ንደገፍቲህግደፍ: ዶንግዩዝበጽሖምዜናዕረፍቲ
ኣብዚ ብዙሓት ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍ: ሳልሳይ ዕስራ ናይ ህይወቶም ወዲኦም: ናብ እርጋን ዝተጋማገሙሉ እዋን: ገለ ብዝሓደሮም ሕዱር ሕማም: ገለ ድማ መስጣ ናይቲ ንህዝቢ ዘሕደሩሉ: ሕማም: ብወዝቢ: ብሃንደበት በጋጣሚ: ብድኻም ልቢ: ናብ መዕረፊኦም ክፋነው ንርእን ንሰምዕን ኣለና::

ኣብዚ ብዙሓት ሓለፍቲ ህግደፍ: ሳልሳይ ዕስራ ናይ ህይወቶም ወዲኦም: ናብ እርጋን ዝተጋማገሙሉ እዋን: ገለ ብዝሓደሮም ሕዱር ሕማም: ገለ ድማ መስጣ ናይቲ ንህዝቢ ዘሕደሩሉ: ሕማም: ብወዝቢ: ብሃንደበት በጋጣሚ: ብድኻም ልቢ: ናብ መዕረፊኦም ክፋነው ንርእን ንሰምዕን ኣለና:: ኣሽንኳይዶ ካብ ሰብ ዝተወልደ ሰብ: ዝበቖለ ገረብ’ውን ንዘለኣለም አይነብርን:: ሞት መደምደምታ ፍጻመ ጉያ ወድ ሰብ ስለዝኾነ ዘሕዝን ነገር’ኳ እንተኾነ ዘገርም ነገር ግን የብሉን:: በዚ ኾይኑ በቲ: እቶም ተሰሪዖም ናብ መቓብር ሓርበኛታት ዝኣተዉን ኣብ መስርዕ ዘለው ኣረጋውያን ተጋደልቲ ነበርን: ኣቢሎም ኣቢሎም ኤርትራውያን ስለዝኾኑ: ቆልዑ: ኣንስቲን ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን ስለዘልዉዎም: ህይወቶም ምስ ሓለፈት: ነቶም ዝሓዝኑ ፈጣሪ ጽንዓት ይሃቦም::
ዜና ዕረፍቲ እዚ ሎም ቅነ ዝዓረፈ: ኣባል መሪሕነት ህግደፍ ነበር ውን ብኸምዚ’ዩ ዝርአ:: ኣብ ከባቢ ሰሜናዊ ባሕሪ ኮይኑ ኣብ ክፍሊ ርክብ ይሰርሕ ነይሩ: ኣብ ምምስራት ሰልፊ ናጽነት ነይሩ: ካብ መስረትቲ ሓራካ ነይሩ ( ዋላ’ኳ እቲ ዝተነግረ ዕድምኡ አብ ምምስራት ሓራካ ወዲ 16 ዓመት እንተነበረ) ዝበሃል: ኣብ ዝሓለፈ10 ዓመት: አብ ማይ ኣትዩ: ዓፉ ተዓቢሱ ዩ ነይሩ::
ኣብ መንበር ሸሪፎ ኮፍ ኢሉ: ሸሪፎ’ኸ ኣበይ ከይዱ ዘይበለ: ኣብ ቤት ጽሕፈት ናይቲ ንሸሪፎ ዝተክአ ናይዝጊ ኮፍ ኢሉ: ስለምንታይ ናይዝጊ ኣብ ሃገሩ ዘይተቐብረ ዘይበለ: እሞ ድማ ጅግና ነይሩ ዝበሃል ሰብ: ሎም’ዩ ሞይቱ ምባል ነቲ ኩነታት አይገልጾን ዩ:: ብሞት ወድ ሰብ ዝሕጎስ የለን: ግናስ እቲ ቀደም ጅግና እናበልናዮ: ብጾቱ ክእሰሩ ትም ምስ በለ: ሞይቱ’ዩ ኢልና ሓዚንና ወዲእና ኢና:: ናይ ሎሚ ሞቱ ንደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ዶንግዩ ዝበጽሖም ዜና ‘ምበር: ንዓና ነቶም ጅግና ኢዩ ኢልና ካብኡ ሓቂ እተጸበና: ዝያዳ ዓሰርተ ዓመት ጉሂና ዝወዳእናዮ ዘሕዝን ሞት’ዩ::
ናቱ ጥራሕ ግን ኣይኮነን: እቶም ኣብ ቀብሩ ዝወዓሉ: ከምኡ: ጀጋኑ ዮም ነይሮም ዝበሃሉ: ምቾት ሓላፍነቶም: ሚኒስተርነቶም: ጀነራልነቶም ንታሪኾም ጸሎሎ ዘለኸዮ: ኣብ መስርዕ ናብ መቓብር ዘለው: ዘሕዝን መዛዘሚ ታሪኽ: ብህይወቶም ከለው ዝረአዩዎ ዓሰርተ ሞት ዩ:: ካብ ብህዝብኻ ተጸሊእካ: ብዓለም ተጸሊእካ: ንደቅኻን ደቅ ደቅኻን ኣደዳ ስደት ጌርካ: መዋእሎም ምሳኻ ዝተጋደሉ ክእሰሩ ትም ኢልካ: ኣፍካ ሓቲምካ ኣብ መቓብር ሪጋ ምሓዝ ዘሕዝን ነገhር የለን::
ሎም ድሕሪ ቀብሪ: ከምቲ ኩሉ ግዝየ ዝስማዕ: “ንሱ’ኮ በቲ ዝተገብረ ሕጉስ ኣይነበረን” “ተቓውሞኡ የስምዕ ነይሩ’ዩ” እዚ’ባ እቲ ባ: ዝብሃል ዘረባ ክስማዕ ዩ:: ግና: ኣብታ ሰብን ሰብኣዊን ምዃንካ እትፍተነላ እዋን: ኣጽቂጥካ: ከም በረድ መኺኽካ ክንስኻ: ሕጉስ ኣይነበረን’ባ: ይሓሚ ነይሩ’ባ ዝበሃል መግለጺ ቦታ የብሉን:: ንመርኣዩ: ክኾነና ግን ነዚ ካብ መደረ ማርቲን ሉተር ኪንግ ተወሲዱ ዝተቶርጎመ ጽሑፍ ንመልከት: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T88_j9sVBcc
” ምናልባት ከምዚ ኸማይ ወዲ 38 ዓመት ክትከውን ትኽእል :: ሓደ መዓልቲ: ሓደ ዓብይ ኣጋጣሚ ይመጽእ‘ሞ: ንሓደ ዓብይ መትከል: ንሓደ ዓይ ሕቶ: ንሓደ ዓቢይ ምኽንያት ደው ክትብል ትጽዋዕ:: ንስኻ ግን ነቲ ጻውዒት ትሕሰሞ:: ትፈርሕ:: እቲ ትምነዮ ነዊሕ ዕምሪ ከይሓጽር ትፈርሕ:: ካብ ስራሕካ ከይትስጎግ ትፈርሕ:: ብዝመጻካ ዘለፋታትን ህቡብነትካ ከይጠፍእ ትፈርሕ:: ብውሳይ ወጊኦም ከይቀትሉኻ ትፈርሕ:: ቶኲሶም ክይቀትሉኻ ትፈርሕ:: ቦንባ ጌይሮም ገዛኻ ክየዕንውዎ ትፈርሕ:: ስለዚ ነቲ ቅኑዕ መርገጺ ትሕሰሞ::
ይኾነልካ ድማ: ክሳብ ወዲ 90 ዓመት‘ውን ትነብር:: ህይወትካ ግን እታ አብ 90 ዓመታ ዝሞተታ ሞት ካብ ወዲ 38 ዓመት ጀሚራ ሞይታታ እያ:: ምቁራጽ ትንፋስካ ዝተደናጎየ ኣዋጅ ሞት መንፈስካ ዩ::
እምበር ንስኻ:
ካብታ ንቅንዕና: አይቀውምን ዝበልካላ ግዝየ ንንዮ መትካ ኢኻ::
ካብታ ንሓቂ: አይቀውምን ዝበልካላ ግዝየ ንንዮ መትካ ኢኻ::
ካብታ ንፍትሒ: አይቀውምን ዝበልካላ ግዝየ ንንዮ መትካ ኢኻ:: “
ነሓሰ 6 2013
asama August 9, 2013
Minister Woldenkiel honored with unparalleled funeral, why?
1. He was obedient, weak, subdued, did what he was told to do, thus, he was “liked” by HGDEF
2. He, his wife Zewdi Haile, Robel and all his children are friends of Isaias Afwerki’s family, Saba Haile, Abraham Isaias, etc.
3. Zewdi Haile (perhaps siser to to Saba Haile,, wife of Isaias Afwerki , since they share same last name) worked as secretary in President office, worked for Isaias Afwerki since for decades together with Saba Haile. Saba Haile and Zewedi Haile control and run the office of the President. They both have been secretaries of Isaias since Amberber, Sahel days.
4. Isaias Afwerki wants to replicate Meles Zenawi sort of funeral, especially since the 1st anniversary of the spledid and awefull funeral of Meles is nearing. Isaias Afwerki, as the infantile jaloux person he is wanted to demonstrate to Ethiopians and Eritrean people that HGDEF can create such great funeral as the marvelous funeral the EPRDF held for Meles Zenawi.
5. Isaias Afwerki got shock to see death nearing since Minister Woldenkiel was a very close friend of him and his family. He wants to set a good example by giving such an awesome funeral to a public official so that people can give Isaias same sort of funeral.
6. Isaias wanted to introduce his groomed heir, his son Abraham to the public. Especially now where him and his family are confronted with his mortality.
7. Isaias Afwerki wishes to take the attention of the people away from their daily tribulations by enacting a theatrical funeral.
8. Isaias Afwerki wants to show his human side and humble himself in light of all troubles that has descended upon him as a dictator.
9. Isaias Afwerki wants to remind his generals, ministers, officials and the people as long as you behave as obedient as Woldenkiel, then you will be appreciated and thanked by Isaias.
10. Woldenkiel was indeed greater than all the other veteran fighters like Akito and he did deserve a spectular funeral which I doubt. Since most of this time, he spent in Aden and Somalia, not in Meda. Regardless, if it is true, he spent 54 years in service for Eritrea, he deserves a funeral, but sadly, I believe he got the special funeral only because his family is best friend with the family of Isaias Afwerki. In Eritrea, nepotism is the best security, survival and mode of thriving tool. Be friend with the big boss, you will get everything, even the best funeral ever on national TV where all the citizens of Asmara will be forced to attend eventhough they don’t even noticed you one single day in the meetings of the cabinet of ministers.
kilite mot August 9, 2013
Acceptable all sided comment.
Tewelde belay August 9, 2013
Zewdi Haile is not a sister of Saba Haile and Saba has never been a secretary of the dictator since Independence. In fact, she is believed to have a very bad Family life With him. Even his son Abraham was in disagreement With his father until he was 22 years old. Once his father stroke him so hard that he almost broke his arm. The youngster was so independent minded that he used to criticize the regime for using road Blocks. “SELASA AMETAT TEQALISKA KIELA MGBAR MS MNTAY KIQUXER IYU?” he said according to his friends. One day he travelled to Sawa in a Landcruser car. he used to gallop horses in Sawa. When he and his colleagues arrived at a military road blocj beyond Keren With a lone guard, Abraham and his friends tied the guard into a tree and went their way. But after the gurads’ comrades came they heard the story and radioed the NeXT road Block. They never knew it was Isayas’s sone that did the mischief. Soon Abraham and his colleagues were apprehended and detained. Isayas radioed to Sawa if his son has arrived. The answere was defenitely a big NO! The dictator became Wild With anger and fear. He might have thought that his sone was killed (anti People) elements. After so many radio Messages to the roadblocks from Asmara to Sawa, it became Clear that he was detained for his mischef and the order was given for his release. Abraham failed in his matriculation exam and should have gone to the Asmara TTI. But, he was allowed to attend Mai nefhi College. He is a low quality student With very poor marks. But according to his classmates and colleagues, at least while he was a student he used to joke With them about the regime. Now, he may have matured to do either evil like his father or do constructive Things that og contrary to his father’s character. So mush about Abraham.
HGDEF August 9, 2013
What is the point here except telling people that you know something about Abraham?
samuel August 9, 2013
እንተ ደኣ ዘይተረዲኡካ፡ ብትግርኛ ክግለጸልካ ምእንቲ፡ ብሕቶ ክምልሰልካ።
ሙልዖ’ዶ፡ ካብ ጉንዳ ርሒቓ ትወድቕ ‘ያ?!
Genet August 11, 2013
I don’t care about the dictator’s son or wife. As far as I am concerned, they are all criminals like the dictator. They are not better than any ordinary Eritreans, who are suffering because of the dictator. If you ask me, who is Abraham? I say a dictator’s son who has no use to Eritrea. I don’t want to hear any thing about the dictator’s family. What I care about is when are they leaving our country one way or another.
Genet August 9, 2013
Well said!. You just hit the nail in the head!
Ali-lol August 9, 2013
zewdi and saba are not sisters. pls pls
Truly Truly i say to you August 9, 2013
Martin Luter king is the true son of God! I never doubt such persons automatically their soul as rest in peace and their place as would be in the kingdom of God for ever in heaven. Because he died for justice and truth.
to which is real religion whic pleases God.
I wonder some people by frighten to stand for the truth, while choosing to live under slavery in their whole life. I wonder when i see for the sake of temporary benefit when they sell their soul, they attempt to bury the truth, they betray their comrades promise for the purpose they sacrificed for etc… This all doing to gain unhealthy benefit by betraying others because think they survive forever, they selfish are, they love untruth because fear death, etc it is.
But Almighty God Lord Jesus Christ what says is this:-
” Whoever loves his father or mother more than me is not fit to be my disciple; whoever loves his son or daughter more than me is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever does not take up his cross and follow in my steps is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever tries to gain his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will gain it. (Matthew, 10; 37-39)
Better to live 33 years for truth and die, instead 2000 years in slavery.
Ali-lol August 9, 2013
is he was son of god then who is jesus?
kilite mot August 9, 2013
Nice article BIKo.
belay nega August 9, 2013
Their similarity is:
When they joined the struggle both of them were old and educated enough to predict the possible consequence of their intention
Their difference is :
The war of 2000 gave DURU courage to speak,and WOLDENKIEL ignored it.
Genet August 9, 2013
Mr Nega. Is that you?
Well am I reading right? if it is, You are aware of PFDJ officals who are doing the wrong things by ignoring any wrong doing by Mr Isaias. All I can say is, Who are you and what have you done with my friend Mr Nega?
belay nega August 9, 2013
Hi Genet
Just to be frank I did not get you,if you elaborate it better I am willing to answer as ever.
belay nega August 9, 2013
Hi Genet
Just to be frank I did not get you,if you elaborate it better I am willing to answer as ever.
Tes August 9, 2013
I do agree 100% with your article. Great observation. Those coward criminals were dead long ago.
Pleroma Righteousness August 9, 2013
All the so called Eritrean Ex-Combatatnts were ,we told,that they were superhuman in that they gave way their dear life for the cause of the people.Yet what we see is the opposite,they are consumed with fear which left them paralized to let their visions die!
samuel August 9, 2013
Hi, Mister!
They were only heroes when they have fought against Tor-Serawit and Jebha.
Pleroma Righteousness August 9, 2013
Eti Zgermenni ‘Jigna Harbegna Tegadalay Wezete …..zblu Ktzlat Mejemerta Kab Sahl mis Metzu rznet Neyrwom Nrdu’e Mknyatat.Hji kemtimali Ikonen …. Ezom Ztetteqssu Haregat Nkulu Ertrawi Medkemi Lbi Kitch Zemtz’u Eyom! Nhzi Ertra Tellimom Nab GEDEL Ze’etewu Akhieba ‘Hashlat Sahl’ Amete 2013 Meweda’etom Eyu ….Haye Hzbi Ertra Ab Wushtn Wetza’en Zelekha Nhadsh Lewtti Ktkebabelo Tedalo!Goyta Egzieabhier Nhzbi Zguasyu Lebamat Deqi Hzbi Ketens’e Kab Smi’ettat Hara koynna Hagerawi Lbona Ne’ebbi….Egzieabhier N’Ertrana Ybarkh!Amen!
kerri August 9, 2013
HGDEF August 9, 2013
Well! At least at this time you are happier because HGDEF has lost one importatnt member. I know you are hopping to see all HGDEF pass away one by one. But don’t forget when you wait for some one’s death, it could come your turn to die. No one of us knows when he/she dies. We have seen this many times. Many of the people who celebrated the so called “Isaias’s death” have now gone away. Some of them died because the drunk too much to celebrate the death and died in a car accident. While others died of heart attack because they felt that they are becoming Mr. president very soon. Others have died naturally. ተስካሮም ክትበልዑ እናተጸበኹም ተስካርኩም ክበልዑ ከምዝኽእሉ ምፍላ ከድልየኩም እዩ።
Tesfay Okbu August 9, 2013
Fantastic Biko.