ኣብ መሰረታዊ-ለውጢ ዝተመርኮሰ ምትእኽኻብ ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ነበር፡ ሰናይ
ይዝከረኒ ብ2000 ዓ.ም. G13 ሓደ ደብዳቤ ናብ ኣቶ ኢሳያስ ኣብ ዝጻሓፈሉ ግዜ፡ “መሰረታዊ-ለውጢ ወይስ ጽገና” (Fundamental Or Cosmetic Change) ዝብል ሓደ ዓንቀጽ ብእንግሊዝኛ ጺሒፈ ነይረ። ኣብቲ ግዜ’ቲ ከማሓላልፎ ዝደለኹ መልእኽቲ፡ “ናብ ኣቶ ኢሳያስ ደብዳቤ ብምጽሓፍ
ይዝከረኒ ብ2000 ዓ.ም. G13 ሓደ ደብዳቤ ናብ ኣቶ ኢሳያስ ኣብ ዝጻሓፈሉ ግዜ፡ “መሰረታዊ-ለውጢ ወይስ ጽገና” (Fundamental Or Cosmetic Change) ዝብል ሓደ ዓንቀጽ ብእንግሊዝኛ ጺሒፈ ነይረ። ኣብቲ ግዜ’ቲ ከማሓላልፎ ዝደለኹ መልእኽቲ፡ “ናብ ኣቶ ኢሳያስ ደብዳቤ ብምጽሓፍ ኣብ ኤርትራ መሰረታዊ- ለውጢ ኣይርከብን” ክብል ስለ ዝደለኹ ኢዩ ነይሩ። ከምቲ ዝበልኩዎ ድማ ኣሽንኳይዶ ለውጢ ክርከብስ፡ ነቶም ደብዳቤ ሒዞም ዝኸዱ ኤርትራውያን ምሁራት እኳ ብግቡእ ከዘራርቦም ኣይከኣለን።
እዚ ናይ መሰረታዊ-ለውጥን ጽገናን ሕቶ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ናይ ሞትን ሂወትን ሕቶ ኢዩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ን30 ዓመታት ተቓሊሱ፡ሓፍ ዘይብል መስዋእቲ ከፊሉ፡ እዚ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ስርዓት ኣፍርዩ። ኣይኮነን ንዓና ንኤርትራውያንስ፡ ንሕብርተሰብ-ዓለም ዘስደመመ ስርዓት ኢዩ። እዚ ምሒር ጨካን፡ ህዝቢ ዘጥፍእ ዘሎ ስርዓት ብመሰረቱ ኣብዚ ምዕቡል ግዜ’ዚ ክፍጠር ዘይግብኦ ኢዩ።
እሞ ሕጅ’ውን ከም ብሓድሽ ሀ-ኢልና ቃልሲ ጀሚርና። እኖሆለይ ዛጊድ ን22 ዓመታት መሪር ቃልሲ ነሕልፍ ኣሎና። ምስኪን ህዝቢ ሕጅ’ውን ሓፍ ዘይብል መስዋእቲ ይኸፍል ኣሎ። ንዓይ ካብ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ክሃድም(ክትሃድም) ኣብ ሲናይ ምድረ-በዳ ብበደዊን ኰላሊቱ(ታ) ዝሰኣነ(ት) ኤርትረዊ(ት) መስዋእቲ ኢዩ። ካብ ማእሰርትን መግረፍትን ስርዓት ኢሳያስ ክሃደሙ በማኢታት ኣብ ፎቖዶ ባሕርታት ዝጣሓሉ ዕሸል መንእሰያት ከቢድ መስዋእቲ ኢዩ። ተቓዊምካ ወይ ተዛሪብካ ተባሂሉ(ተባሂላ) ኣብ ዒራ-ዒሮ ቤት-ማእሰርቲ ዝምወት(ትመውት) ዘሎ(ላ) ኤርትራዊ(ት) መስዋእቲ ኢዩ። ከምኡ’ውን ኣይንረስዕ፡ ካብ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ኣትሒዞም ይሕመቕ ይጸብቕ፡ ይሓይል ይድከም ኣብ ቅደመ ግንባር ዝስውኡ ዘለው ተጋደልቲ’ውን መስዋእቲ ኢዩ። ስለ’ዚ ሕጅ’ውን ከም ናይ ትማሊ ሓደ ዲክታተራዊ ዘይኮነ፡ ሓደ ፍትሓውን ዲሞክራስያውን ስርዓት ክትከል ስለ ዘለዎ ኢዩ። ሓቂ ክንዛረብ እንዀይኑ፡ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሓደ ባዕዳዊ መራሒ ዝነበረ ወጺኡ፡ ብሓደ ሃገራዊ ግን ከኣ ህልም ዘበለ ጸረ-ህዝቢ ዝኾነ ዲክታተራዊ መራሒ ኢዩ ተተኪኡ። ሓንቲ ባዕዳዊት ዝነበረት ባንደራ ድማ ብሓንቲ ሃገራዊት ባንደራ ተተኪኣ። ካሊእ ከም ስርዓት መጠን ህዝቢ ብሰላም ዝነብረሉ፡ ናብርኡ ዝማሓየሸሉ ስርዓት ከም ዘይኰነ፡ ሎምስ ልብም ዝበሉ ደገፍቲ እቲ ስርዓት እውን ከይተረፉ ዘይኽሕድዎ ኢዩ። ሓቂ ክንዛረብ እንተ ኾይኑ፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣስመራ ምስኣተወ ሓሙሽተ ዓመት ከይመልኤ ደኸ’ኮነን ህዝቢ ኣስመራ “ደርግ ይሓይሽና” ዝበሎም።
ክቡራት ኣንበብቲ! ስለምንታይ ኢየ ድኣ ሎሚ’ኸ ደጊመ ብዛዕባ መሰረታዊ-ለውጥን ጽገናን ክጽሕፍ ሃቂነ? እዚ በጺሕናዮ ዘሎና መድረኽ ኣዝዩ ተኣፋፊ ኢዩ። ዳርጋ ሃገርና ሎሚ ኣብ ሓደ ቀራና መንገዲ በጺሓ ክበሃል ይከኣል። እቲ ወድዓዊ ኩነታት ኣዝዩ በሲሉ፡ እቲ በዓል-በታዊ ኩነታት ድማ ኣዝዩ ድሒሩ ይርከብ። ኣብ ውሽጥን ኣብ ደገን ዘሎ ህዝብና ጭቆና መሪርዎ፡ ኣንጻር ስርዓት ህግደፍ በቢዘለዎ ክልዓዓል ይረኤ።መንእሰያትና ኣብ ሙሉእ ኩርናዓት ናይ ዓለም ባዕሎም ንለውጢ ክልዓዓሉ ክትርኢ ኣዝዩ ተስፋ ዝህብ መድረኽ ኢዩ። እንተ ኾነ ግን እዚ ህዝባዊ ምልዕዓል’ዚ ብግቡእ ክትሓዝን ክእለን ኣለዎ ይመስለኒ።
መስከረም-ነት እውን ከም ልማዱ ሓደ ብዛዕባ መሰረታዊ-ለውጥን ጽገናን ዝምልከት ሓደ ዘሕፍር ገለ ክልተ መስመራት ጺሒፉ። ምዃን’ኳ ሎምስ ዝኾነ ተቓዋሚ ኤርትራዊ እዚ ሰብ’ዚ ሓደ መሳርሒ ናይ ህግደፍ ምዃኑ ፈሊጥዎ ኢዩ። ንኾነ ግን ከምዚ ዘስዕብ ፎርሙላ ኢዩ ኣቐሚጡ፤
“መሰረታዊ ለውጢ = ብናይ ግዳም ኢድ-ኣእታውነት፡ ኣብ ታንክታት ወያኔ ተወጢሕካ ክመጽእ ዝደለ ዘሎ ለውጢ
ጽገና= ደገፍቲ መንግስቲ ኤርትራን ህግደፋውያን ኣሕዋትናን ኣሕትናን ዝረዓሙዎ፡ ንኹሉ ዘሳተፈ፡ ካብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ዝብገስ ሰላማውን ህዱእን ቁዋማዊ ለውጢ”
ብርግጽ ንውዲ ጀነራል ጎትኦምን ደገፍቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍን ሓቶ መሰረታዊ-ለውጥን ጽገናን ኣገዳሲ ኣይኮነን። እንተ ተኻኢሉስ ብዘይ ጽገና’ውን ስርዓት ህግደፍ ከም-ዘለዎ ክቕጽል ኢዮም ዝደልዩዎ። ስለዚ በረኣእያን ሕልናን እዚ ሰብ’ዚ ካብ “ብኢትዮጵያ ከም ጎረበት ሃገር ተሓጊዘካ መሰረታዊ-ለውጢ፡ ጽገና ይሓሽ” ኢዩ ዝብለና ዘሎ። ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ግን ከምቲ ኣቐድም ኣቢለ ዝጠቐስኩዎ ሕቶ መሰረታዊ-ለውጥን ጽገናን ናይ ህወትን ሞትን ጉዳይ ኢዩ።
ናይ መስከረም-ነትን ስርዓት ህግደፍን ስዓብቱን ኣይምገረመናን። እቲ ዘገርም ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝቓወሙ ተቓወምቲ ባእታታት ጽሑፋቶም ኣብዚ ወብ-ሳይተ’ዚ ምስቃሎም ኢዩ። እዚ ወብ-ሳይት’ዚ ኮ ድኽመትን ዕንወትን ጠቕላላ ተቓወምቲ ውድባትን ስልፍታታትን ኤርትራ ዝምነ፡ ካብ ምሕዝነት ጀሚርካ ስጋብ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንድሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ዝተገብረን ዝግበርን ጉባኤታት ድኽመትን ፍሽለትን ዝመነ መሳርሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝኾነ ኢንተርነት መርበብ ኢዩ። በንጻሩ ድማ ናይ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ጽቡቚነት ሃሰስ(እንተ ኾነ ድኣ እናሳኣነ’ምበር) እና በለ ከይደቀሰ ዝሓድር ሰብ ኢዩ።
ኣብ ቦሎኛ ዝተኻየደ ጉባኤ’ውን ሪኢናዮን ሰሚዕናዮን። ካብ 90 ዘይበዝሕ ህዝቢ ዝተኻፈሎ። እዚ ከረድኣካ ዝኽእል ንህዝቢ ዝጠቅም ፖለቲካዊ መደብ ስለ ዘይብሉ፡ ህዝቢ ክድግፎ ኣይካኣለን። ኣብ መጨረሻ ከኣ ፈሺሉ ክበሃል ይከኣል። ናይ መደበር መስከረም ይኹን ናይ ቦለኛ ተሳተፍቲ ሓንቲ ናይ ሓባር ዓላማ ኣላቶም።ንሳ ድማ “ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ኮይኖም ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝቃለሱ ኣትሪርካ ምቅዋም” እትብል ኢያ። እዚኣ ድማ ንገዛእ-ርእሳ ፖለቲካ ኣይኮነትን። እንታይ ድኣ ናይ ህግደፍ “ንተቓወምቲ እተዳኽም ተባሂላ ዝተማህዘት” ፕሮፖጋንዳ ኢያ። እዛ ዝኣረገት ፕሮፖጋንዳ ሒዞም ኢዮም ብተቓወምቲ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዝግበር ጉድለታት ሃሰስ ክብሉ ዝውዕሉን ዝሓድሩን ዘለው።
ብመሰረቱ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ግጭት ክኣቱ ዝገበሮ፡ ጉዳይ ዶብ ኣይኮነ ገለ ኣይኮነ። ኣብ ቁጠባ ዝተመስረተ ምስሕሓብ ኢዩ። ድሕሪ ዅናት ግን ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዘስግኦ ብኢትዮጵያ ዝድገፉ ኤርትራውያን ተቓወምቲ ሓይልታት ኢዮም። እዛ ነጥቢ እዚኣ ብቐላል ትረኤ ኣይኮነትን። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ነዛ መስኮት እዚኣ ክዓጹ ዘይፍንቅሎ እምኒ የለን። ኩላትና ከም እንፈልጦ ኣብ ሱዳን ኣዒጽይዋ ኢዩ። ነዛ ተሪፋ ዘላ መስኮት ንምዕጻው ኢዩ’ምበኣር ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብተዘዋዋሪ በዞም ጉጅለታትን ባእታታትን ዝቃለስ ዘሎ። እዛ ሓንቲ መቃወሚት ባይታ ምስ ተዓጽወት ድማ ናብ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢድካ መሃብ ማለት ኢዩ። ኣብ ኤውሮጳ ወይ ኣሜሪካ ኮይና ድና ክንቃለስ?እወ! ልክዕ ኢዩ። “ሕጅ’ኸ ተቓወምትና እንታይ ኣፈሪዮም?” ዝብል ሕቶ ከም ዝሕተት ብሩህ ኢዩ። ግቡእ ኢዩ ድማ። እዚ ነጥብ’ዚ ጸኒሐ ክመለሶ ኢየ።
እንደገና፡ እዞም ጉጅለታትን ባእታታትን እዚኣቶም ንኢትዮጵያ ከም ሓንቲ ጸላኢት ሃገር ይሪእዋ። እስከ ነዚ ሕቶ’ዚ ብስምዒት ከይትዓብለልና ብሳይንሳዊ መንገዲ ማለት ብስነመጎት ንርኣዮ። መጀመርያ ኢትዮጵያ ክብሉ ከለው ነየነይቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኢዮም? ነታ ብዘበነ ሃጸይ ሃይለስላሴን ደርግን ዝነበረት ኢትዮጵያ ድዮም ወይስ ነታ ናይ ሎሚ ናይ ዘበነ ኢህኣደግ ኢትዮጵያ? ብርግጽ እታ ብግዜ ሃይለስላሴን ደርግን ዝነበረት ኢትዮጵያ፡ እቶም መንግስታት ጸላእቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ነይሮም። እቲ ህዝቢ ግን ከም ህዝቢ መጠን ጸላእቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣይነበሩን። እዚ ሕጂ ዘሎ መንግስቲ ይኹን ህዝቢ ግን ፈታዊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ’ምበር ጸላኢ ኣይ ኮነን። ቅድም-ቅድም እዞም ሎሚ መንግስቲ ኣቚሞም ዘለው ሰልፍታት ዳርጋ መብዛሕትኦም ኣብ ግዜ ቃልሲ ከለው ንመሰል ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝደገፉ ኢዮም። ብፍላይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ምስ ህዝባዊ ወያኔ ሓርነት ትግራይ ምሕዘነት ፈጢሮም ብሓንሳብ ተሓጋጊዞም ንደርግ ኣወዲቖምዎ ኢዮም። ድሕሪ ናጽነት’ውን፡ እዚ ሕጂ ዘሎ መንግስቲ ንኤርትራ ቀዳማይ ከም ሃገር ዝኣመነላ መንግስቲ ኢዩ። በቲ ፍትሓዊ ኣረኣእያኡ ኣብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምኽንያት ድማ ብገለ ተቓወምቲ ሓይልታት ኢትዮጵያ ብዙሕ ሽግራት ኣጋጢምዎን የጋጥሞ ኣሎን። ኰይኑ ግን ኣብ መንጎ ክልቲኡ ሃገራት እቲ ዘይቅዱስ ኵናት ኣጋጢሙ። እቲ ኵናት ከመይን መን ከም ዝጀመሮን ኩላትና ንፈልጦ ኢና። ምትንታኑ ኣየድልን። ድሕሪ ኵናት እውን ሓቂ ክንዛርብ እንተ ኮይኑ፡ እዚ መንግስቲ’ዚ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘለዎ ኣረኣእያ ኣይተቐየረን። ብዘይ ገለ ገደብ ስደተኛታትና ሓንጎፋይ ኢሉ ይቕበል ኣሎ። ንብዙሓት መንእሰያትና ኣብ ሃገሮም ዘይረኸብዎ ናይ ትምህርቲ ዕድል ይህብ ኣሎ። እሞ ሰማዝሃገርኩም ከመይ ገርና ኢና ነዚ ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ መንግሰቲ “ጸላኢ” እንብሎ? ስርዓት ህግደፍ ስለ ዝጸልዎ ንጽላኣዮ እንተ ኮየኑ ካሊእ ነገር ኢዩ። እምበኣረይ ህዝቢ ዝኣስርን ዝቐትልን ዘስድድን ዘሎ ጸላኢ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢዩ። ገለና’ውን መንግሰቲ ኢትዮጵያ ዶብ ንኽሕንጸጽ ፈቓደኛ ዘይምኻኑ ንወቕሶ። ልክዕ ኢዩ፡ ዶብ ምሕንጻጽ ኩላትና ኢና እንደልዮ። እሞ እንተዘይ ኮነ’ኸ? ንዓይ ዶብ ምሕንጻጽ ቀዳመነት ኣይኮነን። ቀዳምነት ንዓይ ህዝቢ ዘህልቕ ዘሎ ስርዓት ምእላይ ኢዩ። ዶብ ዊዒሉ ሓዲሩ ምሕንጻጹ ኣይተርፎን። ኣብ ዝኸዶ የብሉን። ህዝቢ ምስ በረሰ ግን ኣይርከብን። እኳ ድኣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ሓደ ፍትሓውን ዲሞክራስያውን ስርዓት ምስ ተተኽለ ዶብ ንምሕንጻጽ ቀሊል ይኸውን። ኢትዮጵያ’ውን ኣብ ምትግባሩ ሰጋእ እትብል ኣይመስለንን። ኣብ ዓለምና ብዙሓት ጎረባብቲ ሃገራት ናይ ዶብ ግጭት ኣናሃለን ንብዙሕ ዓመታት በሰላም ዝነበራን ዝነበራን ኣለዋ። ከም ሓድ-ሕድ ጸላእቲ ግን ኣይረኣኣያን። በዚ ኮይኑ በቲ ግን ኣብ ኤርትራ ዶብ ብምሕነጻጽ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ክእለ ኣይኽእልን። ኣይሕግዝን ከኣ።
ካሊእ፡ ካብ ተቓወምቲ ደምበ’ውን ኣብ ልዕሊ ኢትዮጵያ ዝወርድ ወቐሳ ኣሎ። ንሱ ድማ ገለና “መንግሰቲ ኢትዮጵያ እተወፍዮ ዘላ ሓገዝ፡ ከምቲ ስርዓት ህገደፍ ንተቓወምቲ ሓይልታት ኢትዮጵያ እትሕግዞ ኣድማዒ ኣይኮነን። ዘየስርር ዘየምውት ኢዩ” ንብል። ገለና ድማ “ኢትዮጵያ ካብ ሓገዝ ሓሊፋስ ኣብ ጉዳይና ኢድ ተእቱ ኣላ” ድማ ንብል። እዚ ወቐሳታት’ዚ ነንሕድሕዱ ዝገራጮ ኢዩ። ኣየናይ ኢዩ እቲ ሓቂ? ኣነ’ኳ ሓቂ-ሓይሽ ኣብ ሓቂ ዝተመርኮስ ወቐሳ ኣይ ጸልእን። ኢትዮጵያ’ውን ኣብ እትገበሮ ሓገዝ ጉደለት ክህልዋ ይኽእል ኢዩ። ግን ንሕና’ኸ ከም ተቓወምቲ መጠን ድኽመትና ንእመን ዲና? ኢትዮጵያ ኮ ነገራውን ፖለቲካውን ሓገዝ ኢያ ከተወፍየልና እትኽእል’ምበር ክትቃለሰልና(ክተዋገአልና) ኣይኮነትን። ዝኾነ ኮይኑ ግን ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘሎና ኣረኣእያ ውድዓውን መትከላውን ክኸውን ይግብኦ።
ክቡራን ኣንበብቲ! ነዛ ‹ሕፍቲዚኣ ክጽሕፍ ዘገደደኒ፡ ለማቕነ ኣብ ተቓውሞ ደምበና ሓደ ኣዎንታዊ ምንቅስቓስ ስለ ዝተዓዘብኩ ኢዩ፡፡ እዚ ድማ እቲ “ምትእኽኻብ ተጋደልቲ ናይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ነበር” ዝብል ኢዩ። ልክዕ ከምቲ ናይ ምትእኽኻብ ተጋደልቲ ተጋደሎ ሓርነት ኤርትራ ነበር እንድግፎ፡ ነዚ’ውን ዮሃና ኢልና ንደግፎ። ከምኡ ድማ ናይ ውዲ ባካሮን ውዲ ትካቦን ንጥፈታት ኣዝዩ ዘሐጉስ ኢዩ። ነገር ግን ቁሩብ ዘሰክፍ እቲ ናይ መሰረታዊ-ለውጥን ጽገናን ጉዳይ ኢዩ። ከምቲ ወለዱ ተኽለ ኣብ ጽሑፉ ዝጠቐሶ፡ (ሽሕኳ ውልቀ-ሰባት ኣብ ጽሑፈይ ክጠቅስ ድስ ዘይብለኒ እንተኾነ)፡ ከም በዓል ዓንደብርሃን ወልደጊዮርጊስ ካብ መጀመርታ ስጋብ ሎሚ ጸረ-ደሞክራሰውያን ዝነበረን ከምኡ ድማ አሰፋወ ተኸስተ ብግልጺ “ስርዓት ህግደፍ ክወድቕ የብሉን” ዝብልን ኣብ ዝኾነ ፖለቲካዊ ውድብ ምእታው ንጸገና ምስጣሕ መለት ኢዩ። ስለዚ ዘየሰክፍን ዘየጠራጥርን ኣይኮነን። ከምቲ ረድኢ መሓሪ(ኣለና) ኣብ “ምትእኽኻብ ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ነበር” ዘስፈሮ ናይ ውልቀሰባት ግዝያዊ ተግባራትን መንነትን ክንመሚ ክንክእል ኣለና። ተዘይኮነ፡
ካብ ታሪኽ ንመሃር’ምበር ብታሪኽ ኣይንነብርን፡ ብርግጽ ታሪኽ ተመኩሮ የስንቐካ ኢዩ። ታሪኽ መሃሪ ኢዩ።የማዕብለካ ድማ። ከም ስርዓት ህግደፍ “ኣነ ታሪኽ ዝሰራሕኹ ኢየ” እናበልካ ብሕሉፍ ታሪኽ ንምንባር ምፍታን ግን ባዶ ጃህራን ስንፍናን ኢዩ። እወ! ስርዓት ህግደፍ ሕጅ’ውን ካልኦት ውድባት ከም ዘይተቓለሳ፡ “ኣነ ኢየ ናጽነት ዘምጻኽልካ። ኣሜን ኢልካ ተገዛእ” ኢዩ ዝብሎ ዘሎ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ። እሞ እዚ መድረኽ’ዚ ብጥንቃቔ ክትሓዝ ዘለዎ ተኣፋፊ መድረኽ ኢዩ። ብሓፈሻዊ ኣበሃህላ “እዚ ድኣ ኣብዚ ውድብ’ዚ ዝነበረ እንድዩ” ዝበሃለሉ ግዜ ኣይኮነን። ተኸኣኢልካን ተኸባቢርካን ነዚ ዝበርስ ዘሎ ህዝባና ምድሓን እንጣራነፈሉ መድረኽ ተበጺሑ ኢዩ። ኣብ ጽባሕ ናጽነት ዝስለፉን፡ ኣብ ጽባሕ ናጽነት ዝስልሙን ሃገራውያን ክህልው ናይ ቃልሲ ባህሪ ኢዩ’ሞ “ኣበይ ነይሩ ኢዩ” ክንብል የብልናን። እንጓዓዘሉ ዘሎና መንገዲ፡ መንግዲ መሰረታዊ-ለውጢ ክኸውን ከም ዘለዎ ጥራይ ከንጥንቀቕ ኣሎና።
ባጋጣሚ ነዛ ጽሑፈይ ክጽሕ ከሎኹ፡ እቲ ኣብ ዓሎም ውሩይ ተቓላሳይ ፕረሲደንት ነልሰን ማንደላ ካብዛ ዓለም ብሞት ሰለ ዝተፈልየ፡ ካብ ልቢ እናሓዘንኩ ኢየ። ብርግጽ ብሂወት ንዘላኣለም ዝነብር ሰብ የለን። ነገር-ግን እቶም ኣሸሓት ነብሳት ዘጥፉኡን ክነብሩ ደሓን ዝኾኑ መራሕቲ ክሓለፉ ግን ቁሩብ የሕዝነካን የሕርቐካን። ብዝኾነ ንህዝቢ ደቡብ አፈሪቃ ጽንዓት እምነ።
ዓወት ንሱር-ነቀል ለውጢ
ውድቀት ንስርዓት ህግደፍ.
ኣድሓኖም ፍትዊ
Comment: A.Fitiwi1993@kpnmail.nl
Meretse Asmelash December 8, 2013
First I thought I should leave alone such thoughts; but then, for some reason I felt sorry for your wrong understanding of Badme’s history. Dawit, one of your main problem is putting everything you heard in one basket. when that happens, trust me it lucks reality or call it legitimacy of engagement.
Now let us see where your problem lies:
To avoid ambiguity I will put aside the Ethiopian friendship with the Eritrea people.
You said, in the year 1995, Weyane started deporting Eritreans. Sir, with all due respect where did you acquire this information? For your understanding it was your government who started deporting Ethiopian citizens years before that. If you were not born back then you are excused, otherwise don’t try to twist history. Second, when it comes to Badme I see many of you are obsessed. Do you think your government fought the war to defend Badme as well as the boundary ?If your answer is “yes” to the question, you get an “F” in history. The cause of the war had never been boundary issue. As a matter of fact it was EPLF who allowed TPLF to secure and administrate Badme during the gedli days. Sir, this is well documented. Back then TPLF drove out Badme residents with the blessing of your president.
Regarding deportation: Of course, no one is happy that did happen.To make that matter worse it was done by both sides. For so, you can not blame one side and set free the other.Last but not least information- while the population of Eritrea is crying for the whole nation but you prefer to cry for Badme alone, please do so till your tears dry out.
Adhanom Fitiwi December 8, 2013
I would like to thank you to all of you for your responses in general. That’s what dialogue is about. I really don’t respond on the responses of my articles, due to lack of time.
1)Selam Abiel, you asked me some questions.AS to the causality of our refugees, we felt so sad and we said Ethiopia should not use such extra force. As how it started, it was intended for the memory of the victims of our refugees in the Mediterranean Sea. It should not be extended to demonstration. If needed, they had to do it on another time by asking permission. That is the law of their country. As to the corruption, I agree with you there is corruption in the country. Leave alone in the refugee camp, even in the capital city Addis Ababa, the government is suffering from it. Anyhow it was initiated by a wrong group. It shouldn’t happen like that.
I mentioned Andebirhan, ex-ambassador in Brussels. I cannot tell you what he did in the University of Asmara. I believe you ready know it. He is regional(awrajawi). He was anti G15. He was anti menkae. And he does’t believe in fundamental change. May be he does not like Isaias. But the Eritrean people are not struggling against individuals, but against the system(HIGDEF).
Same Asefaw Tekest is against Isaias but not against HIGDEF. I am not saying that we have to exclude them but we should be careful of their political stand. They can avert our struggle.
2)Selam Berhet, you are right. But I think there is bit difference between radical and fundamental. We can bring a fundamental change either by using a radical revolution or liberal revolution. Anyhow I am not sure about the difference of these twee terms(people can discuss on it).
3)Selam Letina, Oh Ja! I agree with you. We have to build an inclusive democratic system in which every citizen enjoys his or her right. But my worryness is that some power hungry people can change the objective of our vision. We have learned a lot from our present dictatorship.
As to the commentators of the supporters of the regime, what can I respond them? Even they don’t have the slightest rational argument. No sense full reasoning. I am sorry to say that. Had they good arguments, I would like to deal with them in dialogue. Please read their comments.
Abel December 8, 2013
Dear Adhanom,
Thank you so much for ur response and above all ur belief in dialog.
Yes there can be some Individuals who was missionaries of the regime who were trying to abuse the demonstration our families in the refuge camps in Ethiopia, what about the aftermath action of the Ethiopian authorities to take such excessive action. Still there pertains fear in the camps, I think this is being done deliberately. Above all what can we expect from our neighbors, it is the so called our government is dumping us.
Regarding the awurajawunet of ato Andebrhan, I can not accuse him as wegenawi because of his action in the University. The University was in mess due to the acute conflict between two rival awurajatat and any one who had assigned to lead the university could have taken similar action. For your information the actions take by the so called Dr. Araya Tsegay was the harshest. He fires many intellectuals but no one talks about him. I was expecting you to say something about MOHAYEDIN SHENGEN, to to no avail.
Hope in future you will come with such interesting topics.
HYG December 8, 2013
Zkeberka ato adhanom ab dr asefaw zeloka areaeya kberhaley aykealen ?axebika wn tfeto aymeslenn slezi si degimka dea hseb eye zbleka rietoka xubuq aykonen zbleka zeloku kuluti zbelkay hafeshawi terediauni alo sle eti dr Asefaw Tekeste ezi zbelkay riton bahtiyayn yebulun ane btaemi zednko seb eyu kitfely
Hellen December 8, 2013
Mr Dawit,
I wonder for your comment, Whoever you say or your Government but Badme is once and forever given to Eritrea. As you said, if the war was not started because of border conflict, why was your Weyane announced as a victory to Badme. Don’t be a puppet like your Government Weyane, Eri people will never cry by Weyane puppets,,,
Meretse Asmelash December 8, 2013
ሰላም ንኹሉ ኣንባባይ ፡
ኸብዲ ዓቛራይ እዩ ዝብሃል፡ ግን ከብዲ ከኣ ይመልእ እዩ። ስለዚ ገለን እንዳ ገደፍካ ገለን እንዳ ኣራገፍካ እንተዘከድካ ሳዕበናቱ እንዳከበደ እዩ ዝከይድ።
ንዶክተር ኣሰፋው ዝምልከት ሕቶ ብዝግባእ ዝተመልሰ ኮይኑ’ዃ እንተተሰማዓኒ ተወሳኪ ሓቤረታ ንዝሃርፉ ኣሕዋት ግን እንሆ።
ዶክቶር ኣሰፋው ካብ ፍትሒ ተላቂቀ እየ ምስ በለ ካብ 4 ሰኦኣት ዘይውሕድ ኣብ ሓደ መንበሪ ገዛ ሓደ ብጻይ ኣኬባ ጌርና። ንሱ ትራሕ ኣይነበረን። 2 ብጾት ኔሮሞ፡ ንሳቶም ሓደ እንምባሳደር፡ ሓደ ተሓጋጋዚ ቆንስል ኔሮም። ኣብዚ ዓሚቝ ዝርርብ ንሳቶም ካብ ፍትሒ ብምንም መልክዕ ክፋትሁ ከምዘይክእሉ እዮም ሓቢሮም። በዚ ግን ኣይኣብቅዔን ከም እንደጋአና ልዕሊ ሰለስተ ሰዓት ዝወሰደ ርክብ ተገይሩ። መልሶም ክሳድና ንበላህ ኔሩ። ንሱ ገደፍዎ ንዑ በሉ ምሳና ኣብ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ወዓሉ ተባሂሎም። መልሲ ንዓናስ ግደፉና ደኣ ኔሩ። 1. ስድራ ገዲፍና ኢና 2. ዶክተር ኣሰፋው ኣነ ገና ተማሃራይ እየ ወዘተ ዝብሉ ልሙሳት ምክንያት ኔሩ። እቲ ዘገርም ኣብቲ ሽዑ ዝተካየደ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ዓው ኢሉ ክጭድር ዝወዓለ ልዕሊ 80 ዓመት ዝዕድመኦም ኣቦ ዝተኣሰርዎ ኔሩ። ንሱ ስለኣብኡ ኣይሓስብን ማለት ድዩ።
ቀጺሉ እዚ ክብሎ ዘይክእል ናይ ተሎፎን ርክባት ተገይሩሉ እዩ። ምርጭኡ ግን ጽገና (reform) ኢሉ ብዝወሰዶ መንገዲ ንዮው ነጆው ክብል ይረኤ ኣሎ።
rezen December 9, 2013
1.Tenor of Adhanom Fitiwi’s Article
a) The title of the article is clear: “Basic change based on meetings of former combatants of people’s front- welcome initiative” [not elegant translation]
b) Hopeful sign that Eritrean Youths around the globe are taking initiative for changes by themselves
c) Freedom of expression in Internet websites and by notable individuals
d) Relationship between Ethiopia and Eritrea opposition groups
Initiative for change [a) & b) above]:
Initiative for change has been recurring theme by Eritrean politics, which has grown to about forty (40) opposition parties and over fifty (50) civic organizations [Issayas would be tickled to death !!! ], presumably all of them planning for the SAME goal. Let us be serious. Proliferation of parties and calling on admirable combatants of the yesteryears would not cut the cake or ‘himbasha’ (as the cliché goes). If change is to come in Eritrea, the new generation (Eritrean Youths) should take the lead in their own up-to-date analysis with full realization of the interdependent nature of THEIR world – not of years gone by. It is their destiny. As such, they should not be shackled by outdated ideas and sentimentality, as romantic as it may be. If the new generation makes mistakes along the way, so be it! Only a dead person makes no mistake. Eritrea should not be stagnant in the old world. Whatever happened in the past, it should be left for history – hopefully not fabricated or ameliorated!
Eritrea must have faith in the new generation. Otherwise it will remain stagnant and consequently toxic. To digress a little bit: a commentator (apparently famous) in the Eri Internet branded the Eritrean Youths as “misguided, gullible, restless, and confused” for the simple reason that they were exercising their natural rights of questioning the past, and for daring to arrive at a differing view that was not palatable to the learned fellow. Another one of the same mind – seemingly with uncontrollable confidence on himself –was out of range with a clear message for those who do not fall in line: “the neo-Nazi kebessa land grabbers can go to mama Ethiopia and leave our Eritrea to us”! Just like that! Imagine! A society with long history and culture would just pack and trek southward, as refugees, begging for a home! Eritrea has a deep problem.
This way or that way, the ancient cancerous disease of religion/identity in Eritrea must be faced squarely, ‘today not tomorrow.’ It can only be done by free minds of the new breed, who are free and fed-up with the old toxic way of doing business.
Freedom of expression [c) above]
Freedom of expression is not confined to certain people and taboo to others. All are entitled to their own feelings, opinions and beliefs. It then follows that any Internet website; any persons of past and present; and any group can, and must, have their own opinions without being branded with labels and subjected to character assassination, as we have seen it in some ‘respectable’ websites. Not to put this cardinal natural right into practice is a shameful contradiction to the constant trumpeting of Freedom of Expression as a slogan. Eritreans must learn to be comfortable with differing opinions. Less than this is tantamount to inviting disintegration of Eritrea. But then, that may not be a choice – noting the three diseases of religion, awrajanet, and racism always present as insurance for progression into disintegration. Or, is it a “curse”?
Relation with Ethiopia [d)above]
Good relation with thy neighbor is a blessing. In Eritrea such a posture with Ethiopia is looked upon with suspicion as Christians’ plot against the old wishes of the Muslims. Once again, let us be honest: The 30-year war that devoured about three-hundred thousand (300,000) lives and a complete destruction of a country was precisely on: i) religious ground; and ii) lunatic military adventure of a 21-year old, first-year college drop-out, who forged a so-called “liberation” force in his own image to become self-made president thereof. Extraordinarily, both factions, though opposed to each other, were nevertheless colluded with the pretext of struggling for liberation of mother Eritrea. Both ‘sheeTaras’ were confident they would meet their respective objective. Miraculously, Eritreans fell for the romantic dream, body and soul, and gave their lives freely, without question! Never had so many sacrificed their lives for so nothing. Whether it was a manifestation of blind ‘bravery, courage, devotion, glory, love, pride, valor, etc’ OR the greatest hoax that was ever perpetrated, and colluded, in the name of liberation, Eritrea is on its death bed. It seems so farfetched, to say so. But the world has already witnessed it today as the greatest example of TRAGEDY.
In contrast, we see the good will of Ethiopia to accommodate Eritrean students in their universities; providing Eritrean refugees with appropriate accommodation; making it possible for various Eritrean political groups to live and have their own offices therein; and in general treating Eritreans as brethren – and indeed they have always been so for time immemorial. Nowadays, individual Eritreans are silently moving/travelling to Ethiopia to relive their old life style and perhaps, with luck, to also claim their ‘lost paradise’. What is amazing is the conversion of ‘hardened’ Eritreans, with seemingly uncontrollable emotion for their little Eritrea, are now quietly and serenely enjoying Life in the old “enemy” country ( “gidefuna endoe” is their shelter). It is always an amazing phenomenon that Eritrea is incapable to see where its interest lies. Is it another factor in favour of a “curse” ?
3. Conclusion
In an interdependent world of today, the destiny of Eritrea will be determined by external forces, as it has always been accustomed to >>> consider it as a forecast from a novice political ‘weather’ man