“ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና”
“ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና” ቃል ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ (ድሩዕ) ቅድሚ እታ ሚኒስተራትን ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቲ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ.ን ኣብ ቀይዲ ዝኣተዉላ ዕለት ማለት መስከረም 18, 2001 ዓ.ም.፡ ኩሎም በቢወገኖም ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ኣብ’ቲ ግዜ’ቲ ዝነበራ ጋዜጣታት ኤርትራ፡ መግለጺ ሂቦም ነይሮም’ዮም። ሓደ

“ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና”
ቃል ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ (ድሩዕ)
ቅድሚ እታ ሚኒስተራትን ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቲ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ.ን ኣብ ቀይዲ ዝኣተዉላ ዕለት ማለት መስከረም 18, 2001 ዓ.ም.፡ ኩሎም በቢወገኖም ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ኣብ’ቲ ግዜ’ቲ ዝነበራ ጋዜጣታት ኤርትራ፡ መግለጺ ሂቦም ነይሮም’ዮም። ሓደ ካብኣቶም ናይ ወጻኢ ጉዳይ ሚኒስተር ዝነበረ ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ (ድሩዕ) እዩ ነይሩ። ሃይለ ካብ’ቲ ሰፊሕ መግለጺኡ፡ ብዝያዳ ከተኩረላ መሪጸ ዘሎኹ እዛ “ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና” እትብል ኣበሃህላኡ እያ።
እዞም ሚኒስተራትን ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቲ ህ.ግ.ደ.ፍ.ን ዝነበሩ ሰባት፡ ኣብ’ቲ ነዊሕ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ይኹን ኣብ’ቲ ድሕሪ ዓወት ዝተተኽለ መንግስቲ ቀንዲ ብጾት ኢሳያስ ምንባሮም ኩላትና እንፈልጦ ጉዳይ እዩ። ኢሳያስ ብጾተይ ዘይብል ጠላም ምዃኑ ካብ ተመኩሮኦም ኣጻርዮም ይፈልጡ ነይሮም እዮም። እዚ እንዳፈለጡ ግን ነታ ዝወሰድዋ ስጉምቲ ክወስዱ መሪጾም። ኣብ’ቲ ግዜ’ቲ እዩ ሃይለ ምስ ተሓተተ “ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና” ዝበለ።
ብተረድኦይ፡ እዛ ኣበሃህላ እዚኣ እትሕብሮ ነገር እንተድኣ ሃልዩ፡ ብዙሓት ጌጋታት ክፍጸሙ እንዳርኤና፡ ኣስቂጥና ነሕልፎም ኔርና ኢና፡ ሕጂ ግን ኣብ መለክዒ ዘይርከቦም ደረጃ ስለዝበጽሑ ዝመጽኤ ይምጻእ፡ ካብኡ ዝኸፍእ ነገር የልቦን ኢልና ተቓውሞና ጀሚርና ኣሎና ዝብል ናይ ጣዕሳ ምልክት እዩ። እወ እቶም ዝፍጸሙ ዝነበሩ ጌጋታት ብኢሳያስ ጥራሕ እዮም ተፈጺሞም ኣይንብል ኢና። መብዛሕትኦም ካብ’ዞም ሽዕኡ ናብ ቀይዲ ዝኣተዉ ሰባት፡ ኣብ’ቲ ፍጻመ ናይ’ቶም ጌጋታት ይኹኑ ገበናት ተሳተፍቲ ምንባሮም ብሩህ እዩ። እንቋዕ ሕራይ ኰኑ ዝብል ዘይፍትሓዊ ኣዘራርባ ክህልወና ግን ኣይግባእን እዩ። እቲ ዝምረጽ ሓደ ፍትሓዊ መንግስቲ ተኺልካ፡ ኩሉ ዝኽሰስ ሰብ ብሕጊ ጉዳዩ ክርኤ ከሎ እዩ። ቀዳማዮም ከኣ ኢሳያስ ኣፈዎርቂ። እዚ ዕድል እዚ ግን ኣይተረኽበን። እቲ ኣብ’ዚ ክርኤ ዘለዎ ጉዳይ፡ እዞም ሰባት እዚኣቶም ብዘይ ፍርዲ፡ እሞ ከኣ ብኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ክጠፍኡ ከለዉ እዩ።
እታ “ቅዋም ኣብ ግብሪ ይውዓል” ምባሎም ዋላ’ኳ ደንጉዮም እንተበሉዋ ብዋጋ ሂወቶም እዮም ኢሎማ። ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝዀነ ይኹን ኩነታት ከኣ እትድገፍ ጠለብ እያ።
እዛ “ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና” እትብል ኣበሃህላ ሃይለ፡ ንክመጽኦም ዝኽእል ጸገማት’ውን ትሕብር ነይራ’ያ። እዞም ሰባት እዚኣቶም ምስ ኢሳያስ ንነዊሕ ዓመታት ስለዝሰርሑ፡ ኢሳያስ ንዝተቓወምዎ እንታይ ከምዝፈድዮም ኣጻርዮም ይፈልጡ ነይሮም እዮም። ኣብኦም በጺሓ ከምዘይትቕየር’ውን ልዕሊ ኩሉ ሰብ ይፈልጡ ነይሮም። መብዛሕትኦም ዲፕሎማቲክ ፓስፖርት ዝነበሮም ሰባት እዮም። ኣቐዲሞም ንከምልጡ መደብ እንተ ዝነብሮም ነይሩ ከምልጡ ምኸኣሉ ነይሮም። ወረ ገለ ካብኣቶምስ ኣብ ወጻኢ ከለዉ እዮም ተቓውሞኦም ጀሚረሞ። ከም ናይ ገሊኣቶም ዝገበርዎ “ፓስፖርትና ስሒበሞ መምለሲ ስኢና” ኢሎምዶ ኣብ ቃሕ ዝበሎም ሃገር ክነብሩ ኣይምኸኣሉን እዮም። ግን እንታይ መሪጾም? እቲ ተቓውሞ ንጀምሮ፡ ኢሳያስ ንክንቅጽሎ ዕድል ስለዘይህበና ከኣ ካልኦት ይፍጽምዎ። እንተዀነ ህዝብና ብሰንኪ እቲ ቅድሚኡ ዝነበረ ዝምድናታት ከም’ቲ ናይ ቀደም ባህሪኡ ክገብር ኣይከኣለን። እንሆ ከኣ ንሳቶም ብዘይ ፍርዲ ጠፊኦም፡ ህዝብና ከኣ ኣደዳ ሕሰምን መከራን ኰይኑ።
ዘልኣለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና
ተስፋይ ተምነዎ
belay nega September 17, 2013
““ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና””
Thanks to Ethiopian gov we opened our mouth.
Thanks to Ethiopian gov we learned that opposing was possible.
When the war started woyane said “we will teach you” and for sure they gave gut to speak, to all the amenable leaders.
Sorobeti September 17, 2013
What you said is an absolute truth, because should DIA had not lost the war with Ethiopia, no one be it G 15 or whoever from EPLF/PFDJ should have dared to oppose Isayas. But as the saying goes “later is better than ever”so what the G 15 has done is an eye opener for many DIA worshipers.
My regards to the Grate Eritrean Wedi Temnewo.
Suleman Salim September 17, 2013
adHinawa hager
ab sawa Alimu!!
Sela’i zfetene fetinu feshilu zef ilu terifu ‘nkelo, Eritrea tesa’Ira aybehaln ‘yu:: Hangolka asrHayo!!
Suleiman Salim September 17, 2013
adHinawa hager
ab sawa Alimu!!
The enemy tried everything that it could to defeat Eritrea and failed ignominiously to achieve its aims. So, stop claiming stupid things.
samuel September 17, 2013
ሰላም ተስፋይ!
ይዝከረካ’ዶ ፈለማ ንመይዳ ክትወጽእ ካብ አዲስ አበባ ክትብገስ እንከሎኻ? ሽዑ ግዜ፡ ነተን ከም ተመሃራይ ትጥቀመለን (ምናልባት) ዝነበርካ ሕብርታት ንመን ከም ዝሃብካየን (መዘከርታ)? ሰላምታይ ይብጻሕካ።
ኣብ ልዕሊ’ዛ “ካብ ትም ምባልሲ ምጅማር መሪጽና” እትብል ጥቕሲ፡ አነ እውን፡ ንጴጥሮስ ኣብ’ቲ ዉዕዉዕ ሰዓታት ረኺቡ ዘጠንቀቖ ሰብ ካብ ዝነገረኒ ክውስኸልካ። እቶም መራሕቲ ኣብ ዝህደኑለን ዝነበራ ሰዓታት፡ ጴጥሮስ፡ ኣብ ገዝኡ ነይሩ ክኸውን ኣለዎ። እቲ ኣብ ኣስመራ እንታይ ይፍጸም ከም ዝነበረ ሰብ፡ ናብ ጴጥሮስ ከይዱ፡ “ይሃድኑዎም’ኳ ‘ዮም ዘለዉ፡ ገለ ነገር’ባ ግበር፡ ይብሎ። ጴጥሮስ ነቲ ማእሰርቲ ይጽበዮ ዝነበረ’ዩ ዝመስል። እቲ መልሱ፡ ብጣዕሚ ዘተሓሳስብ እዩ። እንተወሓደ ንዓይ ክሳብ ሎሚ የተሓሳስበኒ እዩ። ኣምሓራ ክምስሉ እንከለዉ፡ “የፈሩት ይደርሳል፡ የጠሉት ይወርሳል” ይብሉ።
መልሲ ናይ ጴጥሮስ፡ ብሓፈሻኡ፡ ዳርጋ ነዚ ዝስዕብ እዩ ዝመስል ነይሩ። “ብጎነጽ ለውጢ ከነምጽእ እንተደኣ ኴና፡ እዛ ሃገር፡ ክትሕመስ ክትነብር እያ።”
ትምኒቱ ክሳኻዕን ከይሳኻዕን፡ ዝፈልጦ የብለይን። ብሰላማዊ መገዲ ለውጢ እንተደኣ ዘይመጺኡ ግና፡ “እዛ ሃገር ክትሕመስ ክትነብር’ያ” ዝበላ፡ ብጣዕሚ እተሰንብድ ትንቢት እያ።
samuel September 17, 2013
እቲ ኣብ ኣሰመራ እንታይ ይፍጸም ከም ዝነበረ ዝረኤየ ሰብ ተባሂላ ትነበብ።
Suleiman Salim September 17, 2013
ለውጢ ኣየናይ ለውጢ? ኣንቱም ሰባት ሰለምንታይ ከይተንተንኩም ክትዛረቡ ትፍትዉ?
samuel September 18, 2013
እንታይ ማለቱ ከም ዝኾነ ክትፈልጥ እንተደኣ ደሊኻ፡ ንወዲኒ፡ ጴጥሮስ ኣበይ ከም ዘሎ ሕተቶ’ሞ፡ ንሱ ኣበይ ከም ዝርከብ ምስ ነገረካ፡ ንስኻ ድማ፡ ንጴጥሮስ ተንትነለይ በሎ።
ወይስ፡ ነዛ ሕቶ፡ ንወዲኒ ከተቕርበሉ ሸራእራእ ተብለካ ዓይነት እያ?
ተወልደመድኅን September 17, 2013
“ኢሰያስ ክሕሎ’ምበር ክሕሉ ኣይተፈጥረን”…………………………………..ዓባይን ድንቂ ዘረባ’ያ ንዝርደኣ፡….ኢሳያስ ክመርሕ’ምበር ክምራሕ ኣይተፈጥረን…….ኢሳያስ ክእዝዝ’ምበር ክእዘዝ ኣይትፈጥረን……ኢሳያስ ክምህር’ምበር ክመሃር ኣይተፈጥረን…..ኢሳያስ ክምዕድ’ምበር ክመዓድ ኣይተፈጥረን……ኢሳያስ ሰባት ዝገብሩው ክፈርድ’ምበር ንሱ ዝገብሮ ሰባት ዝፈርድዎ ኮይኑ ዘይስምዖ ኮይኑ ኣይተፈጥረን……ኢሳያስ ስራሕ ካልእ ከቆናጽብ’ምበር ንዓይ የቆናጽቡኒ ይኾኑ ኢሉ ርእሱ ክርኢ ዝኽእል ኮይኑ ኣይተፈጥረን…….ኢሳያስ ዝለበምኩ ዝጎራሕኩ ብምባል ርእሺ ኮይኑ’ምበር ካባይ ዝጎርሑ ካባይ ዝለበሙ ክህልው ይኽእሉ ዝብል ኣረኣኣያ ዘለዎ ኮይኑ ኣይተፈጥረን…….ኢሳያስ ወዲ ሰብ ክህልዎ ዝኽእል ናይ ትሕትናን ትዕግስትን ናይ ኣኽብሮትን ምጽዋርን ዘለዎ ኮይኑ ኣይተፈጥረን……..ኢሳያስ ካል ኦት ዝህስውዎ ንምር ኣይ’ምበር ንሱ ዝህስዎ ንምስትውዓል ክእለት ዘለዎ ኮይኑ ኣይተፈአጥረን……ኢሳያስ ሰባት ብዝሃዙዎ ይ ኣኽለኒ ክፈልጡ’ምበር ንሱ ይ ኣኽለኒ ዝፈልጥ ኮይኑ ኣይተፈጥረን…….ኢሳያስ ንሱ ዝገበሮ ክርሰዓሉ’ምበር ሰባት ዝገበሩዎ ክርስዕ ዝኽእል ኮይኑ ኣይተፈጥረን………….
Suleiman Salim September 17, 2013
ኣብ ኤርትራ ከም በዓል ናይ ሕጂ ፕረዚደንት ኢሳያስ ኣፈ-ወርቂ ኣብራሃም እንተ ዘይህልዉ ኤርትራ ፈጺማ ናጻ ኣይምወጽአትን ነይራ። ብቅንኢ ዓዊርካ ተራ ናይ ውልቀ-ሰባት ምንእኣስ ጽቡቕ ኣይኮነን። ዳሕራይ ከኣ እቲ መተካእታ ኣበይ ኣለኩም? እዛ ኩላ ሓሰር-ንፋይ ኣብ ዓዲ እንዳ ኣማታ ኮይና ትቑዝም ዘላ ዘይ ባዕላ እያ ዘይብቑዕነታ ብግብራን ብሃተፍተፋን ተመስርክር ዘላ።
open your mind September 17, 2013
You are one of the brave and brilliant .well said , short and precise. But what happen to HIZBI ERITREA ?what are we wating for ? Essayas is making deals with KINIJT (who dont believe ERITREAas Nation), and to make Eritrea part of Ethiopia.Eritreans paid high price to be Eritreas but why ARE WE SILENT ? WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR ? I always thought we Eritreans are Smart and brave but I dont see it .people are even scared to express their honest thoughts for this fucked up individual whose roots are unknown. WAKE UP ERITREANS DEKI ADEY.
Truly Truly i say to you September 17, 2013
I know most of you as consider me crazy; but believe or not, the darkest day in the Eritrean history begins not 18 September 2001 like many of you assuming; but it is 11 September 2001 the day of act of terror Ben Laden as has committed we listened.
Well, you may ask me, what has to do Ben Laden´s terror with Eritrean issue? But the truth is the 11 September terror in my belief it hurt and affected we Eritreans more than any other nations in this world i would say. In deed the US might lost 3000 citizens but we Eritreans are still are suffering with that day caused terror consequences i would say.
You know why? As you all know whatever big or little incident causes in US, the whole world is giving attension about, but specially about 11 September terror, it is possible to say it was the whole world attention or big news for years still now. But the devil in Asmara Isayas like the Amharic say goes; “ግርግር ለሌባ ይመቻል።” (“Noisy atmosphere will open opportunity to a thief” ) with the opportunity he got, since that day i believe is he decided to imprison and kill those Ministers, journalist and many others innocent citizens who asked him to submit for Rule of Law, democracy and give up power for the people. But the devil because well calculated what ever crime if commits as no one would know about his crime, because the world powerful nations leaders attention was only about 9, 11, 2001 caused terror; this is why i say from this day begins our darkest day in history not 18 September. In other word Ben Laden, or that day of terror is the darkest day for Eritrea, while it is the favorite brightest day of for the devil Isayas. About that truth, more than anyone of you the Devil Isayas believes about.
Fithawi September 17, 2013
INJUSTICE FOR ONE IS INJUSTICE FOR EVERYONE said the great Dr Martin Luther King few months before his assassination in 1968.
What happened to these people is shockingly sad and they deserve JUSTICE and should be allowed to defend themselves in the court of law.What saddens me most though,that these people became victims of their own informal rules (shiftinet). One thing that we all should remember is that these monsters are primarily responsible for making him what he is today.They worked so hard and paved the way for terror and injustice to reign.When the menka’es,yemins and other progressives and reformists were assassinated,theses monsters were either mute or turned the other way.The dictator who was emboldened and empowered by their silence continue killing anyone who challenged him to this day.
In 1976 in a place called Fishe Mirrar(Semenawi Bahri) the adorable commander Ibrahim Afa raised the issues of the menka’es in a meeting along with most of these monsters and he was told that their case was closed (gudayom te’axyu eyu) while warning him and the others in a very threatening manner not to raise the issues again.
You see, he was telling them”I decide who lives and who dies”they were all mute and terrified.What they didn’t realize though,that they draw a line not to be crossed on themselves and 12 years ago in September,they happened to cross that line and ended up in Eraero.
The evil who was emboldened by their silence assassinated commander Ibrahim Afa and many others after him with the full knowledge of these monsters.What shockingly sad is that the finger prints of these monsters are all over the gruesome crimes committed on the hills Sahil.Then,no wonder they didn’t dare to speak out including those who deserted the regime and live in exile.In my opinion,Ibrahim Afa and others would have been elated if they had known where these monsters are.THIS IS WHAT YOU PAY FOR A BETRAYAL.
What saddens me most is that these monsters didn’t even oppose the massacre of our disabled veterans in Mia Habar in 1994.Or neither did they demand the immediate implementation of the constitution loudly for every one to hear but they are where they are dying for simply whispering on the evils ear.At least they should have died like a man.
Remember,I am not saying that they don’t deserve JUSTICE nor deserve what they going through but what I am saying is that they are mainly responsible for making the dictator what he is today and all the pain and miseries we are going through.
May God save Eritrea and its people.
monica salguero September 17, 2013
Aye yehwat mekuzam tray koina terifna. Ab horit Amlaj/allah nemusie merixu nehzbu nexa nekewexeh. Lomi dma nehezbu meluh neti sheger nay hezbu zehemo, heyú merixú hemo hayé gele negber.
Fithawi September 18, 2013
Kibret yihabeley Monica habtey.Eti Hager zizarebn zihisun ember zigebir fixum aytefetron.
Wedi Afom biri dima nezi axebiku yifelit,yitikemelu dima alo.Eti zefrihani gin wedu dima kabu zigeded keykewin eyu ember zikixil merahi wedu eyu.
Suleiman Salim September 17, 2013
ተበግሶ ናይ ድሩዕ ካብ ሃገራዊ ሓልዮት ዝተላዕለ ኣይነበረን። ንጸዓዱ – ብፍላይ ከኣ ሰልድን ስልጣንን ፖለቲካዊ ሽፋንን ክንህበካ ኢና ምስ ዝብሉኻ – እምቢ ምባል ብርቱዕ ስለ ዝኾነ ንሃይለ ኣታሊሎም ከም ከልቢ ቆጺሮም ቾብላ ኢሎም ናብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከም ዝለኣኽ ጌሮሞ ። ሓፋሽ ከኣ ኣይሓመቐን ነቲ ኣብ ቪላ ክሰፍር ዝደሊ፡ ኣብ ክንዲ ናብ ናይ ሞት ፍርዲ ፡ ሓንቲ ጽብቕቲ ቪላ ምስ እኽለ-ማያን መጻሕፍታን ኣዳልዩ ናብኣ ሰዲድዎ። ኣብ ካልኦት ሃገራት ዓለም ዝኾነ ክድዓት ዝፍጽም ሰብ ከመ ቅጽበት ናብ ቦታ ዘልኣለማዊ ድቃስ እዩ ዝለኣኽ።
Tewelde Belay September 18, 2013
ብዘይካ ወይጦታት ህግደፍ ከምዚ ሱለይማን ሳሊም ዝብሎ ዘሎ ቃላት ዘተኣናግዱ ሰባት ዘለዉ ኣይመስለንን ነይሩ። ቀዳማይ ነገር ዘረባኡ ኣይጓል ኣይመርዓት ኣይፍትፍት ኣይገዓት እዩ። ሃንሳብ ብሱል ሓንሳብ ጥረ ይዛረብ። ብዓቢኡ ግን ንሃገር ምሉእ! ንምሉእ ህዝቢ ምስ ሓደ ሰብ ከነጻጽሮ፡ ኮታ ሓደ ሰብ እንተ ዘይህሉ ሃገር ኣይምሃለወትን ኢሉ ካብ ተዛረበ ብቀዳምነት ንነብሱ ይጻረፍ ስለ ዘሎ፡ ከምቲ ባዕሉ ዝኣመኖ ንስኻ ነዛ ሃገር ትጠቅም ሰብ ኣይኮንካን በሉኒ እዩ ዝብለና ዘሎ። ሕንከት ዘይብሉ ሰብ ስለ ዝኾነ። ነቶም ኣሽሓት ስዉኣትን ስንኵላትን ብውሑዳት ቃላት ከም ዘይነበሩ ገይሩዎም። እዚ ንሱ ዝበሎ ኣንጻር ስነፍልጠት እዩ። ኣቦታትና ኣቦሓጐታትና ብሽማግለ ዓድን ብዓበይቲ ዓድን’ምበር ብሓደ ሰብ ተመሓዲሮም ኣይኮኑን ነዛ ሃገር ኣጽኒሖማ። ምስሌነታት ወይ ድግለላት ውልቀምልካውያን ክኾኑ ይፍትኑ ኣብ ዝነበሩሉ ግዜ ድማ ሽፍትነትን ዓመጽን ይነግስ ከም ዝነበረ ምፍላጥ ኣገድሲ እዩ። ኣብዛ ሃገር ውልቀምልኪ ስለ ዘሎ እዩ ድማ ሰላምን ምርግጋእን ተሳኢኑ ዘሎ። ንምድምዳም፡ ሱለይማን ሕጂ ብተዘዋዋሪ መንገዲ ኣብ ኤርትራ ሰላምን ምርግጋእን፡ ምቾትን ጽጋብን ኣሎ ይብለና ኣሎ ማለት እዩ። ሓደ ኣብ 20 ክፍለ ዘመን ዝነብር ሰብ ከምዚ ክብል ዘስደምም እዩ። ባርነት ካብ ደለኻዮ ኪድ ናብ ዓዲ ባርነት ጥራይ ኢና ንብሎ። ኣምላኽ ካብ ዑረት ናይ ሓንጐል ዑረት የድሕንካ።
Sorobeti September 18, 2013
Since you like to enslave yourself, please go to DMB ENSESATAT or mergemgem.com, there you will find many morons of your likes.
Kalighe September 18, 2013
Dure and others knew well how Iseyas runs the government:
Before a Minister reports to Iseyas, someone in his office, passes the information directly to Iseyas (through a spy network), which reduces the Minister’s job to simply clerical.
People knew that many of them were complaining about Iseyas’ humiliating practices.
So, did they react only when they started to have personal problems with the tyrant ?.
May be yes, may be no. It’s difficult to know the whole truth.
But one thing is clear: they reacted when it was too late and the way they perished shows that some of their assessments of the situation was wrong:
– If they were expecting to be released from jail, they were wrong, because EPLF/PFDJ jails are places where people are sent to be killed (with one way ticket), not to be reformed.
– If they thought people would revolt against the dictatorship, that did not happen either, and it’s unlikely to happen in near future.
– If they thought beheading the regime, by removing him from political stage, would create a precedent that would cost Eritrea too much in future, that assessment also was wrong, because the regime was already the worst on planet, so, actually, removing Iseyas by any means was the best option then and still remains to this day.
It’s fair to say that they had some positive contributions too: their interviews helped EPLF members understand what was going on in the country. That behind the facade of what appeared to be a monolithic organization and strong leadership, there was a monster called Iseyas.
Thanks to them, people came to know to horrible truth about Iseyas.