ኤሪ ቲቢ፣ እቲ ሎሚ18 መስከረም ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘጋጠመ ምንቅጥቃጥ ኣብ ሓያለ ካልኦት ሃገራት ‘ውን ከምዘጋጠመ ምጥቃሳ ክርድኦ ከምዘይከኣለ ምሁርን ክኢላን ስነ-መሬት ዶር ገረብርሃን ዑቕባዝጊ ኣብታ ተለቪዥን ኣብ ዝሃቦ መብርሂ ጠቒሱ።
ኤሪ ቲቢ፣ ሎሚ18 መስከረም ኣብ ኤርትራ ንዘጋጠመ ምንቅጥቃጥ መሬት ኣመልኪታ ኣብ ዝዘርግሓቶ ዜና፣ ኣብ ተመሳሳሊ ሰዓት ኣብ ሃገራት ቱርኪ ቺለ ኣርጀንቲና ኣልባንያ ኢንዶኔዥያ

ኤሪ ቲቢ፣ ሎሚ18 መስከረም ኣብ ኤርትራ ንዘጋጠመ ምንቅጥቃጥ መሬት ኣመልኪታ ኣብ ዝዘርግሓቶ ዜና፣ ኣብ ተመሳሳሊ ሰዓት ኣብ ሃገራት ቱርኪ ቺለ ኣርጀንቲና ኣልባንያ ኢንዶኔዥያ…ደቡባዊ ኢጣልያ፣ ግሪኽ ..ዞባ ታይዋንን ካልኦት ቦታታትን ከምዘጋጠመ ምጥቃሳ ክርድኦ ከምዘይከኣለ፣ መብርሂ ክህባ ኢላ ዝዓደምቶ ምሁርን ክኢላን ስነ-መሬት ዶር ገረብርሃን ዑቕብዝጊ ጠቒሱ።
ጋዜጠኛ ኤሪ-ቲቢ “ኣብ ሓደ ህሞት፣ ኣብ ሓያለ ሃገራት ምኽሳቱ ኸ እንታይ ሞያዊ ትርጉም ይወሃቦ?” ክብል ንዘቕረበሉ ሕቶ፣ ዶር ገረብርሃን ቃል ንቓሉ ከምዚ ክብል መሊሱዎ፣-
“ኣብዛ ዜና ዘብንበብኩማ እንተድኣ ብትኽክል ተረዲአያ ኮይነ፣ ብዙሕ ክርድኣ ኣይከኣልኩን። ምናልባት እዛ ናይ ባጽዕ ምንቅጥቃጥ መሬት ኣብዘን ዝተጠቕሳ ሃገራት በቲ ዘሎ መሳርሒታት ክትስማዕ ትኽእል እያ። ኣብ ቺለ ዘሎ መሳርሒ ኣብ ኤሽያ ዘሎ መሳርሒ፣ ነዛ ምንቅጥቃጥ መሬት ክምዝግባ ይኽእል እዩ። ከምኣ እንተደኣ ኮይና ትርድኣኒ እያ። ግን እዛ ምንቅጥቃጥ መሬት እዚኣ ኣብ ጥቓ ባጽዕ ክትፍጸም ከላ ብሓደ ግዜ ኣብዘን ዝተጠቕሳ ቦታታት ‘ውን ተፈጺማ እንተድኣ ኮይኑ ዘስምዕ፣ እዚኣ ኣይተረደኣትንን።” ኢሉ።
ኤረ-ቲቢ፣ ኣብ ዜናኣ ይኹን ኣብቲ ቃለመጠየቕ፣ እቲ ምንቅጥቃጥ መሬት ኣብ ኤርትራ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ኣብ ሓያለ ሃገራት ዓለም ‘ውን ከምዘጋጠመ ጸቒጣ ዝጠቐሰትሉ ምኽንያት፣ ኣብ ዜና ኣሰና ‘ውን ከዝጠቐስናዮ፣ እቲ ምንቅጥቃጥ ምስቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ነቶም “ጉጅለ 15” ተባሂሎም ብልማድ ዝጽውዑ ላዕለዎት ሓለፍትን ጋዜጠኛታትን ብ2001 ዝኣሰረሉ ዕለት 18 መስከረም ምግጣሙ፣ ህዝቢ ሰማያዊ መልኽእቲ ከምዘለዎ ብኣንክሮ ክዛረበሉ ስለዝወዓለ፣ ነቲ ህዝባዊ ስምዒትን ንሱ ዘለዓዓሎ ዝኽርን ንምድኻም ስቱር ፖለቲካዊ መልእኽቲ ንምትሕልላፍ ዝኣለመቶ ኣማተር ፕሮፖጋንዳ እዩ።
እንተኾነ እቲ ክኢላን ምሁርን ስነመሬት ዶር ገረብርሃን፣ ነቲ ተርእዮ ናይ ብሓቂ ሞያዊ ትርጉም ብምሃብ ነቲ ናይ ህግደፍ ፖለቲካዊ መልእኽቲ ሰይሩዎ።
ነቲ ናይ ቲቢ-ኤረ ዜና ንምስማዕ ኣብ ታሕቲ ዘሎ ቪድዮ ተወከሱ።
ተወልደመድኅን September 19, 2013
ከም ኣብ ኩሉ ክፍለዓለም ዝኾነት ንእሽቶ ክንዲ ኦኣውዲ ትከውን መሬት መጸዎኢ ሽም ኣለዋ።ስለዚ ኣዚ ምንቅጥቓጥ ኣጋጢሙ ዘሎ ቦታ፡ሰሜናዊ ምስራቕ ካብ ኣስመራ 70 ክ.ሜ ካብ ባጽዕ ከኣ 18 ክ.ሜ ሪሒቑ’ዩ ኣጋጢሙ ተባሂሉ።ብቀሊሊ ኣዚ ቦታ ሽም ኣለዎ።ስለምንታይ ሽም ቦታ ዘይተጠቕሰ፡ኣዚ ገለ ጉድ ዘለዎ ነገር’ዩ።እቲ ምንቕትቃጥ መሬት ከኣ መብዛሕቱ ካብ ባጽዕ ንደንከል ዘሎ ከባቢ ባጽዕን ከባቤን ሃዊስካ እንተዝከውን ክስማዕ ዝኻል’ዩ ምኽንያቱ ኣብቲ ናይ ሪፍቲ ቫሊ ዝበሃል ቦታ ዝትንክፎ ኢዩ።እቲ ዞኣበየ ግን ሽም ቦታ ዘይምትቃሱ ኣገራሚ ከይኮነ ኣይትርፍን።ስለዚ ኣነስ ኣብ እምባትካላ ገለ ኣጋጢሙ ከይክወን ይጥርትር።እቲ ምሁር ከኣ ኣብ ኣኤሽያ ኣብ…..ዘለው ክሰሞዎ ይኽእሉ ምባሉስ ካብቲ ባህሪያዊ ምንቕጥቓጥ መሬት ኣውጺኡ ካልእ ክትሃስብ ይግድደካ።
Kokhob selam September 19, 2013
…….ፈርፈር ኢላ መሬት…………
መን እያ ዝበለት “ፈር ፈር” ኢላ ዓይኒ:-
ጉዳይ መጻኢ ክትነግረና ሄለን እያ መስለኒ::
በለት ከኣ “ዘይትሕሱ ዓይኒ” ግን ከመይ:-
ኣብ ትሕቲ ህግደፍ ዶ ለውጢ ትጽበይ::-
ዘይትሕሱስ ሃገር እነሆ ፈርፈር ኢላ:–
ፈጥፈጥ ከተብሎም እኩባት እምባትካላ:-
መልእኽቲ መሪጻ ካብ ዓመት ብኹላ:-
ጀጋኑ መራሕቲ ጋዜጠኛታት ዝተኣስሩላ:-
ኣብ ‘ዚ እነሆ መልእኽቲ ኩራ ህበቡላ::
ፈር ፈር ቀጥቅጥ:-
ህግደፍ ከምይላ ከተጽቅጥ:-
ዓለም ዝረኣዮ ዘይዕበጥ:-
ንቱርኪ ምልካም ሓሶት ንምስላጥ::
ኣሜሪካን ወያኔን ተሻርዮም ምስ ፈጣሪ:-
ፈጥፈጥ ኣቢሎማ ነዛ ምድሪ:-
ክብል እዮ ህግደፍ እንታይ ከየሕፍሮ:-
ናብ ልቡ ነይምለስ ካብ መሪር ተሞክሮ::
እዚ መልእኽቲ ግን ንህግደፍ ዶ ኮይኑ;-
ሕልና ኣልቦ እንዲዩ ዝ ቀትል ጨኪኑ:-
ንዓና እዩ ወገን ፈጣሪ ነጊሩ:-
ሓቂ ተዛረቡ – ኣጋንንት ቅበሩ:-
ተስ ኡ ተበገሱ ተበራበሩ:-
ሕሰቡሎም ናይቶም ዝተኣስሩ:-
ሕድሪ ስው ኣትኩም ኣኽብሩ::
እወ ‘ባ ድ ኣ!!
ኣንትን ትጻለ ኣ:-
ፈርፈር ኢላ መሬት ሓዊ ተፊ ኣ:-
ኣብ ቆሎ ጥጥቆ ግዜኽን ተጥፍ ኣ:-
ሕጂ ዶ ሕሽክን ሃገር ትኽለኣ:-
ፈጣሪ ሓያል እዩ ንስምረት ተስኣ::
ሑረመይ ‘ለ!!!!!!!!!
ፈጣሪ ሰላም እዩ ጸረ ሁከት ;-
ፈጣሪ ሓቂ እዩ ጸረ ሓሶት:-
ፈጣሪ ሓያል ኢዩ ብዓል ዓቢ ክእለት:
ወይለና ዓያሹ ዘይተኸልና ንውጹዓት:
ጉብእ ዘይፈጸምና ሕድሪ ይኹን እምነት:-
ኣዋጅ መጠንቀቅታ መሬት ከትከት በለት::
ፈር ፈር ኣንፈርፊራ –
………ቀጥቅጥ ኣንቀጥቂጣ
ወጽእዋ ዓፍራ –
………ተመባጻእ ተጨቢጣ:-
እዝጊ ንኽምሕራ-
………ካብ ስቃይ ክምልጣ:-
‘ምበር ናይ ህግደፍ ጭፍራ-
…………………………….እዚ ነይዓጣ::
ኮኾብ ሰላም 19/09/2013
ahmed saleh September 19, 2013
Hopefully there is no casualties on human life .
simerrrr2012 September 19, 2013
I’m sorry for the poor guy from TV Ere you can read from his face how he was humilated in front of million people.He is not the one who decide what to say and what to presents a man like Ali Abdu gave him the news which comes from the president office. Sorry for those guys who work under such pressure.For those who want to follow the world live earthquake information go to http:quakes.globalincidentmap.com and you can see live what happen in our planet when and where.
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
You are a very pathetic creature.
Awet September 19, 2013
Sad but you right. You can’t call them journalists if they can’t even fight for their peers who have been jailed for years without any charges. They just read what’s written for them.
By the way how are people inside the country watching EreyTV if there is no electric city in the country?
Suleiman Salim September 19, 2013
ab zey ye’tweka atiKa halew-lew aytbel:: anbabi ziena sebat moytom, nbret Anyu ilu zey anbebe dyu aHzinuka? anbab ziena kab zteSaHfe mnbab kal’ ‘ntay kgebr deliKayo? ab qdmi teAzebti Hto nay Calculus diKa kfetHalka deliKayo?
Bokre September 19, 2013
There were seven major earthquakes on earth today including Massawa. Eritrean location on the great east African Rift valley affirms, as it had happened in 1908 Massawa, for another deadly and disastrous earthquake. Is Eritrea ready? Absolutely not, this will hit all major cities between Asamara and Adiqeyh with deadly force. Eritrea does not have any worthy even flimsy emergency system.
True, it is a major news in Eritrea, however, the TV-Eri news is not false.
Latest magnitude 4.5+ earthquakes
M 5.4, 75km ENE of Wewak, Papua New Guinea -3.2275 144.2251
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 20:53:31 UTC
Thursday, September 19, 2013 06:53:31 at epicenter
Depth: 6.45 km (4.01 mi)
M 5.5, 43km N of Agrihan, Northern Mariana Islands 19.1553 145.5955
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 16:48:56 UTC
Thursday, September 19, 2013 02:48:56 at epicenter
Depth: 138.30 km (85.94 mi)
M 4.5, 71km S of Azna, Iran 32.9674 48.8911
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 16:26:51 UTC
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 20:56:51 at epicenter
Depth: 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
M 4.6, 55km SSE of Sinabang, Indonesia 1.9876 96.4907
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 16:22:07 UTC
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 22:22:07 at epicenter
Depth: 26.28 km (16.33 mi)
M 4.9, 115km WSW of Binjai, Indonesia 3.3621 97.4687
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 14:29:16 UTC
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 21:29:16 at epicenter
Depth: 89.22 km (55.44 mi)
M 4.9, 36km WNW of Taltal, Chile -25.301 -70.8264
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:42:39 UTC
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 07:42:39 at epicenter
Depth: 10.75 km (6.68 mi)
M 5.0, 19km NNW of Massawa, Eritrea 15.7674 39.3679
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 09:04:23 UTC
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:04:23 at epicenter
Depth: 9.81 km (6.10 mi
Finan_3 September 19, 2013
what a humble News media ErTV the information the reporter gave was right unfortunately the good doctor was not informed about what was happening globally. This is just a good example how ErTv is open for the Eritrean people, serving the truth and uncensored. http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/today.html” EriTv always serving the truth.
Eraero September 19, 2013
ኣን ዝገርመኒ ናይዞም ዝይምልከቶም ዝገብሩ፣ ወድ ትካቦ ኤርትራ እኮ ንዓኻ ኣይትምልከተካን እያ። ሳዕሪ ብላዕ ከም ዝኾንካ እባ ኣይትረሳዓዮ። እቶም ኣብ ኤንባሲ ሃገሮም ከይዶም መሰሎም ዝሓተቱ እኮ ህገሮም ስለ ዝኾነ ኢዮም። ንስኻ ተጣባቒ መሲልካ ወይ ከኣ ኤርትራዊ መሲልካ ክትሕጭጨሎም መን መሰል ሂቡካ፣ ኣቱም ስድራ ዘይትምሕሩና ኣብ ክንዲ መሬት ዝሃብናኩም መዕቆቢ ዝሃብናኩም። ኣብ ግዜ ኢሰፓ ኤርትራዊ ሜዳ ምእንቲ ሓርነት እንዳሰፈረ ኣቦኹም ግን ” ኢሰፓና ለምለም ንበርልና ንዘልኣለም” እንዳበለ ነቲ ህዝቢ ዘጽንት ዝነበረ ኢሰፓ ይምጉስ ነይሩ። ራዛ ናይ ኣቦኣ ሓዛ ከም ዝበሃል ድማ ንስኻን ሓውኻን ንህዝቢ ንዝጽንት ስርዓት ክትጣበቑ ምንባርኩም ዝገርም ኢዩ። በጃኹም እባ ነዚ መሬት ሂቡ ሰላም ዝህበኩም ህዝቢ ኣይትበድልዎ። ማስጣና ደኣ ይውረድኩም ንስኹምሲ።
Awet September 19, 2013
Would that include the president position?
Reorganization and assignment at all levels in Government and PFDJ bodies would continue: President Isaias
Asmara, 17 September 2013 – President Isaias Afwerki said that reorganization and assignment in Government and PFDJ bodies would continue at all levels with a view to ensuring political dynamism and leadership capacity.
The President made the statement today at a meeting of regional Administrators and PFDJ heads in Embatkala town. In a briefing he gave regarding the restructuring of government and PFDJ institutions, President Isaias noted the demerits of adhering to routine structure and organization in connection with the changing situations and expanding activities, and hence the need for introducing change to this end phase by phase. Accordingly, the resort made to restructuring and placement at sub-zonal level comprises the initial move which is expected to continue in all levels of administrations, ministries, PFDJ bodies and national associations, he elaborated.
President Isaias went on to explain that the priority objective thereof is ensuring political dynamism and effective management on the basis of upgrading organization. He further highlighted the vitality of consistent political work and organizing training programs in this regard.
Following the President’s briefings, Mr. Al-Amin Mohammed Seid, PFDJ Secretary, indicated that the meeting organized by the People’s Front is aimed at reinforcing the understanding of heads regarding the objective situation in the country, deepening understanding as regards priorities and challenges, promoting work coordination between PFDJ and Administrative bodies, as well as devising work methodologies that would ensure effectiveness, efficiency and accountability. He also stated that the restructuring process would involve all public institutions inside the country and abroad, and that change has already been put into effect in the National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS), and thus a new Executive Committee has assumed duty.
Moreover, Mr. Hagos Gebrehiwet, Head of Economic Affairs at the PFDJ, presented explanation pertaining to the stance of the Front regarding managerial excellence. Recalling that the People’s Front possessed rich experience, he asserted that it has succeeded in fulfilling historical tasks through limited resources and nurturing vital leadership values. Mr. Hagos went on to underline the significance of consistent renewal of such organizational attributes, in addition to spelling out the paramount importance of continued appraisal and assessment of organizational capacity and work accomplishment. In this connection, the PFDJ official said that the task of nurturing youths who would assume work responsibility at all administrative levels is imperative.
The ongoing meeting in which around 150 heads and cadres are taking part is expected to continue until the 20th of this month. Furthermore, a number of study papers would be presented in the course of the meeting, according to reports.
simerrrr2012 September 19, 2013
Restructuring means higdef style… General Wuch will be minister of foreign affairs since Eritrea has relation only with Sudan and Qatar? Wuchu can go with land cruiser to Kassala administrators talk how to kidnap Eritreans from Sudan or Hagos Kisha will be official director of Eritrean bank and can steal the money easily. Or Wedi Geratu will be minister of information and be master of lie. Or Yemane Monkey will be in Europe and work from Europe to manipulate Europe born Eritreans from losers family of degefti higdef and use them for his cheap propaganda? Good Luck Higdef
Awet September 20, 2013
Indeed HGDF style. The same people with the same idea for so long. The are going to rattan in their position. He is just going to rotate positions. I guess no one has the ball to ask him about his position. Poor Eritrea….
MightyEmbasoyra September 21, 2013
One would expect that he need to change his position, since he been there for ages. He reshuffles them like a piece of paper. What losers.
Suleiman Salim September 20, 2013
You probably think that you are funny.