ሶፊ! ዕልልቲ ኣገልጋሊት ምልኪ፡ ወይዘሮ ሶፍያ ተ/ማሪያም፡ ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ናብ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ቀሪባ፡ “ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጽቡቕ ከም ዘሎ፣ ሃገር ብምዕባለ ትውንጨፍ ከም ዘላ፣ ሰባት ካብ ሃገሮም ዝወጹ ዘለዉ ድማ ብሰሪ ምልኪ ዘይኮኑስ ብሲ ኣይ ኤን

ዕልልቲ ኣገልጋሊት ምልኪ፡ ወይዘሮ ሶፍያ ተ/ማሪያም፡ ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ናብ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ቀሪባ፡ “ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጽቡቕ ከም ዘሎ፣ ሃገር ብምዕባለ ትውንጨፍ ከም ዘላ፣ ሰባት ካብ ሃገሮም ዝወጹ ዘለዉ ድማ ብሰሪ ምልኪ ዘይኮኑስ ብሲ ኣይ ኤን (CIA) ወያነን ተጨውዮም ከም ዝኾኑ፣ እዘን ተጣበቕቲ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ዝብሃላ፡ ከም ብዓል ሜሮን እስቲፋኖስን ኤልሳ ጭሩምን ድማ ተሓባበርቲ ነገድቲ ሰብ ከም ዝኾና ጭብጢ ከም ዘሎዋ፣ እቲ እንኮ ወካሊ ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ኣብ ደገ ከኣ ኣምባሲ ህግደፍን ንሳን ጥራይ ምዃኖም። ወዘተ. ብምጥቃስ፡ ዳዊት ጉጅለ ምልኪ ክትደግም ስለ ዝሰማዕኩዋ’የ ብዛዕባኣ ገለ ክብል ተቐሲበ።
ኣንቲ ሶፊ *ላዳ እንታይ ወሪዱኪ *ትጠቡ ዕየት
መገዲ ሓርነት ምስ ህዝቢ ከለኪ
መገዲ ባርነት ምስ ህግደፍ መሪጽኪ
ሓለፋ ቋንቋኺ እንግሊዝ ምኽኣልኪ
ካብ መግዛእቲ ምልኪ ኣብ ማዕዶ ሰፊርኪ
ኣብ ቅድሚ ጸዓዱ ፍሽኽሽኽ ተበልኪ
መሲሉኪ’ምባኣር ዓለም ዝወነንኪ!
ሶፊ፥ ኣይኮነን ንስኺ እዛ ናይ ሎሚ ዕሸል
እቶም ገዳይም’ኳ መሳርሕቲ ገበል
ገና ኣይፈለጡዎን ናይ መላኺ ተንኰል
ነዛ ሃገር ምስ ህዝባ ከየጽድፋ ናብ ገደል
ይጽውዑ ኣለዉ ህዝባ ንኽምህለል!
እንታይ ትፈልጢ ሶፊ በጊዐይ ሓሻኺ
ኣየናይ ኢልክዮ ተንኰል ናይ መላኺ
ሰብድዩ መሲሉኪ ቆርበቱ ርእይኺ
ወትሩ ዘብዘብ ትብሊ ንኽትላኣኺ!
ኣየ ሶፊ ዓዋን ልባ ኣብ ግንባራ
ተማሂራ ድያኸ ፊደላት ቈጺራ
ኣብቲ ጽንኩር እዋን ኣበይ እያኸ ኔራ
ሓርነቱ ክምንዛዕ ህዝቢ ናይ ኤርትራ
ኣባ ጓይላ ኮይና ናይ ምልኪ ዳንኬራ!
መላኽን ማንከይን መልክዕኪ ርእዮም
ተዋሳኢት ፊልም ኣክተር ክትኮንዮም
እንተ ሓረዩኺ ክትላኣኽዮም
ህዝብና እናጥፍኡ ወትሩ ክትንእድዮም
ግዝያዊት ጠበቓ ኣጆኹም ኢልክዮም!
ሶፊ፥ ሲ ኣይ ኤን ወያነን ሰባት ንኽነግዱ
ነዚ ኹሉ ጎበዝ ከውጽኡ ካብ ዓዱ
መንግስትኺ ደኣ ከመይ ተዓኒዱ
ህዝቡ እናጠፍአ ኮፍ ኢሉ ዘማዕዱ!?
ጀነራላት መላኺ ህዝብና እናሸጡ
ኣሻሓት ዶላራት ብዓመጽ ክግሕጡ
ዕውራት ደገፍቱ ምንም ዘይትፈልጡ
ክፋኦም ከይስተር እኳ ከይተጽቅጡ
መላኺ ኪገዝእ ክብርና ቀንጢጡ
ወያነ እናበልኩም ብሓሶት ክትሽሕጡ
ዳዊቱ ክትደግሙ ልቢ ሰብ ተሕብጡ!
ሶፊ፥ ካብ ቤቱ ዝወጸ ሽግር ምስ መረሮ
እዚ ኹሉ ጎበዝ ሑጻ ዝቐበሮ
እዚ ኹሉ ውጹዕ’ወ ዓሳ ዝተደሮ
ብሰባት ዝውጠጥ ገመድ ዝተኣስሮ
እንስሳ’ዩ ኢልክዮ ዘይብሉ ኣእምሮ!
ሎሚ ግን ደሓነይ ህዝቢ ጎሪሑ እዩ
ካብ ጸሊምን ጻዕዳን ሕብሪ ፈላልዩ
ጸላእን ፈታውን ብግብሪ ኣለልዩ
ክርዳድ ካብቲ እኽሊ ብሚሐ ነፊዩ
ንሃገርን ህዝብን ህይወቱ ወፊዩ
ሓርነቱን ፍትሑን እኖሆ *ዳርዩ! *ቀሪቡ
ንየዋሃት ብምኽሪ፣ ንተረርቲ ልቢ ብበትሪ፣ ሻቦያ ኢልና ጓሓፍ ህግደፍ ነጽሪ!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 30/01/2014
Habte Kifle January 31, 2014
Dear Weizero Sofia,
I kindly ask you to move your family (husband and kids) from the US to Asmara if it is better.
How can you say Ethiopia and the US are our enemies and you are still living in the land of your enemy?
Stop bullshitting yourself and the innocent people and “WALK THE TALK” show us in action of your love and move your family to Eritrea instead of acting like a coin phone. They pay you and you talk. I know you will be ashamed of your deeds soon. All the DERG TEWEKAYOCH and GUADOCH” were ashamed after the fall of Derg and our Tigrinia specking dergue will fall for sure!!!!
Thank you Mesinas of your great POEM as always!!!
Dawit Meconen January 31, 2014
Sophia Tesfamariam,
I know you are intelligent Eritrean woman but the argument you are advancing that Eritrean youngsters are leaving their country because of CIA and others is sheer partisan politics and a blind worship of the impostor Isaias Afewerqi.
You justified your disgraceful statement by whitewashing the dilapidated economy of Eritrea, purposely being inflicted by the impostor; the complete inexistence of peace in the country, which, as we speak, is being whipped up by mercenaries from tigrai, the so called DEMHIT etc. etc.
I know you despise woyane as well as I do and that can be the cause that tipped you to be on the precarious position you are in, but it boggles my mind that, intelligent as you are, as of yet, you have not been able to sift through the intricate of net of works the two, Isaias Afewerqi and woyane, have built to defraud Eritreans of their Sovereignty.
The mother of all problems our people are going through was set off when the impostor launched war on Ethiopia in 1998, allegedly in self defense against woyane invasion, an allegation, as you very well know, did not stand to the investigation of the Eritrean Ethiopian Claim Commission, who found out Isaias Afewerqi was the starter of the war, for which he acquiesced and paid the penalty of $1000,000,000.00.
I know woyane had carried out border instigation against Eritrea from 1995 through 1998. Meles had relieved Sye Abraha of his position as defense minister precisely to undertake that criminal activity. Throughout the three years of his criminal activities on the people of Badme and other border areas, the impostor, Isaias was duly informed of the facts, which he refused to do anything about it.
Even he was asked by the EriTv crew to show to the public what they filmed as Sye Abraha forcefully removed the people of Eritrea from Badme but would not budge from his negative response.
If Isaias Afewerqi was a genuine Eritrean, knowing full the long history of what we had gone through as a people in search of our independence and the prevailing economic hardship we faced in the aftermath of our independence, he would never have taken war as number one response to woyane border provocations, rather he would have sought legal and peaceful avenue, such as the OAU and UNSC, a potent weapon that could have not only exposed woyane sly adventure before the world community,but also nipped its intrigue in the bud, once and for all.
The fact that Isaias Afewerqi waited for three years without doing anything despite the protestation of our people, and finally chose to embark on illegal and unnecessary war supports what Meles said in pointblank in 1990 in his secret interview with Paul Henze, a veteran CIA and presidential national security advisor to Carter, that Isaias Afewerqi did not believe in the Independence of Eritrea and that he was going along because he did not have the required power to stop it.
Given what Isaias Afewerqi did in the aftermath of the Algiers Agreement, such as the suspension of the ratified Constitution, the abolition of the Baito, incarceration of the senior EPLF officers, the NO War No Peace situation etc., the logical inference is clear:
Isaias Afewerqi and Meles had indeed conspired for the War between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Eritreans ought not to have any doubt on this point. They designed the war to serve Isaias to have complete power to be able to navigate the fate of Eritrea to his heart’s desire. Remember, Meles’s point that Isaias did not believe in the independence of Eritrea and that he was going along back then because he did not have power.
There are other points that support the theory of the Conspiracy, among which are the following:
In 1993, Isaias Afewerqi dissolved brigade 72, the potent security brigade , on the back of which, among others, Eritrean independence became reality, and he assigned its brilliant Chief, Petros Solomon, to a mundane department, and finally threw him to his dungeon where he is rotting.
Please ask yourself, why would such absolutely necessary security brigade be dissolved when the reality of Eritrea situation, such as undemarcated border and eternal enemies to the south of our border etc. etc. demands? There is no valid answer. The only answer is the conspirators, Isaias Afewerqi and Meles wanted to dismantle it to avoid their conspiracy from prematurely coming to the light of Eritrean people.
But again when you know the ill experienced person, Abraha Kasa, tigrai, whom Isaias assigned as Security Chief of the country, then you know the whole truth.
The conspirators had designed the conduct of the War in such away that the Eritrean Defense Forces were always in a very disadvantageous position. To effect that state of affairs, the over years the EPLFs had built, the Collective Leadership of Conducting War, had to be shattered. Isaias Afewerqi, who had never conducted a war, became the sole commander. And we know the result.
Sofia Tesfamariam,
Truelly, truelly, you are giving your allegiance to a tigrai impostor and in the end, when every thing is exposed for all to see, you will regret your act but it will be too late by that time.
The worst mistake that you have committed however will not be that you are serving the impostor but that you are belittling and ridiculing the grim situation young Eritreans are going through at the hands of the impostor. As if that is not enough, you are portraying them as simpletons of foreign agents. But, as they say, This Shall Pass Too. It will soon be your turn to be in the hot seat for the crime you have committed in the service of the impostor. Of this I have no doubt. Mark My words!!!
Metkel January 31, 2014
I used to think Dawit was Sophia’s in disguise. You are not better than her. At least she is openly telling you that she is HGDF. You are HGDF. I am not sure why you object her?
N.B: I never like any of you.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis January 31, 2014
Dawit, I failed to understand your long comment. I think the problem is of human Trufiking. Do you agree that Weyane are involved in this busines togther with CIa.
In conulsion it look like that you and her have the same Idea.
First of all I don’t agree that Issayas Aforki is Tigrian from Tigray but tipically Eritrean from kebessa with in all aspects. SPESCIALLY ASMSRINO (Asmarinos are mixed, arabs, italian half casts, indian sudans half casts, amhara half casts) , all those are not eritreans? who is this Eritrean? I can’t understand , when we are talking about eritrean it becames abstract word . It is better eritreans not to talk to much about eritrean nationality, we can be surprised in this case that there are no eritrean, and we shall remain on the road without understanding the mining.
Suppose, Eritreans are only those who have a village in eritrea, there are no other eritreans, the for woldeab woldemariam is not eritrean because he have no village in eritrea. Instead Issayas have a village in THELOT HAMASIEN should be pure eritrean, while Mr. Woldeab woldemariam is not eritrean at all because his home village is on the other saide of the river. It is necessary to difine who is eritrean who is not. In your comment you send them all to Tigrai . WHERE IS THE SONG OF WEDI AFOM BRIE. Are eritreans stupied people they sing song for every one who pass on the raod. When we are writing we have to be very carful , otherwise we shall confus the prople. On the same time can we stop to add adjectives on some one orgin before verifing.All eritreans who lived in America, Australia they aquaried natonslity of those countries and they are accepted in those countries as citzen. are they not of those nstionsnstions citzen. that nation, they are not eritreans any more, eccept they are origin. So why in eritrea Issays of Tigrian Origin is not eritrean.what happen to those eritreans who has been highly educated by the itslians could not understand this simple question , the defination to be eritrean.
i don’t understand the cospiration of Meles and Isayas on eritrea and eritreans. The question is why? Are not them eho have declered the indipendence of Eritrea and asked to the people of eritrea to be free or to remsin slave. Even if I don’t understand the mining , but eritrea now is indipendent country eithout the defination who is eritrean and who is not.
During the federation time eritrea had two presidents the First From Nigeria origin ( Ftom Hamasien and the second was from Wolamo ( From Akeleguzai) both of them they have a village in thier are on Awraga , are they not Eritrean? Yes they are dekebat,
It is better for me to stop the origin of eritreans because if we countne like this can find a big surpries. In this way we shall loose the sence of a nation that we pretend.
I am not critsizing you , but all of us we have to change our mentslity otherwise sense of a nation will disapire.
It is shame to a people to say thier President is from Tigrai, and he is not eritrean after years. It is shame, shsme one thousand times.
Genet January 31, 2014
You are very funny. Some thing is eating you up. Bless your heart. Just leave the issue of Eritrean to Eritreans. You have to be Eritrean to understand it.
nmeharhaki February 1, 2014
I read you several times writing about Eritreans. Who is an Eritrean from your side? You blamed many by saying leave to Eritreans,he is second generation and the like. Very sorry of you.
Zufana February 1, 2014
Genet is a headless chicken, a new born nationalist and politician. She thinks as a pure and only Eritrean. As you said it you just have to feel sorry for her. By the way i hear she is the sister of dawit M (the HGDF snake) that is for you genet mecconen.
Genet February 2, 2014
nmeharhaki and Zufana don’t start something you are not going to finish.
Zufana, What is your problem? Are you retarded? stop the freaking name calling.
“Very sorry of you” what does this mean?
First of all, you both have your priority way off. You are making unforced error about your backgrounds. I care less, if you are 75%,50%,25% or 100% Eritrean born outsiders. But I care, when you are wasting my time with your pathetic identity crisis disorder. You don’t even know it, when you are setting yourself apart from the rest of Eritreans. At a time Eritreans are fighting for our lives and country, you have the nerve to complain about identity crisis. We Eritreans have only one country and we don’t have a choice. If you both have issues being an Eritrean, that is your problem not mine. Zufana, you said, “She thinks as a pure and only Eritrean” No proud Eritrean would say this to other Eritrean. But you are saying that and you are exposing yourself. Talk about unforced error. There is no such a thing “pure” in any society. It is all about you and how you feel about yourself and family.
For worst or better, I am proud to be Eritrean. I am a nationalist. Bite me! At a time Eritrean are dying all over the place, people like you have the time to be pitiful about your “blood line” Disgusting! Zufana, don’t be a filthy mouth. learn to be civil.
Genet February 2, 2014
You said, “I read you several times writing about Eritreans” I see that Clearly, You don’t understand English. You said “Who is an Eritrean from your side?” Well, an Eritrean is a person who is proud to be Eritrean. A person who is NOT sensitive about his/her blood line. A person who doesn’t pity himself/herself, while the Eritrean people are fighting for their dear lives; An Eritrean is person who feels his/her peoples’ pain. I hope that is clear.
nmeharhaki February 2, 2014
Dear Genet,
thank you for your words. If I were you I could have said many bad words but that does not help. Did you forget what you said to Dr. Gidewen abay, and when someone from his family questioned you to bring the fact about his background, you run away because you don not have the evidence. This what Genet meant to me. To blame some by saying he is not an Eritrean. Who are you to talk about identity. Do not try to derail us from talking about the substantial issue.
nmeharhaki February 1, 2014
Dear Dawit,
I know you are intelligent Eritrean woman ….. It is good to use such words which shows your maturity but
what is the measurement for intelligence? If just being a puppet and repeating what is being said in HGDEF can make you an intelligent, it is something a new measurement, otherwise Sofi has never been intelligent and will not be an intelligent in the future. She has already lost the rail.
Genet February 2, 2014
Are you intelligent Mr nmeharhaki?
nmeharhaki February 2, 2014
Aye genet it is really a wastage of time reading your nonsense phrases. I never said i am inteligent because I know that i am not intelligent. Simply i quoted dawit, it was not my words, very sorry to say that read twice before you jump to blame.
Genet February 2, 2014
No, You need to find out which “Genet” you are talking too. You are the one who is blaming me about something I didn’t write.
Genet February 2, 2014
Find the post that you claim, I wrote about Dr Gidewen, Abay’s background. Admit your mistake as man/woman. You are a very damaged individual, just like the parasites you are piggybacking on your posts. Yes, I am talking about the two filthy mouths(Zufana& Abrhet). You all can’t articulate any thing about any issue, I am not going to lower my self to your level. You want to weep around about your identity, then have fun! I am a proud Eritrean; I am a nationalist; NO apologies!
nmeharhaki February 4, 2014
Dear Genet,
I posted your comment about Dr. Gidewen, did you read it. Just to remind you.
Genet February 2, 2014
I am not sure what you are talking about. I never discussed Dr Gidewen abay or any body else’s background. I think you are talking about somebody else. There was a person who came on Assenna with the same name “Genet” same spelling. She is different with her thought process and she also mix Tigraya in her writing. You owe me an apology.
nmeharhaki February 2, 2014
If so accept my apology. But i understand similar thought between two Genets,they look for the way they went go out. Is these your words ….. Just leave the issue of Eritrean to Eritreans. You have to be Eritrean to understand it. Further you said …. But I care, when you are wasting my time with your pathetic identity crisis disorder.
What did you mean by identity crises? Every body has an identity, some one can not be happy with his identity but Identity is not something that you choose, just you inherited from your family. But nowadays blaming some body he has an Identity crises is becoming a fashion word. I am proud to be what I am.
What does this mean Geneta. How did you know that he is not an Eritrea? Let us assume that he is not an Eritrean, did you condemn him from commenting? Genet let us be matured, our beloved country is bleeding, it is in verge of collapsing, so let us use out time and energy for constructive things as to save our country and our people.
Abrhet February 2, 2014
Nmeharhaki,piece of advice about
R u trying to convince Genet, please don not try, u r going to waste ur valuable time. She is a confused person, once she say something and again she oppose to what she said. Also my advice to you try to differentiate between our Genet that is a native english speaker, another genet whom she does mix tigrigna.Ala geneta adrasha zeybla
Tes February 2, 2014
You don’t have to explain yourself why you call yourself a true Eritreans. They will never stop barking those Deki Arbia and the new comers because the are eaten up by identity crisis. They are many of them whenever someone say or claims being a proud Eritrean the all come from all sides with different excuse. They know their place even though there is no any threat to their being. Eritrean native received them open handed when the came as refugees and gave them land and membership in village but they are still feel insecure. That is the reason Isiais has been leading the country with is similar background like Mankey Kasha and so on. They are a lot of them in west. Genet don’t be intimidate by those riffraff. Be proud of your roots and I am proud of you Sister. Having said that you shall not feel in any way to be considered racist. You are not at all. They try to compare to America and western world with out having enough knowledge. Those who born outside US can not be elected to the highest office as you know. This doesn’t make them racist or they are not exclusions. In fact they are patriotic and so do you.
Genet February 2, 2014
Well Mr, Miss, you are not apologizing, So there is nothing that I can accept. It takes a man or a woman to admit mistakes. You started this issue of “pure Eritrean”. It wasn’t my topic. You tried to pin some comment on me. Make no mistake, if any one is trying to degrade and divided Eritrean, I will challenge any body. Don’t get confused with what I said. I said the comment you are talking about is not mine. I didn’t say I will let anyone intimidate me from expressing my thought process. Any one who asks, “So you think you are pure Eritrean” is a person in identity crisis turmoil. I am not telling you, you have identity crisis, your comment is exposing your problem. A word of advice, get over it. Your blood line should not be an issue if you love being an Eritrean. FYI, start with your real name. Good luck!
Genet February 2, 2014
“What did you mean by identity crises” It means, You and people like you. Troubled with psychological turmoil about their blood line. If you wish, read my comment to you. Also, read Tes’s comment. You could learn a thing or two.
nmeharhaki February 2, 2014
Hej Genet,
Have you ever come across with a proverb saying ….Ade habal beliya keytikidimeki*. This proverb really applies to you. Someone with confidence never pretend like you.
Please answer to my question..
Can you mention when and where I wrote ”You started this issue of “pure Eritrean”. I believe that every human creature is pure, regardless of his color, Identity and the like. Why are you contradicting yourself, be principled. Forget about Tes, he is still in the dark 19th century, talking about deki 40. Tes might live in the Western hemisphere having citizenship and he is trying to create a loop hole in our beloved country, very surprising.
solomun February 3, 2014
ተስ፣ ገነት ኮነ ካልኦት ዘይሓላፍነታዉያ ፈላለይቲ
በዛ በዓለገ ዝኮነት መልሓስኩም ሃገር ድሕሪ ሰብ ኣትሪፍክምዋ። ሕጅ እዉን ኣብ ክንዲ ካብ ጌጋኩም ትምሃሩን፣ እንታይ ንግበር ኢልኩም ኢሂን ሚህን ትብሉ፣ ክንሰጎም ኢና ከነባርሮም ኢና ኢልኩም ኣብ ጎልጎል ትፍክሩ ኣለኩም። መጀምርታ እሞ እታ ሃገርና ትብልውዋዘለኩም ጨብጥዋ እሞ ደሓር ተርክብሉ። ካብኡ ዝተረፈ ሙሉእ ዶ ጎደሎ ወዲ ኣርብዓ ዶ ገለዶ ኢናበልኩም ልቢ ሰብ ኣይትስበሩ። እዘን ሃገራት ንነዊሕ እዋን ብሓደ ጸኒሓን ኢየን፣ ሕጂ እዉን ጎረባብቲ ኢየን፣ መዉስቦ ኮነ ምዉላድ ዘይተርፍ ኢዩ፣ ስለዝስ ንኢሰያስ ዶ ንየማነ ዝረከብኩም እናመሰለኩም ንቡዙሃት ሰባት ኢኩም ተቐይሙ ዘለኩም። ንኤርትራ ኣብዚ ህጂ እዋን ከምዚ ዓይነት ፈልላይ ቃላት ኣይኮነነን ዘድልያ፣ ኣብ ኣፍፈት ምዉዳቕ ኢያ ትርከብ ዘላ፣ ዕቕሚ ዘለዎ ኣብ ምድሓና እንተትጋየየ ይሕይሽ ዝብል ርእይቶ ኣሎኒ።
nmeharhaki February 3, 2014
Genet (proud Eritrean, master english language, miss knows all)Pls read ur contradictory comments
I am not sure what you are talking about. I never discussed Dr Gidewen abay or any body else’s background. I think you are talking about somebody else. There was a person who came on Assenna with the same name “Genet” same spelling. She is different with her thought process and she also mix Tigraya in her writing.
Further …you wrote
Find the post that you claim, I wrote about Dr Gidewen, Abay’s background. Admit your mistake as man/woman. You are a very damaged individual, just like the parasites you are piggybacking on your posts.
You said another Genet whom can not write special english like you had writen, you admit that by the name of genet was writen about Dr. Gidwen and now you ask me to bring the post. Alla geneta, you need psychiatrist.
Genet February 3, 2014
Dear nmeharhaki
I see, you are especial(mentally-slow). Here I am, thinking you made an honest mistake regarding a post about Dr Gidewen. I thought you care about Dr Gidewen; So I tried to help you correct your mistake by stating, I am not the only Genet here at Assenna. But you are not interested in correcting your mistakes. After all, it wasn’t a mistake. No body wrote about Dr Gidewen and his background. May be it is all in your little head. What an act you put on, COngratulation! Since you are slow(mentally retarded)PFDJ’zombie, Mixing Tigraya with English on posts doesn’t mean a person is not able to write with good English. It is just a way of writing. It is also can be used as a clue who wrote a particular post. Now, we got that confusing things out of the way. You said, “Miss knows all” Well, you got that right. Son of a gun(good boy), I am impressed. Congratulation! SO, which school of propaganda for zombies did you go to? That is the zombie maker of Isayas’s propaganda school. Do you know how I know? wait for it, You startd to repeat my post. OK zombie, is it any thing to you Eritrean people young and old are dying every where? what about DEMHIT roaming the street of Asmera? what about Eritrean mothers raising children as single mothers, because of the ill advised social engineering? Let me know your thought. Don’t repeat my post. If you do, you are not goint to learn any thing. I know, you are conditioned to repeat PFDJ’s operatives talking point, like Woyane, USA, CIA, Agame to anyone who opposes your master Isayas and his acitons on Eritrean people. Do your best, if you can. Good luck!
nmeharhaki February 3, 2014
Ohh Geneta
Now also another profession, teacher.
I never use words such as Weyane, CIA and the like because I know very well their meanings. But I can say to you do not mix things, be confident. Did you understand that PFDJ is being hijacked by Isayas and his gangs otherwise PFDJ is a product of EPLF, an organization that makes history in black Africa, so please keep your mouth, it is beyond your capacity. Regarding our mothers and our youngstars, thanks to you and the like are crying day and night and you residing in the safest part of the world are preaching about pure blood, what kind of paradox is it? and frightening to those who are strugling to bring endless peace the country by saying kitibareu ikum. WHO r u? DMHIT are roaming in Asmara and playing with our sisters because of you and the like, instead of talking in the main issue, u r derailing, may y r paid for the nonsense job. But HSTORY never forgive, everybody will have his own history and we know each other thanks to modern communication, you will never hide. I think this is enough for someone who is in a normal state of mind.
john January 31, 2014
well sayed mesinay, ane gin etom zisemuwa eyom zihizununi,
Negga Yosif January 31, 2014
It is wasting of time and energy to talk with or explain to Sophie because she is not important figure like Meron Estifanos,The people of Eritrea loves Meron,except the blind supporters, she is dowing good job .Shame on Sophia,your nonsense.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis January 31, 2014
I heard her discure in september . Com , I am resly amazed. How can a eritrean woman can be so unkind to her owen sons. What happen yo the eritrean women alwsys WODI AFOM BRIR,
Abnet January 31, 2014
dear Asghedom
It is better to conclude that if someone has no any village which he/she belongs to, so he/she is not an Eritrean. Because I agree with the Tigrinia proverb… ADI YEBILU AWIDI YEBLU.. only we call him/her TEWELIJIE which is hard to define the person because you cannot identify confidently the person as Eritrean as he/she may leave you at any time the person wishes. And there should be some secret which makes it important to take care about ones native/ indigenous background to the respective country. Because in most of the developed and modern world the countries put in to consideration whether the person is a citizen of the that country both by his/her father and mother line of generation.
Metkel January 31, 2014
The equivalent of TEWELIJE is “Naturalized Citizen” in the US.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis February 1, 2014
Ok I agree with you but, are we able to send Isays Aforki to Tembien And yemane Monky To India, Kesha to Makele And Genersl Sbhat to Gonder, because people say they are not eritreans, but they have villegs in eritrea, but thier othine if it is true they are from the othrr side of the river Mereb.
it is not better to think about such issue.
Genet February 2, 2014
We can send them back to where they came from. No problem.
Because they claim they have village in Eritrea, it doesn’t mean they own the village. You don’t buy land or village in Eritrea, you inherit land from your ancestors. That is what our history tell us.
MightyEmbasoyra February 2, 2014
I agree with you. The old Eritrean had very good traditional law and they welcome those Tewelijes/dek 40s and granted them citizenship. Their intention was really good. However, some of those tewlijes (I said some, like isayas), don’t want to settle for just a citizenship. On the contrary, they want to own the country and make the natives as the lesser people. ዘበነ ግርምቢጥ ይብሉኻ ከምዚ ‘ዩ.
Genet February 2, 2014
Well said!
All the Eritrean who have no issues about their blood line, are trying to find a way how we can get out of the mess we are in. But People with identity crisis are wasting time complaining why we said we are proud to be Eritrean. what kind of sick Eritrean will ask another Eritrean “why are you saying you are proud Eritrean?” Aren’t they Eritrean?
MightyEmbasoyra February 3, 2014
Sister Genet,
You are too smart for some of them (like Kidane, Sarah, and other riffraffs). If anyone can’t say a native of any village in Eritrea, they are either deki 40s or do not belong to Eritrea at all.
Definition of real Eritrean is you have to have a village that you can call yours or parents’ home. If not, you need to question yourself. That includes you, Isayas. Tselot is your the village granted your parents a citizenship, not your ancestors village. Got it, you bastard killer?
selam February 3, 2014
Before you send them back, they will control you. You nonsense do not understand what they are doing. You paper tiger, they are draining your young generation and you will be left with elders whom even they can not defend themselves. Try to understand the objective condition of your country. Don not bark in the internet.
halengi January 31, 2014
sofia gigna shenti neshenti geiratkum kema gida zeitekonu anbesit zehaftey mearey tenadedkum welkum lomanti bsuru tekasilkum nai aytethref tibluni niskums entai kedefku bsuru tenadedkum enekum
Tes February 1, 2014
Is Sophia your cousin ? If so help her out of the mess she in. Being a political prostitute is not good for her and her closest including you. She is disgrace and embarrassment in all measures. To be whore to help ones-self or your closest in time of destitution is not a crime but like her to be a whore is beyond my imagination. For money and attention. How low can she get for pity recognition. It is open secret every Eritrean know her background and she is related with Zerai Deres who was a favorite child of Ethiopia. And Sophia was a beneficiary of his act and was a lady of the inter circle of Haile Selasie with her Father and close relatives. She had a good time when every Eritrean family was fighting for more than 30 years. I am sure she may not even voted in Eritrean referendum and now out of the blue she tried hard to be more Eritrean than the Eritrean who foll and paid heavy price. To make it worse she is determined to undermine our resistance to help a worst tyrant in the plant and make mockery of our suffering at the hand of PFDJ. Mesinas is very kind and gently with her. He should been hard on her and level with aggressive words clearly what will happen to her after Isaias crook.
Halengi Let me ask you do you have brain? I don’t think so if you call Sophia Jegna! You are headless crap!
selamawit2 February 1, 2014
Tes, that’s very interesting. thank you for the information.
by the way: it is impossible that she was 9 years old in that picture withe haile selassie:
– haile selassie was 5′ 4″ [ 1.63 m ] “high” and her highht in that picture was almost the same as his.
– this is also more than the AVERAGE HIGHT OF 15 years old girls in european countries,
which are usually quiet tall.
– today she is not taller than this, which means she didn’t grow anymore. maybe because to old to grow more?
I think, she looks 15 on this picture but maybe she was up to 17 or 18?
i would not be surprised, if she lies about her age – especially on this picture – to pretend she was more innocent than she was.
Metkel February 1, 2014
She lied about everything you can think off and I wouldn’t be surprised if she lied about her ago. Good observation though.
Metkel February 1, 2014
You put it very well. Just to add to your well put statements:
People like Helengi were give the same brain like yours and mine. The problem is they don’t know how to use most of theirs (except for to eat, drink, walk, etc – basic stuff). The rest, they have to be told (programmed). That’s why you see, almost all of them use the same words, sentences, etc. That shows us these were told to propagate.
Another thing I noticed is that these newbies were nowhere to be found in any Hafash wudubat offices before. All of a sudden those riffraffs become the trusted ones. These were people they don’t even support the Eritrean struggle for independence.
Zufana February 1, 2014
Tes(abi seb), absolutely right brother.
Genet February 2, 2014
Zufana, are you a boy or a girl?
Dear, Have your own thought process. What is the matter, you can’t have your own ideas?
Abrhet February 2, 2014
You are good for nothing.
Zufana February 2, 2014
Geni babe what’s app(up)!
Something is far more important than your crap politics. A simple “i screwed up” will do. All this “my dog ate my homework” and kemish addey hanqwiluni, “my side of the story”, is just petty and low-rent, no class. Once again you are just a headless chicken. When did you run away from the Zoo that you were supposed to be kept that is from the same Zoo that you graduated your semi-politics.
Genet February 3, 2014
Dear Zufana
Where is this all hostility come from? Did I hit a sensitive nerve by saying to some one (not you)Leave Eritrean issue to Eritreans. This statement was give to the person who disrespectd Eritrea. I have a right to respond, because I am a proud Eritrean. I am a nationalist. No apologies. FYI, Can you please write a little more, so I can have some insight into your fragile mind? You said, “Something is far more important than your crap politics” Good Job! this is a good start for you. But When you said, “I screwed up” “will do” This is not clear, I don’t think you know, what you are talking about? For Eritreans, our politics is very important to us. It is about our survival as people and a nation. We are fighting a ruthless dictator and his supporters like the parasite Sofia. Zufana, where do you Fit in all this? You are full of anger and hostility. You are shooting like a loose cannon. My advice to you is stop hanging like a piggy bag on other’s post and thought porcess, instade, have your own ideas. Let us discusse some thing important to you and I. I say, let us start with the Eritrean women in Eritea. What do you think, you and I should do to end the suffering of Eritrean women? Show me what you have got?
solomun February 3, 2014
You and the like are disrespecting Eritrea. Your nonsense words, a collection of phrases that are nonconstructive. If you speak out your origin and I will tell you your roots, then you will no more come to the website.
can`t you feel what is happening in S.S CA, Mali and others. Are trying to bring civil war in our country by saying you r from there and you r from that.
Zufana February 3, 2014
Dear Genet
Chasing individuals may sometimes leave us chasing the wind. I note that you seem to know/specialize on how to go banana on every irrelevant subject. I also see that you are hooked on Eritrean politics. I therefor think the next government that is post-tyranny should make you the Minister of Kolel.
Back to your serious point about our Eritrean women:
Mothers,Sisters,and wives
blessed with the purest of souls
raising hope to the hopeless
lending voice to the voiceless
source of courage to the victims
refuse to rest til that the comes
driven by compassion & wise decision
simply focused on their mission
determined to find a solution
our heroes don’t duel on division.
solomun February 4, 2014
Dear Zufana,
I really appreciate you. You gave Genet the right post, NINISTRY KOLEL.
Kebiz February 1, 2014
Sofia bowed to Haile Selassie first now to DIA. please sto your iiocy
redae February 1, 2014
why you worry for what she is doing or saying?this laidy is one of isayas`sslave,therfore use your time to discuss how to dump her mastter isayas A to realy eritrean jail.
Negga Yosif February 1, 2014
You are absolutely right
selamawit2 February 1, 2014
redae, i agree with you on to some points but.
but do you think iseyas would have come that far without propaganda – sophia tesfamariam is a propaganda machine par exellence. it is like (tiny) geobbels and (tiny) hitler.
it is very important to speak about her steps – especially in this case, if she also was a part of haile selassies labor and she tries to hide it!
halengi February 1, 2014
aye beal tes entai elka nai zeray deres enberdo eti zanta tefelto ika abti gizie natu kem thelem afrikawi gubuu zegebere eyu. neta bandera nai tlian tesalemwo tetkewen ke gegnado mebelkayo.ay eritrea adei zeiterekbo zeibla kan neskum ekum tekawemti tekuamerti ember
sara February 3, 2014
gidefwo endo ntes zibehal seb, he is mentally ill.
elias February 1, 2014
Sofia Ade welida Timken,You are brave, carry on! never look to those Eritrean traitors, Unfortunately… the continuation ANDNET…1954…KUMANDS..1962…WEDOGEBA and ESEPA…1980…1992..now they are 58 party traitors.HAILESLASE….MENGISTU…MELES. Now HAILEMARIAM.Yesterday they were calling us Worebela..komal today shabia or Higdef. Those hopeless case will continue, but Eritrean people will put them on the bin like the former traitors,Sofi don’t mind them, they are barking in every corner, Just march for ward,they are brothers and sisters but if they want weyani dogs, let them be, Eritrean people will never knell down
MightyEmbasoyra February 3, 2014
elias – wedi 40. Your country (Abay Tigray) is not doing that bad this time. Why don’t you go there and claim your belongings? Actually, the good people of Tigray may not want you either, since you are not proud of your ancestors. Can you blame them?
selam February 3, 2014
Kab tigray zeywildesi kab kilitan hanti alato kibehal semioka do tfelt. Tigray are progressing and you are loosing your valuable young generation by becoming asylum seeker in any part of the world except in Eritrea. Try to understand your position, now you are AGAME.You went to them and never come to you, they are doing their homework while you are wasting your time by insulting AGAME. Duhur.
Genet February 3, 2014
How about kab tigray zewilde has no business in Eritrea. If you are so proud of your Tigray hearitage, what in the hell are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to help build Tigray? You know that Eritran have no issue with the Tigray people in Tigray. People like you have identity crisis. You can’t fit in Eritrea, nor in Tigray. So don’t make this about Tigray and Eritrea. It is about you and your inferiority complex.
Selam February 4, 2014
You said
” If you are so proud of your Tigray hearitage, what in the hell are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to help build Tigray?” Then you came to the timely word upon which you can get a market, the so called “IDENTITY CRISES”. Why do you to think that I have an identity crises? please reply to my question.
Genet February 3, 2014
You said, “never look to those Eritrean traitors, unfortunately.. the continuaiton ANDNET…1954..kUMANDS…1962..WEDOGEBA and ESEPA..1980…1992..HAILESLASE…MENGISTU…” and ISAYAS the Woyane within our country. This description fit you and all the parasites like Sofia. You guys are lying and scheming to keep a dictator in power. For 23 years, you have been dragging a 100 pounds lies of crap in 50 pounds of bag. Your lies have no where to go, but down. Sofia and alike your cunning acts is becoming like child’s make- believe. How can any Eritrean take Sofia seriously. She is the big joker of the dictator. But we aren’t amused by her act. By the way what is wrong with her face? Did she had a stroke or someting? She could be a stroke leftover. Otherwise if she has a full functioning brain, she would not do what she is doing. The joker(Sofia) is telling herself, there is no problem in Eritrea. If there is it is all because of the USA and Ethiopia. We say, OK if you say so, then we ask her, If the USA is such a problme, why in the world is she living, traveling and enjoying the freedom the USA is providing her? While she is enjoying her freedom with her children, she is working relentlessly to deny Eritreans in Eritrea the freedom to breath. Sofia, dear your act of the joker got old. How can we take you seriously, when you are working for the dictator who is arming a foreign mercenary(DEMHIT) to do a police work in our street. This act of betrayal by Isayas is driveing the fromer PFDJ’s supporters to their peoples’ side. Sofia the joker, no body is taking you seriously, while our people are dying in the sea and Sina; DEMHIT in our street, there is nothing worst than that. There is hope, your time of lying and cunning is coming to end. Let us draw the curtains of lie on you. The END.
selam February 3, 2014
Did you work with Derg? if yes is your answer you can know the process of being an ESEPA member, if your answer no, do not talk what you do not know.
Genet February 3, 2014
Selam, let-DEHMIT
Easy now. So, what you are saying is the former ESEPA are serving Isayas. It is so easy for them to change postions, in order to serve any dictator who is determend in destroying Eritrea. what is your point? You support that or what?
selam February 3, 2014
Geneta shikor do kibleki,
YALTEGELABETE YARAL kibeha do semioki. If not that is a wonderful proverb for the night for you.
Geneta Eritrea will never and ever destroyed, thanks to the bravery sons of the blessed land, do not know Eritrea meriet ABUNE FILPOS. If you working for that, my sincere advise is to change profession, but so far I read many professions from you and it does not cost if you got a new one. By the way how much did you paide for this chea work? sorry I questioned you personal.
MightyEmbasoyra February 3, 2014
Are you Eritrean or Ethiopian? You are confusing us here. Your response to me indicated that you were proud Tigrayan but you sometimes act as Eritrea. My advise to you:
If you are Tigrayan, do something to help your country, in stead of wasting your time arguing with us. We have no issue with Tigray, we are just trying to fix our semi-broken country.
If you are Eritrean, stop talking about Tigray and provide constructive ideas to fix our issues. We need your help.
If you are Tigrayan but wanted to be Eritrean, I am not sure what to suggest here.
By the way, thank you for calling me Dihur. I am working on that.
selam February 4, 2014
I am a proud ERITREAN,but I was to see things in their objectivity. I am ready to tell my roots. But Luwam dikas kitdkis gorebetka yidekis. If we are going to talk about Eritrea, it is hard to avoid Ethiopia, Jocker is now under their hands brother.