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“እዚ ኹሉ ጎይና፡ ህበይን ዕትሮን ርኢና ተመሊስና !”፡ ይብሉ ምሳኪን ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ኣብ ለንደን

ትማሊ ሰንበት 5 ለካቲት፡ ናብቲ ወከልትን ኮራዅርን ውልቀምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ገለ ብቴክስት ገለ ድማ ብተባራሪ ወረ ተዓዲሞም፡ ‘ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቲ’ ክመጹ ስለዝኾኑ ኣፈርክቡ ተባሂሎም፡ በብኽልተ በብሰለስተ፡ ዝጣራቐሙሉ ኣዳራሽ ጎሰስ ዝብሉ ዝነበሩ ሰባት፡ ብኽልተ እግሮም ዲዮም በርባዕተ

ትማሊ ሰንበት 5 ለካቲት፡ ናብቲ ወከልትን ኮራዅርን ውልቀምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ገለ ብቴክስት ገለ ድማ ብተባራሪ ወረ ተዓዲሞም፡ ‘ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቲ’ ክመጹ ስለዝኾኑ ኣፈርክቡ ተባሂሎም፡ በብኽልተ በብሰለስተ፡ ዝጣራቐሙሉ ኣዳራሽ ጎሰስ ዝብሉ ዝነበሩ ሰባት፡ ብኽልተ እግሮም ዲዮም በርባዕተ መሓውሮም ዝኸዱ ዘለዉ ንምርግጋጽ ኣስተብህሎ የድሊ ነይሩ።

ዓሻ ጽቡቕ ኣሎ ዘመድ ዓሻ ከፊኡዎ ‘ሎ’ ከምዝብሃል፡ ብፍላይ በረድ ወሪዱ መጠንቀቕታ ኩነታት ኣየር (weather Warning) ኣብ ቦትኡ እናሃለወ ካብ ማንቸስተር ከይተረፈ ናብ ኣኼባ ህግደፍ ናብ ለንደን ዘጓሕ ምባሎም፡ ምስቲ ፍረ-ኣልቦ ኣኼባኦም ኣነጻጺርካ ክትርእዮ ኸለኻ፡ የተሓሳስበካ፡ ኣብ ክንድኦም ከኣ ትጭነቕ፡ መሳኪን!!

መቸም ከምቲ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ቦታታት እንተላይ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ እዋን ኣብ ለንደን ፈስቲቫል ኣብ ዘካይዱሉ ዝነበሩ እዋን ብመንእሰያት ደለይቲ ለውጢ ዘጋጠሞም ተቓውሞ ከይደግሶም ተባሂሉለይ እንዲዩ፡ እቲ ኣኼባ ተመስጢሩ እዩ። እቲ መሓዮታት ናይቲ ኣኼባ ስራሕና ኢሎም ነቲ ጉዳይ ንምሕባእ ዝፈተኑዎ ጥበባት መቸም ሻቕሎቶም ሰማይ ዓሪጉ ኣብ መወዳእታ እዋኖም ተገምጊሞም ከምዘለዉ ዳግም ዝምስክር እዩ። መጀምርያ፡ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ዕዱም ጥራይ ዝፈልጦ ምስጢራዊ ቁጽሪ ኮድ ክወሃቦ እዩ ተሓሲቡ፡ እዚ ምጥዓም ምስ ኣበየ ኸኣ፡ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ዕዱም ሓንቲ ንእሽቶ ባንዴራ ኤርትራ ሒዙ ክመጽእ ተማቲኦምሉ፡ ኣብ መወዳእታ ግን እቲ ዕድመ ብቴክስት ወረን ብሰላሕ መላሕ፡ ከምቲ ልሙድ ከኣ ኣብ ኣፍደገ ሕብሪ ደጋፋይን ተቓዋማይን ብምልላይ ተገይሩ። መጋበርያ ህግደፍ፡ ንኻልእ መዓልቲ ምእታው ዕዱማቶም ክቐለሎም ግን ሓንቲ ንእሽቶ ምኽሪ ወስ ከነብለሎም፡ ዕዱም ክመጾም ከሎ፡ ኣብ ኢዱን ኣብ ርእሱን ምድህሳስ ጥራይ እዩ ዘድልዮም። እቶም ደገፍቲ ከብዲ ኢዶም ብተሃበር ጣቕዒት ስለዝላደየ፡ ሕርፍፍ ዝበለ፡ ሓንጎሎም ጓሕጕሖም ኣብ ገዛ ገዲፎሞ ስለዝመጹ ከኣ ርእሶም ፎኪስ፡ ቁልዕጽዕጽ ዝብል እዩ። በንጻሩ ናይቶም ተቓወምቲ፡ ኢዶም ንቡር ርእሶም ድማ ረዚን፡ ተሪር እዩ’ሞ፡ ንመጻኢ ክሳብ ክንድ’ዚ ምሽጋር ኣይከድልዮምን እዩ።

እቲ ጥበብ ምስጢራውነት ንህግደፍ ስለዘይሰለጦም፡ እቶም ውሑዳትን ርቡሓትን ኣብ ውሽጢ ሒደት ሰዓታት ተጸዋዊዖም ኣብ ኣፍደገ እቲ ኣዳራሽ ብርእሰምትእምማን ኣብ በረድ ደው ኢሎም ዝነበሩ ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ለውጢ ብዘስምዖዎ ዝነበሩ በዳሂ ሕልናዊ ድምጺ ውጹዓት፡ እቶም ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ደኒኖም ክሓልፉ ኸለዉ፡ በቲ ዕሙር ጎደና ዝተሓላለፉ ዝነበሩ ወጻኣተኛታት ድማ ነቲ ብሓይልን ስምዒትን ዝወዓዋዕ ዝነበረ ናይ ተቓውሞ ድምጺ ግዱስ ኣቓልቦ ይህቡዎም ነይሮም። ነቶም ዕሱባት ህግደፍ፡ ‘ድሕሪ ቐዛፊ ኢሳያስ ተቐዛፊ’ ትብል ጭርሖ፡ ከም ካራ በሲዓ ኣብ ዓጽሞም ትበጽሕ ከምዝነበረት፡ ካብ ኣዳንና ርእሶም ይረአ ነይሩ። እታ ድራማዊት ናይ ቀዛፊ ህሞት፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ምድጋማ ከምዘይተርፋ ተዘኻኽሮም ስለዝነበረት ምዩቕታኦም ምቍጽጻር ስኢኖም፡ ቀልጢፎም ክኽወሉ ናብቲ ኣዳራሽ ክሸኩ ከኣ ተራእዮም።

‘ዝብእስ ዝብላዕ ኣሎ እንተበሉዎ ናበይ ከይበለ ክጎዪ ሓደረ’ ዝብሉዎ ምስላ፡ ኣሎ። ዕሽነት ኮራኩር ህግደፍ ግን ካብኡ ዝገደደ እዩ። እንታይ? ብመን? ከይበሉ፡ ኣርእስትን መዳርን ከየጣለሉ እዮም ሃሊሎም።

ኮነ ኸኣ፡ ኣሽንባይ ዶ እቶም ዕዱማት፡ እቶም ዓደምቲ’ውን፡ ብዛዕባ ምንታይ ክዛረቡ ከምዝመጹ ኣይፈለጡን። ሓላፊ ፖለቲካዊ ጉዳያት፡ የማነ ማንኪን፡ ሚኒስተር ጉዳያት ወጻኢ ዑስማን ሳልሕን፡ ኣብ ቅድሚ እቲ በርባዕተ እግሩ በረድ እናሰበረ ዝመጾም ግዙእ፡ “ዝብሃል ሓዱሽ ነገር የብልናን፡ ንእግረመንገድና ኢና ኣኼባ ጸዊዕና፡ እንግሊዝ እዮም ጸዊዖምና” ክብሉ ኣጀንዳ ከምዘይብሎም ደርጕሖምሎም። ሽዑ ኸኣ’ዮም፡ ገለ ካብ ኣኼበኛታት፡ ነቲ ኣጀንዳ ኣልቦ ኣኼባ ናይቶም ኣካየድትን፡ ቆሎጥጡቖ ሕቶታት ሰማዕቶምን ምስ ኣስተብሃሉ፡ ‘ዋይ ኣነ፡ እዚ ኹሉ ጎይና፡ ህበይን ዕትሮን ርኢና ተመሊስና’ ዝበሉ። ንሕና ድማ ሽዑ ኢና፡ ኣብቲ ገዛ ሒደት ሰብ ክልተ እግሪ ‘ውን ሰሊኾም ከምዝነበሩ ዝተገንዘብና።

ብዝኾነ፡ እቶም ተደናገጽቶም ‘ህበይን ዕትሮን’ ክብሉ ዝጠመቑዎም ሰበ ስልጣን ህግደፍ፡ ብእንግሊዝ ተዓዲምና ኢና መጺእና ክብሉ መገሻኦም ከጸባብቑ ‘ኳ እንተፈተኑ፡ በቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ወርሒ ኣብ ሰሜን ኢትዮጵያ ብምትሕብባሮም ከምዝተገብረ ዝሕመ ቅትለት 5 ኤሮጳውያን ቱሪስትን፡ መጭወይቲ ናይ 2 ካልኦትን ንመግናሕቲ ከምዝተጸውዑ ይንገር። ብዓቢኡ ካብቲ ናይ  ልዕሊ 50 ሃገራት መራሕትን ዲፕሎማሰኛታትን ተዓዲሞምሉ ዘለው፡ ንጉዳይ ሶማልያ ዝምልከት ን23 ለካቲት ኣብ ለንደን ዝካየድ ኣህጉራዊ ዋዕላ፡ ከም ተሓባበርቲ ሽበራ ተራእዮም፡ ከምዝተኣገዱ ‘ውን ይስማዕ ኣሎ። እዚ ሓቂ እንተኾይኑ፡ ጭፍራ ህግደፍ ካብቲ ብዘይካይ ኣይፍታሕን እዩ ዝብሉዎ ጉዳይ ሶማል ዓዲ ምውዓሎም፡ ካብ ዓለም ተነጺሎም ጥራይ ዘይኮነ፡ ነጺሎም ‘ውን ከምዘለዉ ዳግማይ መረጋገጺ ክኾነና እዩ።

እዚ መዳርግቲ ዘይብሉ ተነጽሎ ኸኣ’ዩ ዋላ ብምትሕብባር ምስ ግብረሽበራ፡ ወይ ዝኾነ ኣሉታዊ ስጉምቲ፡ ኣቓልቦ ንምርካብ ዘሀንጥዮም ዘሎ። እዚ ናይ መግናሕቲ ጻውዒት መንግስቲ እንግሊዝ ነዚ እዩ ዝምስክር። ነቲ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዞባ ዓፈር ዝተኻየደ ቅትለትን ጭውያን ኣይተሓባባርናዮን ፡ በንጻሩ ማእለማ ኢትዮጵያ እዩ፡ ነገርና ደልያትና፡ ኢሎም ክውጭጩሉ ተሰሚዖም እዩም። ከምኡ እንተኾይኑ፡ ስለምንታይ ደኣ፡ ነዚ ናይ ሃገር እንግሊዝ ጻውዒት፡ ‘ንዓና ዘርኢ ጉዳይ ኣይኮነን፡ ንፈልጦ የብልናን’፡ ኢሎም ዘይነጽጉዎ? ኤእ፡ ኣቓልቦ ይረኸብ እምበር፡ ብኸመይ ኣገባብን በየናይ ዋጋን ምርካቡ ዘገድሶም ኣይኮነንን ፍሹላት መራሕቲ ህግደፍ።

እቶም ኣመና ዘደንግጹ ግን፡ እቶም ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብዘውርዱሉ ዘለዉ ስቓይ ማእሰርትን ሞትን ኣእዳዎም ደም ስለዝተጸየቐ፡ ካብ ምጽላቝ ሲ ኣጸቢቕካ ምጭምላቕ ዝሓረዩ ዕሉላት ገበነኛታት ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍ ኣይኮኑን። እቶም፡ ንኹሉ ፍርያት ሓርነትን ዲሞክራስን ኣብ ወጻኢ እናተቛደሱ ንዝህቢ ኤርትራ ጽንቃቕ ናይቲ ንዓኣቶም ፍጊዕ ዝበሎም ራህዋ ዝበቐቑሉ፡ ኣብ ወጻኢ፡ ሃሱሳዊ ስርሓት ህግደፍ ዘሳልጡሎም ዘለዉ ከፈትን ዓጸውትን ማዕጾን ህግደፍ ‘ውን ኣይኮኑን። ነዚኣቶም ጸሊም መዝገብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ይፍረዶም። እቶም ብሓቂ ዘደንግጹ፡ እቶም ላንጋ ላንጋ ኮይኖም፡ ቀትሪ ምስ ህግደፍ ለይቲ ምስ ተቓወምቲ ማንታ ህይወት ዘሕልፉ ዘለዉ ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን ‘ዮም እሞ፡ ሰዓት መላኺ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣኺሉ’ዩ፡ ህበይን ዕትሮን ግዳ ቀቀሊሉ፡ ካብ ህግደፍ ብኣግኡ እንተዘይርሒቕኩምስ ወረ ዓይንኹም ካልእ ክትርኢ እያ ንብሎም።

ስርዓት ህግደፍ፡ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ከምታ ወዲቓ ክንሳ፡ ብሓንቲ ሱር ወፋሪ ዕንጨይቲ እተሕርቕ ምውቲ ገረብ እዩ ኮይኑ ዘሎ ‘ሞ፡ ሓቢርና ነበርቍቆ። ኣምሳያኡ ድማ መድሕን ናይዚ እናረኣናዮ ብቐስታ ዝጠፍእ ዘሎ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝኸውን ቅዱስ ስርዓት ንትከል።

ምልኪ ይፍረስ ፍትሒ ይንገስ!

ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ

Review overview
  • HGDF February 9, 2012

    ኣቱም ሰባት ኣማኑኤል ናይ ፈጠራ ወረ ክቅርብ መጀመርታኡ መኣስ ኮይኑ።እንታይ ኮይኑ እዩ ዝሕድሰኩም። ናይ ባንክ ቸክ ስካን ገሩ ከቅርብ ዘይሓፈረዶ ቃላት ደርዲርካ ምሕሳው ከሕፍሮ።

  • Mr. T February 9, 2012

    We were told that the PFDJ regime was isolated and nearing its end. Well, we do not know who to believe: the websites that are funded by the barbaric woyane or the only independent and still striving website ( You be the judge after reading the following article (source:

    “The Eritrean Foreign Minister, Osman Saleh, and Yemane Ghebreab, senior political adviser to the President, visited the Foreign Office from 7-8 February.

    This was the first Eritrean ministerial visit to the UK. The Eritrean Delegation met the Minister of Africa, Henry Bellingham, the Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell, and had meetings with senior FCO and UKBA officials.

    A range of issues were discussed including the UK’s bilateral relationship with Eritrea; regional security and stability; migration and piracy. Mr Bellingham also underlined the importance the UK attaches to improvements to human rights, including the case of the G11 (the group of 11 parliamentarians arrested in September 2001), and religious and press freedoms.

    Mr Bellingham also hosted a business roundtable for existing and potential investors in which 22 companies participated. Discussion centred on potential investment opportunities in the extractive industries, infrastructure development, agriculture and financial services.”

    • ahmed saleh February 9, 2012

      Mr t
      What ca I say, congratulation. Now your Master is safe from U.K. But do not
      underestimate the power of people. To remind you Gezaffi of Libya restored
      his diplomacy but with his people was onother issues , then………… case closed.

  • kabUK February 9, 2012

    He only met a junior minister, not the foreign secretary Mr William Hague who is his counterpart..I don’t think the PFDJ morons will get the diplomatic snub until its too late to do anything about it.

  • amanuel kifle February 9, 2012 why so worryness, for what? The PFDJ is the only power that stand to guaranty ERITREA’s soverinity, integrity. prosperity ect. to the eritrean people, and not those beggers worst than the woyane, the flocking elements to awasa(ethiopia) just looking for their survivals, imagine from whom? From the masters of beggers. You can’t do any goog to Eritrea.Eritrea belong to those beloved children who stand to protect it from enemies and traitors.

  • February 9, 2012

    Before you can run you need to be able to walk; The Eritrean ministers visit to the UK and with some “Junior Ministers” as kabUK put it, might not be compared to meeting William Hague or the PM, however it is a beginning towards a relationship that had deteriorated over the last few years. Of course no one can foresee what will happen in the feature but this meeting can only help mend relations between the two countries..
    Another point is some of you are comparing the Eritrean leadership with Gadhafi’s of Libya. The majority of the Libyan people were against him but can you say the same with the Eritrean people?
    I don’t think so. Yes changes can happen if the majority join in and have a legitimate vision. But the Eritrean opposition are so much divided amongst themselves they can’t even convince anyone. Once I asked a group who are bent against the present government, a simple question. I asked who can/will replace PIA and they looked at each other and a long silence….a wall of silence.
    Yes it’s true don’t underestimate the power of the people, especially if the majority support PIA.
    I hope you got the point.

    • amanuel kifle February 10, 2012

      You extend a wise reply.

  • tesfaldet February 10, 2012

    bad news for AMANULE EYASU assena & the oppostion DID you see the picture in http://www.MESKEREM .COM eritrea F.R OSMAN SALEH sheck hands WITH BRITISH FR MISTER BELLINGHAM & issues discussed bilateral relationship next THE USA will follow after he sees this picture JOHANY CARSON AFRICAN INVOI for USA will ask for avisa because this are two countrys wishing bad for eritrea for long time but the toon or mood of the BRITISH was changed last year if you see in the reoprt of eritrea to the UN in 20 11 IT was only the USA so the british relaize weasting their time helping & pampering WEYANE is not good LIKE AN OLD SAYING IN TIGRINA TESGBENI KISHAS AB MEKLOAE KELA YFELTA so the britsh come to their sences after eritrea hold & relise their 4 MARENES they say this is the country they can benefit from MINING GOLD so this is the frist time & big blow to USA that is the only countrys follow them to harm eritrea so AMANUEL EYASU & HIS FLLOWERS look the picture & cray

  • tesfaldet February 10, 2012

    iforget some thing last week i ask some one who can explain to me form the oppostion one inportant issue that is in the 2009 UN suction to eritrea there was 3 main things happen that makes the opposition joyfull & happy 1 arm embargo to eritrea 2 freerz of asset 3 most in portant travel ban so that inculiding YEMANE MOKEY so how did YEMANE MOKEY & OSMAN SALIH are in london mi missing somthing how did this hapen high ranking eritrean deligation are traveling so with out insolting can some one explain to me

  • Ambabi February 10, 2012

    Well that is what we are talking about. If Eritrean officials make a number of good moves such as freeing politicla prisinors, allowing Eritreans to invest in thier home country, alow ppl to work in private, allow the ppl to resuem and engage in the re-construction of houses, and allow in general private sectors without harasing them. Last but not least, when Eritrea tried to solve the mass fllow of our young ppl then this way the so calles soule sold opponents and their mouth pieces will remain frastrated. But I really do not understand why is the Eritran officials can not do much changes in this fast changing world ?

  • haile February 10, 2012

    Assenna Vs,

    It has been awhile since acting like as loudest cheerleader of PFDJ. Meskerem choose to have antagosnist position toward the opposition group and working day and night to discredit the oppostion group. I dont undestand why meskerem continued to attack assenna. Meskerem –are you with the poor eritrean people and the oppostion group OR with the PFDJ? make it clear…no more double stands!!
    I personally visit assena and awate for news . i have high respect for assenna’s founder amanuel . If i visited shabait i donot have to visit meskerem–because they are more or less ” two sides of a coin”.

  • tesfaldet February 10, 2012

    this is for those low mineded opppsition who can belive any thing ASSENA OR AMANUEL EYASU says in this report he says the supporters of hgedef say they SOW GONAY ITRO well AMANUELE EYASU was thinking WWW .MESKEREM .COM is not going to show the vidoe after all he get some idiots who can belive him like last year when ESAYAS come to new york he was saying he mey not put his foot in USA the USA will not alow him then WHEN ESAYAS comes & people come to greet him he called the WOMEN KOMARO THEMEN ZEMASH so way are this who follow ASSENA evry time club their hands for any lie & propoganda so jast go to WWW. MESKEREM .COM . LOOK for the vidoe at the end ihave to say thank you to WWW . MESKEREM .COM