ትማሊ 16ን ሎሚ 17ን ነሓሰ ኣብ ኣደራሽ ኣምኒስት ኢንተርናሺናል ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ “ህይወት ስደተኛታት ንምምሕያሽ ዘዝከኣለና ነበርክት” ብዝብል ቴማ ዋዕላ ተኻይዱ።
ማሕበር ምትሕግጋዝ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝን መሻርኽቱን፡ “ህይወት ስደተኛታት ንምቕያር ዘዝከኣለና ነበርክት!” ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝብል ቴማ ትማሊ 16ን ሎሚ 17ን ነሓሰ ኣብ ኣደራሽ ኣምኒስት ኢንተርናሺናል ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ ተጋቢኡ። [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Make_diffrenceL.pdf"]

ማሕበር ምትሕግጋዝ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝን መሻርኽቱን፡ “ህይወት ስደተኛታት ንምቕያር ዘዝከኣለና ነበርክት!” ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝብል ቴማ ትማሊ 16ን ሎሚ 17ን ነሓሰ ኣብ ኣደራሽ ኣምኒስት ኢንተርናሺናል ኣብ ዓዲ ኢንግሊዝ ተጋቢኡ።
Haki August 17, 2013
Who is Dr Alganesh and who fund her Gandi organization? lets all ask question is she really doing good Job if how did she mange manage to have all access to UN AU EU who real is she ??? is she doing good Job or she is spreading the conspiracy of SINAI.
samuel August 17, 2013
we don’t need to ask who is behind the the fund or manage to have access UN,AU and EU. we knew her she saved more the 400 people from smugglers,
additional stead of thinking and findings the solution or fight the the honorific act of smugglers or asking why those people fleeing the country. you choose to black mail Dr Alganesh
anyway who knows you might have a profit form the smugglers and you hate Dr because she is working against you business.
ahmed saleh August 18, 2013
Before you go that far go look to here background before she educate herself on a title of Dr. And the Ghandi organization sounds to represent her father patriotic legacy which influenced many Eritreans especially in Asmera .
Time will tell the truth about her history when she was young political active on under ground movement at her early age .
ERITRAWIT August 17, 2013
Haki weak up from deep sleep u don’t know our dear sister Dr Alganesh or u want it to be cover under the carpet.. our brother and sister misery? we don’t need to ask a question if u want u can but i don’t think she will have time for u heart less what does really matter UN AU EU KNOWS OUR MISERY the whole world knows pfdj cover all his dirty work from in side people like u from out side. REAL ERITREANS WE DON’T. let me introduce u other HEROS in case if u don’t know them Selam,Elsa,Meron etc… by the way nice name try to be one of them.
saba y August 17, 2013
Stop judging DR. Algabesh she an is Eritrean hero, We need to open our eyes and our mind and do the right solution to the Eritrean people ASAP. Than
Semhar August 18, 2013
To all Eritreans …….
In the YouTube
Please listen to the
Interview With Veteran Fighter Yemane T/Gergish Part 1 to 8
Ande Berhane August 18, 2013
o Haki Dr.Alganesh Is Doing tremendous good Job!! what do whant to knoww?
ghezai August 18, 2013
what are you doing to save Eritrean people .just talk shit .that is your department
Semhar August 20, 2013
Ande Berhane,
ahmed saleh,
Truly Truly ,
and to all concerned Eritreans
If you what to know more about the mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad ….
Go to the YouTube
and listen to the
Interview With Veteran Fighter Yemane T/Gergish Part 1 to 8
Semhar August 20, 2013
Ande Berhane,
ahmed saleh,
Truly Truly ,
and to all concerned Eritreans
If you want to predict the future of Eritrea you must listen to the past history of the mad dog isayas wedi Medhin Berad.
If you what to know more about the mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad ….
Go to the YouTube
and listen to the
Interview With Veteran Fighter Yemane T/Gergish Part 1 to 8