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ኣውራጃዊ ፖለቲካን በሰላታቱን – ውልቃዊ ትዕዝብቲ – 2ይ ክፋል

ኣብ ቀዳማይ ክፋል ጽሑፈይ ንህልዉ ድሕሪ-ባይታ ኣውራጃዊ ፖለቲካ ሃገርና ዝምልከት ኣቅሪበ ነይረ። ብዛዕባ ፖለቲካ ክንዛረብ ከለና፣ ዘይርና ዘይርና ብዛዕባ ቁጠባዊ ረብሓታት ንዛረብ ምህላውና ንስሕቶ ኣይመስለንን። ምኽንያቱ ፖለቲካዊ ረብሓታት ካብ ቁጠባዊ ረብሓታት ነጺልካ ዝረአ ኣይኮነን። [gview file="ኣውራጃዊ-ፖለቲካ-2ይ-ክፋል-1.pdf"]

ኣብ ቀዳማይ ክፋል ጽሑፈይ ንህልዉ ድሕሪ-ባይታ ኣውራጃዊ ፖለቲካ ሃገርና ዝምልከት ኣቅሪበ ነይረ። ብዛዕባ ፖለቲካ ክንዛረብ ከለና፣ ዘይርና ዘይርና ብዛዕባ ቁጠባዊ ረብሓታት ንዛረብ ምህላውና ንስሕቶ ኣይመስለንን። ምኽንያቱ ፖለቲካዊ ረብሓታት ካብ ቁጠባዊ ረብሓታት ነጺልካ ዝረአ ኣይኮነን።

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  • Romay September 22, 2013

    Tadesse, so far good analysis. Keep up the good job.

  • Kalighe September 22, 2013

    ” .. ሓበሬታ ሓይሊ ኢዩ’ሞ፣ ንዝዋዓልናዮን ዝረአናዮም ነገራት ዓው ኢልና እንተ-ተዛሪብና፣ እቲ ብውሽጢ ውሽጢ ምስቶም
    ‘ናትና ኢዮም’ እንብሎም ሰባት ጥራይ ከነዕለሉ ዝጸናሕና ብጋህዲ ምስ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ክንዘራረበሉ እንተኽኢልና ጥራይ ኢዩ፣
    እቲ ጸቢብ ጉጅለ መሕብኢ ዝስእን። ”

    Very much true. Lack of openness in our debate is being used by some to inject a divisive element in our main stream culture, which is a glue that has kept our diverse communities together for centuries. And if thae culture of peaceful co-existence and tolerance is eroded there won’t be a country called Eritrea. Regionalism is not the only problem in the country. It’s not even the most dangerous one. The brutal regime is dividing our communities along ethnic and religious lines, which many of you do not seen to see as a very dangerous problem (at least looking at the comments here). This is not to say that the solutions to all the problems the country is facing are necessarily different. The source of the problem is one, and the solutions cannot be tackled differently. So let’s focus on finding comprehensive solutions rather than continuously talking about problems that affect different groups or that regions. The problems we are facing require a change in the way we traditionally try to understand and solve them. Let’s think of whole Eritrea and Eritreans, possibly by trying to imagine the way “others” see it by putting ourselves in their position. Let’s start to think about how we can find a solution that accommodates the interest of all Eritreans …

    • Tesfay Okbu September 22, 2013

      Yes in deed. We must address the issue of sub-nationalism, be it regional, religious..etc, openly. Those who want us to be divided will oppose us talking about it. Those who want us to be united will encourage us to speak about it. Believe me you will never ever eradicate sub-national sentiments simply by not talking about it.
      Well done Taddese

      • belay nega September 24, 2013

        “Believe me you will never ever eradicate sub-national sentiments simply by not talking about it.”

        So you should not get surprise, if the glue “ሓደ ህዝቢ ሓደ ልቢ” Eritrea is made about, get melted.

  • Truly Truly i say to you September 22, 2013

    ክቡር ጸሃፊ ኪዳነ ታደሰ ነዚ ኣገዳሲ ኣርእስቲ ብትብዓት ንክትዕ ከተቕርቦ ብምኽኣልካ ዓቀዲመ ከመስግነካ እፈቱ። ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ በዚ ሎሚ ጊዜ ዳርጋ ኣብ ምሉእ ዓለም ዝገዝእ ዘሎ ስርዓተ ቁጠባ፣ ዓለማዊ ርዕሰ-ማላዊ ቁጠባ(Global Capitalism Economy)ምዃኑ ርዱእ እንተኾነ፣ ንህናውን ነዚ ፍልስፍና፣ ናይሕዝብናን ሃገርናን ቁጠባዊ ኩነታት ናብራ ኣብ ግምት ከየእተና፣ ሙሉእ ብሙሉእ ነዚ ፖሊሲ ክንክተል ግቡእን ቅኑኡን እዩ ዝብል መርገጺ የብለይን። እዚ ክብል እንከለኹ ግን ማላዊ ቁጠባዊ ፖሊሲ ኣየድልያናን ማለተይ ከምደይኮነ ክትርዱኡለይ ይፈቱ። እቲ ንሕንድሶ ማላዊ ቁጠባ፣ እንተዋሃደ ን 70% ደቂ ሃገር ኣዋርፈቲ ብዘርብህን ዕድል ብዝሕብን መንገዲ፣ ብናይ ወጻኢ ሃይልታት ኣዋፈርቲ እቲ ቁጠባ ሃገርና ምእንቲ ከይእብለል፣ በዚ መልክእ ሕጊ ወጺኡ ክጸድቕ ኣለዎ ባሃላይ እዬ። እንተዘይኮይኑ፣ ይረዳኣና ኣይረዳኣና ብተዘዋዋሪ ሃገርና ብኢድ ኣዙር ተገዛኢነት under Neo- colonialism system ንክትወድቕ ነፍቕድ ከምዘለና ክርድኣና ኣለዎ ።
    ልክዕ ዕዩ ብደቂ ሃገር ኣዋፈርቲ ብቕኣት ክምወሉ ንዘይክእሉ ቁጠባዊ ሴክተራት ግን፣ ንናይ ሃገር ጠቕሚ ብዙህ ብዘይትንክፍ መንገዲ ንወጻእተኛታት ኣውፈርቲ ዕድል ምሃብ ግን የግድን ክኸውን ኣለዎ ማለት እዩ።
    ብወገነይ ንኣብነት ኢትዮጵያ ነቶም ዜጎታታ ኣፍቂዳትሎም ዘላ ማላዊ ቁጠባ ብሃደ ወገን ዝናኣድ እዩ እንተበልኩ፣ ብካልዕ ወገን ግን ብቀሊሉ ዘይግመት ሰፊሕ መሬት ንወጻእተኛታት ኣዋፈርቲ ብምእዳል ነቶም ተወለድቲ ደቂ ሃገር፣ ይትረፍ ከም ካልኣይ ዜጋ፣ ከም ጋላዩ´ዃ ተቆጺሮም ንክነብሩ መሰል ብዘይህብ መንገዲ፣ ንሃገርን ሕዝቢን የህሊፍካ ምሻጥ ልክዕ እዩ ኣይብልን። ኣብ ኤርትራና´ውን ንከየጋጠም ስለዘተሃሳሰበኒ ብኣግኡ ክንጥንቀቀሉ ኣለና እብል።

  • Precious Blood In Vain September 22, 2013

    ሓው ታደሰ

    (” .. ሓበሬታ ሓይሊ ኢዩ’ሞ፣ ንዝዋዓልናዮን ዝረአናዮም ነገራት ዓው ኢልና እንተ-ተዛሪብና፣ እቲ ብውሽጢ ውሽጢ ምስቶም
    ‘ናትና ኢዮም’ እንብሎም ሰባት ጥራይ ከነዕለሉ ዝጸናሕና ብጋህዲ ምስ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ክንዘራረበሉ እንተኽኢልና ጥራይ ኢዩ፣
    እቲ ጸቢብ ጉጅለ መሕብኢ ዝስእን። ”)

    በዛ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዝጠቐስኩኻ ሓሳበ ነገር፣ ጅግና፣ ሓቀኛን ተባዕን ይብለካ ።እታ መፍትሒት ንሳ ስለ ዝኾነት ኣብ ቅሉዕ እንተወጺኣ ጉድኣታ ተራእዩ ክትሑምተኽ እያ።
    ቁሩብ ጸገም ዘለኒ እቲ ፌርማታ ናይ ወገንነት ብህግደፍ ከም ዝመጸ ጌርካ፣ እቲ ኣውራጃታትና ኩሉ ኢድ ንኢድ ተታሓሒዙ____ኩምባያ ማይ ሎርድ__እናዘመረ ክሓልፍ ከም ዝቐውዔ፣ወገንነት ውን ከም ዘይተንከፎ ከም ዘይተንክፎ ዓይነት ጌርካ ምቕራብካ ሓቅነታ ኣይተዋሕጠለይን። ብጊዜ ጃንሆይ ይኹን ደርጊ (ኤርትራዊ ባዕሉ ካብ ጎደቦታቱ ካብ ዘምጽኦ ሕማማት)ብጉልሒ ከም ዝነበረ እዩ።ቀንዲ ብኣጀንዳ ዝተጠቕመሉ ድማ እንግሊዝ እምበር ኢትዮጵይ ኣይኮነን።
    ኣብ መስርሕ ቤታት (መንግስታዊ )ናይ ወገንነት ተጠቃሚ ኣውራጃ ኣይነበረን ምባል ሓቅነት ምጥዋይ ኮይኑ ይስምዓኒ።መንግስታዊ ዝበልኩ፣ምኽንያቱ ብሕታዊ እንተኾይኑ ዝደለየ ደቂ ዓዱ ክመልኣሉ መሰሉ እዩ።ይግበር ኔሩ እዩ ይግበር እውን ኣሎ።
    ኣነ ብወገነይ ከምቲ ብትብዓት ዝገለጽካ፣ እዚ ሓደገኛ ሓርገጽ ብጋህዲ ኣውጺእና እንተዘይቀጥቂጥናዮ ውጽኢቱ ዘጣዕስ ክኸውን እዩ።

  • Kalighe September 23, 2013

    “ቁሩብ ጸገም ዘለኒ እቲ ፌርማታ ናይ ወገንነት ብህግደፍ ከም ዝመጸ ጌርካ፣ እቲ ኣውራጃታትና ኩሉ ኢድ ንኢድ ተታሓሒዙ____ኩምባያ ማይ ሎርድ__እናዘመረ ክሓልፍ ከም ዝቐውዔ፣ወገንነት ውን ከም ዘይተንከፎ ከም ዘይተንክፎ ዓይነት ጌርካ ምቕራብካ ሓቅነታ ኣይተዋሕጠለይን። ብጊዜ ጃንሆይ ይኹን ደርጊ (ኤርትራዊ ባዕሉ ካብ ጎደቦታቱ ካብ ዘምጽኦ ሕማማት)ብጉልሒ ከም ዝነበረ እዩ።ቀንዲ ብኣጀንዳ ዝተጠቕመሉ ድማ እንግሊዝ እምበር ኢትዮጵይ ኣይኮነን።”

    Precious Blood

    Tell me where in the world regionalism is not there … ???

    It’s a natural social phenomenon. The problem is when there is “someone” who works hard to make it a tool to divide people. Regionalism per se’ is not a problem, it’s a distinctive cultural identity of our regions, of which we all should be proud. But it’s a double edged sword. It depends who is trying to do what with it. It could be used to unite people as well as divide them. When a colonial power or a totalitarian fascist clique uses it to dismantle the social fabric of a country as it’s happening now in Eritrea, it can be an effective tool in their diabolic hands. That is what Iseyas and his supporters are doing. They are the problem.

    “ቀንዲ ብኣጀንዳ ዝተጠቕመሉ ድማ እንግሊዝ እምበር ኢትዮጵይ ኣይኮነን።”

    What about the football (Hamma/Akele) related regional hate in seventies, that was orchestrated by Ethiopia, isn’t ?. Maybe they had started using it a bit late. Because initially, they were busy in sectarian war. Obviously, when their strategy was to have Christians on their side on the war they waged on Muslims communities in rural Eritrea, it would be wrong for them to divide Christians along regional lines. But as soon as they started to realize that their strategies were not helping their efforts to weaken Eritrean nationalism, then they used every means available to them to divide people.

    “ኤርትራዊ ባዕሉ ካብ ጎደቦታቱ ካብ ዘምጽኦ ሕማማት”

    I don’t think regionalism is a problem (ሕማማት) as long as it’s not used as a political tool.
    If a few security officials (Halewa Sewra butchers) or some high ranking military officers and Generals (a pivotal group in the fascist clique): work together (despite apparent regional differences among them) to divide people along regional and sectarian lines, for own interest, why do people have to hate each other because of them ?. The blame goes primarily to those who use this unfortunate situation to benefit themselves, regardless where they come from or who they are.
    The issue of ethnic or religion based grouping is not different either. As long as we fail to condemn injustice in all it’s forms and hesitate to confront all those who benefit from crimes committed by the regime, we will continue to suffer.

  • Deki adi September 23, 2013

    Dear Reader
    The real history of Tigray Tigrigna is clearly indicates ታሪክ ራሱን ይደግማል እንዲሉ ከአፄ ዮውሓንስ ሞት በኋላ ግማሽ አካለችን የሆነው ከምጽዋ እስከ መረብ ያለው አገር ዳግም ላይመለስ ተቆርሶ ሂዷል:: ጣልያኖች እና ምኒሊካውያን ኢትዮጵያን ማሸነፍ የሚቻለው የትግራይን ህዝብ እርስ በራሱ በማጣላት ካለሆነ በጦርንት እንደማይሆንላቸው በማወቃቸው ጥንታዊት ኢትዮጵያን ለሁለት በመገዝገዝ ግማሹን በጣልያን እጅ የተቀረው ደግሞ በሸዋ እጅ እንዲሆን የተሳካ ሴራ ጠንስሰው ኣሳክተዋል:: ከአድዋ ድል በኋልም የድሉ ባለቤቶች የነበሩት ራስ አሉላ አባነጋ: ራስ ሓጐስ ምርጫ (የኢሳያሰ አፈወርቂ ቅድመ ኣያት) እርስበርስ ተባልተው በመሞታቸው እነዲሁም ራስ መንገሻ ዮውሓንስ ወደ ሸዋ ተወስዶ ባልዋለው ውንጀላ በመገደሉ ምክንያት ትግራይ ያለ ተቆረቋሪ ኣባት (በዘይ ኣያ) ቀረታለች:: ይህንንም ተከትሎ በሸዋ ሰዎች አሻሸጭነት ሰራየ እና አካለ ጉዘይ በ 5 ሚሊዮን ሊሬ እንደተቸበቸበ ታሪክ አንብበን እብረዳ:: የሽሬ ኣካል የነበረው የአሁኑ ባርካ: የኣጋመ ኣካል የነበረው ደንከል ከትገራይ ተቆረጠው ወደ ትግራይ የነፍጥ መተላለፍያ ቀዳዳ ለመዝጋት በምስጠራዊ ውል ያለ ትግራይ መሳፍንት እውቅና ለጣልያን እንደተሰጡ እንረዳ:: ወልቃይት: ፀለምቲ: ፀገዴ: ታሕታይ አርማጭሆ: ሰቲተ ሑመራ: ጋሽ ሰቲት: ተሰነይ: ከሰላ ግማሹ ለጣልያን የተቀረው ከተከዜ በስተደቡብ ያለው ምንም ታሪካዊ ትስስረ ወደ ሌለው የቤገምድር ግዛት እንደተጠቃለለ ኣንርሳ:: እንዲሁም ከመስዋእቲ እስከ አለዋህ ያለው የትግራይ መሬት በወሎ ክፍለሃገር ስር እንደተደረገ እናስታውስ:: ውንድማችን የሆነው የዋግ ህዝብ ቋንቋውን እና ብሄራዊ ማንነቱን ትቶ ሳይሆን ኣማራ የሆነበት ሰበብ እናሰተውል:: ልብ እንበል እውነት ለመናገር እኔ ከአሉላ በስተቀር ከላይ የተዘረዘትን የትግራይ መሳፍንት በእኔ እበልጥ ለጠላት ስላጋለጡን ኣልወዳቸውም: ኣለከብራቸወም:: በእርግጠኛነት የምናገርው ግን መንገሻ ዮውሓንስ በህይውት እያለ ወንሞቻቸን የሰራየ እና አካለ ጉዘይ ሰዎች ኣይሸጡም:: ባይሳካ እንኳ ሙሉ በሙሉ በጣልያን እጅ ወድቃ ኣንድነትዋን ጠብቃ ነፃ ትሆን ነበር:: ቀድመው በውጫሌ ውል ኣንቀፅ 3 መሰረት ለጣልያን የተሰጡት ሓማሴኖችም መጨረሻ ይመለሱ ነበር::
    ስለዚህ በኛ መካከል ለሚፈጠር አለመስማማት እዳው አንተም እኔም እንደምንሸከመው አንርሳ:: ስለዚህ ቢቻል የአንድ ሸሕ ዘመን የባርነት ዕዳ ያራገፈልንን ህዝባዊ ተጋድሎ ከንቱ እንዳይቀር ጠንቀቅ መሪዎቻችንን እንምከር:: በመጨረሻ የእስራኤል መሪ ቤነጃሚን ኔትንያሁ ባለፈው ዓመት የዒራን ሐገረ ፋርስ የኒኩሌር ውጥን ኣስመልክቶ በተመድ ጠቅላላ ጉባዔ ያለውን ላስታውሳችሁ “history will not give second chance to the Jew people; this is a chance that we have gotten in 2000 years, therefore we should not let the Iranians possess the devastating weapon” ብተመሳሳሊ ትግራይውን ታረክ ኣብ ሓደ ዘመን (1000 ዓመት) ዝረኸበቶ ዕድል ብከንቱ ከይኣጥፋእና ኣብዙርያ ጥንክርቲን ምዕብልቲን ትግራይ ንሓገረ ኢትዮጵያ ዳግም ንሀድሳ እብል:: ትግራይ ምስትደክም ኢትዮጵያ ሓቢራ ትደኽም: ትግራይ ምስትጥንክር ኢትዮጵያ ብምልእታ ትነቓቓሕ::
    ————————————–ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር

    • Kalighe September 24, 2013

      Aya NewHopeLess !

      ‘Lomi khe entay terekhbe ?
      ‘kab meten ni laali amxerxirka’
      ‘bi daxanka dikhaa ?’

  • Zeray September 23, 2013

    Ladies and gentlemen if we want to cure division problems in Eritrea we must first admit that we are one of the most racist people in the world and find a cure for it. If all Eritreans were whites, some of us would have joined the KKK and many would have been slave owners. Only the minority would be fighting for civil rights. Even as I live in the Western world, I am applaud to hear so called educated people demeaning, insulting and putting tantrums toward other races. Let’s face the truth and seed medicine for it or we will be forever a friendless poor country.

  • Truly Truly i say to you September 24, 2013

    Deki Adi, ይህን ቅዠት ልበለው ተረት ተረት ማን ይሰማኛል ብለህ ነው በከንቱ የምትደክመው? እውነትም “ድሃ በህልሙ ቅቤ ባይጠጣ ኖሮ፣ ንጣት ይገድለው ነበር”

  • Deki adi September 24, 2013

    To Dear Reader concerned Eritrean
    We have to take care on the imported identity and culture
    We have to believe we are genuine or orginal African
    We have to belive we are not originated from sea or rock
    We have to belive the genetical make up of human being whether from dega or Kebessa we are not fabricated in Merengi as a bottle or soap or omo of SAPE. We are not expected to exaggerate ourselves which was spent on the 6 type of colony. We have to believe still we are not getting our identity until We have to know the victim of Colonialism in the World as an EritreanOur appeal to history begins with a powerful simplification. It concerns the social psychology of European colonialism, built largely around stereotypes that have shaped perceptions and conflict for five centuries. One such perception was the idea among Europeans that non-European native people or colonial subjects were “backward,” trapped in their tradition. The experience of colonial rule encouraged this image, as European and non-European cultures compared one another within a relationship in which Europe had a powerful social-psychological advantage rooted in its missionary and military-industrial apparatus. This comparison was interpreted, or misinterpreted, as European cultural superiority. It was easy to take the next step and view the difference as “progress,” something the colonizers could impart to their subjects.
    Colonialism is the subjugation by physical and psychological force of one culture by another—a colonizing power—through military conquest of territory and caricaturing the relation between the two cultures. It predates the era of European expansion (fifteenth to twentieth centuries) and extends to Japanese colonialism in the twentieth century and, most recently, Chinese colonization of Tibet. Colonialism has two forms: colonies of settlement, which often eliminate indigenous people (such as the Spanish destruction of the Aztec and Inca civilizations in the Americas), and colonies of rule, where colonial administrators reorganize existing cultures by imposing new inequalities to facilitate their exploitation.
    Nowadays being an Eritrean becomes shameful due to the colonies Era, they shaped us towards their own bad sentiment and that is way we couldn’t took reliable Evidence on our identity. We are discriminating each other without any objective.
    Wedi Keren
    God Bless Eritrea

  • Kalighe September 24, 2013

    “Nowadays being an Eritrean becomes shameful due to the colonies Era, they shaped us towards their own bad sentiment and that is way we couldn’t took reliable Evidence on our identity. We are discriminating each other without any objective.”

    Deki adi

    Are you talking so much about colonialism and identity to say that Eritreans are suffering from colonial identity ?. Shame on you.
    Now, if all this useless exercise is about “Habesha=Ethiopia=Real_Identity” sort of hollow talk, let me tell you something:

    – Ethiopia is not different than Eritrea when it comes to “identity” related issues.

    – The country is named after the Greeks used to call the Nubians (nothing to with Habesha originality, indigenous identity bla .. bla.., the Indians called Bombay Mumbai, the Chinese called Peking Beijing .. can you do that ?).

    – Ethiopia in it’s current form and shape is a colonial product (it has nothing to do with Habesha Axumite civilization, tell me what Oromos and Southerns and the Somalis has to do with it).

    – If you think Eritreans deserve insults because of the dictatorship they have at home, remember that Ethiopians defeated a brutal dictatorship yesterday with the help of Eritreans.

    – If you think Ethiopians have no problems you are wrong, I can fill pages here about your problems, which are not in any way different from what we are suffering from in Eritrea:

    * Ethnic nationalism is rampant in Ethiopia (Oromos, Afar, Somalis have armed groups)

    * Sectarian tension is growing day by day (Attempt by the government to impose the Ahbash Sect on Sunni majority is having grave repercussions).

    * The government has recruited thousands of Pentecostals as teachers in Oromia (guess what they are doing … at the end of lessons, in government schools, they introduce their religion to unsuspecting students for ten minutes, it’s part of government sponsored efforts to keep Oromo nationalism down, elsewhere, the same teachers are not allowed even to teach).
    The list can grow to include many sensitive issues … I don’t want you to feel bad).

    Let’s see what will happen when the ruling coalition loses the majority …
    Let’s see if Tigray will ever allow multiparty elections (because now, all those who disagree with Weyane are not allowed to open their mouth, they can go to Addis and say something from there).

    Do you think if our country had been a trusted local vassal of British colonialism (Ethiopia) we would have a better identity ?.

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