“ስነ-ጥበባውያን” ኣቱም ጉዳም - ጎዳድም ናፍቆት ኢልኩሞ - ንገሃንብ ብጾትኩም ረሲዕኹም - ንገንዘብ ንፍትሒ ኣልቦ - ዘይትብሉ ዓገብ ን22 ዓመታት - ተረጊጹ ሰብ እንታዩ? ናጽነት - ግፍዒ ብዘይ ገደብ ህዝቢ እንዳጸነተ - ሃገር እንዳዓነየት። ዓገብ ከይትብሉ - ኣፍኩም ተለኩቱ ናይ ትማሊ ብጾትኩም - ሃላዋቶም

ኣቱም ጉዳም – ጎዳድም
ናፍቆት ኢልኩሞ – ንገሃንብ
ብጾትኩም ረሲዕኹም – ንገንዘብ
ንፍትሒ ኣልቦ – ዘይትብሉ ዓገብ
ን22 ዓመታት – ተረጊጹ ሰብ
እንታዩ? ናጽነት – ግፍዒ ብዘይ ገደብ
ህዝቢ እንዳጸነተ – ሃገር እንዳዓነየት።
ዓገብ ከይትብሉ – ኣፍኩም ተለኩቱ
ናይ ትማሊ ብጾትኩም – ሃላዋቶም ከይትሓቱ
ብዘይ ፍርዲ – ብዘይ ሕጊ እንዳሞቱ
ሃገር ተሽቑሪራ – ህዝቢ ተኸላቢቱ
ሞት ኤርትራውያን – ከለኩም በብዓይነቱ
ከም ከብቲ ዝተጥብሑ – ባሕሪ ዝተዋሕጡ
ንስድርኦም ረኣዩ – ንገጾም ጠምቱ
ናፍቖት’ዶ ይኸውን – ሐዘን ተገልቢጡ።
ኤርትራ ዘኽቲማ – ንውሑዳት ክጥዕሞም
ገዛኹም ትገድፉ – ማይ እንተጸምኣኩም
ማይ ባሕሪ አለና – ብጨው ዝበልዓኩም
ዝበሃሎ ሃገር ድዩ? – ብሓቂ ናፊቑኩም
ናይ ኣእምሮ ባርነት ድዩ? – ጸቒጡ ደቑሱኩም
ሐደን ክልተን’ኮ – ከም ሰብኩም ምተማሃርኩም
ልብኹም እንተተቕንዑ – ንሕልናኹም ተገዚእኹም
ይኣክል ምበልኩሞ – ንስሱዕ መራሒኹም።
መንዶ ንጽባሕ – ብቖጸራ ይሕዛ
ሞት እንተደልያ – ትወስድ ከም ዋዛ
ደቂስካ ተንሲእኻ – ንቑሩብ ኣፍዚዛ
ህግደፍ ግን ጉዳም – ን22 ዓመት ኣደንዚዛ
ብጋይላ ኣስኪራ – ሓሶታት ሚሂዛ
ንስልጣን ረብሓኣ – ትእክብ ብዘይቃንዛ
ብህይወቱ ንህዝቢ – ኣብ ቃሬዛ ኣደቂሳ
ጅግና ህዝቢ – ዝነበረ ኣንበሳ
ምስሎም መሲላ – ተንኮላት ፊሒሳ
ዘይውዳእ መብጽዓ – ይፍኑው ምልሓሳ
ሓታቲ ሲኢና – ሰባቢሩ ዘልምሳ።
ንናይ ሓሶት ምምሃዝ – ንቁጽሪ ፓቴንት
ትዕድል ንዓያሹ – ንተበለጽቲ ብድሌት
መንከ’ሎ ዘርክባ – ጳጳስ ናይ ጥልመት
ህግደፍ መሰረታ – ንሃገር ዕንወት
ኤርትራ ቃሪዳ – ሓርቢትዋ ልምዓት
መንእስያት ገይራቶም – ክቃመቱ ንስደት
መጻኢ ወለዶ ሃብቲ – ብምደብ ክጸንት።
እዙይ እንተኾይኑ – ዘላዕል ናፍቖት
ህዝቢ እንዳጸነተ – ሃገር እንዳዓነየት
ካብ ብርሃን ምዕባለ – ዝናፍቕ ዳልሀመት
ካብ በሉ ስነ-ጥበባውያን – ይኹነና ክልተ ሞት።
ከም ልቢ ኩላሊት – ኣይሽየጥን ሓሞት
እምበር ኣይምተሳእነን – ካብቶም ትሕቲ መሬት
ኣብ ስናይ ዝተሓርዱ – ብሰንኪ ሓርነት
ካብቶም በጃ ነጻነት – ዝተሰውኡ ብጾት
ይመስለኒ ነይሩ – ንዓታቶም ዝግብኦ ናፍቖት
ዓገብ ንናይ ሎሚ ህግደፍ – መናሃርያ ባርነት።
ሰለሞን ብርሃነ ሠንጋል
“ሕልና 09-28-2013”
sara gual eritra September 29, 2013
abet gtmi atsimi zsebr
ya^E hadsh koynu sdet nafkot,
kulitna njida lbna ncairo resana ab sina
nauti hiwasatna tesedidu fah chingrah atiwo knesu
nafkot yblu HAMED KE BL^ALEY
Kombishtato September 29, 2013
Bokre, you are right. The person named Gebremedhin Zegergish Shimhalal who gave a detailed interview with Weyane’s radio Wegahta is former Jebha member who joined qiada al Amma in 1969 by his own admission in Part1.
The problem is that ayte Gebremedhin Zegergish who lives in Seattle never dares to expose any Jebha crimes though he was a former Qiada al Amma Jebha. This coward spends hours talking about EPLF and what it did but not a word on Jebha crimes on the Kunama people, Sryet Addis, the liquidation of Haraka. He doesn’t even dare to mention the atrocities on the Fallul, the march of the poor rounded up peasants into the futile war of Barentu led by the evil criminal Idris Abdela, Siad Salih nor are the genocide on Dembelas or the rape of women in Jebha even mentioned or the hundreds of Ethiopian POWs executed by Jebha while running away.
Most former Shaebia tegadeliti are not afraid to talk about the old EPLF and Hgdef crimes but most of the former Jebha will do everything to cover up.
Geberemedhin Tesfagergish admits some Jebha “crimes” indirectly but only to praise his old Jebha, including many killings and executions of innocent people as “spies, reactionary”, including Americans, Italians and Jews businessmen kidnapped and handed over to the fascist Syrian Arab regime by Jebha.
he is totally unreformed old Jebha living in the 1960s and 1970s like a horse with blinders.
Here is the date he gave interview to Weyane’s Wegahta:
ቓለ መሕትት ምስ ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ገብረመድህን ዘገርግሽ
1ይ ክፋል 2ይ ክፋል ….
ዜና 31-07-2013
Yerhiwo September 29, 2013
Kombashitato or Weito
Bokre did not comment on this article nor is this article about veteran fighter Gebremedhin. Your comment is out of blue…you just want to incite hate among old Jebha/Eplf guards.
Please stop this kind of cheap shot!
How on earth guys like you who could be Eritrean or non-Eritrean belittle a veteran fighter? Ask yourself what you did for your country? Ask youself who you are and what you can do to help poor Eritreans who are suffering under brutal Dictator.