ኣብ ሊብያ ኣብ ሓደ ቤት ማእሰርቲ ክሳብ 2000 ሽሕ ዝኾኑ ኤርትራውያን ይሳቐዩ ኣለዉ።
ኣብ ከባቢ ትራብሎስ ኣብ ዝርከብ ኣርባዕተ ኣብያተ-ማእሰርቲ ብውሑዱ 2000 ዝኾኑ ክሳብ 80 ዝኣኽሉ ቆልዑን ቁጽረን ብልክዕ ዘይተፈልጠ ነብሰ-ጾር ኣዴታትን ዝርከቡዎም ኤርትራውያን ብኢሰብኣዊ መንገዲ ተታሒዞም ተስፋ ኣብ ዘይብሉ ኩነታት ይሳቐዩ ምህላዎም ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ሓቢሮም። እቶም ናይ
ኣብ ከባቢ ትራብሎስ ኣብ ዝርከብ ኣርባዕተ ኣብያተ-ማእሰርቲ ብውሑዱ 2000 ዝኾኑ ክሳብ 80 ዝኣኽሉ ቆልዑን ቁጽረን ብልክዕ ዘይተፈልጠ ነብሰ-ጾር ኣዴታትን ዝርከቡዎም ኤርትራውያን ብኢሰብኣዊ መንገዲ ተታሒዞም ተስፋ ኣብ ዘይብሉ ኩነታት ይሳቐዩ ምህላዎም ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ሓቢሮም።
እቶም ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ንኣሰና ኣብ ዝሃቡዎ ሓበሬታ፣ መብዛሕትአን ካብ’ተን ኣብ ሱልማንን ጉርየን ዝተባህለ ናይ ደቂ-ኣንስትዮ ቤት-ማሕቡስ ዝርከባ 800 ዝበጽሓ ደቀ-ንስትዮ ኣደ ቆልዑ ክኾና እንከለዋ፣ ሰለስተ ካብኣተን ተኣሲረን ከለዋ ዝሓረሳ ምዃነን፣ ኣብ ካሪያን ሚሺጠሃራን ዝተባህለ ናይ ደቂ ተባዕትዮ ቤት-ማእሰርቲ ድማ 1000 ዝኾኑ ደቂ ተባዕትዮ ምህላዎም ገሊጾም።
ኣብ’ቲ ብላዕለዋይ ኮምሽን ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ከምዝምሓደር ዝተነግረሉ፣ ብሊብያውያን ፖሊስ ዝሕሎ ኣብያተ-ማእሰርቲ፣ እቶም ሓለውቲ ዕጸ-ፋርስ ዘዘውትሩ ብምዃኖም ምሸት ምሸት ደቀ-ንስትዮ እናማረጹ ከምዝዕምጹን፣ ዓብን ንእሽቶን ከይበሉ በልማማ ንኹሎም እሱራት ከምዝሃርምዎምን እቶም ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ብተወሳኺ ይገልጹ።
ብመሰረት’ቲ ዝተረኽበ ሓበሬታ፣ ኣብ ሰሙን ሓደ ግዜ ዝመጽእ ሓኪም እኳ’ንተሃለወ፣ ብዝሒ እሱራት ስለዘሎ ግን እቶም ኤርትራውያን እሱራት ግቡእ ናይ ሕክምና ኣገልግሎት ካብ ምርካብ ይተርፉ ምህላዎም፣ ብዙሓት ካብኣቶም ብዝተፈላለየ ሕማማት ይሳቐዩ ምህላዎም፣ እቶም ኣዴታቶም ኣብ ትሕቲ ቀይዲ ከለዋ ዝተወልዱ ህጻናት ከኣ ኣዴታቶም ‘ፓስፖርት ስለዘይብልክን’ ተባሂለን ዝኾነ ዓይነት ክታበት ክረኽቡ ከምዘይክኣሉ ኣገንዚቦም።
ብተወሳኺ እቶም እሱራት 1,200 ዶላር እንተዘይከፊሎም ወይ’ውን ኣዝዩ ብርቱዕ ሕማም ክሳብ ዘይሓመሙ ካብ’ቲ ቤት-ማእሰርቲ ዝወጽኡሉ ካልእ መንገዲ ስለዘየሎ፣ እቶም ዜጋታት ኣውያቶም ረዳኢ ስኢኑ ተስፋ ቆሪጾም ምህላዎም እቶም ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር የረድኡ።
no silent June 18, 2014
ዝወደቐ ገረብ ምሳር ይበዝሖ ፡ ጋሳ ዘይብለን ኣባጊዕ ከኣ መጻወቲ ወኻሩ ይኾና።
Hagherawi June 18, 2014
When you have an enemy at home, any thing can happen …
Tamrat Tamrat June 18, 2014
Did you see the Young boy With red Nike, and the other little boy who sat NeXT to him? Ya, these kind of small boys who fill the camps of minor camps all over norway. Whe you listen their story Your heart jumps and you forgett they are not sitting NeXT to you. These kids are so honst checking the age of eritrean minors would be avoided as much as possible. Some even could goo to institute for chlidren under 15 because they look under fifteen. If a fourteen years old kid pretends to be 17 then he wants to goo for work as soon as possible to help his family. I say this to you only to Wake you up. But at work, there are more Nice Things happning.
1) The different activities which destruct the children from their every days worry.
2) Language School minummum 2hrs. (they are qucick in pickin Language)
3) They are sceptical to any one but after 2-3 days they miss you already. they ask you why you were not at work saterday and sunday. I am usually concious in sharing my time With different ethnic Groups but the switness, rispectfullness, humbelness of these kids force me to use more time on them than the rest. If i dont read any web pages, then these days going to work is just going to have fun. (amharic they dont know at all, English is their weakest side thanks to the Ali Abdu’s special carriculum, but the good thing is both Eritrea and Ethiopians learn Norwegian quickly if they dont know at all Our Public School english)
Teclay June 18, 2014
Do you have brain compare and contrast for your self
“እቶም ሓለውቲ ዕጸ-ፋርስ ዘዘውትሩ ብምዃኖም ምሸት ምሸት ደቀ-ንስትዮ እናማረጹ ከምዝዕምጹን፣ ዓብን ንእሽቶን ከይበሉ በልማማ ንኹሎም እሱራት ከምዝሃርምዎምን እቶም ናይ ዓይኒ መሰኻኽር ብተወሳኺ ይገልጹ።
Now see the above photo ,,and compare with the real sons of Zeray Dereas and Bahta Segheneti 60 years ago in Beleza Karneshim.click here http://www.bahrenegash.com/?p=articles&ref=512
Haqi tezareb June 18, 2014
ሓደ ኤርትራዊ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ከም ዝበሎ፥
ንዓይ ዝገርመኒ ግና ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሓሙሽተ ዓመታት ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገራት ኣዕራብ ከም ኣጣል ኩላሊቶም ክጥባሕ፣ ኣሓትናን ደቅናን ከም ሕሱም ግዳያት ጾታዊ ዓመጽ እንዳተሳቐያ፣ በቴለፎን ኣውያቶም እናሰማዕና፣ ብፖሊስ ግብጺ ሱዳን ሊብያ እንዳተረሸኑን ኣንዳተጨውዩን ስለምንታይ ኢና ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ቅድሚ ኤምባሲ ናይ ሃገራት ዓረብ ደው ኢልና ዘይጨደርናን ዘይኣእወናን፧ ወረ ገሊኦም እሞ ካብ ገጽ ወብሳይቶም ውን ነዚ ኩሉ ናይ ዓረብ ጭካነ ብፍጹም ኣርሒቖሞ እዮም። ያኢ እቲ ግናይ ሕማቕ ምስሊ ናይ ሃገራት ዓረብን ህዝቢ ዓረብን ምእንቲ ካብ ዓይኒ ህዝቢ ዓለም እልይ ክብል ዶ ኣይኮነን ?
ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ፈራሃት ጃጀውቲ ምስሉያት ወይ ከኣ ሓሰውቲ ዲና? እሞ ስለምንታይ ደኣ ኣብ ቅድሚ ሳሕሳሕ ዓረብን ኤምባሲኡን ቆንሱላቱን ደው ኢልና፣ እሞ ኣብ ዓዲ ፈረንጂ፣ ኣብ ዓዲ ሓርነትን ናጽነትን ተሓቢእና ዘይሞገትና ?
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis June 19, 2014
Erireans are cowards, they are afraid of arabs and europeans, they call them GOITTANA,
According you way they never protest in any Egyptian embassi or others , do you think they have a single reason more that I gave you , eritreans arevcowards
Gura June 18, 2014
This is how the savage Arabs pays back to the poor and fool Kebesa people who were doing all the bidding against Ethiopia on behalf of the Arabs. The Kebesa were used, merely, as Arab condoms.
This tragedy is taking place all over the savage Arab world against Eritreans and many black Africans. Nobody expects the Eritrean Arab Abeeds to speak up against the savage Arabs. The Eritrean-Abeed elites will keep on protecting their Arab masters even if they mistreat them like an Arab goat as they do to black African Muslims everywhere in Libya, Nubia Egypt, Darfur Sudan, Akhdam Yemen, Zanji Iraq, Abeeds of Saudi Arabia.
The savage Arab does not care about anything except about his own tribe and concubines.
The savage Arab disrespects the black Muslim so much, he will not give his illiterate and ugly sister or daughter to the elite Arab Abeeds but he will take by force or pay few pounds to buy any black woman as a concubine.
This is how much the savage Arab disrespects to the elite Arab Abeeds. No wonder all the elite Arab-Abeeds ran away from the Arab world to California, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, Norway.
Gura June 18, 2014
When will the abuse of innocent Eritrean refugees in the savage Arab world by the Arab people and Arab regimes end?
The humiliation of the christian Kebesa people in the hand of Arabs has no end.
Is this why the fool Kebesa people died against the Ethiopians for?
abuse of Eritrean children with music “change is coming”
Berhe Tensea June 18, 2014
What can you do? The Eritrean youth have chosen to suffer in the Sahara, the merciless seas, and the Libyan prisons than to confront the dictator ones and for all.
As long as the youth choice is to flee, their agony and will continue.
Eritrea is very unfortunate country to a country of cowards, and willing spies.
The only way to mobilize these cowards is by military orders and using force.
m June 19, 2014
this time shame very shame to be Eritrean our pepole suffering and diyng evryday, and we do nothing only talk, and we do almost 23 yearss meeting evry week without result very sad