ኣኼባ ቦሎኛስ ኣድጊ ካብ ሞታ ምጉታታ ኮይኑ ተሪፉ
ብሓደ ጉጂለ ናይ ስራሕ ውጺኢት ከየርኣየ ርእሰ ተፈላጥነት ዝምነ ናይ ስራሕ ኣምር ወይ ናይ ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ ዘይርድኦም ብሃማት ብጀካ ኣነ እፈልጥ ካልእ ልዕሊኦም ከምዝህሉ ክሪእዩ ዘይተዓደሉ ናይ ባዶ ስነፈሊጣዊያን (EYSC-G) ኣብ ቦሎኛ “ሽግር ናይ ኤርትራውያን ፍታሕ
ብሓደ ጉጂለ ናይ ስራሕ ውጺኢት ከየርኣየ ርእሰ ተፈላጥነት ዝምነ ናይ ስራሕ ኣምር ወይ ናይ ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ ዘይርድኦም ብሃማት ብጀካ ኣነ እፈልጥ ካልእ ልዕሊኦም ከምዝህሉ ክሪእዩ ዘይተዓደሉ ናይ ባዶ ስነፈሊጣዊያን (EYSC-G) ኣብ ቦሎኛ “ሽግር ናይ ኤርትራውያን ፍታሕ ብኤርትራውያን” ኣብ ዝብል ቴማ ኣስሚሩ ኣኼቡኡ ካብ ዕለት 31/08/2013 ክሳብ 01/09/2013 ኣጋቢኡ።
Tes September 12, 2013
Bologna conference is nothing but a gathering of bunch of losers and empty shell. Hook closely who were there and easy to get in to conclusion. They are paid agent of PFJD and their sympathizers. The best way to treat those losers to ignore them as irrelevant.
Kebaz September 14, 2013
It is this behavior that PFDJ and the DIA spew that you are not emulating while appearing an opposition How in the hell can you characterize decent & courages leaders like Elsa Churum and for that matter any Eritrean that chose to be there in the name of a discussion of Eritrea.
I want to see more and more young men and women as in Bologna lead our cause not proxy supported groups( I am not against any ones in Ethiopia let me disclaim quickly). However, it is paramount in remaining for the interests of Eritrea first while struggling from Ethiopia. What is the business of Berket Simon sitting in a panel of Eritrean opposition. It is one thing to have a bilateral meeting with him but completely another to bring him into the organizational discussion.
belay nega September 12, 2013
“ኣኼባ ቦሎኛስ ኣድጊ ካብ ሞታ ምጉታታ ኮይኑ ተሪፉ”
The title would sound better if it was “ጉዳይ ኤርትራ ኣድጊ ካብ ሞታ ምጉታታ ኮይኑ ተሪፉ”
But do not forget that Bologna is not worst than that of Awasa and Debrezeiti.
Unless we accept the real cause of our problem, and stand for ever lasting solution,we will keep on heading from bad to worst.
rezen September 12, 2013
PERFECT comment, belay nega — it says volumes of words. The last line is simply a Gem. But then Eritreans have a deep psycholoigcal malaise to be out of their mental prison—- let me stop before I go out of bound.
Wedi Meret September 12, 2013
I do not blame the youngster, the core of the problems are:
the old but poiseness people like Tesfai Temenuwo,10 days general tekeste haile etc.
these people are not any better than Issayas Aferki.
unfortunately we have to live with that until their time is up. it is not going to be for much long.
Suleiman Salim September 12, 2013
What do you mean by poisonous?
Kebaz September 14, 2013
Wodi Meret, Aman
Any one who fought in the fields of Eritrea need to be respected. Tesfai Temnewo, General Tekeste have spent much of their life for our Eritrea. What in your mind makes so disrespectful. Yet, you could not list all those residing in Addis eating Kitfo for the last 20 years with no outcome…proxy mouthpiece of a neighboring nation(playing it’s interest- have no problem)Ethiopia are the ones you should have listed.
Some of you seem to be in a hurry to kick DIA and be another DIA …power grap…slow down.
Viva Bologna , good Eritrean hearts like Heroic Elsa Chirum ,other wonderful Eritrean women and men.
Forto September 12, 2013
If we all need change, why we are slamming against each-other? Opposition against opposition, resistance against resistance, what is going on? Why we are mean to each other?
rezen September 12, 2013
“If we all need change” so Forto started his comment. IF, IF, IF that is the question. The Eritrean psychological psyche has been forged by cruel series of colonization for so long that they lost their TRACK of Life. Completly disoriented, it then follows that they start fighting among themselves based on religion, tribalisim, racism and any petty parochial quarrels. It is a hallmark of a society which has been completely disoriented to lose its identity, culture, language, civilization and, in generl, way of Life. Indirectly, it begs to be saved by external force. A perfect classical TRAGEDY.
Wereket Taesa September 12, 2013
From the start I knew Tekeste Haile, Mefun Hagos, Semere Kesete, even Ali Abdu were sent by Isaias for espionage and sabotage mission.
I am not surprised.
their motto goes:
Block the Muslim Eritreans from returning to Eritrea “they are jehadists”
Block the Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia from returning to Eritrea :they are a*game”
This are HGDF nazis.
Suleiman Salim September 12, 2013
No Eritrean is going to listen to you. Your religious card is outdated.
Kebaz September 14, 2013
Wereket Teasa.
Your brain is as light as wereket. If that is your analysis that all the people are mentioned sent by Issayas. Even a robot would not listen to Issayas. It is one thing to question some of their deeds in the journey of the struggle but to discount two Generals of Eritrea only demonstrates your intelligence. No one will listen to your argument the good think.
Yonas September 12, 2013
I don’t get it why such an attack against any Eritrean gathering against the Tyrant. Can we just be patient and just work in how to contribute in educating our brothers and sisters (HIGDEF IN DIASPORA) to stop working and supporting Dictator. I don’t understand why people go as far as to try to label and defame their brothers and sisters who gathered in Bologna. it is sad times specially sad to see Brother Amaniel getting involved in this attack against the Bologna gathering. Let’s be patient and refrain from an attack and insults, it’s just doesn’t make any sense specially when you claim you are fighting for freedom of speech, freedom of gathering and Democracy.
Simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Dawit Meconen September 12, 2013
Who are attacking Bologna?
Those for whom Eritrean awakening is a mortal blow to their treacherous conspiracy.
And who are the treacherous conspirators?
Woyane and Isaias Afewerqi.
Who is woyane?
—-Eritrean mortal enemy, who deported hundreds of thousands of Law abiding Eritreans from every corner of Ethiopia in manner the barbalities and brutalities of the Nazis on the Jews could not match…
—–Eritrean mortal enemy, who desecrated the remains of our Martyrs to steal their coffins
—–Eritrean mortal enemy, who is illegally occupying Eritrean territory
Why then is woyane now professing concern for Eritrean situation?
You know well that a normal person, at the sametime, cannot love and hate other person, but for psychopaths,like woyane, exhibition of such contradictory personality is their typical way of life; they lure their victims with flattery of goodwill, and once they put them under their complete control, they murder them.
belay nega September 12, 2013
“And who are the treacherous conspirators?
Woyane and Isaias Afewerqi.”
Unless something is wrong with you,it is not fair to blame two antagonistic figures, with a diametrically opposite approach to Eritrean issue.
Suleiman Salim September 12, 2013
Forgive him. Dawit doesn’t know how to use his brain. God put a brain in his head. As it appears it has been a waste of effort by the Creator.
Selam September 12, 2013
Why all this against the Bologna meeting. Any Eritrean has the right to gather with whom he or she wants to. I don’t see any political analysis or criticism about the Bologna gathering, what I see here is jealousy and hatred. The Bologna conference is an opposition group meeting , therefore this group has all the right to gather were ever they want to gather. If the group think they know better, good for them let them work. LET JUST ALL WORK AGAINIST THE BARBARIC REGIME.
Suleiman Salim September 12, 2013
They say: they are clean and well-dressed and they are from Hamassien, which is ofcourse an utter nonsense.