“ኢሰያስ: ሰብ መሰል እንስሳ፡ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ነንሕድሕዱ ከም ዝብኢ ክዋዳእ፡ ተላኢኹ ዝመጸ ኢዩ።” – መልኽእቲ ሓደ ዝጎሃዩ ‘ቦ
ክቡራትን ፍቱዋትን ደቂ ኤርትራ እዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ ዘሎ ጽሑፍ ምስ ሓደ ተባዕ ኣቦ ናይ ዕድመ ብዓል ጸጋ ዚኾኑ ዝገበርኩዎ ዕላል ኢዩ።እዞም ተባዕን ብዓል ሓቦን ዝኾኑ ኣቦን፡ኣነን ድማ ኣብ ሆላንድ ንነብር። ዚኸበርካን ዚተፈተኻን ኣማኑኤል ወደይ ብመጀመርያ እቲ ንወዲ

ክቡራትን ፍቱዋትን ደቂ ኤርትራ እዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ ዘሎ ጽሑፍ ምስ ሓደ ተባዕ ኣቦ ናይ ዕድመ ብዓል ጸጋ ዚኾኑ ዝገበርኩዎ ዕላል ኢዩ።እዞም ተባዕን ብዓል ሓቦን ዝኾኑ ኣቦን፡ኣነን ድማ ኣብ ሆላንድ ንነብር።
ዚኸበርካን ዚተፈተኻን ኣማኑኤል ወደይ
ብመጀመርያ እቲ ንወዲ ሰብ ዓንዲ ሕቆ ሕይወት ዚኾነ ጥዕና’ዩሞ፡ኣብሕይወትካ ምሉእ ጥዕና፡ ኣብ መዓልታዊ ምንቅስቃሳትካ ድማ ዓወትን ኣሳልጦን እናተመነኹ፡ እግዚኣብሔር ድማ ብጽላሉ ክሕልወካ ናይ መዓልታዊ ጸሎተይ እዩ።
ኣነ ብሕይወት ክሳብዘለኹ ኣብ ጎድንኻ ኣሎኹ፡እዚ ጸልማት ድነ ክቅንጠጥ ኢዩ፡ ክወግሓልና’ዩ ኣጆኻ ዝወደይ።እዚ ትገብሮ ዘለኻ ሰናይ ግብሪ ንህዝብኻን ንሃገርካን ኣምላኽ ብዕሉ ጽላሉ የንብረልካ።
እዚ ገበል ኣፍዑት ኢሰያስ ዚብሃል ለይትን መኣልትን ክውሕጦን ክቀትሎን፡ ዝውዕልን ዝሓድርን ዘሎ፡ ከም ገጻብ ኣድጊ፡ ጭርናዕ ኮንካ ኣብ ቁስሉ ኮፍ ኢልካ ቦግቦግ ተብሎ ኣለኻ። ምስ ተሓባበርትኻን ህዝብኻን ድርብይ ክተብሎ ቀሪብካ ኢኻ።ነቲ ጽቡቅ ትገብሮ ዘለኻ፡ምእንቲ ውጹዕ ተእውዮ ዘለኻ፡ ኣፍ ውጹዓት፡ምርኩስ ድኹማት ኮንካ ንፍትሒ፡ንመሰል፡ ንዲሞክራሲ ስለ ትጭድር ዘለኻ ኣምላኽ ክሕግዘካ ኢዩ፡ ኣምላኽ ዓስቡ ክህበካ ኢዩ።እሾኽ ብበላሓ ትፍጠር ከም ዝብሃል፡ እዚ ረሳሕ ስርዓት ከም ሳዕሪ ሮማዲ ኣስፋሕፊሑ ንህዝብና ዚሳቅዮ ዘሎ፡ ንስኻ’ውን በሊሕ እሾኽ ኮንካ ትሳጽዮ ኣለኻ።
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካብ ዓዘቅትን ታኼላን፡ ጸሊም ናብራን ወጺኡ፡ ህዝቢ በብሃይማኖቱ ምስ ኣምላኹ ክራኸብ፡ ቅዋም ወይ ሕገ መንግስቲ ተተግቢሩ፡ ንመራሒኡ ቆጽሊ ኣንቢሩ፡ መራሒኡ መሪጹ ብዲሞክራስን ፍትሕን ቀሲኑ ክነብር፡ ሕረስ ሓረስታይ፡ ንገድ ነጋዳይ፡ ዝኾነሉ ጊዜ የምጽኣሉ።
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ክንዲ ዘኾለሰ ኢዱ ተነኺሱ፡ እዚ ኣይኮነን ሞሳኡ ኤርትራዊ። ኣታ ህዝቢ ንዘመናት ተጮቂንካ ኢኻ’ሞ፡ኣዕርፍ ክብሃል’ዩ ዝግብኦ ኔሩ። ሕጂ ግን ብኣንጻሩ፡ንሪኦ ኣለና ኣዴታትን ኣቦታትን፡ ሕቆኦምን ኣእዳወሞን ነቂዑ፡ ወሊዶም ኮስኪሶም ዘዕበይዎም ጀጋኑ ደቆም ኣወዳቶምን፡ ኣዋልዶምን፡ ደሞም ኣፍሲሶም፡ ኣዕጽምቶም ከስኪሶም ዘምጽኡዋ ናጽነት፡ብኢዱ ድማ ንስውኣት ክሒዱ፡ ሓርነት ህዝቢ መንጢሉ፡ መሳኪን ወለዲ ኣብ ማል(እንስሳ) ቀይርዎም ይነብር ኣሎ።
ኢሰያስ ዝብሃል ሰብ፡ ሰብ መሰል እንስሳ፡ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ነንሕድሕዱ ከም ዝብኢ ክዋዳእ፡ ተላኢኹ ተመሪጹ ዝመጸ ሰብ ኢዩ። እቲ ዘገርም ከኣ ወዲ ከበሳ መሲሉ፡ ኣብ ማእከል ኣትዩ ፋሕ ብትን፡ ዘይምስምማዕ፡ ዘይምክብባር፡ ዘይምጽውዋር ባህሪ ወይ ጠባይ ኣብ ሕብረተሰብና ኣእትዩ፡ንገዛእቲ ከም ዝጥዕም ስትራተጅኡ ሓንጺጹ ተሃንዲዱ ዝመጸ ምጻእ ኢዩ። ልኣኽቱ ድማ ሚንስተር ወይ ኣማሓዳሪ ናይ ኤርትራ ዝነበሩ፡ ኣስራተ ካሳ ኣብ ቃኘው እናተራከበን፡ምስ ሓወብኡ ሚንስተር ኣብርሃ ዝብሃልን ካልኦትን ኣማሓደርትን እናተራኸበ’ዩ ስርሑ ዘገልግል ዝነበረ፡ ስለዚኢሰያስ ንኤርትራ ኣይውለዳ ብስጋ፡ ኣይንጸፋ ብኣልጋ፡ ስለዝኾነ’ዩ ድማ፡ማይ ዘይኮነ ደም ዘንብዓና ዘሎ፡ ስለዚ ህዝብና ክነቅሓሉ ዘሎዎ ነዚ ተረዲኡ፡ ኣረኣእያና ኣብ ቦትኡ ኮይኑ፡ ፍልልያትና ግን ክጸብብ ኣሎዎ፡ ምእንቲ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ።
ኣምላኽ ጥዕናን ዕድመን ይሃበኒ ኣብ ዚመጽእ ዝፈልጦ ታሪኽ ብሰፊሑ ክዝርዝር ኢየ። ክሳብ ሽዑ ግና ዕድመን ጥዕናን ንኹልና፡ ሰላምን ሓነትን፡ ፍትሕን ዲሞክራሲን፡ ንውጹዕ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ።
ካብ ደላዪ ለውጥን፡ ፍትሕን
ማይክል ተኽለ(ብራዘር)
Hag pag May 7, 2014
viva wedi vocharo!who advocats our unity.HGDEF is the backlash of EPLF and the cancer of eritrea as well as africa.I bete, isayas will die soon first.
nati May 7, 2014
Hag pag nebsi EPLF is the people’s historic struggle for independence and just as the majority of Eritreans wedi Vacaro supported EPLf with all his might. you support Wedi Vacaro but confuse something here. EPLF is not PFDJ. never was and never will be. the only thing they have in common is iseyas. but it is foolish to stand against your history because of one man who turned out to be evil. EPLF was an organization our PEOPLE, our fathers and brothers and sisters stood and paid dearly for. if you want to clear out EPLF you are standing against our PEOPLE here. you wanna clear out our people, hag pag? think before you talk bro.
Genet-orginal May 7, 2014
What is your point here? Our people died for their country under EPLF/ELF. Isayas never had any common interest with our people. Isayas never stood for EPLF. EPLF was perceived as “Eritrean peoples’ party”. By us. However, it was hijacked and used by Isayas to cling to power. You are right, EPLF is not PFDJ, but it was used as a cover up for Isayas’s secret party. So, PFDJ is an extension of Isayas’s secret party. Our people, under EPLF failed to see what Isayas and his few comrades were doing to them and to our country. Still, after the devastating damage to our country and people, former EPLF members are not forthcoming to oppose dictator Isayas. EPLF’s leaders should take responsibility for the failure of EPLF for letting a mad man take over. Instead, EPLF became a “colt”. nati, don’t be a colt member. Criticizing EPLF’s leaders is not the same thing, as criticizing our martyrs or former fighters. You need to get out of the old and destructive culture of EPLF VS ELF. That is not our culture, it is Isayas’s culture of division. FYI, This chest pounding ego of “EPLF won” and it is the best is not important for our people. Because our people have been for their dear lives for 24 years now. This stupid argument EPLF brought freedom to Eritrea and we can’t criticize it is weak. Because we have being fighting for 54 years for freedom now. Get it! 30 years for independent; 24 years and counting for rule of law, justice and liberty. The failure of EPLF’s leaders is costing us our freedom. nati, think before you write.
Suleiman Salim May 7, 2014
“This stupid argument EPLF brought freedom to Eritrea and we can’t criticize it is weak. ”
How are you? You are free to criticize as long as you do not work for the agenda of Woyane in a direct or indirect fashion.
nati May 7, 2014
asking what point i am making is good. though the point i made is clear. you Genet-the original however, read my sentences and then went on to read passages behind them. it is dangerous to run around firing judgments at people. my advice to you is Genet-original,
1. when arguing it is wise to read what is written. making assumptions won’t get us anywhere. putting words in people’s mouth is not helpful.
2. make sure you are not contradicting yourself. be consistent in what you say.
3 stop labeling people who are genuinely trying to make a point.
4. stop mixing up things.
5. check yourself.
i’m sure you get the point but to clarify further more,
you say:
former EPLF members are not forthcoming to oppose dictator iseyas. EPLF’s leaders should take responsibility for the failure of EPLF for letting mad man take over.
Genet-original, do you really mean that? from what i see, Amanuel Eyasu is a former EPLF member. is he not opposing the dictator? to give you two more names Taddesse Kidane, Redie Kifle (Bashay). what about them? and many others as a matter of fact involved in opposing the dictator. could they do more? of course. though they are not an entity in themselves. they are part of the Eritrean society. so the question is not only about former EPLF members but the entire society. as part of the society they are doing what you and me are doing, which is what? almost nothing. however, we can not blame them for not doing enough when we ourselves are not doing enough. if/when we do we need to ask ourselves why? You say, EPLF leaders. who are they? i am sure you know that many of them have been put in jail for standing up against iseyas. what i say is the historic struggle for independence was our struggle. we are the people and we are the once who made the necessary sacrifices to make our independence a reality. and i don’t remember mentioning ELF. i never compared EPLF vs ELF. why would i do that? some of my uncles were EPLF members while others were ELF members. all of them were Eritreans who wanted to sacrifice life and limp to make sure Eritrea became independent. you want to criticize EPLF? go ahead. but you need to differentiate between the EPLF leaders and the tegadelti who suffered as much as anybody else. if you want to tell me our people did not and do not still see EPLF as theirs i would tell you are mistaken. iseyas hijacked our freedom. but not only that he also hijacked our history. criticizing is something. but first you need to know whom to criticize. throwing history in a dustbin because the leader of that organization is iseyas is totally wrong.
Hagherawi May 7, 2014
“however, we can not blame them for not doing enough when we ourselves are not doing enough.”
The majority of them [EPLF veterans] say they are unhappy about the situation in their country, but do very little to stop the dictator, although they see him almost everyday. If really interested they would have killed him long ago.
This ‘wudibna’ thing is still in the mind of many, as if Iseyas is Wubid hence untouchable. They forget that ‘Wudib’ was supposed to protect the people, it’s real owners.
Suleiman Salim May 8, 2014
ክቐትል ዝሓስብ ንባዕሉ ከምዝቕተል ክትፈልጥ ኣሎካ። ኣብ ኣሰና ኰንካ ናይ ሽበራውያን (ተሮሪስትስ) ዘረባ ኣይትዛረብ። እዘን ዘውጻእካየን ቃላት ተጋዳላይ ኣማኑኤል እያሱ ከም ዘይቅበሎ ጥርጥር የብልናን።
ብክብረትካ ይቕሬታ ክትሓትት ንጽውዓካ።
nati May 8, 2014
you say,
The majority of them [EPLF veterans] say they are unhappy about the situation in their country, but do very little to stop the dictator, although they see him almost everyday. If really interested they would have killed him long ago.
from what you say i can tell you think since they have fought once already they should do so again. what does “…..although they see him everyday” mean? Eritrea is not godena Harnet, Hagherawi. all EPLF veterans are not stationed in one place. they are all over the country like everybody else. and you should know iseyas never goes anywhere without his bodyguards. for example if iseyas is going to a hotel in massawa called dahlak hotel, the bodyguards would storm the area and terrorize people who happen to be there and in its environs because they want to make sure it is vacant when he gets there. iseyas knows what he has done and what he is doing. so he does not want to risk getting killed. he makes sure he is only accessible to people he trusts (monkey and kisha..).
what i want us to do is come to a common understanding on issues relevant to our struggle for fundamental change. if we want to go forward, we need to consider the fact that the majority of Eritreans be it EPLF former members or not are victims of iseyas’s dictatorship. i can assure you the majority of EPLF veterans are furious about iseyas and the crimes he committed and keeps on committing because they know what they fought for, why their comrades fell for, why their people sacrificed everything… i would also want us to ask ourselves: are we antagonizing one part of our society by putting former EPLF former fighters and leaders in one category? what do we intend to achieve by generalizing? what would a former EPLF fighter or anyone else for that matter feel if even though he himself is a victim of a system people viewed him as part of that system? wouldn’t that make him want to stick to that system to protect himself because doing otherwise would mean running into the arms of someone who already takes him for an enemy?
Hagherawi May 7, 2014
” FYI, This chest pounding ego of “EPLF won” and it is the best is not important for our people. Because our people have been for their dear lives for 24 years now. This stupid argument EPLF brought freedom to Eritrea and we can’t criticize it is weak. Because we have being fighting for 54 years for freedom now. Get it! 30 years for independent; 24 years and counting for rule of law, justice and liberty. ”
You said it all, sister. May our beloved Eritrea and its brave people live for ever free, united and strong.
Suleiman Salim May 7, 2014
one man who turned out to be evil
ሃገርካ ምህናጽን ምሕላውንሲ ” ኢቪል ” ማለት ድዩ ? በጃኹም ኣሰር ወያነ እንዳ ተኸተልኩም ናብ ገደል ገጽኩም ኣይተምርሑ።
MightyEmbasoyra May 7, 2014
ኣብ ግዜ ዕረፍቲ፣ ሽጋራ ከትክኽ ውጽእ እብለልኩም። መቸም ሕማመይ ከመይ ‘ሉ ኢሳያስ ምስ ዞም ኣረሜን ጭፍርኡ ካብ ኤርትራ ተባሕጒጎም ይጠፍኡልና ድዩ፥ “ሽላ” ኔረ ተዝኾውን ንኢሳያስ ዓይኑ ቶኽቲኸ ምበንቆርኩወን። ሽዑስ ከመይ ተሓጒሰ መስለኩም፤ እወ ንዉሑዳት ደቓይቕ የን፥ እፈልጥ
Suleiman Salim May 8, 2014
ኣሕዋትካ ጀጋኑ ንስኻ ድማ ብህድማ ሽላ ምዃንካ ረሲዕካዮ ዲኻ ? ክሃድም እንከሎ ዝሕዞ ዘይብሉ ተረፈ-መረፍ ናይ ኣዛብእ ዝበልዕ ሽላ እንከሎኻ “ሽላ ኔረ እንተ ዝኸውን ” ኢልካ ምስትምሳል ኣየድልየካን እዩ!! ክክክክክክክክክ!!
“ሽፍታ ያቦካው ለእራት ኣይበቃም”
ሓትነይ እምበር ሒዝዋ___ካንሰር ፍረ ነብሲ
ሓወቦይ ድማ ኣሕዲሩ______ ናይ ሳልስቲ ጥንሲ
ገዛና ጨንዩስ_______________ነስኒሰሉ ፈሲ
ኣቢሲንያ ክሒዶም________ኮንዶም ዓረባዊ ክሲ
ጎይታ እንከለኹ_____ ደጎኑኒ ኣብ ናይ ባሮት ቃልሲ
ካብ ማሙቕ ገዛይ ገፊፎም______ደርበዩኒ ኣብ ናሕሲ
ኢትዮጵያ ትማዕብል፣_ኣነስ ተቐይረ ናይ ሻዕብያ ማእሲ
እዋን ጸላኢተይ፣ኣንሳሕቢ__________ንዒ ትመለሲ
ብሰንኪ ደቂ ባንዳ፣ንበደዊን ክጉምባሕ ይወግሕ ይመሲ !!!
ከመይ ቀንዮም _________እንዳ ጃህራ ድራሮም
ሰለስተ ሞጎጎ ኣርሲኖም______ ጾሞም ምሕዳሮም
ግንባርና ንህብ ይብሉ_ እንዳተወቕዑ ኣብ ምዓኮሮም
ተዓዊትና ዝብሉ________ እንዳ ኣተዉ ተጸይሮም
ንደቂ ሓንቲ ጡባ ዝግህሱ _____ ሞቶም ኣዚዙሎም
ከወፍቲ፣______ ንሽዱሽተ ፖሊስ ባድመ ቀቲሎም
ኣካኪ ዘራፍ ዝብሉ__________ ኩዳ ኣዐሚሮም
ልማኖ ትዕግስቲ ለባማት____ ከም ፍርሃት ቆጺሮም
ባዶ ገረወይና ይብሉ___ ዘይፈለጡ ዝተጠጅኣሎም
ቆረጣ ናይ ጀነራል ዩኑስ __ካብ ጎዳጕዶም ቦንቆሮም
ጻድቃን ብግርምኡ ጥራይ ፣ጽሕጻሕ ንጽሕጻሕ ገበሮም
መኻልፍ በሉ ________ተጣላቒና ምባል ሓፊሮም
ብሜላዊ ምዝላቖም ኮርዑ፣ኩርማጅ ግራስያኒ ኣዘከሮም
ደቆም ንበደዊን ዝሸጡ_____ሕስረት ፉሕ ዘብሎም
ወይ ብውግእ ወይ ብጥሜትይ፣ክሓጽር እዩ ዕምሮም !!!
እንተዘይዓቢድካ_______ኣብ ማይ ነይጽሓፍ
ወርቂ ኣይኩዓትን ፡_ካብ መኤከብ ዓኾር ጉሓፍ
ድሙ ድሙ ሃዊጽዎ______ንዝበለ ሓፍ ሓፍ
ብቆረጣ ይሕመል፣ብዘይ መላስ ኣውያት ነይንሓፍ
ዓድዋን ማይጨውን መስክራ፣ይገንጸል ‘ቲ መጽሓፍ !!!
ተቐባሊት ኣጋይሽ__________ ለዋህ ፍቱሕ መኣዳ
ክንደይ ዘይገበረትለይ፣ንብዓውተይ ሓቢሳ___ ፣ኣቢዳ
ኣነ ግን ብፈተውተይ ስለ ዝጅምር__ ከም ጠቢብ ቡዳ
ዝበላዕኩሉ ጻሕሊ ሰበርኩ________ ነኸስክዋ ኢዳ
ቆለውዕ መቐለ ብክላስተር ኣሕሪረ__ ኣማዕበልኩ ህዳ
ፍንፉን ንዑቕ ምዃነይ_____ኣብ ሬሳ ህጻውንቲ ኩዳ
ዕልልል _እንቋዕ ጥራይ ኣይሮፕላናትና ብወያነ ኣይነደዳ
በልኩ___ ኣነ ፈሽኳል ንሂወት ንጹሃን ባዕለይ ዝፈርዳ
መወዳእታይ ክኸፍእ ዩ___ ንደቂ ደቀይ፣ታሪኻዊ ዕዳ
ኢትዮጵያይ እናሓደረት ትጠጥዕ ፣ኤርትራስ ኩዑትዩ ጉድጓዳ !!!
ውሽጡ ሕሩር ሓዎቦኹም
ምሕረቱ ሃብተ (ዩጎስላቭያ ኤርትራዊ)
Suleiman Salim May 8, 2014
ኢትዮጵያይ እናሓደረት ትጠጥዕ!!KKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!
1. Ethiopia: 23.03
It’s the number one pity case for international poverty and suffering. It’s where every other socially-conscious college graduate considers spending a summer. Unfortunately it’s also a pitiful reputation that’s mostly warranted, with a single medical doctor per 100,000 people across the country. For a sense of reference, the healthiest country in the SPI index (the U.K.) has a score of 68.1. Ethiopia’s fraction of that comes from an average lifespan of 48, and chronic disease spreading in poor areas augmented by pervasive superstitions around causes and cures for illness.
That you contract gonorrhea from touching a stone covered in female dog urine is a common belief in some rural communities. In others, eating a black goat’s reproductive organs will cure the same part of your own body. To most of the world, these beliefs extend beyond the absurd and ridiculous. But perhaps the greater absurdity is a country caught between antiquated lifestyles and challenges of the modern age; hundreds of millions forced to fight off new world diseases without new world cures or access to education.
“ልኣኽቱ ድማ ሚንስተር ወይ ኣማሓዳሪ ናይ ኤርትራ ዝነበሩ፡ ኣስራተ ካሳ ኣብ ቃኘው እናተራከበን፡ምስ ሓወብኡ ሚንስተር ኣብርሃ ዝብሃልን ካልኦትን ኣማሓደርትን እናተራኸበ’ዩ ስርሑ ዘገልግል ዝነበረ፡ ስለዚኢሰያስ ንኤርትራ ኣይውለዳ ብስጋ፡ ኣይንጸፋ ብኣልጋ፡ ስለዝኾነ’ዩ ድማ፡ማይ ዘይኮነ ደም ዘንብዓና ዘሎ፡ ስለዚ ህዝብና ክነቅሓሉ ዘሎዎ ነዚ ተረዲኡ፡ ኣረኣእያና ኣብ ቦትኡ ኮይኑ፡ ፍልልያትና ግን ክጸብብ ኣሎዎ፡ ምእንቲ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ።”…END OF QUOTE
ዝኸበርኩም ኣቦ፣
ኣነ እውን ንኣማኑኤል ዘለኒ ክብረት ዝልዓለ እዩ።እቲ ብዛዕባ ኢሳያስ ኣቢሲንያዊ ኣጄንዳ እምበር፣ጸቢብ ኤርትራዊ ኣጀንዳ ከም ዘይብሉ ፣ኣነ እውን እሳማማዕ።ንዓና ከም ኮንዶም እዩ ተጠቒሙልና።ሓደ ኢትዮጵያዊ ከምዚ ጌሩ ክጻወተልና ግን ፣ገርህታት ዘይኮነ ዘብለናስ ፣ዓዋናት እዩ ዘብለና።እንታይከ ጎዲሉና ኔሩ ኣቦ ፧ ንኢትዮጵያ ደቂ ዓይኒ ምዓራ ኢና ኔርና።ጣልያንን ሃጸይ ሚኒሊኽን ህዝቢ ትግራይ ክፈላልዩ ዝገበርዎ ውዲት እዩ ኔሩ።ፋሽሽቲ ጣልያን ,ካብ ኣዴና ኢትዮጵያ ጨውዩ ገዚኡና። ውላድኩም ንዓመታት ተጨወዩ፣እሞ እቲ ዝጨውዩ ,ኣቡኡ ከም ዘይኮንኩምን ከም ዘይትብጽሕዎን ስለ ዝነገሮ ካባኹም ክፍለ ንሳላሳ ዓመት ዘይረብሕ ሂወቱ ከሕልፍ እሞ ሕሰብዎ፣።ናይ ኤርትራ ጉዳይ ድማ፣ጣልያን ፣ንስኻትኩም ኤርትራውያን፣ካብዞም ድኻታት ዓጋመ ሰብ ጥላም ኣቦታትኩም ስለ ዝሰልጠንኩም ንጸጉዎም ስለ ዝበለና ኢና ነጺግናዮም።ንዓና ድማ ከፊኡና ፣ክኸፍኣና እውን እዩ።
ስለዚ ኣቦ ፣
ብዕድሜኹም እኳ እናኽበርኩኹም፣ዝገለጽኩማ ነገር እንተላ (ሓቂ እውን እያ)፣ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ዘይንረብሕ ስለ ዝኾንና ሓደ ወዲ ተምቤን ፣ሓማሴናይ ተመሲሉ ተጻዊቱልና።እዚ ክፍኣት ኢሳያስ ዘይኮነ ዘርኢ ፣ንሕና ርእሲ ደርሁ ምዃንና እዩ።
ምስ ክብረት
ንእሽተይ ሓወቦኹም ስየ
Hidat May 8, 2014
Suleiman Salim May 8, 2014
” ኢሳያስ እንተ ዘይህሉ ነዞም ጭፍራታት ወያነ ሒዝና ንኤርትራ ኣብ ትሕቲ ኢትዮጵያ ምምላስ ቀሊል እዩ ኢሉ ዝሐስብ ሓንጎሉ ደቂሱ ዘይኮነስ ሞይቱ እዩ። ” – ህድኣት
ሓቅኺ እዛ ሓፍተይ! እዚ መልእኽትኺ ኩሉ ልቢ ዘለዎ ኤርትራዊ ዝቕበሎ እዩ። ነዞም ኣብ ኣሰና ኮይኖም፡ መንነት ኤርትራውያን ሰሪቖም፡ ብዎነ ተላኢኾም ዝንቃሳቀሱ እሞ ሓቂ ክትወጽእ እንከላ ከም ኣኽላባት ዝነብሑ ከም ኣእዱግ ዝሃሉ ኣብ ቁጽሪ ክነእትዎም የብልናን።
MightyEmbasoyra May 8, 2014
ኣብ መርዓ ናይ ሱሊን ህድኣትን (ድሕሪ ናይ ኢሳይስ ምኽራብ ማለተይ ዩ)መን ይዕደም መስለኩም። ከም ዝመስለኒ ዞም ዝስዕቡ ሰባት ምበልኩ:
ኣለም ጎይትኦም (መስከረም ኔት)፣ ቀለታ ኪዳነ፣ ተዛረብ፣ ጊደዎን፣ ዮዲት፣ ሓጎስ ኪሻ፣ ማንኪ፣ ወልዱ ባርያ፤ ስየ፣ ወዘተረፈ
ኣቶ በላይ ነጋ፤ ምስ ሱሊ ርክብ ከም ዘይብለይ ከምዝበለ ሰሚዕኩም ስለ ዝኾንኩም መግለጺ ዘድልዮ ኣይመስለንን
rahwa May 8, 2014
das hawya endya zia da, mighty! ms atewuwa zwexa yelen. sofia kitkishnom ya kisha kea kibelom iyu. wey gud meraa teadimka mexika bu abilka keytemeleska kiterf zigerm iyu.
MightyEmbasoyra May 9, 2014
A good one, Rahwa!
wedimendefera May 8, 2014
the simplest solation for the problems in Eritrea is to kill Iseyas
wedimendefera May 8, 2014
why are not the people of Eritrea focus in the Eritrean issue. The reason why our country is suffering is because of Iseyas, therefore kill, kill kill Iseyas, ALL ERITREAN WILL DEFINETELY LIVE PEACESFULLY.
wedimendefera May 8, 2014
I definitely agree
Bilen May 8, 2014
dhri nay Isu mkhrab dea ezob kolum zteqeskayom malet merAwn merAtn (Suli & hudi) kulatom etom Edumatn ewn kkherbu nediyom
MightyEmbasoyra May 9, 2014
Good point, Bilen!