ብመጀመርያ እንቋዕ ናብ ንፋስ ሓርነት ኣብቀዓካ
ቀጺለ ምስ ረዲዮ ኣሰና ዝገበርካዮ ኣፈናዊ ቃለ~መጠይቅ ተኸታቲለዮ።ዝተሰመዓኒ ባህታ መግለጺ ኣይረኸብኩሉን።ንነዊሕ እዋን ከሳቂየካ ዝጸንሐ ሃለዋት ህዝብና ብፍላይ ኣብ ሓድነቱን ምሕደራኡን ሎሚ ሃህ ኢልካ ክትዛረበሉ ምብቃዓካ ልዋም ለይቲ ከም ትድቅስ ርግጸኛ አየ።እቲ ኩላትና ዝሓለፍናዮ ኣደንዛዚ ፕሮፖጋንዳ

ቀጺለ ምስ ረዲዮ ኣሰና ዝገበርካዮ ኣፈናዊ ቃለ~መጠይቅ ተኸታቲለዮ።ዝተሰመዓኒ ባህታ መግለጺ ኣይረኸብኩሉን።ንነዊሕ እዋን ከሳቂየካ ዝጸንሐ ሃለዋት ህዝብና ብፍላይ ኣብ ሓድነቱን ምሕደራኡን ሎሚ ሃህ ኢልካ ክትዛረበሉ ምብቃዓካ ልዋም ለይቲ ከም ትድቅስ ርግጸኛ አየ።እቲ ኩላትና ዝሓለፍናዮ ኣደንዛዚ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ህግደፍ ሎሚ ኣብቲ ውልቃዊ ሓርነትካ ኣውጅካ ብሰላም ትነብረሉ ሃገር ንሓንቲ ደቂቅ ዓይንካ ሰም ኣቢልካ ንድሕሪት ተመሊስካሞ ዘክሮ ማዓረ ክንደይ ብሽም ሃገርን ሃገራውነትን ከነስተብህለሉ ዝነበረና ጽዩፍን መላኽን ኣከያይዳ ህግደፍ ክትጽይኖ ግዚየ ኣይወስደልካን ኢዩ።እቲ ሓደን ቀንድን እቲ ንስኻ ካብ ልቢ ዘሻቀለካ ምጽውዋር ኤረትራውያን ዘይምህላዉ ኢዩ፡ናይዚ ዋና ተሓታትን ከይሰልከየ ዝሰርሓሉ ዘሎን ህግደፍን ውሑዳት መሳርሕቱን ኢዮም።ብሳንቡኣይ ኣተንፍሱ፡ደቂ ሓደልቢ ቀይሕ መስመር ስልጣነይ ዝሰገረ ነጽልዎ ፍትሒ ዝሓተተ እሰርዎ እናተባህለ መንእሰይ ዘፍቅራ ሃገሩን ወለዱን ራሕሪሑ ፈቀድኡ ተበታቲኑ መስሓቅ ሸራፋት ኮይኑ ኣብ ስደት ከርተት ክብል ይርከብ ኣሎ። ኤርትራ ክልተ ጊዚየ ተራኢያ ሳልሳይን ዝኸፍኤን ኮይና ከይትረአ ኸኣ ናይ ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ ሻቅሎት አዩ።ቀንዲ ሕማም ኤረትራውያን ምስ ኤርትራን ህዝባን ዘሎና ክቱር ልባዊ ፍቅሪ አዩ።ስለ ዝኾነ ኸኣ አዩ ስለኣ ንዝምር ስለኣ ንነብዕ ስለኣ ንጽሊ።ከሞቲ ዝበልካዮ እውን ከም ኤርትራ ገይሩ ዝተደርፈላ ሃገር ኣይት ህሉን ትኸውን እንተኾነ ህግደፋውያን ነዚ ፍቅሪ እዚ ስለዚፈልጡ እዮም ብጉልባብ ሃገር ንዝወስዱዎ ኢደ ወነናዊ ስጉምትታት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ከየስተብህለሉ ጋሪደሞ ዘለዉ። ልቢ የዓብዩ ኣብ ዝባኑ ጸይሩ ጨጨጓሩ ንውሽጢ ገይሩ እንተኽደ ግን እታ ሓንቲ መዓልቲ ዘይደሓን ከተረኻኽበሎም ኢያ።
ክቡር የውሃንስ ኣብ ኤርትራዊ ሃገራውነት ዘበርከትካዮ ግደ ንውሉድ ወለዶ ዘይርሳዕ ምዃኑ ርዱእ ኮይኑ እቲ ካሊእ እልፊ ኣእላፋት ገጻት ሂወት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ግን ህግደፋውያን አዶም ኣይሳኑ ቦኺሩ ምህላዉ ት ዝንግዖ ኣይመስለንን።ወዮ ደኣ ዘማታትካን ግጥምታትካን ኣብ ክእለትካ ከም ዝምርኮሱ ይፈልጥ አየ እምበር፡ ሃገራዊ ደርፍታት ብ ህግደፍ ተስገዲዶም ከምዝዕደሉ ንማንም ስዉር ኣይኮነን።ምኽንያቱ መሕቢኢኦም ስለዝኮነ።እቲ ሓያል ግጥምታትካ እውን ጋን ኮይኑዎም` ወዲ ትካቦ ግጥምታቱ ካልእ ተልእኾ ከይህልዎም`ተባሂሉ ብሰለስተ ሚኒስትራትን ሓደ ወይጦ ስነጥበባዊን ብመንፊት ይከታተልዎ ነይሮም አዮም።
ስለዚ ኣብ መጨረሻ ዓገብ ኣብ ዝበሃለሉ ዘሎእዋን እጃምካ ከተበርክት፡ነደታት ክትድብስ ወላዲ ምስ ውላዱ ከተራኽብ ይኣክል ክትብል ህገርና ሰ ላምን ራህዋን ከውርደልና ከተዘይም ዓቢ ትጽቢት ኣሎኒ።
ሰላም ጥዕናን ምሳኻ ይኹን
ሓውኻ ካ ተክለ
Comment October 29, 2013
Dear All:
Wedi Tikabo gave us one good point. UNITY !!! Thank you about that. We should work for the well being of our people and country.
Peace and prosperity for the people of Eritrea.
Daniel October 29, 2013
again and again thank you Yohannes Tikabo. We are missing unity among us, so please let’s work on it for once.
we love you wedi tikabo
Michael Tzerai October 29, 2013
I listened to the interview of Wedi Tuquabo. I found him perceptive and sharp artist on the caliber of Abraham Afuwerki – a combination of artistic and intellectual depth and perception. We cannot expect from him a fiery outrage that we witness of our opposition singers such as Xilma, tereter, tezareb and maedomai since he comes from the upper echelon of HGDEF with comfort and luxury all around him. It does not seem he has seen the dungeons of HGDEF and he is not particularly bitter about HGDEF. His measured words to Amanuel’s interview in expressing his opposition to HGDEF is to be expected. His opposition to HGDEF is that the Eritrean people are disunited and that his goal is to heal this disunity and not to condemn and fight HGDEF.
He seems he is well informed and follows the debate in the paltalk rooms. He is quite correctly disturbed by the language used to defame our history by the likes of Yosief Ghebrehiwet’s mknjaw gedli. He sees language that mixes Shaebia/EPLF with HGDEF. To him, this is an outrage and contrary what he learned and knows of EPLF. He pointedly advocates to embrace our noble history.
He made a powerful statement – to embrace our history. He is sick and tired defaming EPLF
Michael Tzerai October 29, 2013
Both Artists – Nebse her Abraham Afuwerki and Wedi Tuquabo’s songs are popular amongst the opposition and supporters of the evil regime. Call it opportunism or maybe artists rise above the populace, these artists never use a direct language of defiance or militancy in a fight such as like ours to remove the evil HGDEF. Bob Dylan was thought as on the side of the Civil Rights Movement in the 60’s for his early songs for justice, but never used a language to attack the racist policies of a president or a governor. A lot in the civil rights movement were disheartened.
We have to quit hoping Wedi Tuquabo will be a raging artist who uses his talent to attack HGDEF. We should be happy enough we have diminished HDEF’s capacity to win the youth through Wedi Tuquabo by helping him to abandon the regime.
simerrr2012 October 29, 2013
I did hear the interview and was ok but expected more to hear from him. I hope next time the questions and the answers could be more interesting to hear. Either he is good or well advised to give the first interview within days . It is just when you drink your hot coffee and cold coffee. It was good to give short period of time to analyse what could be said about me from the different sides of Eritrean diaspora. You don’t have to be political scientist to know what can be said from all sides. of course higdefawyan play the nationality card and you will be given another identity as soon as you oppose the regime. The other side will welcome him full heartily because his defection weaken the higdef and strength the opposition sides even though he said he is not from the opposition side. I do respect his decision for not being belong to the existing opposition, however you are opposing the regime the time you abandon him. There is no middle side either you oppose him or support him. Most important is if he is with the people of Eritrea and we all know what the Eritrean people want. Let we agree on this. I have much respect for him when I read the music texts. You don’t find anything wrong or admiring the dictator like many do. The man always spoke and sang for the people like Yemane and Abrham Afeworki did. Anta niber yilom ziderfu tiray kablibey ahaznelom or those who came to Europe and America by day asylum seekers by night higdef supporters dancing for the dictator and the supporters of the regime. Kabziatom sewerena bkilte kara zibeelu.
Tzegay October 29, 2013
I listened the interview. I understood his roll was okay’ it is okay. It will be okay. I miss a commitment for the future and a regret for the past. Most artists habe been workung for the dictator in the name of unity and hafash. And, when they escape,they live under the shadow ob HGDEF.
james October 29, 2013
He said its all about eri but eritrea has been eritrea for long time, wen hailesilasie n mengistu were president so does it mean who ever comes in power u have to say onlt eritrea? From my understanding he is saying like even if menge or janhoy r in power I will be praising them
TESLIDET October 29, 2013
In my opinion Wedi Tqabo is just jumping a sinking HGDF ship , I realy don’t think he cares much about the lampadussa ship(the eritrean tragedy) . When Amanuel asked him about the lampadussa trajedy he said that it was not the first time that people perished in the sea. I felt his response is very pathetic to say the list. He was trying hard not to antagonized his ypfdj base fans because this time, he wants them to come to his GUAYLLA to milk them for his own end in hard currency. Not only that he is trying to broaden hisfan base by token support to the opposition cause.
Antinun October 29, 2013
Greatest comments so far! He does not want the pfdj to hate him and like niHna nusu he is going to pay 2% under the table and lick asses of embassy workers. As long as he openly denounced his uncle tgraway isayas, he is a fox in a sherp clothing! Amanuel, i know how disappointed you are in his response but next time you should lead the interview critically!!!!!
Bisrat Amare October 29, 2013
Cut the crap Yohannes Tequabo and come out and condemn the massive human rights abuse in Eritrea and make your stand clear. Either you are with the opposition/HGDEF or are against the opposition/HGDEF. There cannot be any middle way. You seem concerned more about the disunity of Eritrean communities in the Diaspora rather than the annihilation of the people of Eritrea in the hands of your previous masters the HGDEF. That is neither there nor here with the issue at hand. Did you abandon HGDEF because of the suffering of your people and are you going to make a committed stand or not ? Tell us. CUT THE BULLSHIT CRAP of going around the bush and playing with words.
fara October 29, 2013
ab gize gedli keman wodo geba zibhalu nerom, silezi ab tarikna hadish ai konen.-