ሶፊ! ዕልልቲ ኣገልጋሊት ምልኪ፡ ወይዘሮ ሶፍያ ተ/ማሪያም፡ ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ናብ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ቀሪባ፡ “ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጽቡቕ ከም ዘሎ፣ ሃገር ብምዕባለ ትውንጨፍ ከም ዘላ፣ ሰባት ካብ ሃገሮም ዝወጹ ዘለዉ ድማ ብሰሪ ምልኪ ዘይኮኑስ ብሲ ኣይ ኤን

ዕልልቲ ኣገልጋሊት ምልኪ፡ ወይዘሮ ሶፍያ ተ/ማሪያም፡ ኣብዚ ቀረባ እዋን ናብ መራኸቢ ብዙሃን ቀሪባ፡ “ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጽቡቕ ከም ዘሎ፣ ሃገር ብምዕባለ ትውንጨፍ ከም ዘላ፣ ሰባት ካብ ሃገሮም ዝወጹ ዘለዉ ድማ ብሰሪ ምልኪ ዘይኮኑስ ብሲ ኣይ ኤን (CIA) ወያነን ተጨውዮም ከም ዝኾኑ፣ እዘን ተጣበቕቲ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ዝብሃላ፡ ከም ብዓል ሜሮን እስቲፋኖስን ኤልሳ ጭሩምን ድማ ተሓባበርቲ ነገድቲ ሰብ ከም ዝኾና ጭብጢ ከም ዘሎዋ፣ እቲ እንኮ ወካሊ ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ኣብ ደገ ከኣ ኣምባሲ ህግደፍን ንሳን ጥራይ ምዃኖም። ወዘተ. ብምጥቃስ፡ ዳዊት ጉጅለ ምልኪ ክትደግም ስለ ዝሰማዕኩዋ’የ ብዛዕባኣ ገለ ክብል ተቐሲበ።
ኣንቲ ሶፊ *ላዳ እንታይ ወሪዱኪ *ትጠቡ ዕየት
መገዲ ሓርነት ምስ ህዝቢ ከለኪ
መገዲ ባርነት ምስ ህግደፍ መሪጽኪ
ሓለፋ ቋንቋኺ እንግሊዝ ምኽኣልኪ
ካብ መግዛእቲ ምልኪ ኣብ ማዕዶ ሰፊርኪ
ኣብ ቅድሚ ጸዓዱ ፍሽኽሽኽ ተበልኪ
መሲሉኪ’ምባኣር ዓለም ዝወነንኪ!
ሶፊ፥ ኣይኮነን ንስኺ እዛ ናይ ሎሚ ዕሸል
እቶም ገዳይም’ኳ መሳርሕቲ ገበል
ገና ኣይፈለጡዎን ናይ መላኺ ተንኰል
ነዛ ሃገር ምስ ህዝባ ከየጽድፋ ናብ ገደል
ይጽውዑ ኣለዉ ህዝባ ንኽምህለል!
እንታይ ትፈልጢ ሶፊ በጊዐይ ሓሻኺ
ኣየናይ ኢልክዮ ተንኰል ናይ መላኺ
ሰብድዩ መሲሉኪ ቆርበቱ ርእይኺ
ወትሩ ዘብዘብ ትብሊ ንኽትላኣኺ!
ኣየ ሶፊ ዓዋን ልባ ኣብ ግንባራ
ተማሂራ ድያኸ ፊደላት ቈጺራ
ኣብቲ ጽንኩር እዋን ኣበይ እያኸ ኔራ
ሓርነቱ ክምንዛዕ ህዝቢ ናይ ኤርትራ
ኣባ ጓይላ ኮይና ናይ ምልኪ ዳንኬራ!
መላኽን ማንከይን መልክዕኪ ርእዮም
ተዋሳኢት ፊልም ኣክተር ክትኮንዮም
እንተ ሓረዩኺ ክትላኣኽዮም
ህዝብና እናጥፍኡ ወትሩ ክትንእድዮም
ግዝያዊት ጠበቓ ኣጆኹም ኢልክዮም!
ሶፊ፥ ሲ ኣይ ኤን ወያነን ሰባት ንኽነግዱ
ነዚ ኹሉ ጎበዝ ከውጽኡ ካብ ዓዱ
መንግስትኺ ደኣ ከመይ ተዓኒዱ
ህዝቡ እናጠፍአ ኮፍ ኢሉ ዘማዕዱ!?
ጀነራላት መላኺ ህዝብና እናሸጡ
ኣሻሓት ዶላራት ብዓመጽ ክግሕጡ
ዕውራት ደገፍቱ ምንም ዘይትፈልጡ
ክፋኦም ከይስተር እኳ ከይተጽቅጡ
መላኺ ኪገዝእ ክብርና ቀንጢጡ
ወያነ እናበልኩም ብሓሶት ክትሽሕጡ
ዳዊቱ ክትደግሙ ልቢ ሰብ ተሕብጡ!
ሶፊ፥ ካብ ቤቱ ዝወጸ ሽግር ምስ መረሮ
እዚ ኹሉ ጎበዝ ሑጻ ዝቐበሮ
እዚ ኹሉ ውጹዕ’ወ ዓሳ ዝተደሮ
ብሰባት ዝውጠጥ ገመድ ዝተኣስሮ
እንስሳ’ዩ ኢልክዮ ዘይብሉ ኣእምሮ!
ሎሚ ግን ደሓነይ ህዝቢ ጎሪሑ እዩ
ካብ ጸሊምን ጻዕዳን ሕብሪ ፈላልዩ
ጸላእን ፈታውን ብግብሪ ኣለልዩ
ክርዳድ ካብቲ እኽሊ ብሚሐ ነፊዩ
ንሃገርን ህዝብን ህይወቱ ወፊዩ
ሓርነቱን ፍትሑን እኖሆ *ዳርዩ! *ቀሪቡ
ንየዋሃት ብምኽሪ፣ ንተረርቲ ልቢ ብበትሪ፣ ሻቦያ ኢልና ጓሓፍ ህግደፍ ነጽሪ!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 30/01/2014
halengi February 4, 2014
fetika theleka aboyn hawein zetesewelu meriet ahlife aiheben eye thehufey yeredeka ayredaka bzeyegedes mesel temelas niska ika ab wethe zeleka ane aikonkun hankual niaka eye mesel bkana sewera thethhfka haki aleka malet aykonen higi keman sofia gegna gual geganu
mesel February 4, 2014
ሓኪም ሓሚምካ ምስ ከድካዮ ዓቕምኻ’ዩ ዝእዝዘልካ። ናይ ቆልዓ ኣሎ፥ ናይ መንእሰይ ኣሎ፥ ናይ ዓቢ ድማ ኣሎ። ዕቅንካ ኣይፈለጥኩዎን። ብዙሓት ጸማማትን ደናቁርን ርእየ’ሞ ከም ናትካስ የለን። ”ተማሃር” ከይንብለካ ዕድመ ከይዳ። ስለዚ ሓንቲ ክብለካ ዝደሊ ፥ ቆልዑ ወሊድካ እንተዳኣ ሃሊኻ ንደሓን ዝኾኑ ኤርትራውያን ኣረኪቦም’ምበር ንስኻስ ኣብ ሰልሚ ድንቁሩና ኣቲኻ ኢኻ ኣሮማይ። ከም’ዚ ናትካ ዓይነት ሰባት ኣብ ምውሓድ ዘመተ ክግበር’ዩ። ባዕልኻ ደቅኻ እንተዳኣ አዕቢኻዮም መከራ ኤርትራ’ዮም።
ብዝኾነ ድሕሪ ሕጂ ኣይምልሰልካን’የ። እዚኣ ናይ መወዳእታ’ያ። መስዋእቲ ሓዉን ወላዲኡን ንክብሪ ኤርትራውያን’ምበር ንእሰያስ ንምንጋስ ጌሩ ዝርዳእ ዳኣ’ሞ,,,,,,,,
Genet February 4, 2014
Such a smart Eritrean.
Well said!
Metkel February 4, 2014
+1 Genet!
ERITRAWIT February 4, 2014
Sofia all this messages for u I hope u know by now how much people hate you!!!!!!!!!!!
halengi February 5, 2014
nai eritrea thebuk zeitefetu eritrawit
Genet February 5, 2014
Dear nmeharhaki
Sorry to confuse you Dr Gidewon
I am glad now we are on the same page. Let us share ideas so, People like Sofia, T will never succed with their plan.
nmeharhaki February 6, 2014
Hej Genet,
Glad to read such a constructive words from you.
Keep in touch and work hand in hand to shorten our peoples misery. We are Eritreans and ready to do what ever our country requests.GOOD THE ALMIGHTY SAVE OUR COUNTRY.
Genet February 6, 2014
Dear nmeharhaki
Well said!
I Look forward to sharing info with you and any Eritrean. What our country is facing right now is every Eritreans problem. Therefore, our shared effort is necessary to solve our problems. I am glad, I didn’t dismiss you, when you were insisting I wrote about Dr Gidewon. FYI, If I was the one who wrote that message, I could have told you, Right in your face, Yes, I did it and what are you going to do about it? But since I wasn’t the one who wrote it, I made a lot of effort to clear the confusion, even when I was being attacked. I also want to thank you for taking the time and effort to help clear up the confusion. I am regular at Assenna and please cont. to participate and express your thoughts. Cheers!
God bless our country Eritrrea and our people.
Genet February 5, 2014
Dear Metkel
To tell you the truth, I have no idea, This person calling herself “Zufana” came out of the blue and start calling me name. She piggbag herself on nmeharhaki’s post started insulting me. She never asked questions. I tried to help her if there is any issue that she cared about. She wouldn’t responsed. She kept running her filthy mouth. She started to use vulgar words. I am not makeing this up it is there for everybody to see. SO I had to defend myself. I am not so sure where she stand. She has problem. she called my Eritrean pride as “empty”. I don’t know who she is?
Thanks for asking Metkel
Metkel February 5, 2014
You welcome, Genet.
Zufana February 6, 2014
Haw Metkel,
Thank you for your concern and positive comments on the minor sisterly misunderstanding. I just felt overall only a sad, pathetic and a loser would drag on with an irrelevant petty issue for so long. Otherwise for someone like myself who had gone through not only Sawa’s nightmare but also the border-war trauma up to late 1999 it is all that the emotions sometimes get the better of me.
Haw Metkel, I believe in action speaks far louder than words in other word Wedi Seb ab Tegbarn Kumnegerin tirah kinefia kemzelewo’yu. What we have been suffering and continue to suffer from is the backwardness, intolerance, stubbornness and culture of pride/revenge that still exists in our society. In short, So much talk and so little action.
It is no good just to scream and shout in an empty and locked room. One has to come out to the real world and face up the realities on the ground. The ordinary Eritreans are hungry and thirsty for peace, a normal life and a decent livelihood that others take for granted.
After seeing Genet’s last comment to Mr Fetsum about her background as well as her previous comments i have come to the realization and admiration of her brilliant and independent mind indeed. However some of her childish reasoning and even more childish conclusions were not from someone you look up to! they were very pathetic indeed to say the least.
It is also best to look at yourself in the mirror before casting any stones at anyone but what we Eritreans lack is the ability to see the mirror of ourselves. The other thing that i object to is she overacts as though she is the owner or the moderator of Assenna when she is merely a follower/reader like anyone else.
Last Haw Metkel i am sad and disappointed that we’re giving that ugly pig looking Sofia T/mariam’s viewers/comments rate so high. Otherwise life goes on. No grudges or hard feelings at all. God bless and all best wishes.
MightyEmbasoyra February 7, 2014
Hi Zufana,
You compliment Genet by saying “After seeing Genet’s last comment to Mr Fetsum about her background as well as her previous comments i have come to the realization and admiration of her brilliant and independent mind indeed.”
This i great! I am going to ignore the rest, since you both are against the criminal isayas, and care too much about Eritrea, that’s our priority and the main agenda we have. For the sake of our people and country, by gone is by gone and please make peace of each other. You deserve to be together for many reasons and I can give you one example that you both are bright (actually that’s why are not supporting HGDF).
Thank you!
Metkel February 7, 2014
Great reply Mighty!
Sisters, I agree with Mighty’s response. Let’s coordinate our struggle against the bastard isayas and his lowlife followers.
Zufana February 7, 2014
Dear Mighty(the great),
You are so gentle and highly admirable diplomat that you put everything nicely in to a closed chapter. My sister Genet
always remains to be quite a remarkable lady indeed. Thank you again brother for your kudus message which i have heard you quite loud and clear indeed.
Genet-orginal February 9, 2014
Metkel, Mighty and zufana
Metkel and Mighty you are definitely, good brothers and the legacy of our Eritrean ancestors. I always believed all Eritreans are good at heart and their love for Eritrea can overcome anything. You both are keeping the proud Eritreans’ tradition of mediating. You are reminding us, respect is a two way street. If Zufana and I are on the same page, we have no reason not to understand each other. After all, we have a bigger fish to fry. I admit, the sad part is because we were preoccupied with our back and forth, we both did not respond to Sofia, our common enemy and the enemy of our people. We are all entitled to our opinion, but we don’t have the right to insult one anther in the first place. The key point is respect. There for, sister Zufana, what ever have been said between us, water under the bridge. I look forward to a fresh start of sharing information. Thanks.
God bless our people and our country Eritrea.
Genet-orginal aka just “Genet”
Zufana February 9, 2014
Mighty,Metkel and genet
Our drama queen is definitely back after a few mournful recovery period and has to have the last say by lecturing us about the Eritrean traditions & ancestors! What a joke! Still better late than never and with little damaged ego intact it is back to the old big headed way. No wonder with these so many useless intellectuals & sharp writers poor Eritrea is not getting/achieving a lasting solution.
Genet-orginal February 10, 2014
I think you misunderstood my message. I was just complementing our brothers for helping you and I. If you felt lectured, my apology.
Genet-orginal AKA “Genet”
Zufana February 11, 2014
Kibrti Geni Haftey – Dearest Sis Geneta,
Apologies in order, i read you wrong. Geneta, I really misunderstood your previous comment and just rushed to a wrong conclusion. No mistake is a mistake if you learn from it and i have really learnt from my mistake. Kibrti Geni haftey natey maaritey, it is only me that have to apologize to you unreservedly. I thank you again and also i respect you so much sister.
Genet-orginal February 11, 2014
Thank you very much!
Zufana February 11, 2014
Genet-O (shukorina),
You are so nice and polite it is really an honour and a privilege to have/know a sister like you. Still it is me who have to thank you for your understanding. You truly are one in a million brilliant and kind individual. Once again thank you, with so much of my respect and love to you sister Geneta.