ናብ ፍትሒ ጉየ …
ሓደ ካብቶም ኣብ ከተማ ቦስተን ዝነብር ናይ ፌስቡክ የዕሩኸይ: ኣብ ማራቶን ቦስቶን ኤርትራዊ መቦቆሉ ይመርሕ ኣሎ ዝብል ጽሑፍ ምስ ኣውጽአ: ኣብ ቦታ ስራሐይ ኮይነ: ነቲ ውድድር ላይቭ ተኸታቲለዮ:: ዋላ'ኳ ከም ኣመሪካዊ ይወዳደር: እታ ሕደ ትገብረና
ሓደ ካብቶም ኣብ ከተማ ቦስተን ዝነብር ናይ ፌስቡክ የዕሩኸይ: ኣብ ማራቶን ቦስቶን ኤርትራዊ መቦቆሉ ይመርሕ ኣሎ ዝብል ጽሑፍ ምስ ኣውጽአ: ኣብ ቦታ ስራሐይ ኮይነ: ነቲ ውድድር ላይቭ ተኸታቲለዮ:: ዋላ’ኳ ከም ኣመሪካዊ ይወዳደር: እታ ሕደ ትገብረና ኤርትራዊ መቦቆል ትብል: ናይ ስጋ ስለ ዝቐንጠወትኒ: ከምቲ ቐደም ውድድር ብሽክለታ ክርኢ እንከለኹ ዝገብሮ ዝነበርኩ: ሓንቲ ዘይምልእ ክንሰይ: “ሓላባይ” ክብል ጎሮሮይ ተሓርሒሩ ገዛይ ዝምለሶ ዝነበርኩ: ኣብ መንበር ስርሐይ ኮይነ ሓፍ ኮፍ በልኩ:: ምስ ተዓወተ ድማ: መሳርሕተይ እንታይ ኮይኑ’ዩ እዚ ክሳብ ዝብሉኒ: ዓው ኢለ ብታሕጓስ ጨዲረ:: እዚ ነዞም ኤርትራ ኣብ ዜና ዓለም ክትመጽእ እንከላ ዝለመድናዮ ዘሕዝን ዜናታት መብረ ዝኸውን ብስራት: ሞራል ብዙሓት ሓፍ ከብል ዝኽእል ኢለ ገመትኩዎ:: በዚ ድማ: ንኻልኦት እንድዒ: ንዓይ ግን ቁሩብ ባህ ኢሉኒ ቀንዩ::
እዚ ግን: ነቲ ዝደገፍኩዎ: ጎያያይ ንኣምባሳደር መላኺ ኤርትራ: ኣብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ሓቚፉ ዝተሳእሎ ክሳብ ዝርእይ’ዩ:: ስፓርት ካልእ: ሕልና ካልእ ምዃኑ ድማ: መሊሱ ነጸረለይ:: እቲ ጎያያይ ክንዲ’ቲ ዝፈተኹዎ ፍጊዕ ኢሉኒ:: ከም ኣመሪካዊ እንተተወዳዲሩ: ምስ መላኺ ስርዓት ዘጸጋገዖ ምርጫኡ እምበር: ከምቶም ካልኦት ዘመኻንዩዎ: ፓስፖርት ምርካብ: ኣይኮነን:: ምስ ወለደይን ኣሕዋተይን ካብ ወዲ 12 ዓመት ጀሚረ ኣብ ኣመሪካ እየ ዝነብር ስለዝበለና: ወለዱ ናይ ምብጻሕ ጸገም ዘለዎ’ውን ኣይመስለንን:: በዚ ኾነ በቲ ካብ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ዝረኽቦ ካብ ኣመሪካ ዘይረኽቦ ነገር ዘለዎ ኣይመስለንን:: እቲ ዘሕዝን: በቲ ብዘይከሓድ መንፍዓቱ ዝረኸቦ ዝና: ጸገም ኤርትራውያን: ናብ ዓለማዊ መድረኽ ከውጽኦ እናኸኣለ: ምስ ወከልቲ ምልኪ ክስኣል ምምራጹ እዩ:: ክንደይ ደቆም ዝተኣሰሩዎም: ክንደይ ኣሕዋቶም ዝተጸገሙዎም: ክንደይ ብእምነቶም ዝተኣስሩ: ክፍትሑ ጉዳዮም ናብ ባይቶታት ዓለም ንክቐርብ: ኣብ ጉዳያት ስደተኛታት ካብ ላምፐዱዛ ክሳብ ዮርሳሌም (ሆሎት) ለውጢ ዓቕሙ ክገብር ምኸኣለ:: ኣብ ጉዳያት እሱራት ፍትሒ ካብ ኣደርሰር ክሳብ ዒራዒሮ ጸቕጢ ከገብር ዘኽእል ሚዛን ረኺቡ ክንሱ: ትም ኢሉ: ኣጽቂጡ ዘይኮነስ: ምስቶም ወጻዕቲን ፈጠርቲ እዚ ሽግርን ብምውጋን ሕሱር ምርጫ መሪጹ:: የሕዝን ድማ::
ዝኸበርካ ጎያያይ: ኣብ ምዝዛም ጉያኻ: ስም ፈጣሪ ደጋጊምካ ስለዝጠቐሰካ: ካብ ቅዱስ ጽሕፍ ሓደ ጥቕሲ ከዘክረካ::
“በዚ ጊዜ እዚ ስቕ እንተ በልካስ፡ [ንኤርትራውያን] ሓገዝን ሃራን ካብ ካልእ ቦታ ኺመጽእ እዩ:: [ምናልባት] ንከምዚ ንዝበለ እዋን ናብ [ዝና] መጺእካ እንተክነይርካ፡ መን ይፈልጥ።”
ንስኻ ግን ነቲ ቦታ ኣይበቓዕካዮን:: ዘሕዝን ኣዋድቓ ወዲቕካ:: እዚ ሓደ ተራን ትሑትን ዘረባ ካብ ተራ ሰብ ናብ ሓደ ዓቢ ክብሪ ዝረኸበ ኦሎምፒካዊ ስፓርተኛ እዩ:: ዋጋ’ውን ዘይክትህቦ ትኽእል ኢኻ:: እቶም ዝሓቖፍካዮም ዘይኮኑስ: እቶም ሓቀኛ ዋናታት እቲ ዘበጻሕካዮ ቤት ጽሕፈት ነዚ ጽሑፍ ስለዘንብቡዎ ግን ኣነ’ውን ዋጋ ዘይሃብካዮ ኢለ ኣይስከፍን:: እቲ ብዛዕባ ፈጣሪኻ ዝበልካዮ ግና ሓቂ ዩ ኢለ ስለዝሓስብ ካብ ትም ዝብል ክኹሕክሓካ ኢለ ይደግመልካ::
ኩልና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ድማ: ነስተብህል:: እዚ ጸላእቲ ንምብዛሕ ኣይኮነን:: ከም ሓቂ: ካብ ፈታዊ ንላዕሊ ብ ዓወቱ ዝተሓጎስና ሓውና ዝመሰለና ሰብ እዩ:: የግዳስ: ብዛዕባ ቃንዛና ኣውሮጳን ኣሜሪካን ካልኦት ርሑቕ ዝሃገሮም: ዝመቦቆሎምን ዜግነቶምን እናጠራዕናን: እናፈለጡዎን: እቲ ከማና ተመሳሳሊ መቦቆል ኣለኒ ዝብል ከመይ ኢሉ ይስሕቶ:: እንተዘይሰሓቶ ግን ድማ እናፈለጠ ጌጋ ምስ ዝመርጽ’ከ: እንታይ እዩ እጀታና:: ትም ኢልካ ምጥቓዕ? እቲ ተጣቕዓሉ ዘለኻ: ምስ ጸላኢኻ እናወገነ ከምዘይርኣኻ ምዃን? ወይሲ ዓው ኢልካ ተጋጊኻ ምባል ?
እዚ ዝጽሕፎ ዘለኹ: ብዙሓት ባህ ከይብሎም ይኽእል’ዩ:: ከመይ ኢልካ ከምኡ ትጽሕፍ ኢሎም ስኽፍክፍ ዝብሎም’ውን ክህልው ምዃኖም ይርድኣኒ እዩ:: ኣነ ግን ከምቲ ደጋጊመ ዝብሎ: ሰብ ንኸሐጉስ ዝገብሮ ነገር የለን:: ምረጹኒ ኣዋጽኡለይ’ውን ይብል የለኹን:: ኣብ ሃገር ድልየትካ ተዛሪብካ ዘይትስከፈሉ ስለዘለኹ እታ ዘላ ኣብኣ እንከላ ይህበኩም:: እቲ ምርጫ – ጣቕዒት ምቕጻል ድዩ: ንግጉይ ምምካር – ናትኩም እዩ::
ኣነ ግን ” እንተኾነ: ደሃይ ዝጠፍኡ ዘለው ኣሕዋትካ ምገበርካ: እተዘይኮነ ትም ምበልካ: ወኪል መላኺ ክትሓቁፍ ምምራጽካ ግን ዓቢ ጌጋ ተጋጊኻ: ናብ ልብኻ ተመለስ: ካብ ሕጂ ኣብ ጉያ ማራቶን ዘለካ ዕምሪ ካብ ሕጂ ነዊሕ ከምዘይኮነ ንስኻ’ውን ትፈልጥ ኢኻ: ስለዚ ካብ ሕጂ ንንዮ ዘለካ ዕምሪ ናብ ፍትሒ ክትጎዪ ሕሰብ::
simerrr2012 April 30, 2014
Please write in Tigrina so we can understand you. It is not easy to be angry and write your anger in a language you do not understand. Use capital letters to mark the beginning of a sentence and use full stops to mark the end of a sentence: Example: Meb could have spoken for the victims of Lampedusa, Sinai, adeabyto, Sawa and other victims in Eritrea. Unfortunately, he went to New York to shake hands of criminals who have blood in their hands.
Awet Nihafash April 30, 2014
waEro May 1, 2014
Can you please write in tgrina? I failed to understand your English.
Semere April 30, 2014
What in the world is Meb doing hugging and candling with the ambassador of the dictator? Our people are getting killed by the day and he, Meb, is supporting the dictatorial regime.
What a selfish guy. By the way heck, you are either an American or Eritrea, you can’t have it both ways. For the seek of pleasing his sponsors he talked about America this and America that but the following night he abundances his values and dances all night with the dictator.
tesfaldetabraha April 30, 2014
simmerr you are ready to lay red carpet to invite MEB but now after you see him you are saying athers angry who was celebrating after he won all of you make plan to use him but he show you in your faice & to make mater worst ASSENA post his picture thank you ASSENA for breaking the hope of SIMMERR & ATHERS who are ready to play game with inosent ERITREANS by spreding propoganda now whom do you have next on line to lay red carpet like you did with WEDI TUKABO WEDI VACARO iknow you jast wait for some one to diffect that is the only option left for you
Semere April 30, 2014
Meb ran for Meb. What the heck is the benefit to Eritrea? The bottom line is we have self proclaimed president and as a direct result of it the Eritrea people are suffering. Meb as am American is supporting that.
Once again, Meb is an American and he should stick to the American values which is FREEDOM
HABTE April 30, 2014
It’s so sad to see him standing with a representative of dictatorship
hadnet April 30, 2014
Hidat, your parent gave you wrong name , if I was your father, I will change your name to tsebab (narrow minded). At this time anyone who support regime 1. He/she has benefit in the country. 2. By nature he/ she has a problem that he / she cannot separate wrong and right which means mentally not normal. 3. By saying wedi adey or wedi awrajay that is the worst one..and I know people the support him cuz of he is from their awraja….nay dhurat dhurat eyom malet eyu..they are not worries about the country.
Asmeret May 1, 2014
Thank you Hadnet, ዓሻ ዳሐን አሎ ሐውዓሻ ከፍእዏሎ, ዓሻ አይብዛሕ ዓዲ ከይዓኑ ! ናይ አቦታትና ምስላ ክምላኣልካ, Hadnet this time people who support this regime are for fact two things, #1. they benefit from the country, # 2. wedi awrajay, shame on them, our brothers and sisters died for this!
Mesinas April 30, 2014
ስእሊ ደማሒ ኣብ ድሕሬኻ ሰቒልካ ምስ ዕሱብ ቀዛፊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምስኣል ዘሕዝን ዘይኮነስ ከም ሰብ ኣመና ዘሕፍር’ዩ! ንእንስሳ ወይ ድማ ንልቢ ዘይቈጸረ ቈልዓ ግን ዘሕፍርን ዘነውርን የብሉን። “ሰብ ናብ ሰቡ፣ ዝብኢ ናብ ገረቡ” ስለ ዚኾነ።
wedi Forto April 30, 2014
Not a wise move by Meb. This is a kiss of death. His sponsors (if he has any) would not appreciate this. They would not want their products represented by someone who openly supports one of the worst dictators of our times.
What was he thinking? What was his manager (who is also his manager) thinking?
tesfaldetabraha April 30, 2014
HI wediforto men seb qosiruka eyu he dont need his sponser is the U S A so what you saying is itdosent make sense so as long as he is keep winig for U S A the USA dont care so whome are you saying his sponsers did you thing he get support from you you must be dreaming you need sponser for your self you are ajock for your stupid answer his sponsers the U S A U S A U S A dam ass
solomon April 30, 2014
History has his part. everything is being recorded bro-
HGDEF April 30, 2014
Mesakin dem do Tiumukin hagerawunet nay Meb mis reakin. Gelekin equa Ethiopian ekin. marathon Nayna eya enabelkin sile zimentelekin ekin.
selamawit2 April 30, 2014
The workers of the dictatorship are very much after
people with publicity. They invite them repeatedly to join festivals r to come to the embassy.
And if the one with publicity are “green” or just don’t dare to say “no way!” they’ll go to the embassy just to say “hello” and by surprise a photo will be taken…
seriously, could it be that Meb is maybe just a naive American?
tesfaldetabraha April 30, 2014
selamawit so whay is it your party the oppositon not secsacifull inviting people at list if the dictator is doing agood job than the BEGERS SELLOUTS so what you saying is your failed party is geting proplem confencing people to join them you say the dictatorship are very much after people with publicity you forget who lay red carbet to WEDI TUKABO& WEDI VACARO so you olredy answer what you asking meybe you was not present when some sockup opposition party went to pick up wedi tukabo
selamawit2 April 30, 2014
tesfaldetabraha lezzay.
again: stop dribbling or us a bib please.
Asmeret May 1, 2014
tesfaldet abraha you know you are going to burn in hell!
abraham April 30, 2014
I don’t blame MEBB, I blame his immediate family, friends and relative who should have told him not to go to the hegdef embassy at the moment of his great fame, as he may be politically naive, he should be ignored. But his relatives and friends are not playing the right role in eritrea’s national struggle for democracy.I am sure he will regret tomorrow. May be he has already started to regret it when he saw this timely article in demo.archive.assenna.com. He will know sooner not later that those people with whom he rushed to take foto are nothing but political crooks who changed our country to giant prison and slave cammp. In some way they are cleaver, they did amazing job by wickedly luring the guy who got personal call from president Obama to their fold, as their dictator is still waiting for almost 10 years to receive similar call. But MEBB should also know that president obama who represents the free people of USA will never call or take foto with lunatic dictator issias afeworki let alone his crooks in the embassy. MEbb you realy let down the free world by siding with dictatorship.
HGDEF April 30, 2014
How do you expect our athlets to believe that you are real Eritreans when you never speak about their success, and you feel happy to report their failures and defections?