy jigna gherika mikirab ghina …ghinay zereba. ‘Niseb entehabkayyo natu……seb yihogos …kirstos yifetu’ eyu………..Tarik aynebalashu………….. Be….zi agatami ezi bifilay ab merhinet zelekum nebsikum fetishu…….eti metshaf tarikum zighintselelu ghize keribu eyu………..ezi wedhankum………. ‘
msgna March 13, 2014
zkeberka tsehafay bjak astewelka tsehaf ab internet abzi website tltfwo buzuh seb kemzenbbo felitkum astewelkum tsehafu bejakum nreskum fekiskum nhzbi eritrea aytefkusu hasot hasot eu wala dgmgm entewealkayo wuchu nutsuh diu ay nutsuhn etom msue zkertetu wey edmiom mulue zehlefu yzarebulu ane zezarbeni zelo gin fatsi zbehal adi betsihu wutsue hasot eu abey eka nerka nska aythaswu bejakum
Mekonen March 13, 2014
alot of people are saying he was uneducated and it is not nice to say those things he might be uneducated & the reason for that is he spend most of his life fighting for Eritrean freedom he knows how to lead and win wars the Ethiopian solders were very afraid of him he was brave TEGADALAY until 1993. They said he was just a solider who follows orders from his master DIA well he was not a solders he was TEGADALY & their is a big difference TEGADALY is a person who was fighting for justice & freedom & who sacrifice his life for the cause with out any salary or any kind of payment a soldier is is a person who doesn’t have any belief and who is employed for money & he takes orders shoot to kill.
Wouce was a brave hero tegaday & should know better when he see bad decision from his master he should have protest & demand justice he did not fight all this years for DIA to destroy our country he should have died as a hero with dignity & pride after 1993 he did not serve his people just he was serving DIA to stay in power period shame on you because of you people are dying every were even the Bedewing are selling our body pars & raping our sisters while you were busy stealing & drinking for what? you spend all this time for this? it is a matter of time know things will change soon the youngster are organizing them self they will take over soon.