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ግንቦት 24/2018 ብ ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ) ኣይናትካን’ያ ህግደፍ ጒንበት መን ሂቡካ? ንብረት ናይ ህዝቢ’ያ ኣጥብዩ  ዘዕበየካ። ጠላማት ሓቝፍካ ጀጋኑ ትዂንን ከመይ ጌራ ጒንበት ንዓኻ ትኸውን? ኣሉ ዝኣመሉ እስከ ንገረና ከተምስል መታን ተብዕላ ምሳና ቀይሕ ደም ከፊልና ዘውጻእናያ ሓራ ብሰንኪ ጥልመትካ ጒንበት ተደፊራ ሃመማ ሻዲኑ ንህቢ

ግንቦት 24/2018

ብ ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ)

ኣይናትካን’ያ ህግደፍ ጒንበት መን ሂቡካ?

ንብረት ናይ ህዝቢ’ያ ኣጥብዩ  ዘዕበየካ።

ጠላማት ሓቝፍካ ጀጋኑ ትዂንን

ከመይ ጌራ ጒንበት ንዓኻ ትኸውን?

ኣሉ ዝኣመሉ እስከ ንገረና

ከተምስል መታን ተብዕላ ምሳና

ቀይሕ ደም ከፊልና ዘውጻእናያ ሓራ

ብሰንኪ ጥልመትካ ጒንበት ተደፊራ

ሃመማ ሻዲኑ ንህቢ ተበቲኑ

ወኻርያ ነጊሳ ኣምበሳ ደኒኑ

ዓለም ዘመስከሩ ጀጋኑ የሕዋትና

ጒንበት’ሞ ዝያዳ ክንዝክሮም ኢና

ጽግዕ-ጽግዕ የለን ኣይናትካን’ያ ጒንበት

ዳስካ ድኣ ድለ ናይ ሰይጣን ጐረቤት

ኣዝማድ ኣለውኻ ኰነንቲ ሰውራና

በተ-ሰብካ ኩሎም ፈሊጥናዮም ኢና

ናይ ምስጢር ደብተርካ ዓው ኢሎም ዘንብቡ

ኣበይ ዘላ ጒንበት ኢሎም ዝዛረቡ

ንስኻ ብድሕሪት ዝሕይዂ ኲርምቲ

ንሳቶም ብቕድሚት ስኒ መመንጨቲ

ሃገር ኣይትምሰልካ ሓሚማ ትነብር

ሓኪም ትወልድ’ያ መድሃኒት ዝሕብር

ኣይናትካን’ያ ጒንበት ዋናታት ኣለዉ

ንሳቶም’ዮም ክኣ ሓኪም ዘዳልዉ

ሕጅስ ፈሊጥናኩም ሕማም ናይ ህዝብና

ሓባእቲ መድሃኒት ሓባእቲ ክኒና

ኣጽዲፍኩሞ ህዝቢ ደፊእኩም ብቕድሚት

ብድሕሪት ትወግኡ እሾዂ ከም ዕንቅርቢት

ስዒሩኩም ሎምስ ጌርኩሞ ብግህዶ

ውርደት ተሰኪምኩም ካላእ ትዋረዶ

እቶም ደቂ ጒንበት ኣብ ስደት ይነብሩ

እቶም ጸረ- ጒንበት ኣስመራ ’ዕንድሩ

ጒንበት ዘፍረየቶም ናብ ዕዳጋ ’ወርዱ

ስርዓት ህግደፍ ክኣ መንእሰይ ይነግዱ

ተፋሊጥና ’ለና ብላዕሊ ብታሕቲ

ብዓል መን ምዃኖም እቶም መላፍንቲ

ደቂ ጒንበት’ሞ ንሰማማዕ ጥራይ

ምውጽኡ ’ይተርፎን’ዩ ብዓል ገዛ ኽራይ

ህግደፍ መገሽኦም ሎምስ ተፈሊጣ

ክንደይ ከይስጒሙ ሰብ ጥራዩ ሳንጣ

ዘይርድኦ የለን ውዒሉ ሓዲሩ

ዘየጽንዕ የለን እንተ ተማሂሩ

ድሕሪ ደጊም የለን ብጒንበት ምሽቃጥ

ይኣክል-ይኣክል ዘይናትካ ምውጣጥ

ነዛ ሎም መዓልቲ ኣይፈልጣን ዝበለ

ብሓቁ-ብሓቁ ናቱ ድኣ ይድለ

መንእሰይ ተበገስ ታሪኽ ኣንብበሎም

ጒንበት ኣይናትኩምን’ያ ናተይ ድኣ በሎም

ብስድራይ ’ተኸፍለ ኣነየ ወራሲ

ኢልካ ተማጎቶም ንሱ’ዩ ’ቲ መልሲ

ሃየ ተረከባ ርስትኻ ’ያ ጒንበት

ምስክር ናይ ዓወት ናይ ጅግና ቀለቤት

ህግደፍ ቀንጢጡዋ ጥራይ ነብሳ ኰይና

ቅዋም ኣስፍየላ ንሱ’ዩ ክዳና።

ረድኢ ክፍል (ባሻይ)

Review overview
  • meretse May 26, 2018

    ናይ ዘመና ምስሊ ወርቃዊ ቢተይ
    ንዓይ ደገ ኣስፊሩስ ተገዚሙ ቤተይ
    ሃገር ጀሆ ሒዙ ዝተረፈ ኣብሪሱ
    እንስሳ ውሒደን ሰብ ኮይነን ኣፍራሱ
    ብመግቢ ስደት ነብሲ ዝደረባ
    ክዘላ ውዒለን ጸሓይ ኣብ ምዕራባ
    ኣበይ ክስወጦም እንዳ ንሕና ንሱ
    ብሓለንጊ ፍትሒ ክሳብ ዝፍወሱ
    “ኣይናትካን’ያ” ኣማን ብኣማን! ! !

    • Simon G. May 27, 2018

      Nice poem brothers ረድኢ and Meretse!

      • meretse May 27, 2018

        Thank you for your compliment brother Simon. Indeed Rddie’s writing skill is unique. His poems had been missed for almost couple years and I hope he is back again.

        • Simon G. May 27, 2018

          Indeed! On my book, he is at the highest class level as you, when it comes to poems. Keep generating these nice poems guys!
          You can also use it as a therapy, till we get back to our beloved home!

  • Gezae May 26, 2018

    What went wrong? So far, some so called Eritrean mainstream media is missing or downplaying key elements of the Eritrea history, partly by whitewashing the poisonous legacy of enemies. It may seem hard to believe now. I think no one who was in the country or abroad watching in TV for the historic May 24, 1991 will ever forget the exuberance of people as they walked miles through the countryside to meet EPLF fighters in rallies waited in line for hours.

    We understand a patriot is concerned with the nation’s advancement in general, to able to identify the things that hinder a nation’s growth and development including constitution, in addition the willingness and exerting selfless effort to make a genuine change. But why such creators and producers of fallecies often stick to one or two simple points and repeat them frequently to make sure they sink in. rely on very simplistic explanations and emotional tools in the hopes of reaching people and making them internalize.

    I have a slogan particularly useful for this and many people may be familiar with the slogan “loose lips sink ships”. It’s an old saying basically means careless talking too much can cause disaster. In simple and clear way it means just watch what you say to who or whom you say it? Most of the people know you, who you are, and how and when you left / fled the country of the braves. So donot desire to be more patriotic. Thus trying to speak too much in behalf of the common people of the great country; because you need to know that the overflowing emotion of patriotism is more evident during the war times or at times of crisis.

    Sure, at peace, the people are expected to keep hold of the same feeling of concern and loyalty towards their country and fellowmen who been sacrifieced for peace and prosperity of the country of the braves. It’s fine to not like EPLF/PFDJ history and you don’t need to apply it in your life. But history is here to stay, without historic patriotism of EPLF/PFDJ, Eritrea would still be in chaos. People would be enslaved and deprived of their independence. You believe or not the EPLF/PFDJ patriotism is the glue that freed, united the country and the people. So it is important the whole Eritrean people to appreciate and respect the efforts done by the EPLF/PFDJ in order to attain the freedom that the country is enjoying now and for ever.