እቲ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ክሓባብኦ ክፍትን ዝቐነየ ትራጀዲ ላምፐዱዛ እንተላይ ንሰበስልጣን ናይቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ብቐጥታ ተንኪፉዎም ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።
እቲ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ሓንሳብ ናይ ኣፍሪቃውያን ሓንሳብ ናይ ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃውያን እናበለ ክሓባብኦን ክነነኣእሶን ዝቐነየ ኣብ ልቢ መላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከቢድ ቁስሊ ፈጢሩ ዘሎ 360 ዜጋታት ዝቐዘፈ ትራጀዲ ላምፐዱዛ እንተላይ ንሰበስልጣን ናይቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ብቐጥታ ተንኪፉዎም
እቲ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ሓንሳብ ናይ ኣፍሪቃውያን ሓንሳብ ናይ ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃውያን እናበለ ክሓባብኦን ክነነኣእሶን ዝቐነየ ኣብ ልቢ መላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከቢድ ቁስሊ ፈጢሩ ዘሎ 360 ዜጋታት ዝቐዘፈ ትራጀዲ ላምፐዱዛ እንተላይ ንሰበስልጣን ናይቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ብቐጥታ ተንኪፉዎም ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብ ኣስመራ ሓቢሮም።
ብመሰረት ‘ቲ ሓበሬታ ሓደ ካብቶም በዚ ዘሕዝን ፍጻሜ ብቐጥታ ተተንኪፎም ዘለዉ ሰበስልጣን፣ ወዲ ሓወቦኣ ነታ ኣማውታኣ ንኤርትራውያን ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ንዓለም ‘ውን ዘሰንበደ ምስ 3 ንጹሃት ዕሸላት ደቃ ዝጠሓለት ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ሄለን ከበደ፣ ሓላፊ ትምህርቲ ካድር ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣቶ ኣሕፈሮም ተወልደ እዩ። ኣዲኣ ኣብ ወጻኢ ስለእትርከብ፣ እቲ ናይ ኣስመራ ሓዘን ኣብ ቤት ኣቶ ኣሕፈሮም ተወልደ እዩ ዝግበር ዘሎ። በቲ ሓደጋ ከም ኩሉ ኤርትራውያን ናይ ቀረባ ቤተሰብን ኣዝዩ ሓዚኑ ከምዘሎ ድማ ይፍለጥ።
ይኹን’ምበር፣ ሰበስልጣን ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ገሊኦም ብቐጥታ ተተንኪፎም፣ ገሊኦም’ውን ናብቲ ፈቖድኡ ተተኺሉ ዘሎ ዳሳት ሓዘን እናበጽሑ ከለዉ፣ ቴለቭዥን ናይቲ ስርዓት፣ ብዛዕባ ኣብ ቻይና ዝሞቱ ክልተ ሰለስተ ሰባትን ኣብ ጎልጅ ዝተኸትባ ኣባጊዕን ከተውሪ ምስማዕ ክጻወሩዎ ከለዉ፣ ምእንቲ ስልጣን ክሳብ ክንደይ ሕልናኦም ሸይጦም ከምዘለዉ ዘመልክት እዩ።
ብሰንኪ ክሕደትን ውዲታዊ ምምሽጣርን ስርዓት ኢሳይያስን መንግስቲ ጥልያንን፣ እቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ኣትዩ ንቡር ሓመድ ድበን ክብርን ክረክብ ዝነበሮ ምስኪነይቲ ነፍሲሄር ሄለንን ዕሽላት ደቃን ዝርከቦዎም ናይ 360 ሞት ኤርትራውያን በብጉጅለ ኣብ ቺቺልያ ተዛሕዚሑ ተቐቢሩ ‘ሎ።
Amanuel October 22, 2013
ስርዓት ህግደፍ ከጽንተና አዩ ኣቱም ሰባት።
asama October 22, 2013
Assenna correction: 366 people died in the tragedy according to latest figures!
Berhe Tensea October 22, 2013
The dictatorial puppet officials will be in agony and everlasting pain in the near future.
The stupid official will be sorry when thet are thrown in to the waitnin containers
They will rot there till they depart to hell.
The punishment of being a coward and dictatorial tool is going to be very heavy.
Hagerawi October 22, 2013
Let us all not forger: the enemy of Eritrea and its people is the dictator, the inhuman Issayas Afewerki… the rest shall be seen after …Focus on the dictator please…
Sarah October 22, 2013
Our problem is a dictatorial system not one man. My dear we do have a long fight against a system. We need to man up to the task now ad get united.
GUD October 22, 2013
do u guys have permition to post this picture? are the family of this poor woman are ok with you making this poor woman as your punch bag?
Stop it! She might have family members who did not know about her death
mikael October 22, 2013
Shut up!!
GUD October 22, 2013
So, are you tellling us that you are mourning for the dead more than the close families of the victims (Including the GOE officials)?
You guys are idiots, any thing you say doesn’t make any ssense at all.
You always contradict yourself
GUD October 22, 2013
Remember the family members of the victims almost all are those who are standing with their government and their people. All of you anatsu nay wayanie have been away from Eritrea for a long time, some of you since 1981 – so it means you are not affected directly by the boat accident.
Save you fake tears, will you?
Awet October 22, 2013
Aye halay seb…..esikam metika eka yibikeyeka eyou zelo.What happen to your agame president? Should he be leading during difficult time if he care about the people.
Ey ey ey kibilelu ni GUD
Ni DIA kidigif atifi’o kindely eritrawi wulud
Eto adi fatina nay DIA bilishiwuna lumud
gerimuna October 22, 2013
Awet, I understand you anger. But,don’t insult to some one as who he is, than by what he is. Those imbeciles are more idiots than the donkey dictator that they are worshipping. It is a new phenomenon in history that overtly oppressed people to defend such an idiot dictator. At least, Hitler and Musolin were defending their people. hence, It is my conviction that the dictator deep in his heart he despises Eritreans.
Genet October 22, 2013
Look who is talking?
See Zombie, It is the 21st C, You and the dicator can hide things in Asmera which is not going to be for long, You can’t hide any thing from us the Eritrean people. You are not sorry for the victims’ family. You are upset because you are exposed. You are upset because the dictator is upset.
GUD October 22, 2013
Who is hiding? the people inside Eritrea, be it government officials or any sivilian are mourning their loss inside Eritrea gathering in our traditional das. So who is hiding? and from what?
WHERE is Wedi GeRAHTU! October 22, 2013
GUD – we are catching with u Aradom tesfay leklaki. The son of bitch tesfanews.com.
Genet October 22, 2013
You are so attached yourself with the dictator, you are disconnected from your own people.
We are the family members. The Eritrean people are the family members. The Eritrean people are affected directly by their death. You dead Zombie!
GUD October 22, 2013
I lost a familly member to the boat accident in italy. But my love and support of my government and the Eritrean people is MORE STRONGER now than ever.
But I am extremely in pain because I lost some one. I am extremely sad that my beloved family member got lost for NOTHING.
So, are you telling me you are more sad than me? are you crazy?
erena 365 October 22, 2013
If you lost your family member are you tell me your love and support for your government is stronger you are not only crazy but heretless
Genet October 22, 2013
My GOD! GUD, You are a Moron!
MightyEmbasoyra October 22, 2013
I don’t think you have lost anyone. Even if one of your family member has lost his/her life on this tragic accident, you don’t seem to care. Reason: you still supporting the govt – actually happy about your govt. That’s nonsense. What kind of damaged or undeveloped brain are you carrying around? You should lose it because I wouldn’t see any difference.
GUD October 22, 2013
Whose family mambers do you think those young Eritreans are? Most probably all of them have more family members amoung those who ate standing with their county and their government, more than the so called opposition, as they have never been in Eritrea for so long. So don’t be an idiot. People are in pain, regardless where their stand is. If your brain is telling you the Eritrean government is the problem, then that is your problem I don’t. I know it is that money me and my other familly members who sent that damnd money that drive those victims to take that route. But above all that tragedly is simply an accident, because thousands and thousands made it to Europe
gerimuna October 22, 2013
what an idiot? Your family member, as an Eritrean, we should all mourn is one. Not to implicate the Zehallel Adgi from responsibility and to cheer him is abnormal. You should see your doctor, may be you are affected with a new Eritreans disease Eritreans slaverdom syndrome that is started in Sweden.
Dawit October 22, 2013
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. P. O. Box 3243 Telephone: 5517 700 Fax: 5511299
website : http://www.au.int
Directorate of Information and Communication
Press Release Nº184/2013
Addis Ababa, 21 October 2013 – November 3 has been declared a continental day of
mourning to be observed by all members states of the African Union, in memory of the
African victims who drowned off Coast of Lampedusa Island in Italy on the 3
October. African Heads of State and Government made the decision to declare the
continental day of mourning at their extra ordinary summit held at the African Union
Headquarters, on 12 October.
The commemoration by all African countries of the day of mourning constitutes an
opportunity to express solidarity with the families of the victims and reiterate Africa’s
grave concern regarding the recurrence of this kind of tragedies that hurt human rights
and human dignity and threaten peace, security and stability.
The continental day of mourning will serve as well as a call for all Africans including the
youth to reflect on appropriate actions to be taken with a view of finding a lasting
solution to this persistent problem that leads to the loss of African young people without
whom the continent cannot build a prosperous and peaceful future.
Dawit wedi keren
GUD October 22, 2013
Yes, the Eritrean people are affected by the tragedy – BUT THE IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBERS ARE DEVASTATED BY THE TRAGEDY, right? (That is why we say – tsinat yihabkum beteseb bifilay, hizbi Eritrea kia bihafesha, right?)
So, if the immediate familly members are part of the Eritrean government, then it means they are in pain more than the one who lost nobody (Like people who never been to Eritrea since independence or since 1981), right?
So if a member of the government lost a son, you are telling me you are more sad than the father?
Dawit October 22, 2013
Hey HGDEFist plz go and take some money which your lord DIA.
From the embassy to some extent it will help you.
To travel to the Pfdjian community center to dance,on the corposes of our beloved
to drink,to laugh with girls whom execute the command of the dictator to spend the
night with you.There are other few guys the same character like you dammen.
Dawit wedi keren
WHERE is Wedi GeRAHTU! October 22, 2013
GUD! Are u afraid that your president will be killed soon by the gallant Eritrea and all the korakurs. God have mercy on your DEAR Leader and his family and follwuers.
Genet October 22, 2013
GUD, You are just a Moron!
GUD October 22, 2013
What is making you angry? So you don’t care for the family of the victims, if the family does not insult the Eritrean government, or what?
Is that the only thing you care during the tragic event?
You want to blame the government, but I don’t. I lost someone to the tragedy but you did not. So how come you are pretending to be more sad than me.
That is why I am saying that you people should stop playing games in the name of the lost victims
I hate fake people!
Eritreawit October 23, 2013
you seem confused i bet some one is telling you the wrong information (possible brain washing too )about Eritrea and the people THE OPPOSITION NOW DAYS ALL ERITREANS WITH THINKING MIND are fed up with dictator ship. Honey I beg you to seek help or do research on your own about Eritrea. Believe me you will see the truth.
GUD October 22, 2013
AGAIN – this question is to demo.archive.assenna.com and others who are shading fake tears here:
That is a crime against the family members of the victims. Some of them might have not known about the death of their family members.
All of you are posting pictures all over in facebooks, and other websites …
The question who allowed you to post the pictures?……why are you playing games in the name of the dead?
Dawit October 22, 2013
Hey HGDEFist plz go and take some money which your lord DIA.
From the embassy to some extent it will help you.
To travel to the Pfdjian community center to dance,on the corposes of our beloved
to drink,to laugh with girls whom execute the command of the dictator to spend the
night with you.There are other few guys the same character like you dammen.
Dawit wedi keren
WHERE is Wedi GeRAHTU! October 22, 2013
GUD – I am following u in every website. I located succefully ur place and the next is gusss what. expose u???
tef October 30, 2013
where is wedigerahtu
Are you terrorist or Woyane? Stop terrorise real Eritrean people. We are not living in Mekele or Shebelba, I hate Woyane
MightyEmbasoyra October 22, 2013
YOu don’t even understand the limit of permission. Actually, we shouldn’t blame you b/c everything you do is with the permission of your semi-dead boss, isayas (pronounced is-an-ass). Without that you are lost. People in this forum are with independent mind.
I was thinking of telling you to grow up but you have reached the limit.
GUD October 22, 2013
So what happened to the “we care for the victims and their family” you guys are singing here then?
You see, all you want me to do is blame the Eritrean government for the accident that took the lives of Eritreans including one of my family members. That is the only thing you care. You don’t care about the victims and you don’t care about the family who lost loved ones.
But I am telling you I am very sad Eritreans died for nothing, but I know deep down, I cannot blame the government because that is not right. Because that is simply running away from taking responsibility for the actions each of us do in our daily life