ናብ ፍትሒ ጉየ …
ሓደ ካብቶም ኣብ ከተማ ቦስተን ዝነብር ናይ ፌስቡክ የዕሩኸይ: ኣብ ማራቶን ቦስቶን ኤርትራዊ መቦቆሉ ይመርሕ ኣሎ ዝብል ጽሑፍ ምስ ኣውጽአ: ኣብ ቦታ ስራሐይ ኮይነ: ነቲ ውድድር ላይቭ ተኸታቲለዮ:: ዋላ'ኳ ከም ኣመሪካዊ ይወዳደር: እታ ሕደ ትገብረና

ሓደ ካብቶም ኣብ ከተማ ቦስተን ዝነብር ናይ ፌስቡክ የዕሩኸይ: ኣብ ማራቶን ቦስቶን ኤርትራዊ መቦቆሉ ይመርሕ ኣሎ ዝብል ጽሑፍ ምስ ኣውጽአ: ኣብ ቦታ ስራሐይ ኮይነ: ነቲ ውድድር ላይቭ ተኸታቲለዮ:: ዋላ’ኳ ከም ኣመሪካዊ ይወዳደር: እታ ሕደ ትገብረና ኤርትራዊ መቦቆል ትብል: ናይ ስጋ ስለ ዝቐንጠወትኒ: ከምቲ ቐደም ውድድር ብሽክለታ ክርኢ እንከለኹ ዝገብሮ ዝነበርኩ: ሓንቲ ዘይምልእ ክንሰይ: “ሓላባይ” ክብል ጎሮሮይ ተሓርሒሩ ገዛይ ዝምለሶ ዝነበርኩ: ኣብ መንበር ስርሐይ ኮይነ ሓፍ ኮፍ በልኩ:: ምስ ተዓወተ ድማ: መሳርሕተይ እንታይ ኮይኑ’ዩ እዚ ክሳብ ዝብሉኒ: ዓው ኢለ ብታሕጓስ ጨዲረ:: እዚ ነዞም ኤርትራ ኣብ ዜና ዓለም ክትመጽእ እንከላ ዝለመድናዮ ዘሕዝን ዜናታት መብረ ዝኸውን ብስራት: ሞራል ብዙሓት ሓፍ ከብል ዝኽእል ኢለ ገመትኩዎ:: በዚ ድማ: ንኻልኦት እንድዒ: ንዓይ ግን ቁሩብ ባህ ኢሉኒ ቀንዩ::
እዚ ግን: ነቲ ዝደገፍኩዎ: ጎያያይ ንኣምባሳደር መላኺ ኤርትራ: ኣብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ሓቚፉ ዝተሳእሎ ክሳብ ዝርእይ’ዩ:: ስፓርት ካልእ: ሕልና ካልእ ምዃኑ ድማ: መሊሱ ነጸረለይ:: እቲ ጎያያይ ክንዲ’ቲ ዝፈተኹዎ ፍጊዕ ኢሉኒ:: ከም ኣመሪካዊ እንተተወዳዲሩ: ምስ መላኺ ስርዓት ዘጸጋገዖ ምርጫኡ እምበር: ከምቶም ካልኦት ዘመኻንዩዎ: ፓስፖርት ምርካብ: ኣይኮነን:: ምስ ወለደይን ኣሕዋተይን ካብ ወዲ 12 ዓመት ጀሚረ ኣብ ኣመሪካ እየ ዝነብር ስለዝበለና: ወለዱ ናይ ምብጻሕ ጸገም ዘለዎ’ውን ኣይመስለንን:: በዚ ኾነ በቲ ካብ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ዝረኽቦ ካብ ኣመሪካ ዘይረኽቦ ነገር ዘለዎ ኣይመስለንን:: እቲ ዘሕዝን: በቲ ብዘይከሓድ መንፍዓቱ ዝረኸቦ ዝና: ጸገም ኤርትራውያን: ናብ ዓለማዊ መድረኽ ከውጽኦ እናኸኣለ: ምስ ወከልቲ ምልኪ ክስኣል ምምራጹ እዩ:: ክንደይ ደቆም ዝተኣሰሩዎም: ክንደይ ኣሕዋቶም ዝተጸገሙዎም: ክንደይ ብእምነቶም ዝተኣስሩ: ክፍትሑ ጉዳዮም ናብ ባይቶታት ዓለም ንክቐርብ: ኣብ ጉዳያት ስደተኛታት ካብ ላምፐዱዛ ክሳብ ዮርሳሌም (ሆሎት) ለውጢ ዓቕሙ ክገብር ምኸኣለ:: ኣብ ጉዳያት እሱራት ፍትሒ ካብ ኣደርሰር ክሳብ ዒራዒሮ ጸቕጢ ከገብር ዘኽእል ሚዛን ረኺቡ ክንሱ: ትም ኢሉ: ኣጽቂጡ ዘይኮነስ: ምስቶም ወጻዕቲን ፈጠርቲ እዚ ሽግርን ብምውጋን ሕሱር ምርጫ መሪጹ:: የሕዝን ድማ::
ዝኸበርካ ጎያያይ: ኣብ ምዝዛም ጉያኻ: ስም ፈጣሪ ደጋጊምካ ስለዝጠቐሰካ: ካብ ቅዱስ ጽሕፍ ሓደ ጥቕሲ ከዘክረካ::
“በዚ ጊዜ እዚ ስቕ እንተ በልካስ፡ [ንኤርትራውያን] ሓገዝን ሃራን ካብ ካልእ ቦታ ኺመጽእ እዩ:: [ምናልባት] ንከምዚ ንዝበለ እዋን ናብ [ዝና] መጺእካ እንተክነይርካ፡ መን ይፈልጥ።”
ንስኻ ግን ነቲ ቦታ ኣይበቓዕካዮን:: ዘሕዝን ኣዋድቓ ወዲቕካ:: እዚ ሓደ ተራን ትሑትን ዘረባ ካብ ተራ ሰብ ናብ ሓደ ዓቢ ክብሪ ዝረኸበ ኦሎምፒካዊ ስፓርተኛ እዩ:: ዋጋ’ውን ዘይክትህቦ ትኽእል ኢኻ:: እቶም ዝሓቖፍካዮም ዘይኮኑስ: እቶም ሓቀኛ ዋናታት እቲ ዘበጻሕካዮ ቤት ጽሕፈት ነዚ ጽሑፍ ስለዘንብቡዎ ግን ኣነ’ውን ዋጋ ዘይሃብካዮ ኢለ ኣይስከፍን:: እቲ ብዛዕባ ፈጣሪኻ ዝበልካዮ ግና ሓቂ ዩ ኢለ ስለዝሓስብ ካብ ትም ዝብል ክኹሕክሓካ ኢለ ይደግመልካ::
ኩልና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ድማ: ነስተብህል:: እዚ ጸላእቲ ንምብዛሕ ኣይኮነን:: ከም ሓቂ: ካብ ፈታዊ ንላዕሊ ብ ዓወቱ ዝተሓጎስና ሓውና ዝመሰለና ሰብ እዩ:: የግዳስ: ብዛዕባ ቃንዛና ኣውሮጳን ኣሜሪካን ካልኦት ርሑቕ ዝሃገሮም: ዝመቦቆሎምን ዜግነቶምን እናጠራዕናን: እናፈለጡዎን: እቲ ከማና ተመሳሳሊ መቦቆል ኣለኒ ዝብል ከመይ ኢሉ ይስሕቶ:: እንተዘይሰሓቶ ግን ድማ እናፈለጠ ጌጋ ምስ ዝመርጽ’ከ: እንታይ እዩ እጀታና:: ትም ኢልካ ምጥቓዕ? እቲ ተጣቕዓሉ ዘለኻ: ምስ ጸላኢኻ እናወገነ ከምዘይርኣኻ ምዃን? ወይሲ ዓው ኢልካ ተጋጊኻ ምባል ?
እዚ ዝጽሕፎ ዘለኹ: ብዙሓት ባህ ከይብሎም ይኽእል’ዩ:: ከመይ ኢልካ ከምኡ ትጽሕፍ ኢሎም ስኽፍክፍ ዝብሎም’ውን ክህልው ምዃኖም ይርድኣኒ እዩ:: ኣነ ግን ከምቲ ደጋጊመ ዝብሎ: ሰብ ንኸሐጉስ ዝገብሮ ነገር የለን:: ምረጹኒ ኣዋጽኡለይ’ውን ይብል የለኹን:: ኣብ ሃገር ድልየትካ ተዛሪብካ ዘይትስከፈሉ ስለዘለኹ እታ ዘላ ኣብኣ እንከላ ይህበኩም:: እቲ ምርጫ – ጣቕዒት ምቕጻል ድዩ: ንግጉይ ምምካር – ናትኩም እዩ::
ኣነ ግን ” እንተኾነ: ደሃይ ዝጠፍኡ ዘለው ኣሕዋትካ ምገበርካ: እተዘይኮነ ትም ምበልካ: ወኪል መላኺ ክትሓቁፍ ምምራጽካ ግን ዓቢ ጌጋ ተጋጊኻ: ናብ ልብኻ ተመለስ: ካብ ሕጂ ኣብ ጉያ ማራቶን ዘለካ ዕምሪ ካብ ሕጂ ነዊሕ ከምዘይኮነ ንስኻ’ውን ትፈልጥ ኢኻ: ስለዚ ካብ ሕጂ ንንዮ ዘለካ ዕምሪ ናብ ፍትሒ ክትጎዪ ሕሰብ::
Mihretu Berhe May 1, 2014
ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ ጽሑፍ ጽሒፍካ ቢኮ። ኣብ ግዜ ሂትለር ኣብ ጀርመን ኦሎምፒክ ተኻይዱ ከም ዝነበረ ኩልና ንፈልጥ ኢና። ኣብቲ ግዜ እቲ ብምሕምባስ ቀዳማይ ዝወጸ ጀርመናዊ (ፒተር ኮምየር)ብጋዜጠኛታት መንግስቲ ጀርመን ብዛዕባ ዝና ናይ ሂትለርን ኣብዚ ደረጃ እዚ ዘብጸሖ ድማ ሄር ሂትለር ምዃኑን ክዛረብ ሓቲተሞ። ንሱ ግን ከምዚ ክብል መሊሱ። “ኣነ ንህዝቢ ጀርመን ወኪለ እምበር ንዝኾነ ሰብ ወኪለ ኣብዚ ውድድር ኣይኣተኹን። ዓወተይ ድማ ሳላይ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ሳላ ህዝቢ ጀርመን ኢዩ። በዚ ከኣ ጀርመናዊ ምዃነይ የሐብነኒ።” ኢሉ መልእኽቱ ኣብ ረድዮ ደርጉሕዎ። ከምቲ ኩሉ ዝገመቶ ድማ ድሕሪ ሰለስተ ወርሒ ብሓደጋ መኪና ሞይቱ ተባሂሉ። ስፓርተኛ ወይ ድማ ናይ ህዝቢ ሰብ ዝበሃል እምበኣር ከምዚ ኢዩ። እዚ ናትና ወኻርያ ድማ ከይሓፈረ ምስ ሓደ ዘይረብሕ ግርማ ኣስመሮም ተሓጉሱ ተሳኢሉ።
Truly Truly i say to you May 1, 2014
Please for God sake about what ጅግንነት (heroism) is talking, or because sees is the socalled zombie tesfalidet abreha calling isayas,”the lion of Nakfa? Actually those Lions of Nakfa are our sacrificed brothers and sisters.
But everyone knows how Isayas embarrassed us in Badme war, in Lampadusa and in Sinai, and in Mediterranean Sea. Woyane by despising you still now by fore while occupying our territory, and as they want by crossing the territory while humiliating you, how you dare and have courage to call Isayas the “Lion of Nakfa please? For abused power and oppressed helpless is that you call him hero? Why he not shown to woyane if he is real hero and have power? what a shame! After all these nation embarrassment and tragedy, what is for us, if an individual win Marathon? Please all ignore this topic and focus at serious relevant issue how to rescue our people and country? Finally to be fair, the oppositions instead blaming and fingering at the runner for not siding with them, they should to acknowledge their wickedness first . It is because of them everyone inforcing to side with evil regime and to be opportunist. However, it is not late for the runner to take the right decision, anytime he can use it his popularity for good.I somehow understanding for accepting the embassy invitation. As about the photograph let alone the embassy members, who else foreigner does not like to photograph with famous person?
Denden May 1, 2014
He is an idiot(dirbay) and selfish.All he cared is his career ambition and popularity and do not care what is happening to his country people.When Olympics were in Russia, china many sportsmen and women used their status to advance the plight of Tibetans and Russian brutality. These sport people were foreigners and were not even connected to the issue of china or russia they just want to support the weak and bring world attention.However this derbay idiot eritrean was not only silent at the issue which concerned him and his family but he went to great length to prostitute himself for HEGDEf and be against his own persecuted weak people.He represented USA and he is a US citizen so there is nothing to gain from the dictator by siding with him. We will never forget who ever betrayed our weak, suffering people.Please do not say it is just a photo because it says a lot of who actually he is and it leaves a land mark in history of betrayal.he new what he was doing. Even a five year old in eritrea knows the brutality of the Vampire.
Denden May 1, 2014
He is an idiot(dirbay) and selfish.All he cared is his career ambition and popularity and do not care what is happening to his country people.When Olympics were in Russia, china many sportsmen and women used their status to advance the plight of Tibetans and Russian brutality. These sport people were foreigners and were not even connected to the issue of china or russia they just want to support the weak and bring world attention.However this derbay idiot eritrean was not only silent at the issue which concerned him and his family but he went to great length to prostitute himself for HEGDEf and be against his own persecuted weak people.He represented USA and he is a US citizen so there is nothing to gain from the dictator by siding with him. We will never forget who ever betrayed our weak, suffering people.Please do not say it is just a photo because it says a lot of who actually he is and it leaves a land mark in history of betrayal.he new what he was doing. Even a five year old in eritrea knows the brutality of the Vampire.
HGDEF May 2, 2014
ዝኸበርኩም “ደለይቲ ፍትሕ”! ሕቆኡ ነንዝሃበኩም ሰብ ካብ ምጽራፍሲ ንምንታይ ንዓና ገዲፉ ናብ ህግደፍ ከይዱ ኢልኩም ነፍሲኹም ምፍታሽዶ ኣይምሓሸን? ወረ ከመይ ገይርኩም ኢኹም ኣትለታት ናባኩም ክመጹ እትጽበዩ? ሓደ መዓልቲ እኳ ብዛዕባ ዓወታቶም ተዛሪብኩም ዘይትፈልጡ: እንትርፎ መን ኣሎ ሃገሩ ራሕሪሑ ዝኽደ ኢልኩም ሃሰው ምባል:: ነዘን ኣብ ጸጽባህ ዝስረዓን ዝፍንጠሓን ናይ ገዛገዛ ቆልዑት ውድባትኩምከ መን ኣቅሓ ምስ ሓሰበን እዩ ሓደ ዓቢይ ዝና ዘሎዎ ሰብ ክመጸን? ብኣፍካ ስመር ብተግባርካ ፋሕ በል: ብኣፍካ ጅግና ብተግባርካ ዓዲ ዉዒል: ብኣፍካ ፈላጥ ብውሽጥካ ጓዋንጓ: ብኣፍካ ሃገራዊ ውሽጥካ ድሑር ወገናዊ: ብኣፍካ ፍትሓዊ ብተግባርካ ከዳዕ ገበነኛ: እንተኮንካ ሽንኳይ ከም በዓል መብ ህጻን ቆልዓውን ከምዘይታለለልካ ፍለጥ::
MightyEmbasoyra May 2, 2014
ኣንታ ህግደፍ ሓውና፥ ምስ ህዝብኻ ወግን ኳ ኢና ንብሎ ዘለና። ናይ ግድን ምስ ሓደ ተቓዋሚ ውድብ ተጸጋዕ ዝበሎ ሰብ ኣሎ ድዩ፧
ህግደፍ ‘ኳ ብህዝቢ ኤርትራ ተገዲሱ ኣይፈልጥንዩ፥ ኣይክፈልጥን ድማ። ድሓር ከኣ ወገነኛ ካብ ኣምጻእካ፥ ካብ ህግደፍ ንላዕሊ ዶ መን ኣሎ ዩ ወገነኛ፧ መን ድዩ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንጽልጽል ኣቢሉዎ ዘሎ፧ በጃኻ ኢለካ፥ ኣስተውዕል
TwoWayStreet May 2, 2014
I have a picture of myself taken with Issayas Afeworki in 1998, but I am against almost everything that he stands for.
When was Meb’s picture taken with Ambassador Ghirma Asmerom, The Eritrean Ambassador to the United states from 2001-2006. So what do you know about Meb’s stance at the moment, i.e. after the picture was taken. You are judging him just by looking at the picture taken between 2001-2006. You have never heard him talk supporting the PFDJ, you have no knowledge about him supporting the wrong policies of PFDJ. That does’t make sense. During that time(the picture) a lot of Eritreans were supporting HGDEF, specially if it is early 2001. I have seen Meb on EriTV doing an interview regarding athletics, around 2000 (I don’t know when but definitely before 2003 because I left Eritrea in 2003). So this picture might be taken during those time.
As the saying goes “Don’t judge a book by its cover”
selamawit2 May 2, 2014
TwoWayStreet, you are right – the eritrean issue is knotty!
i know (politically innocent) people personally who have been again and again invited to the embassy. and it was not unlikely that they would have accept the invitation. not because they support the regime but because they did not understand the eritrean situation…but since octobre 2013 everybody is informed…
Yerhiwo May 2, 2014
Please don’t confuse people!! This picture was taken after he won Boston Marathon. You seem one of the many brothers and sisters of this guy that can’t speak American language! He reminds me like the Ethiopian Athlete Haile Gebresellasie who wants to be a president.
MightyEmbasoyra May 2, 2014
This photo was taken recently.
Mihretu Berhe May 2, 2014
Two Way Street, you are wrong. In politics, having a picture with someone who is hated by people is enough for giving judgement. If he were smart he would not have been taken a picture with them. Look what is hanging behind him – The dictator of Eritrea, the killer and the destroyer of our beloved country, including sport. If you think he is naive, fare enough. Otherwise, as a world-renowned person he should have known for what reason they are using him.
Genet-orginal May 5, 2014
What about Meb’s dead silent? Does that say anything about him, when it comes to Eritrea’s situation?
Fanko May 2, 2014
Sometimes even some Higedites speak truth:
HGDEF on May 2, 2014 at 5:55 am said:
ዝኸበርኩም “ደለይቲ ፍትሕ”! ሕቆኡ ነንዝሃበኩም ሰብ ካብ ምጽራፍሲ ንምንታይ ንዓና ገዲፉ ናብ ህግደፍ ከይዱ ኢልኩም ነፍሲኹም ምፍታሽዶ ኣይምሓሸን? ወረ ከመይ ገይርኩም ኢኹም ኣትለታት ናባኩም ክመጹ እትጽበዩ? ሓደ መዓልቲ እኳ ብዛዕባ ዓወታቶም ተዛሪብኩም ዘይትፈልጡ: እንትርፎ መን ኣሎ ሃገሩ ራሕሪሑ ዝኽደ ኢልኩም ሃሰው ምባል:: ነዘን ኣብ ጸጽባህ ዝስረዓን ዝፍንጠሓን ናይ ገዛገዛ ቆልዑት ውድባትኩምከ መን ኣቅሓ ምስ ሓሰበን እዩ ሓደ ዓቢይ ዝና ዘሎዎ ሰብ ክመጸን? ብኣፍካ ስመር ብተግባርካ ፋሕ በል: ብኣፍካ ጅግና ብተግባርካ ዓዲ ዉዒል: ብኣፍካ ፈላጥ ብውሽጥካ ጓዋንጓ: ብኣፍካ ሃገራዊ ውሽጥካ ድሑር ወገናዊ: ብኣፍካ ፍትሓዊ ብተግባርካ ከዳዕ ገበነኛ: እንተኮንካ ሽንኳይ ከም በዓል መብ ህጻን ቆልዓውን ከምዘይታለለልካ ፍለጥ::
sennait May 2, 2014
congratulation meb don’t lisen for those negative comment they dont like good about eritrean .
selamawit2 May 3, 2014
after seeing these…
i don’t think he is a “naive american”. he knows what he does and at least his parents are not living in eritrea – are out of danger. so if he support the dictatorship he is morally a “fake”.
he pretends to be a presenter of a democratic world while doing this…
Genet-orginal May 6, 2014
Dear selamawit2
Thanks for the link.
Obviously, Meb is living in a completely different world. He doesn’t seems to be affected by what is going on to our people. I did not read one sentence regarding the current Eritrean situation. He is an Eritrean, But failed to feel his own peoples’ incredible suffering, under the savage dictator and his network of PFDJ. He is not an ordinary man. He likes it or not, he is an influential person. He has the power to do the right thing. Nobody is asking him to be part of any opposition group, but to understand the concept of “opposition” to the dictatorial regime in our country. To oppose the regime in our country is not about being part of a “group”, but to oppose steadfastly the injustice in our country. To oppose the strategic action of the dictator to remove Eritreans from their land. To oppose the killing of Eritrean youth, by the dictator and his network of PFDJ. To oppose the recklessness of this regime, to keep foreign forces so called “Ethiopian rebels” in our strategic bases. To oppose the regime’s ill-treatment of our youth. To oppose the regime’s action of denying Eritreans’ youth the opportunity to be young, to live, to be educated, to have family and to have a small percentage of what MEB has. But Meb and his supporters are missing the point. Meb or no Meb, the fight for justice and liberty will go on. Until our brothers and sisters are save at home, we will fight on; until each Eritrean mother is allowed to have her children and her husband at home and be a family, we will fight on; until each Eritrean sister is safe at home, we will fight on; until each Eritrean boy is safe at home, we will fight on; until our people are granted rule of law, we will fight on; until our natural resource is transferred to our people, we will fight on; until this dictatorial regime is out of our country, will fight on. Meb or no Meb, we shall Overcome!
hmm May 3, 2014
I feel sorry for Meb, it is not really his fault, those dirty thugs who call themselves PFDJ use every trick on the book to advance their agenda. Obviously they must have invited him to the embassy after the win to pose for picture and use it to advance their propaganda. I don’t expect Meb to be brave enough to openly criticize PFDJ and its policies, that makes him just as coward as most Eritreans out there who pay 2% and attend PFDJ parties. Insulting them wouldn’t change anything, but educating them can do miracles.
Genet-orginal May 5, 2014
Don’t feel sorry for Meb. He is a grown man. He should know what PFDJ is all about. He is an athlete and a business man. Do you know how many Eritreans are out there, from all over Eritrea doing busiess with PFDJ’s leaders. Check it out the booming business in central and East Africa. Who are those people? Do any one of us know them? They are doing business with the dictator and the killer of our people. Do we know them? who are they? They are not taking pictures with the PFDJ’s officials. NO, they are behind the scenes. While Eritrea is being destroyed and her children killed, they are privately holding meetings with PFDJ’s officials. How do we hold those people accountable for their actions. Do People know there are Eritreans in their 30s, living and doing business with the dictator, who became millionaires. An Eritrean in his/her 30s becoming “Milionaires” HOW? Those people who are doing business with the dictator, while their people are being killed, should be held accountable.