ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ንሜጀር ጀነራል ሮመዳን ኣውልያይ ኣመሓዳሪ ዞባ ማእከል ክኸውን መዚዙዎ።
ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ንሜጀር ጀነራል ሮመዳን ኣውልያይ ኣመሓዳሪ ዞባ ማእከል (ኣስመራን ከባቢኣን) ክኸውን ከምዝመዘዞ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም። ሜጀር ጀነራል ሮመዳን ኣውልያይ ኣብ ግዜ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ኣዛዚ ክፍለሰራዊት ከቢድ ብረት፣ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ከኣ ሓላፊ ኮምሽን

ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ንሜጀር ጀነራል ሮመዳን ኣውልያይ ኣመሓዳሪ ዞባ ማእከል (ኣስመራን ከባቢኣን) ክኸውን ከምዝመዘዞ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።
ሜጀር ጀነራል ሮመዳን ኣውልያይ ኣብ ግዜ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ኣዛዚ ክፍለሰራዊት ከቢድ ብረት፣ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ከኣ ሓላፊ ኮምሽን ስፖርት ኮይኑ ኳ እንተሰርሐ፣ ነቲ ዋና ከተማ ኣስመራ ዝርከቦ ዞባ ማእከል ከመሓድር ናይ ሲቪላዊ ምሕደራ ተመክሮ የብሉን።
ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ ግን ትእዛዙ ከምዘለዎ ተቐቢሉ ዘተግብር፣ ንሽሙ ዝተቐመጠ ሓላፊ እምበር፣ ርእሱ ክኢሉ ህዝቢ ዘመሓድር ዓቕሚ ዘለዎ ኣመሓዳሪ ስለዘየድልዮ፣ ህዝቢ ደኣ ግዳይ ይኸውን እምበር ንኢሳይያስ ዘሸግሮ ኣይኮነን።
እቶም ቅድሚ ሕጂ ኣብ ዞባታት ኣቐሚጡዎም ዝጸንሐ ኣመሓደርቲ እውን መጋበርያኡ ድኣምበር ፍሉይ ክእለትን ብቕዓትን ምሕደራ ዘለዎም ኣይኮኑን።
ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓመታት ንኹሎም ኣመሓደርቲ፣ ከም ኣዘዝቲ “ስርሒታት” ዝመዘዞም ሜጀር ጀነራላት ደሪቡሎም ስለዝነበረ ኣብ ምምሕዳር ህዝቢ ናይ ኣሰራርሓ ግጭትን ሕንፍሽፍሽን ከምዝበዝሐ ብልሽውና ከምዝሳዕረረ ይፍለጥ።
ውልቀመላኺ ኢሳይያስ፣ ንሜጀር ጀነራል ሃይለ ሳሙኤል (ቻይና) ኣቐዲሙ ኣመሓዳሪ ዞባ ማእከል ክኸውን መዲቡዎ ኳ እንተነበረ፣ ነቲ መዝነት ቻይና ከምዝነጸጎ ይንገር። ሜጀር ጀነራል ሮመዳን ኣውልያይ እምብኣር ነቲ ቻይና ዝተሓሰሞ መዝነት እዩ ተቐቢሉዎ ዘሎ።
እቲ ንነፍሲሄር ውጩ ኣብ ኣጋ ሞቱ ሓለቓ ስታፍ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ክኸውን ዝሸሞ፣ ን ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ኣብ ሓመድ ድበ ቫይናክ፣ ሃንጀማን ደሱን ሃንደበት ጀነራል ገይሩ ሓለቓ ስታፍ ዝለጠፈሉ ኢሳይያስ፣ ኩሉ ኣሰራርሓኡ ዕብዳን ከምዘንጸባርቕ ርኡይ ኮይኑ ኳ እንተጸንሐ፣ እቶም ክሳብ ቀረባ እዋናት ክጻወሩዎ ዝጸንሑ ከይተረፈ ንስሕታን ኣእምሮኡ ምኽሓድ ጸጊሙዎም በቲ ኩነታት ከግረምርሙ ይስምዑ ከምዘለዉ እቶም ምንጭታት ኣገንዚቦም። ልዕሊ ኹሉ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘለዎ ንዕቀትን ብድዐን፣ ናይ ዕንወት ውጥንን ደረት ስኢኑ ምህላዉ፣ “ኩሉ መለሳ የብሉን” ካብ ዝብል ተስፋ ምቝራጽ ዝተበገሰ ናይ ቅብጸቱ መርኣያ ምዃኑ ‘ውን የረድኡ።
abraham April 4, 2014
ኢሳያስ ዕላምኡ ከይሰሓተ ዝወቅዕ ዘሎ በሊሕ ሰብ’ዩ.ሓሞትና ዝተበከለ ግን እቶም ኣስታት 5 ሚልዮን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኢና.ፈራሓት ዘይንቑሓት መለኽቲ ኢና !!!
solomon April 5, 2014
The appointment of Romedan Awuliyay remindes me the end of the Derg regime. At the end of his regime Derg appointed general Ferede as Eritrean Administrator. Those who know General ferede. let alone to administer Eritrea, even he can not administer his family. What is being done in today’s Eritrea is similar to that CRY MY COUNTRY AND specially Asmarino.
Tamrat Tamrat April 5, 2014
If we see the Whole Development of eritean government from 1991 till now it seames that they were inpired of derg and mengistu. They believed derg failed because eplf’s war on secceion fo Eritrea. What they dont upto now derg failed both Ethiopians and itself by its clueless economical policies. What derg and pfdj have in commone is that both can dream big and the mass sacrifiecs to Death to fullfill their drem. What a bunch of craps.
Hadge'anbes April 6, 2014
General Feleqe Eshete was never Eritrean Administrator. At the end of Dergue was Kassaye Aragaw the Deputy of ESEPA & Isaq Tsegay was Eritrean Administrator
solomon April 8, 2014
Dear Hadeanbes
I din not say General Feleqe Eshete, i said general Ferede. Kassaye Aragaw was first secretary of ESSEPA not administrator. Yes you are right at the last stage of Derg Ato Isak Tsegay was appointed ad administrator of Eritrea.
tesfom Haileab April 5, 2014
Teclay April 5, 2014
better to say cry cry my ppl
solomon April 5, 2014
It is common to say CRY MY COUNTRY.
Hadge'anbes April 6, 2014
hahahahahaha, true
Saron Bereket April 5, 2014
This is the end of Pfdj regime
eritrea204 April 5, 2014
Solomon – why do say specially Asmara. The rest of Eritrea is not as important to you. This may be a manifestation of your narrow …
solomon April 11, 2014
Romedan is appointed as administrator of Asmara, that is why i said Asmarino. Hope u understand me. Friend do not in hurry for insulation.
Mesinas April 5, 2014
እቲ ዝገርም ናይ ደማሕን ጉጅለኡን ዘይኮነስ፡ ናትና ናይዞም መንግስቲ ኣብዘይብላ ሃገር ‘መንግስትና’ እናበልና ብሰናይ ድሌትን መንግስቲ ናይ ምትካል ባህግን፡ ከም ሃገር ድማ ንመንግስትን ስርዓትን በዂሪ ብምዃንናን ጥራይ ንናይ ብሓቂ መንግስቲ ንምትካል፡ ግዝያዊ ኢልና ዝጀመርናዮን እናሓደረ መንግስቲ ንኽኸውን ን23 ዓመታት ዝተጸበናዮን ጉጅለ ፈያት (ሽፍታ) ገና መንግስቲ ንኽኸውን ንዘይተወሰነ እዋን ንጽበዮ ምህላውና’ዩ።
እዞም ሕጂ ብውልቀ መላኺ ኣብ መላእ ሃገር ኣመሓደርቲ ተመዚዞም ዘለዉ ሰባት፡ ኣመሓደርቲ’ዮም ኢልካ ክትጽውዖም ብዝኾነ ይኹን መለክዒ ብዘይምግናን ኣይከኣልን’ዩ። ምኽንያቱ፡ ወተሃደር ኣመሓዳሪ ዝኾነሉ ሃገር፡ ስቢላዊ ምሕደራ ኣሎ ኢልካ ክትዛረብ ዚከኣል ኣይመስለንን። ኣብ ኤርትራ ሃገርና ከኣ ብዘይካ ወተሃደር ስቢላዊ ኣማሓዳሪ ዋላ እንኮውን የለን። እዞም ኩሎም ኣመሓደርቲ ናይ ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ፡ እቶም ትማሊ “ጀማሂር” (ክፍሊ ህዝቢ) ተባሂሎም ሰባት ብምፍርራሕን ብምህዳድን “ከምዚ ኪትገብር ተኣዚዝካ ኣለኻ!” ንዘደለዩዎን ናብ ዝደለዩዎን ዝልእኩን ዝእዝዙን ዝነበሩ ደማሕቲ (መለኽቲ) እምበር ከምቲ ሞያ ምሕደራ ዝጠልቦ ኣመሓደርቲ ኣይነበሩን። ክኾኑውን ኣይከኣሉን። ኣይክኾኑን ድማ’ዮም። ስለዚ፡ ካሕሳይ ተኣልዩ ኣውልያይ እንተ ተተክኣ ነቲ ብጎረሮኡ ተሓኒቑ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኣውራጃ ሓማሴን ዘምጽኣሉ ለውጢ የለን።
Mehret April 5, 2014
Isn’t this the guy who made his wife a coach of a women’s football team in order to squander some money from NGO’S? He is so corrupt that he is the one who selects members of a team in order to make sure that those who have paid him have their children selected.
DIA must have run out of generals!
Oh my city Asmara I cry for you!
Genet-orginal April 8, 2014
Is it really true, he made his wife coach of a women’s football team? So what happened, how did she do? Where did this people come from? I guess they are following the rule of the jungle of gedlee.
Cry my people………
hadnet April 5, 2014
Well this guy is not stupid, he knows what he is doing. ..but we are not smart enough to see the big picture. The word ” unity” is far away from us. Why? How come? What is the benefit not to come together And who is benefited from it? Each of us, we need to ask ourselves and if you are normal, modern person and put your ppl and country first the answer is simple.
Genet-orginal April 8, 2014
I agree with your point 100% To end what is happening to our people and country right now is all in our hands. ERITREA, we have a problem! A problem of unity. We have people running around in the name of change, but have NO concepts of unity, communication, delegation, inclusiveness, or hard work. Instead, they have disgusting behaviors of control freak, paranoid, villager mentality, lazy and weak. The rest of us are confused and useless. When we see the control freaks running around, most of us we withdraw; some of us we go along with the control freaks, because we know them personally. We don’t have the gut to tell them what they are doing is wrong. The key point is UNCONDITIONAL UNITY! It is all in our hand! To defeat the lunatic dictator, the only way is for us to be selfless, inclusive united and strong. We all hate this dictator, but when it comes to defeat him, we have a cold feet for unity, because we are still primitive villagers.
sara gual eritra April 5, 2014
Mihretu Berhe April 5, 2014
ኣብ መጀመርታ 1992 ሓደ ስዉእ ዓርከይ ዘዕለለኒ ክነግረኩም። ሽዑ ስብሓት ኤፍረም ናይ ኣስመራ ኣመሓዳሪ ኢዩ ኔሩ። ነተን ኩለን ወነንቲ ባራት ኣኪቡ ድማ፣ ነፍሲ-ወከፍ በዓልቲ ባር መዐቀኒ ዊስክን ኣረቅን ካብ መንግስቲ ክትገዝእ ኣለዋ ኢልዎን። ህዝቢ ተደናግራ ስለዘለኽን ሓደ ዓይነት መዐቀኒ ክትጥቀማ መንግስቲ ሕጊ ኣውጺኡ ስለዘሎ፣ ኩሉኻትክን በዚ ሕጊ እዚ ክትግዘኣ ኣለክን ኢልዎን። እዚ መዐቀኒ እዚ ዘይተጠቕመት ወናኒት ባር ድማ ብሕጊ ክትቅየድ ኢያ ኢልወን። ሽዑ ናይ ባር ባር ኢንተርናሽናል ዋና ዝነበረት ትርሓስ እትበሃል በዓልቲ ባር ከምዚ በለት። “ኣንታ እንታይ ዓይነት መንግስቲ ኢዩ መጺኡና። በዓል ሓረጎት ማይ በላ ይከድኑ እዚኦም ከእ መዐቀኒ ዊስኪ ይዕድሉ።” ሕጂ ከኣ ሮሞዳን ንኣስመራ ከመሓድራ ምባል’ሲ ምስ ምንታይ ይቑጸር። ኣነ ርግጸኛ ኢየ ሮሞዳን እዉን እንተኾነ ተሓጉሱ ኣይኮነን ነዚ ቦታ ተቐቢልዎ እንታይ ደኣ፣ ኢሳያስ ሓደ መዓልቲ ማይ ንሰትየሉ ታኒካ ክሸጠልና ስለዘደለየ ኢዩ። ሮሞዶን ድማ ነዚኣ ብዘይ ዕጻይ ምጻጻይ ኣብ ግብሪ ከውዕላ ኢዩ። መስኪነይቲ ኣስመራ! ኣይ ካብ ዓቢ ደርጊ ኣይ ናብ ንእሽቶ ደርጊ ሓዲግ መዲግ ተሪፍኪ።
ERITRAWIT April 6, 2014
Mihretu Berhe,
Brother I must say I did laugh what the lady said and she was right apart from that I think I should cry. The guy in Asmera amahadarey I think his name is Mehary he didn’t do anything everywhere rubbish all fenatura is blocked sad sad!!!!!