ተሞክሮ ዝተጣየሳ ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ብኣጋጣሚ መዓልቲ ናጽነት ኤርትራ 2013
.........እዘን ኣብ ዓለም መወዳድርቲ ዘይተረኽቦ ጅግንነት ፈጺመን፡ ዘይሰዓር ዝመስል ዝነበረ ሓይሊ ጸላኢ ስዒረን፡ ተሰዊአን፡ ኣዝዩ ከቢድ ስንክልና ተቐቢለን ኣብ ስልጣን ኮፍ ዘበልኦ ጕጅለ ኢሳያስ፡ ኣብ ህልም ዝበለ ጸድፊ ደርቢዩወን። ንበዓል በርቂ ሓዊ ደብሶ ከም ዝብሃል

………እዘን ኣብ ዓለም መወዳድርቲ ዘይተረኽቦ ጅግንነት ፈጺመን፡ ዘይሰዓር ዝመስል ዝነበረ ሓይሊ ጸላኢ ስዒረን፡ ተሰዊአን፡ ኣዝዩ ከቢድ ስንክልና ተቐቢለን ኣብ ስልጣን ኮፍ ዘበልኦ ጕጅለ ኢሳያስ፡ ኣብ ህልም ዝበለ ጸድፊ ደርቢዩወን። ንበዓል በርቂ ሓዊ ደብሶ ከም ዝብሃል ድማ በዓል ንግስቲ ተደራቢ ዕንወት ወሲኸናለን። ብወገነይ ነቲ ጕዳይ ካብ 1996-2001 እከታተሎ ነይረ። እተን ዝተጣየሳ ብጾት ኣፈን ገዲፈን ዘቘምኦ ትካል ስለ ዝኾነ ነተን ናብ ሹመኛታት ዝተቐየራ ሓለፍቲ፡ “ካብ ንዓመታ ደርሆስ ሎምዘበን እንቋቕሖ ከም ዝበሃል፡ ወላ ካብቲ ወለድ ናይ ርእሰማልና ሃብአን፡” ኢለ እጽሕፈለን ነይረ።……..
Ghenet May 23, 2013
This is not an experience of demobilzed women fighters. This is a grudge one has against her other x-colleagues and you have only unleashed more verbal fight as there will be responses to this article. Tsighe’s complaint does not aim at the GVT. It would have contributed more if she had written about the lives of the x-fighters working in parking lots, those who go to Tessenei and try to make a living out of the small profits they make from what ever they bring from there only to have their properties taken by bandits claiming to be soldiers frequently, those who clean the streets, those who are working as house maids etc.
samuel May 23, 2013
What kind of story in heaven’s name do you want to read? Have you no compassion with the suffering of former heroes of the struggle for freedom and human rights?
So eine beschissene Besserwiserin
2A Y Amr May 23, 2013
“So eine beschissene Besserwiserin.”
Would you care to translate ? Please.
zemen beraki May 23, 2013
I Wonder what Genet wants to read about. If she happens to be sorry for Nigsisti, Meriem (Writ) and Abeba it means you are trying to make a futile defense. Tsige has clarified to everyone about the genesis of the Bana Cooperative established by the demobilized fighters through her initiative. My wife a demobilized fighter had two shares but so far she has received no dividend whatsoever while Abeba, Meriem and Nigsiti are at the highest stage of their life. A certain veteran fighter who was a Department head for example told me then that the demobilized fighters must be careful specially with Abeba. He knew that she was a Mafia type like her PFDJ mentors. I will not elaborate further because Tsige has made verything chrystal Clear. I rhank her for her selfless effort. Need less to say, I advise those who misappropriated the assets of BANA not to try to cover up facts and disclose honestly what really happened after Tsige left Eritrea for medication. The day of reckoning will come!!!
You said the B word ¨Bandits¨ I see Kalighe insulting our ……whatever.
correction..I meant to say …I see Kalighe accusing you of insulting our bandits…oops..I meant..our whatever…
You said the ¨B¨ word ¨Bandits¨ I see Kalighe accusing you of insulting our ……whatever.
The candid true May 23, 2013
I think you need to read the article again. I don’t think you’ve understood the contents and the message. What the author has outlined is: Few enlightened women fighters who were concerned about the plight of their fellow comrades came up with vision and initiative to do something to improve their livelihood. They got donations from organizations and some individuals. They contributed up-to 1000 birr from what little they had. They approached the captain shifta Isias who was not happy about the project, why because everything has to be under his control. This should have been the PFDJ’s responsibility to help freedom fighters to have a decent means of earning their living. But PFDJ has never ever been concerned about the well being of its fighters or the Eritrean people. In the end it stole the money. The author named a lady who colluded with PFDJ and betrayed her collegues.
Stefanos Temolso May 23, 2013
I think Genet is not a causal Reader but one of the fellows that are in collusion With the bosses that exploited the demobilized female fighters. What Tsige has written is but a tip of the iceberg. She can not Write everything because she does not in a physical condition to sit and Write long articles. I can say she is a person born again because she got the help of relatives to be refered to Germany. I thank her for her endevour in bolstering the struggle With such articles. To Genet, I say this: instead of criticizing a simple lady who tried to tell what really happened at the initial stage of Bana, try to Write as you claim a better article and show us Your sincerity. Period!!
Ghenet May 23, 2013
Hi Stifanos,
I am sincere and I have been there more recently than you may think. What I did not like (which I have teh right to) about this is the naming of names. And the talk about money!
My friend, there is more to the exploitation and abuse of women fighters, demobilised or not. But it seems that because the abuse is done by fellow male fighters it is sort of overlooked or just mentined without explanation. Because facts were buried, our sisters and daughters experienced and are experiencing it again.
Believe me I am not criticising Tsighe, Why would I? I am just saying she could have told us stories unheard of. I know she knows what I mean!! Abuses from battle fields to liberation; from kitchen to offices!!! Stifanos, Eritrean women have a lot to say!They can write volumes on it!
I do not have to write an article to prove my sincerity to you! The fighters have to and CAN do it themselves!
Because I did not write an article, it does not mean I can not have an opinion or I do not have awareness of gender issues in our cultures and politics. Far from it!!
By the way, one does not have to be phisycally there to write about incidents and history. There is something called research and Tsighe has a better access to the data. That is why I expected more from here.
Ghenet ,
We live in a society were the victim of rape has to be ashamed while the rapist is regarded as a ¨spreading his oats¨…..እምቢ ምስ በለት ኢዳ ጠውየ ረ**ያ..is the expression I have heard since childhood.
Remmember according to the retarded mentality..a woman has to take one for the team..and maybe some took it as a duty…BUT ;NO MATTER WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT QUESTION A HOLEY PRINCIPLE ..LIKE THAT OF HOLEY GEDLI.
RAPE IS RELATIVE IN A MALE DOMINATED SOCIETY..It maybe termed as encouragement to intercourse. THE GEDLI IS FULL OF DEAD ANIMALS INSIDE..It pains me…No woman should go to what is happenning in rapeland called ERITREA.
Yassin Omer ( ያሲን ዑመር) May 23, 2013
ዕዝዝቲ ብጸይቲ ጽገ፡ ክቡራት ኣሓት ንግዜኡ’ኳ ብተበልጽትን ደገፍተንን እንተተበደላ፡ ብመዓልተን ፍትሒ ዝረኽባሉ እዋን ክመጽእ ኢዩ። ኣብ ልዕሊኣን ዝወርደ በደልን ዓመጽን ከም ተጋዳላይ መጠን ግን ብጓሂ ዝርንዝሕ እንቢዑኒ! መሰልናን ክብርና ዝረጋገጽ ኣብ ብቅዋም ዝምራሕ ደሞክራሲያዊ ስርዓት ጥራይ ስለ ዝዀነ፡ ደሞራሲያዊ ስርዓት ንምትካል እንሰላስሎ ዘሎን ቃልሲ ከይተሓለልናን ከይተኸማህናን ብጽንዓትን ትብዓት ንቐጽል. ምዕዋትና ዘይተርፍ ታሪኻዊ ሓቂ ኢዩ።
Stefanos Temolso May 23, 2013
Ghenet: First all it is immaterial wether you liked this or that or did not like for that matter and I did not tell you to Write to prove Your sincerity to me. Secondly you are claiming that Tsige could have written more about what happpened in the battlefiled etc etc. I would like to tell you that Tsige is a poet and a writer. before she became almost incapacitated due to kidney failure she used to Write articles and has written a book. Now she can not embark on historical writings or articles. But, since you said that one can Write even if he was not present pyhsically, it means you can also Write. So, instead of telling People to Write why not you Write? As the Tigrigna saying goes, ‘KAB AS BELA AS YQERB’ SLEZI AB KNDI NSEB KEMZI ZEYXEHAFE ILKI TNEQFI NSKI ESKI XEHAFI, DEHAR KEA KEMTI KZAREB MESEL ALENI ZBELKYO TSIGE EWN MESEL ALEWA. SLEZI, MEJEMERYA KUNETATA TIENA NAYZA HAWTNA FELITKI ENTE TZAREBI MHASHE. KAB MZRAB DMA MGBAR WEY ID MHWAS YHAYSH. NAB QUM NEGER DMA ADHBI.
Ghenet May 23, 2013
you’re upset because I expressed my opinion and if my opinion is immaterial to you, there was no need for your comments. This forum, I believe, is a free forum and I am within my rights to express my opinions as long as I do not in any way affect the rights of others.
I am into ideas and not into people. Why would I ask about her health before I read and comment? I do not have to ask about private situations of people who come to this forum before I comment.
I wish Tsige well.
And you should give it a rest! This is an era of democracy and there are more important things to contribute than to bicker about who writes what!
The candid true May 23, 2013
Please chile out and reflect than being defensive. Stefanos appeared to know Tsige and is trying to convey to you not only that you unjustly criticized Tsige; but also that she took the trouble (given her physical condition) to share what the Shifta PFDJ did to those gallant female fighters. So I say be humble and grow up.
Salim May 23, 2013
Shifta? Do you think the Woyane dogs would treat Eritrean women better than the government and the people of Eritrea?
‘zom Woyane sgaE kndey ‘yom Hangolka HaSibom abalashyomKa? ngerena ‘ske::
Salim May 23, 2013
You should have known that Stephanous Temelso has dictatorial traits. ‘ndHr neKisu ke’a aygedfn ‘yu:: ‘neheli Issaias kbl SeHay Aribwo::
Salim May 23, 2013
You should have known that Stephanous Temelso has dictatorial traits. ‘ndHr neKisu ke’a aygedfn ‘yu:: ‘nehelki Issaias kbl SeHay Aribwo::
Stefanos Temolso May 24, 2013
If you are a logical person, it was you who first opposed tsige’s article. Briefly, just Write Your own instead of writing unimportant Points. She has done her side of the strory. Do Your own homework because this nation belongs to all of us. NLEBAM AMTELU NIASHA … IYU ETI NEGER.
ዝኸበርኪ ጽገ፣
ጥዕናኺ እናሓደረ ክምሓየሽን ምሉእ ቅሳነት ክትረኽብን ልባዊ ጸሎተይ ይምነየልኪ። ህግደፍ እውን ከም ህዝባዊ ግንባር ኮይኑ ስለ ዝረኸብክዮ ክገርመኪ ኣይግባእን።ካብ እንቋቝሖ ተመን ርግቢት ምጽባይ ኣይክኣልን።ቅድሚ ነጻነት(ባርነት) ናይ ተስዓን ሓደን፣ናይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ጫማ ዘይልሕሱ ዝነበሩ ሰብ ሸቐጥ እዚ ዓይነት እዚ ዕድል እዩ ዘጋጥሞም ነይሩ ። ሰረቕቲ ኣብ ምስራቕ ይሳማምዑ እሞ __ኣብ ምክፋሉ እዮም ዝብኣሱ።ነቶም ንኣሽቱ መሳርቕቶም ገሊፎም እቶም ዓበይቲ ሰረቕቲ ይውንንዎ። ካብ ኣርዑት ኢትዮጵያ ኣውጺእኩም ኣብዚ በረኸት ዘምጻእኩምልና ግን ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ነጻነት ኣብ ዓለም ተራእዩ ኣይፈልጥን።እቶም ኣብ ሲናይ ዝዕመጹ ዘለዉ ኣዋልድን ኣወዳትን እንታይ ኮን ይኸውን መጣየሲኦም። የቐንየልና ተጋደልቲ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ___ኣብ ድፋዕ ጥራይ ዝድፈራ ዝነበራ ደቅናን ኣሓትናን ሕጂስ ኣብ ሲናይ ´ውን ይድፈራ ኣለዋ።
Ghenet ,You are right to confront the intention of the ¨article ¨
The candid true May 24, 2013
New Hope
You just reminded me a story that an EPLF friend told me in Sudan. He said when they fighting with Degruge gets fierce, you try to spot a female fighter next to the hole where you firing from; you jump and sleep with her making sure that you’re found out. Because it was not officially allowed to do this, so both the man and the woman fighter are taken behind the defense line for a punishment. That way you’re spared from dying! Then everybody started to use this technique, and the leaders who became aware of this decided to punish the offenders after the war is finished.
Ghenet May 24, 2013
candid true,
I tried to refrain from your earlier cynics comments.
You see, things like this story are the things I was talking about. Using women to save your lives! ha?
Shame on you for this comment which insinuated that women were used by cowards to hide from duties.
You have come so low to humiliate me or maybe New Hope with your shameless example. Such techniques or intimidation and harassment are the acts which made many leave our country and fight for our rights from democratic places.
For your information, I am not one of the women you are referring to and I do not wish it on anybody else.
This is uncalled for.
The candid true May 24, 2013
I think you’ve got a problem my dear. What do they call it? Ahh confusion, identity crisis, and inferiority complex. Let be told the truth, even it feels hurtful, that’s why I have a huge respect and admiration for New Hope Eritrea. From insulting Stefanos for stating the truth, you’re now trying to lay on me!!!No my dear have a bit of reflection and the story I’ve written about is true. If you think PFDJ has any respect for women then my friend you’ve a problem. Except few they all damped those hero fighters who fought alongside them who they married and bore children from, and went for the young Asmarions!!! What a betrayal.
Salim May 24, 2013
Human nature for you is a crime. May be you are a hypocrite- who knows.
belay nega May 26, 2013
“You have come so low to humiliate me or maybe New Hope with your shameless example.”
Though I do not agree with whatever the above commentator said,I really wonder on how dare you defend NEW HOPE ERITREA, who is undermining Eritrea and Eritreans in it’s worst way.
Stefanos Temolso May 24, 2013
I feel very sorry for those who try to say unfounded stories in a make believe scenario. A fighter with a fragile health told a story she knew and all this fuss follows. Eritreans are very good at criticizing and denigrating than doing something tangible. Anyone who wants to know history can listen to Tesfai Temnewo’s interview. Moreover you can invite any fighter veteran or novice to narate for you. Otherwise, telling lies about people who paid in blood and sweet for their countries independence is tantamount to clapping with the traitor elements of PFDJ:
The candid true May 24, 2013
Sorry Stefanos
I think you’re referring to my story earlier that I heard from an EPLF fighter who was radio operator. I was not part of it neither did I witness it. So, fair enough if you don’t agree, but no need to call people lairs. Now please understand no one fought for me or for any decent Eritrean. Look at the monsters who are selling Eritreans and Eritrea who claim to have fought for Eritrea. I have never heard in history a government selling their people or organs except the PFDJ. I feel sorry for all my brothers, sisters, uncles who died only to bring a mafia regime. In 1991 my uncle went to collect a certificate of his martyred brother, he was asked to pay 40 birr because the certificate was framed the 40 birr was the price for the frame. My uncle told the officials he did not have the money and asked them to take certificate from frame and give him. They refused, so he had to borrow the money and went to the office to collect the certificate. I and him cried bitterly. Him too ended up dying in Badame leaving 7 children for me to look after. So please don’t tell me anyone has died for me.
Why do they feel ..they are owed something from us for making our life a living hell..I never voluntarily or forcibly recruited any body….So,dear Tegadelti..It is your story..,your country..your gedli..We are just trying to live normal life.
Excuse us for not exhalting the ¨martyrsѨthat brought us death & destruction..I wish they were fed by their family instead of robbing farmers of their security ,kids, and food.
Salim May 24, 2013
“Look at the monsters who are selling Eritreans and Eritrea who claim to have fought for Eritrea.”
That clearly applies to the members of ” Kidan ms Woyane.”.
Stefanos Temolso May 25, 2013
I agree With u candid true. But to those who say the fighters created hell, they are making a historical mistake, because their Brothers, fathers, uncles, sisters died to retrieve the lost flag; anyhow the struggle was hijacked by a brutal dictator. Again I will add a mandatory but because it was all Our mistake to make Our trust in one person. This was a tragic mistake of a huge consequence. The responisbility lies on everyone’s comscience not me not you or another person alone. It is the total sum responsibility of a People who became submissive in front of intolerable opression. Finally, I say that instead of bickering about side issues, we better try to come to terms with ourselves and contribute positively to the ongoing struggle. lets’ look at the forest instead of the Wood. May God save Our country and People!!
ahmed saleh May 26, 2013
At the time they brought freedom of Eritrea in 1991 , the mission of the struggle successfully
accomplished regardless the price paid for that task . Latter , the unreserved and the emotional
praise is the fault to create monsters to lead the country . To cry foul now is too late and it
will lead nowhere . Look for constructive way to find solution like men rather than complaints
which doesn’t bring anything except waste of time and energy .
Ghenet May 26, 2013
Don’t you think that you are being overly unfair to eritreans. Who creaed this monster in field? who, after liberation told teh people that DIA is unique creature? who hid the facts that many of our eritrean brothers who questioned certain things were infact murdered? who did the dirty job or DIA? who called them ‘hamshai mesre’ and ‘enda abdella’? Oh the stories they created/told to DIA and themselves . Do you think there was any room for public question? Do you know what happened to the eritreans who questioned ‘the way things are going’ thing? they dissapeared. Who put the G11 in prision?
Yes of course there was public euphoria because our brothers and sisters came home with victory! we can not be balmed for that?????? We did not create the monster or maybe monsters and we did not have access to any information as with EPLF the moto is ‘use the public and but keep them way from information’
Who wouldn’t give anything to get their children back alive after years of war?
The only flow I could sense is ‘trusting ther children’.
I agree with you on one point, blaming each other is not going to get us out of this mess. We need to move forward and we still have to trust each other to do that.
Next time..you know…people will create ¨unfounded stories ¨like woyane created a united front to destroy an Eritrean front…….people just create stuff.
sara gual eritra May 24, 2013
Salim May 24, 2013
Gual Ugum do??
MightyEmbasoyra May 24, 2013
Ato Salim,
If you check all your comments, 60% is filled with Ugum. Leave them alone and concentrate on Eritrea.
Do you wish to the good people of Eritrea to have the freedom you are enjoying in the free world (I meant West)?
By the way, do you know why we used to call them Ugum? Let me explain to you. The reason was because they used to migrate to Eritrea. Now, we are the one who is migrating either to them or other countries.
If they were civilized/educated/or even just rich like the Saudis, we wouldn’t call them that.
Now, it is our turn to be called – ya mekefel habesh. Aalem ticheate zey timel’e Aaserte.
Not nice to use derogatory words.
Kabbire May 24, 2013
New Hope,
I salute you my brother. Thank you for teaching us using facts and humour. It is not easy to teach new tricks to old dogs but you have done great job and you deserve some break, after all it is a Summer time. May be rent some land and plant some sigem for qicha gogo and some dagusha for suwa. A real Hameshenay deserves it 🙂
Thanks Kabbire ,
I am grateful for your support..It is when I put my comments & poems I burn inside..thus affecting my health..specially mental health.
Keep up the struggle.
I double salute you Kabbire
¨TODAY IS MY LAST DAY ON THIS FORUM…..(for atleast 6 weeks)¨
This is my last comment ..¨I hope we can learn from it, it is Titled……
(Please take note that offensive word nigger does not reflect race (otherwise I would be insulting myself)..It referes to character by ghetto /Bario criminals..that come from neighbourhoods ¨)
When civil rights movement started it had a legitimate cause..which decent human being would be against equality of races ? That is why let alone the opressed..even the ¨oppressors¨were ¨defecting¨to the civil rights camp. White people & mostly of Jewish decent became true martyrs of the cause.The African American community was like gold…When put in fire , instead of melting.., just like precious gold it glittered.IN THE 1940s 80% of African American family had a mother & a father present in the house hold.African American Parents told their kids that they needed to work twice as much as the white kids in order to be appreciated almost equally…..kids were disciplined..,foul mouthed ¨F¨ word was only restricted to those ¨cool¨ irresponsible street kids…..Working as a teacher..upto a maid in a rich white folks homes was considered honor..,as it should…Churches & mosques raised spritual educated people….THIS INTELLIGENT PEOPLE..NOT ONLY WERE THEY FREEING THEMSELVES FROM EXTREME OPPRESSION..but gainning other races sympathy & were joinning their just cause.They were proud people with their identity intact & their African originated culture & even Afro hair style was envied by people with straight hair..
…..Let me take you to the …1970s when the MUDADA of the civil rights started to spew it´s Anti people ( ጸረ ገድሊ),..agenda against African Americans.
People like Jesse Jackson & maybe later Al Sharpton….came & turned the Gedli from popular & even internationally respected movement to a legal shifta style …..the gedli of the oppressed people turned into extreme hatred towards decent white people.IT CREATED ¨VICTIMHOOD¨,..African Americans regarded them selves as WINNERS the way they were,but this Sweet poisons of the Civil right movement HIJACKED the JUST cause in to shifta movement.. .It´s martyrs and reason for the cause used to be people MARTYRED TRYING TO REGISTER BALACKS TO VOTE vote….A BRAVE WOMAN THAT REFUSED TO SIT AT THE BACK OF THE BUS…and A BRAVE MAN WHO HAD A DREAM & BUT THESE SHIFTAS TURNED IN TO BANDITRY & CREATED ENEMITY BETWEEN DECENT BLACKS & THEIR FELLOW CITZENS.
Sympathetic whites were side lined as they were regarded as enemies JUST BECAUSE OF THE COLOR THEIR SKIN (WHITE)..
Hatred against whites was spewed ..even the white compatriots got discouraged.
AND THE WORST PART WAS THAT,AS RESPONSIBILTY WENT OUT THE WINDOW VICTIMHOOD ENTERED THROUGH THE DOOR. It was always the white man´s fault.even though almost all the crimes & thuggery were commited by neighbourhood niggers..A THUG THAT WAS SHOT BY A POLICE COMMITTING AN ARMED ROBBERY became the NEW MARTYRS that were dying for the abstract cause. THE WORST PART WAS THE DECENT AFRICAN AMERICANS ALSO BELIEVED THIS CRAP.
THE GHETTO NIGGERS WERE/ARE COMMITTING THE RAPE …KILLING GRANDMA because..Grandma spoke against gang…IT WAS NIGGERS PIMPING THEIR OWN COUSINS & RAPING THEIR NEIGHBOUR´s GIRL & AT TIMES BOY…AND what is ironic is even the family their daughter was raped by a nigger neighbour…believed their enemies were the white cops that arrested the rapist..most times they do not get reported..because SNITCHES GET STICHES…self destructive code of neighbour MUDADAs honour.
THE ESTABLISHMENT THAT GIVE THESE NIGGERS ..taff & cofee..sorry I MEANT TO SAY FOOD STAMP WELFARE & SECURITY AS MUCH AS IT CAN WERE/ARE STILL REGARDED AS WOYANE & ETHIOPIA….(eternal enemies)…………What is sad is, there are decent minorities in power who are willing to sing the same rubbish song while they know the truth.
Black people were for education..niggers hate education & regard it as a white man´s oppressive tool.They did not go for digging trenches though.
NIGGERS BECAME THE MARTYRS JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE KILLED BY WHITE COPS & 99% of the time terrorizing their communities….but the police that kill them (at times unreasonably though)..were killing brothers /martyred/….There is historical truth we should not deny here ..police in the 40s were extension of the KKK ..what they couldn´t do anymore in the open …did it under the blue uniform..However even as things changed and white people became part of the change….it was eternally engrained on the brains of almost all blacks..the color white was the enemy..whatever the niggers did was regarded as family matter to be shielded by the community…THE DECENT POLICE THAT COULD HAVE ENDED ALL THIS NIGGER CRIME are REGARDED AS ETERNAL ENEMIES..not only by NIGGERS but also by decent blacks..EVERYIME A PROGRAMME ABOUT CIVIL RIGHTS COME THE NOT SO SUBTLE MESSAGE IS WHITE PEOPLE NEVER GET IT ……BEING BOMBARDED & BEING REMINDED OF THE CRIMES OF THE POLICE DECADES AGO .
AFRICAN AMERICANS HAVE IDENTITY THEY ARE PROUD OF…..NIGGERS CREATE A Made up IDENTITY..according to neighbouhoods & sacrifice for such identity..SOUTH SIDE ,WESTSIDE..CRIPS BLOODS..etc. Why they did not call their gheto crime movement ¨GHETO PEOPLES LIBERATION FRONT…..They missed that one.
It is better to be a slave that knows his/her slavery than… to have a slave´s mentality.
Salim May 24, 2013
Being kelbi Woyane is THE MOTHER OF NIGGERISM. nay Woyane Usub drbay nay dereby ‘yu::
Brother Salim ,
You just made my point. Niggers hate the UGUM that give them shelter ,food & education….yet admire the Shifta Pimp (EPLF /PFDJ) bandits that sell their kidneys & rape them ..because they are the brothers.
You really qualified as a Nigge… oops I meant REAL ERITREAN.
Peace not piece
Salim May 24, 2013
Take care. kab droga teTenqeQ.
መጻኢ ኤርትራ May 25, 2013
ንመን ክጥዕሞ ነዚ ፎሩም ኪትገድፎ? ሓደ ወይ ክልተ ሰባት ግደፍ ስለ ዝበሉኻ ዲኻ ክትገድፎ?ብዙሓት ኣሽሓት ኣዕሩኽ ኣጥሪኻ ከም ዘሎኻ ኣዝትዘንግዕ።ንዓመታት ዝኣክል ተደጋጋሚ ሃሳባት ዝሓዘለ ጽሑፍን ርእይቶታትን ምንባብ ኣሰልቺዩናዩ። ምስቲ ዘዘናግዕን ዝምህርን ዘሕዝንን ዘስሕቕን ስዲንባብን ሰምና ወርቅ ግጥምታትካ ኣይትፈለየና።ነዓይ ንማሊሻን ገነትን ንካልኦት ተዓዘብትን ኣንበብትን ኣይትፈለየና ጸላኣኢኻ ይፈለ።
ነቲ ክሳብ ንነብዕ ዘስሓቕካና ምስጋና ይብጻሕካ።እምበር ሰሓቕ ንዓመታት ገዲፋትና ኔራ።
ካብቲ ናይ ምጽሓፍ ትዕድልቶኻ ነዛ ግጥሚ ኣንቢበ ብሰሓቕ ተፈሲሔ ጽቡቕ ለይቲ ሓዲረ።
¨ኮማንዶ ዓባየ ዝገበረቶ ቅያ፣ንወያነ ጥሓሒሳቶም ኣትያ¨
ሃገረሰብ ትቕመጥ፣75 ዓመታ
ንብሕታ ዝተረፈት መሳቱኣ ዝሞታ
ህግደፍ ዘዕጠቓ ብሬን ተዓትዒታ
ኮማንዶ ተዓሊማ፣ካራተ ተላሚዳ
ንወያነን ሲ ኣይ ኤን ክትድርዕሞም ኣንቂዳ
ብሸነኽ ራማ፣ውሕጅ መረብ ሰንጢቓ፣ጨዲዳ
ንኣሃዱ ኣግኣዚ ክትሃጀሞም ኣክሮባት ተጋላባቢጣ
3 ሜትሮ ነጢራ ጨደረት፣ንወያነ ክትገብሮም ሳላጣ !!!
ብሬና ኣዐሚራ ክትርሽርሾም ዝሓሰበት
ብረት ተሓኒቓ, ቃዕ… ቃዕ ጥራይ በለት
ወያነ ሓዝዋ….ሓንቲ ጥይት ከይተኮሰት
ኣብ ቀይዲ ኣእተውዋ ብጣልያንኛ እናተጻረፈት !!!
ብሬታ ምስ ኣሕደግዋ ብስሓቕ ክሞቱ
ዓባየ ደንጽይዋ… ተዳናጊርዋ ኩነታቱ
በትን ሓሪቓ, ሓተተቶም.. ክገልጹላ ሃመቱ !!!
ምሽክነይቲ ዓባየ Alzheimers ሓንጎላ ስለ ዘሽክዓ
በትኽስያን..,ማእከል ቅዳሴ.., ሃለዋታ ኣጥፊኣ
ብሬን እንግሊዝ..መሳርይኣ, ጥቓ እቲ ታቦት ረሲዓ
መቖምያ ሒዛ እያ ንወያነ ክትሃጅሞም መጺኣ
ን UN ኣረካብዋ ከም POW ተወዚዓ
Grandma ጭደድ,ዕርዲ ወያነ ዳርጋ ኣባሪዓ
¨መኻልፍ¨ገጢምዋ እምበር ታሪኽ እኮ እያ ሰሪሓ !!!!