እንተ ደሊኩም ጽልልቲ በሉኒ ፡
ጎረቤተይ ናይ ክልተ ሰሙን መገሻ ስለ ዝነበራ ክትዛረበሉ ዘሕፍር ሓደራ ኣሰኪማትኒ ከደት። ንሳ ዝበለቶ፡- ክብርትን ፍቅርትን ጎሬቤተይ፡ እዛ ዘሰክመኪ ዘሎኩ ሓደራ ብድሕረይ ንክትፍጽምለይ ቃል እተውለይ ፣ ሕድርኪ ሕድሪ ጎሮረኪ። ኣነን ንሶምን ተረዳዲእና ኢና። ተቃላጢፈ ጸገም የሎን
ጎረቤተይ ናይ ክልተ ሰሙን መገሻ ስለ ዝነበራ ክትዛረበሉ ዘሕፍር ሓደራ ኣሰኪማትኒ ከደት። ንሳ ዝበለቶ፡- ክብርትን ፍቅርትን ጎሬቤተይ፡ እዛ ዘሰክመኪ ዘሎኩ ሓደራ ብድሕረይ ንክትፍጽምለይ ቃል እተውለይ ፣ ሕድርኪ ሕድሪ ጎሮረኪ። ኣነን ንሶምን ተረዳዲእና ኢና።
ተቃላጢፈ ጸገም የሎን በልክዋ። ጸኒሔ ዝኣተክዎ ሓደራ ከየዕብር ኩለን እተን ዝበለትኒ ኣብ ምፍጻም ከሎኹ ነብሰይ ክምርምር ጀሚርኩ። ውዕል ሕድር ክብል ኪዳን ከበደኒ። ንሰብ ከይተንፍስ ሓፊረ። ንስድራ ከይነግር ግድን ናይ ኣእምሮ ሓኪም ክትርኢ ኣሎኪ ኢሎም ከይደፍኡኒ ፈሪሐ። እቱይ ኮይኒ እቱይ ዝኣተክዎ ሓደራ ጭላፍ ከይኣጉደልኩ ፈጸምኩ።
እታ ሕድሪ
ንግሆ ቅድሚ ጸሓይ ብራቕ ተሲእኪ ሰላምታ ኣጽግብለይ። ቀጺልኪ ቁርሲ እንዳቆረሱ ከሎዉ እዛ ካሴት እዚኣ ኣስምዕለይ። ክትከድኪ ከሎኪ- ምሸት የራክበና፡ ደሓን ወዓሉ፡ ብምባል ተፋነውዮም። ምሸት ደሓንዶ ዊዒልኩም ኢልኪ፡ ኢድ ነሲእኪ፡ ኣብ ድራር እዛ ደርፊ እዚኣ ኣስምዕለይ። ምስ ወድእኪ ጽቡቃት! ጽባሕ የራክበና፡ ደሓን ሕደሩ ብምባል ተፋነውዮም። ክከብደኪ ምዃኑ ይፈልጥ እየ፤ ግን ሕራይ ካብ በልኪ፡ እግዝኣብሔር ምሳኪ ይኩን ኢላትኒ ከደት። ኣነ ከኣ ነቲ ቃል ዝኣተክዎ ኣተርጎምኩ። እንተደሊኩም ጽልልቲ በሉኒ። እቲ ኣነ ዝኣተክዎ ሓደራ ኣብ ቅድሚ ገዛኣ ንዝርከቡ “ዕንባባታት” ነበሩ ቢላ ታሪካ ደምደመት። እቲ ክፍሊ ወዱን ጓሉን ብምልኡ ሰሓቐ። ንሳ ግዲ የሎን፡ ሰሓቑ! ኣነውን ስሒቐሉ እየ ክትብል ምሳና ሰሓቐት። እቲ ክፍሊ ምስ ተረጋገኤ ግን ሕድሪ ዋላ”ኳ ቃል ትኩን እምበር ከባድ እያ ኣብ ዝብል ትርጉም ተሰማሚዑ ሓለፈ።
ኢሰያስ ኣብ ትግባረ ሕድሪ ስውኣት ዝምልከት ንዝቀረቦ ሕቶ ክምልስ ከሎ – ኣነ ንሕሉፋት ይኩን ንትሩፋት ዝኣተክዎ ሕድሪ (promise) የብለይን፡ ኢሉ ካብ ሓደ ግዜ ንላዕሊ ሓጪጩ። እኩል ግብረ መልሲ ከይረከበ ከኣ ሓለፈ። ቖጽላ ዝጠዓመትልካ ኦምስ ሱራ ፊሒርካ ድገማ ከምዝብህል ከኣ ንሱ ቖጽላ ሸማጢጡ ፡ ንሱራ ንኣብርሃም ዓዲሉ ብጸሓይ ብርሃን ከላምዶ ተራእዩ። ሕድሪ ስውኣት ክርገጽ ዘይትምስክር ሩሕ ካብ ትንፋስ እንስሳ እንታይ ፈለያኣ? ኢሳያስ ክሳብ ዘሎ ጽንጽያ ዓይኑ ከይተንፍርሉ ፤ ንሱ ኣብ ዝደክመሉ ከኣ ወዱ ወይ ጓሉ ይግዛእኩም ኢሎም ተላብዮም ዝሓለፉ ብጾት ነይሮምና ድዮም? ዓሻ ሕቶ? ሃ …. እዚ እቲ ሓደ ወገን ኮነ።
ካልኣይ ወገን’ከ? ተሰከምቲ ሕድሪ ኣብ ኣስመራ ጥራሕ ድዮም ዘሎዉ? ተሰከምቲ ሕድሪ ህግደፍ ጥራሕ ድዮም? ተሰከምቲ ሕድሪ ጀነራላት ኢሳያስ ጥራሕ ድዮም? ተሰከምቲ ሕድሪ ኩልና’ዶ ኣይኮናን? ብፍላይ እዃ እቶም ንእተጠልመ ሕድሪ ንምምላስ ንቃለስ ኣሎና ንብል። ከም ዝመስለኒ ሕልሚ በዚሑ።
ገለ ንወዲ ጾሎት ብጸሎት፣ ገለ የሎን፡ ብማጨሎት! ገለ ከም ዓሚ ቅድሚ ዓሚ፡ ብዘሎ ዓቅሚ፤ ገላ ብምህለላ፣ ገለ ብደበላ …. …… ….. …. ከምኡ ኢሉ ይቅጽል። ክሳብ መኣስ? ሰዓቱ ዝሓለፎ ሕድሪ’ኮ ዋላ እንተመጸ’ውን ርካብ ሕድሪ ተባሂሉ ኣይጽውዓን እዩ። ንጉዳይና ዝምልከት ዘይተገብረ እምበር ዘይተባህለ የሎን ዝብል ምስላ ከይለገቦ ንፈርሕ ። ዝበልና ንበል፡ ሎሚ እውን እታ መፍትሕ ምሳና ኣላ።
መረጸ ኣስመላሽ ………. August 31, 2013 ፍላይ ማንታ እዛ ጽሕፍቲ ኣብ መጻኢ
ተወልደመድኅን September 1, 2013
” ንሱ ኣብ ዝደክመሉ ከኣ ወዱ ወይ ጓሉ ይግዛእኩም ኢሎም ተላብዮም ዝሓለፉ ብጾት ነይሮምና ድዮም? ” እቶም ኣብ ማሕዩር እናተሳቐዩ ዚሞቱ ዝምልሽዋ ሕቶ’ያ።ኢሎማ ከኣ ክኾኑ ኣለዎም።
belay nega September 2, 2013
መረጸ ኣስመላሽ
ጽልልቲ ዘይኮንኪስ በዓለገ ደራሲት ዜና ኢኺ
What do you gain out of confusing,the already confused enough society?
The president as any human being will pass away,but our problem goes beyond that,and it needs realistic approach.
Genet September 2, 2013
Mr Nega,
Are you married to Ethiopian woman? Do you have 50% Ethiopian children? Is that why you are here day in day out, to tell people that your wishes are for Eritrea not to be a country. That way, your children will feel good about themselves as Ethiopian.
belay nega September 4, 2013
Hi Genet
“Are you married to Ethiopian woman?”
No,my wife is 24\7 Eritrean,though my second choice would have been Ethiopian.
“Do you have 50% Ethiopian children?’
No, my children are Eritrean Americans.
“Is that why you are here day in day out,”
How do you know unless you are here day in day out too?
” to tell people that your wishes are for Eritrea not to be a country”
You are wrong, I never said that.All what I usually say is “Eritrean problem is deep rooted” and I stand by that.
“That way, your children will feel good about themselves as Ethiopian.”
My children are AMERICANS,they are blessed to belong to the best country in the world.
I am a victim of my immaturity who spent half of his age in Eritrean politics,to this end I feel guilty for being “ክጅብ የማያድን የአህያ ባል” to the Eritrean people.
That is why I keep on telling my people “Eritrean issue is deep rooted” and pointing fingers is not a solution.
beleza September 4, 2013
Mr Nega thanks for your arguments to wards the reality.
whether your children are American or Eritrean there is any difference it is not simple to be someones nationalities so being an american is nothing the same is true with an Eritrean or Ethiopian. But i feel it with you disappointing approach to wards Eritrean politics. Even though there is issue there is not any political maturity in Eritrea. Polo tics is science which needs to have followers and analytically approach so from this point of view there is no politics in Eritrea except hating the people of Ethiopia without any rational evidence.
ahmed saleh September 2, 2013
Show a little civil approach to the writer no need disrespectful language .
But if you are in my childhood era in ASMERA . Do you remember ” ZEGHENFO ” the man in ASMERA streets ?
His speech was considered as crazy-man speech but in reality the people were crazy incapable to listen his Eritrean
patriotic poems .
ahmed saleh September 2, 2013
Show a little civil approach to the writer no need disrespectful confrontation , you know better .
Remind you if you are in my childhood era in ASMERA . Do you remember ” ZEGHENFO ” the man in ASMERA streets ?
His speech was considered as crazy-man speech but in reality the people were crazy incapable to listen his Eritrean
patriotic poems . We were kids but I am not lying to tell how we used to see him pick-up by the area police precinct
command officer ( AMHARAY ) beside him in front seat imitating himself like king Haile Sellasie to send a message to observers on his way to prison .
Meretse Asmelash September 2, 2013
Dear brother/sister belay,
First, I wanted to assure you that I have no guarantee for not being confuse at times. I guess that is a human nature. To make the matter a little bit clear, being confuse has nothing to do with being rude. Anyways, back to your comments:
Who is confused here?
A The teacher
B.The neighbor
C.The class (in this case that includes you)
D.The flowers
If you do not mind let me try to read you correctly. I think you are trying to say communication always takes place between the one who talks or acts and the receiver. True. But,for your information, some people think that is not all; and I am one of them. Have you not seen people going to the graveyard where their loved ones are laid down? Have you not seen them laying down their flowers, talking to them for hours, reading their favorite poem, book, or playing their favorite music? In this case, I don’t think you need a wild guess to understand that.
Please consider the following:
In the above article the flowers represent paying respect to the current date and month (September 1)
brother/sister belay,
keeping your promise with alive people, dead people, animals, or in this case flowers is a reward for being honest. If you still have a problem understanding this please ask Your Neighbor.
ቕድሚ ደሓን ወዓል ምባለይ ሪኢቶካ ሓደ ነገር ኣዘካኪሩኒ ። ብ1993 ዓ.ም “ሕዮ በረካ” ዘርእስታ ጽሕፍቲ ዳግማይ ከቃልዓ ደፋፊእካኒ፡ ኣብታ ጽሕፍቲ ካብ ተዋሳእቲ ሓንቲ “ዕንባባ” ስለ ዝኮነት ደጊምካ ከይትጻረፍ ፈሪሐ እየ። ደሓን ወዓል ወይ ሕደር።
Meretse Asmelash September 2, 2013
Correction: the flowers represent not only to the month, date and year but to all martyrs.
efrem September 3, 2013
zegerem eyu zerkebe eko kekashem deleyu……..negeze geze sele zemeleso ezom ab hekfi ethiopiea konkum zebal wesane tehebu zelekum bejakum akayedakum yereyu abzi assenna zezemetse aresti eko mehezon gedeben senu……….tebdelena alena teshegerena alena fetehi gen behaki eyu zemetse mesarehi bemekan ikenen
Meretse Asmelash September 3, 2013
ኣንታ ኢፍሮም ኣብ ከመይ ዝበለ ገደል ኢካ ኣቲካ?
ገመድ ልኣኩለይ ገዲፍካስ ኣብ ውሽጢ ጉድጓድ ኣቲካስ ትጻረፍ ። እቲ ጸገም ካብ ምንታይ ምዃኑ ንዓካ’ዩ ዝምልከት ግን ምናልባት ሓሳብ ልብካ እንተቐየርካስ ሓደ ክልተ ቃል ክንድርብየልካ።
መጀመርያ-ላምስ ብኢዳ ክቀርባስ ብእግራ ትሓክክ ጌርካዮ። እቲ ናይ ብርዒ ስም እንዶ ምኣከለካ። ትግርኛስ ግደፍ ብላቲን ብግእዝ ተጻሒፋ’ዃ ብዙሕ ተረዳድእና የላን። ንስካ ግን ካብኡ ኣይሕለፉ ኢልካ ይመስለኒ ከምዚ ክትብል ጺሕፍካ፡
ዝገርም እዩ!ዘርከበ እኮ ከቓሽም ደልዩ….ንገዛ ገዛ ስለ ዘምስሎ-እዞም ኣብ ሕቕፊ ኢትዮጵያ ኮንኩም ዝብል ውሳነ ትህቡ ዘሎኩም በጃኩም ኣካይዳኩም ኣዔርዩ። ኣብዚ ኣሰና ዘዝመጸ ኣርእስቲ እኮ ምሓዙን ገደብ ስኢኒ….ተበደልና ኣሎና ። ተጸሓገርና ኣሎና ። ፍትሒ ግን Bሓቒ እዩ ዝመጽእ መሳርሒ ብምዃን ኣይኮነን።
እዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዘሎ ጽሑፍካ እዩ። ደጊምካ ኣንብቦ ወይ ኣንብቡለይ ንጎሬቤትካ፡
እቲ ከምዚ ከማካ ዝኣመሰለ ንካልኦት ሰባት ክመክር ዝብገስስ ንባዕሉ ከኣ ምክሪ ካልኦት ክቅበል ቁሩብ ክከውን ኣሎዎ።
ተመዚንካ! እዚ ዎ ደሃንካ።
ahmed saleh September 5, 2013
We do not have an issue with those Eritreans under supervision of Ethiopian government . We are here to confront
the wrong deeds inflicted to our people . We all know the facts and how it goes . Be honest to yourself .