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ብሓቆም ድዮም ዞም ኣሕዋትና – ፈስቲቫል ከብዕሉ ናብ ቦሎኛ

  ብሓቆም ድዮም ዞም ኣሕዋትና ፈስቲቫል ከብዕሉ ናብ ቦሎኛ ንግደት ዓያሹ ሃገር ዘበላሹ Tesfamariam W/giorgis 25/06/2014 ህግደፍ ኢዶም ዘርጊሖም ክጽበዩ ቀደም መሲሉወም ገንዘብ ክኣርዩ እንተረኸቡ ገለ የዋሃት ዘይሰልቸዩ ወይቅር ዝበሎም መንነቶም ዘየጻረዩ   ኣብ ቦለኛ ኣብ ዳስ ህግድፍ እትካፈሉ ሓደገኛ ምዃኑ ብረቂቕ  ኣስተውዕልሉ ግዜ ኣኺሉ ዓማጽን ሓቀኛን ዝፈላለየሉ ትንገሩሎኹም


ብሓቆም ድዮም ዞም ኣሕዋትና

ፈስቲቫል ከብዕሉ ናብ ቦሎኛ

ንግደት ዓያሹ ሃገር ዘበላሹ

Tesfamariam W/giorgis


ህግደፍ ኢዶም ዘርጊሖም ክጽበዩ

ቀደም መሲሉወም ገንዘብ ክኣርዩ

እንተረኸቡ ገለ የዋሃት ዘይሰልቸዩ

ወይቅር ዝበሎም መንነቶም ዘየጻረዩ


ኣብ ቦለኛ ኣብ ዳስ ህግድፍ እትካፈሉ

ሓደገኛ ምዃኑ ብረቂቕ  ኣስተውዕልሉ

ግዜ ኣኺሉ ዓማጽን ሓቀኛን ዝፈላለየሉ

ትንገሩሎኹም ኣይሰማዕናን ከይትብሉ


ህግደፍሲ ኮነ ኢሉዩ ብህዝቡ ዝጣላዕ

ንዓኹም ሒዙ ንበዓል ሓንጎሎም ነቓዕ

ኣጽኒዑ ከም ትፈትዉ ዘዝበሎ ምጥቓዕ

ደስዶ ይብለኩም ልዕሊ ሬሳ ምስዕሳዕ?


ሬሳታቶም መዓስ ንዓዲ ይኣቱ እናልና

ብመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ድቃስ ስኢና

ዓለም ብዓለማ ሰንቢዳ ደንጽዩዋ ሓዚና

ተረርቲ ልቢ ድማ ትዕንድሩ ኣብ ቦሎኛ


ዓገብ ናይ 40 ዓመት ኢልካ ምጽምባል

ኣፈራሪሕካ ገንዘብ ዝባህረሩ ምምንጣል

ህግደፍ ፋራ ማፍያ ናይ ዱኹማት ሓያል

ብብድዐ ዝልለ ብድርቅና ብሕማቕ ቃል


ተሕዝኑ ሓሶቱ እናሰማዕኩም ተጽቅጡ

ጠላማት ንሓልዮት ህግደፍ ዝዋጠጡ

ናይ መራሕቶም ብልሽውና እናፈልጡ

ክሓብእሎም ዝፍትኑ ሕልናኦም ዝሸጡ


ህግደፋውያን ዘኽፋኣሎም ዘይፈልጡ

ሰይጣን ዝኣወጆም ዝሰግዱ ዝጉቡጡ

ዱፉናት ዘይፍትኑ ጸቡቕ ንኽፈልጡ

ብጉብጥሽ ህግደፍ ሓንጎሎም ተዓቢጡ


ከይተረዳኦም ህግደፍ ከም ዝመሽመሹ

ናበይ ኢና ከይበሉ ንቕድሚት ዝምርሹ

ዓይኖም ዓሚቶም ናብ ህጉም ዝጥበሱ

ከይተፈለጦም ሓንጎሎም ኣጒሉ ነፊሱ


እንታዩ ትርጉሙ ናይ ቦሎኛ ፈስቲቫል

40 ዓመት ዕለቱ ዝወደቐ ምጽምባል

ንዘይ ፈልጡኻ ከምዘለኻ ንምምሳል

ብፈስቲቫል ንጻዕረ ሞትካ ምክልኻል


ኦሮማይ ህግደፋውያን ግዜኹም ኣኺላ

ኣደታት ህግደፍ ኪዳ ዓድኽን ተማህለላ

ከይሞትክን ተናዘዛ ሓጥያትክን ኣቃልላ

ኮቦሮኽን ጠራንፋ ደጊም የለን ጓይላ


ከደምቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ደላይ ፍትሒ ደገ

ሕማቕ ኣርኪብና ዘመነ ህግደፍ ብዓለገ

ተካል መጋብሩ ተንኮለኛ ናፈለጠ ዝጋገ

ናይ ሓሶት ፍሸኽታ ውሽጡ እናተሳሕገ

ይኣክል ኩንትራትካ ኣኺሉ ልቐቐልና

የብቅዕ ግፍዕን ስቓይን ንውጹዕ ህዝብና

ናይ ሓዘን ናይ ጥፋኣት ፈሰቲቫል ቦሎኛ

ድሓን ኩኑ ኣብ ቀብሪ ህግደፍ የራኽበና

ኤረና ኩሑሎ ሎም ዘመን ሓዲኡሎ

Review overview
  • Daniel June 25, 2014

    well written and well said. Thanks you!

  • Ahmed saleh June 25, 2014

    The fruit of two decades attempts to produce blind followers at any cost will take place in Bologna the
    mother land of hard core blind supporters of ISSAYAS . Do not get surprised if they said AWET NIHAFASH
    because they are for real FESHFASHAT . We saw how they betrayed EPLF who brought them their freedom again
    to repeat their wicked betrayals .

  • Abisho June 26, 2014

    Hi My Dear Brother Mr.Tesfamariam W/Giorgis you did well I’m proud of you, this was the big strangle, like Amanuel and all of the Eritrean Brothers, and Sisters fight against Isease, but you are beter than Us you fight by your Ability against Ignorant people the were followers of Lunatic Man Isease. please dont stop keep it up like this good job, i like your poem this is the main point. Thanks so much, and we will be winner at sooner.

  • m June 26, 2014

    hgdef they dont care about Eritrean pepole if we die or suffering they are very happy, thats why they do festival, becuase they are not Eritrean and we talk a lot with out result, if we not go to fight the dictator we will never ever be freee only talk and talk helping nothing

  • simon June 26, 2014

    our children the are not buried.but I dont anderstand how th are stupid the higdef suporters and the brutal regime of eritrea they are going for dancing and singin .what is a problem with eritreanes.they are ignorant and the have not
    respect for those how died ander the sea.

  • fthi delye June 26, 2014

    So thanks brother as u r on the behalf of the kind people

  • alaam June 26, 2014

    I always appreciate your poems, articles and your experiences you share with your precious people, you a man of change and always you win, thanks for your courageous and talented contributions, and see you in the new democratic Eritrea soon.

  • m June 26, 2014

    what we waiting for? hgdef how can they do festival what is wrong with them, we must go all and do somthing this is very shame thes pepole is i am sure very sure not Eritrean

  • Delaii fithi June 26, 2014

    Ezi demegna tselae hizbi Eritrea wilkemelaki

  • Delaii fithi June 26, 2014

    Hi is not Eritrean he is from Agame temben