ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ደቡብ ኮርያ ብስንኪ ‘ቲ ብናይ መርከብ ሓደጋ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣማኢት ተመሃሮን መማህራንን ናይታ ሃገር ዝወረደ ሞት ብወለንታኡ ካብ ስልጣን ተሰናቢቱ።
ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ደቡብ ኮርያ Chung Hong-won ብስንኪ ‘ቲ ብ 16 ሚያዝያ 476 ተማሃሮን መማህራንን ጽዒና እናተጓዕዘት ሓደጋ ገጢሙዋ ድሕሪ ምጥሓላ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣማኢት ተመሃሮን መማህራንን ናይታ ሃገር ዝወረደ ሞትን ምጥፋእ ሃለዋትን ብወለንታኡ ካብ ስልጣን ከምዝተሰናበተ
ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ደቡብ ኮርያ Chung Hong-won ብስንኪ ‘ቲ ብ 16 ሚያዝያ 476 ተማሃሮን መማህራንን ጽዒና እናተጓዕዘት ሓደጋ ገጢሙዋ ድሕሪ ምጥሓላ ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣማኢት ተመሃሮን መማህራንን ናይታ ሃገር ዝወረደ ሞትን ምጥፋእ ሃለዋትን ብወለንታኡ ካብ ስልጣን ከምዝተሰናበተ ማዕከናት ዜና ደቡብ ኮርያን ዓለምን ሎሚ ገሊጸን።
በቲ ናይ መርከብ ሓደጋ 187 ዜጋታት ከምዝሞቱ ክረጋገጽ ከሎ፣ 115 ሃለዋቶም ኣይተፈልጠን። 174 ከምዝደሓኑ ከኣ ይፍለጥ።
ቀዳማይ ሚኒስተር ደቡብ ኮርያ፣ ነቲ ካብ ስልጣን ናይ ምስንባት ውሳኔ ኣብ ቴለቭዥን ናይታ ሃገር ቀሪቡ ኣብ ዝገለጸሉ ኣጋጣሚ፣ ብኽያትን ንብዓትን ናይቶም ደቆም ዝሰኣኑ ስድራቤታት ድቃስ ከምዝኸልኦ ብምጥቃስ፣ “ከም መራሒ ካቢነ ሚኒስተራት መጠን፣ ካብ ስልጣን ብምውራድ ሓላፍነት ምውሳድ እዩ እቲ ዝቐንዐ ውሳኔ” ክብል ተዛሪቡ።
ብ 3 ጥቅምቲ 2013 ኣብ ላምፐዱዛ 357 ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ተመሳሳሊ ሓደጋ ባሕሪ ኣጋጢሙዎም ኣብ ሓደ ረፍዲ ምስ ተቐዝፉ፣ ምልካዊ መራሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ዘርኣዮ ኢሰብኣውነት ምስዚ ሚስተር Chung ዝወሰዶ ቅኑዕ ሓላፍነታዊ ውሳኔ ኣነጻጸርካ ክርአ ኸሎ ንሰይጣንነት ኢስይያስ ዘጕልሕ እዩ።
እቲ ፈለማ ንኤርትራውያን ግዳያት ከም ኣፍሪቃውያን ኣምሲሉ ብምግላጽ ካብ ሓላፍነት ክሃድም ዝፈተነ ጨካን መራሒ ብጭብጥታት ተታሒዙ ብኤርትራውያነቶም ክእመን ድሕሪ ምግዳዱ ‘ውን ኣብ ልዕሊ ቶም ግዳያት ኮነ ስድራቤቶም ብድዐን ንዕቀትን ምርኣዩ፣ ቅንጣብ ሰብኣውነት ዘይብሉ ኣረሜን ምዃኑ ዘቃልዕ እዩ።
እዚ ኣብ ደቡብ ኮርያ ዝተኸስተ ፍጻሜ ዘዘኻኽረና ካልእ ውድቀት ናይ ሕብረተሰብና ብፍላይ ድማ ሞራል ኣልቦነት ደገፍቲ ናይቲ ስርዓት እዩ። ንጽዩፍ ተግባራት ናይቲ መጀመርያ ንዜጋታትና ናብ ስደት ደፊኡ ንሞት ዘቃልዖም፣ ምስ ሞቱ ርህራሀ ዘይርኣየ፣ ኣብ መወዳእታ ድማ ሬሳኦም ዓዲ ከይኣቱ ዝኸልከለ፣ ብስልጣን ሕልናኡ ዝተደፍነ ኢሳይያስ ተጻዊርና ከም ንቡር ንነብር ምህላውና፣ ሕብረተሰብ ኤርትራ መዳርግቲ ዘይብሉ ሕልናዊ ውድቀት ኣጋጢሙዎ ከምዘሎ የርኢ።
ንጃምላዊ ቅዝፈት ላምፐዱዛ፣ ንስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ተጸሚምናን ተደጋጋሚ ሕድገት መጢናን ቅድሚኡ ዘርኣናዮ ሸለልትነት ከም ዘስዓቦ፣ ንህልቂት ላምፐዱዛ ክንርስዖ ንፍትን ምህላውና ‘ውን ንመጻኢ ካብኡ ዝኸፍአ ኣደራዕ ከሰክመና እዩ። ጥፍኣትና ከብቅዕ፣ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ከብቅዕ ኣለዎ።
Teclay April 27, 2014
It is a good comparison news.We have been humiliated.Now we are no more a proud ppl like our forefathers were once, long time ago.I do not think we can save anything now from the burning house.The damage is already done .The worst thing is not even the disaster by it self,but the acceptance of it,,as our fathers saying “nay mot yiznah nay hilfet yibeke”
But even now it is better to look the problem from its origin,that is 1961 from whenthe madness started,,after analyzing the root cause,maybe only maybe we can save something from the reaming ash.
this piece is from Eritreannoh
“,ክብረተ ቢስ ሓተላ ታሪኽ እየ___ገጸይ ትፍኡሉ ድጕሑሉ
ዘርኣይ ደረስን ባህታ ሰገነይትን_ ካብ ሞትኩም ከይትልዓሉ
ብሕፍረት ናተይ ወድኹም______ መሊስኩም ከይትቐሉ
ሃገርሲ ንቑልቁላ እያ_______እቲ ህዝቢ እሞ እንድዕሉ !!!!!”
gebre1 April 27, 2014
“,ክብረተ ቢስ ሓተላ ታሪኽ እየ___ገጸይ ትፍኡሉ ድጕሑሉ
ዘርኣይ ደረስን ባህታ ሰገነይትን_ ካብ ሞትኩም ከይትልዓሉ
ብሕፍረት ናተይ ወድኹም______ መሊስኩም ከይትቐሉ
ሃገርሲ ንቑልቁላ እያ_______እቲ ህዝቢ እሞ እንድዕሉ !!!!!
sara gual eritra April 27, 2014
bka mehanzel koynu shimka
eritreawi April 27, 2014
PIA would be a great leader of the TALIBAN
Truly Truly i say to you April 27, 2014
It is in deed a good comparison news. But to add another better comparison news, do you know On April 16, 2002 The Dutch (Netherlands) almost whole government members as has resigned over a report condemning its failure to prevent the 1995 Srebrenica massacre? Imagine! the reason for resign the whole 15 Dutch cabinet members beginning from PM Wim Kok ;it was three out of six brutally massacred Bosnian (Muslims)civilians ; despite begged to the Dutch UN peace keepers soldiers in Srebrenica to prevent them, but the Dutch soldiers because ignored to them at a result six of them brutally because massacred by Serbian soldiers it was. Imagine! 6 Bosnians for they mascared, when the Whole Netherlands Cabinet resign!
But Isyas in interview with Jane Daton of Aljazire When she asked him weather he bothered about those while fleeing they dieing Eritreans, he answered, “Why i should bother about!” Just recently after Lampadusa incident also answered for local journalists,”It is better if such people all left the country. They wouldn´t late you to work.” I don´t know about what work he talking after Whole socity while fleeing they dieing! Did he mean the Korean, Netherlands government they not working? But we asking him to resign, not because we like to see him die brutally like his friend Gadafi under Fanatura finally, but because we believe it is good at first for his own life and his family as well because we believe his resignation as give chance to open reconciliation among Ethiopia and Eritrea, as well without bloodshed because our occupied territory returns we believe it is. But Isayas such advice did not like to listen. In contrary for you giving him good advice considers you like enemy.
haqiyesar April 27, 2014
I want to know what does it serve for the Eritrean people by listing different citizens who resigned from their post.
andinet hizbay April 27, 2014
we were respected ppl before we start to serve the interest of arabs . we hated our brothers ,we denied that we are Tigreans as result we are reaping misery. lets condemn ghedli and unite back with our mother country.
haqiyesar April 27, 2014
Please find the venue on how to nurture your mind.
abdu April 27, 2014
Atom sebst are you comparing ember dow tena alkum eyou kale humum seb senkum c mes hada jegna anbesa mes wukaria tewedadurwo.
Dictator Issias is lunatic psychopath socially deprived who trying avenge against Eritreans .And the S.K is some one who brought up within umbrella of family value ; can we see the big gag difference between the two.
Ossaress Gebremskel April 27, 2014
hailu April 27, 2014
Hi Assena and All Eritreans
I expected you to post this news for it gives a lot of message to us Eritreans. We perished in sea in hundreds and our leaders have never spoken a word they never show any care.
What a world, a PM resigns for he has no fault in actual sense beside their slow response to the disasters.But Isayas Afewerki the root of all our misery never spoke and show compassion to the thousands young perishing in sea and Sinai.
Wake up Eritreans and understand the value of a life, a single Eritrean life is worth than dictator Isayas.
Mehari T April 27, 2014
Every society has a government and leader that they deserve. Eritrea has Wedi Medhin berad as it rightly desrves to have a devil one like Isaias. Furthermore, you can only compare Eritrea with the backward North Korea not with the advanced and democratic South Korea.
Teclay April 28, 2014
bitter to swallow but i agree