ሰባር ዕርዲ ራዕዲ!
ሰባር ዕርዲ ራዕዲ! ቅድሚ ክልተ ዓመት ልክዕ በዛ ዕለት ወዲ ዓሊ ጅግና ገንሸል ናይ ሓርነት ነዝነዝ ምስ ኣበሎ ናይ ምልኪ ሰንሰለት ሸበድበድ ኣትዩዎም ጉጅለ ኣሰለት ህዝብና ክጽበ ራህዋ ምስ ቅሳነት መላኽን ሰዓብቱን ክኣትዉ ኣብ ጻዕረ ሞት ገና ኣሎ የባህርሮም እቲ ናይ ወጥሪ
ሰባር ዕርዲ ራዕዲ!
ቅድሚ ክልተ ዓመት ልክዕ በዛ ዕለት
ወዲ ዓሊ ጅግና ገንሸል ናይ ሓርነት
ነዝነዝ ምስ ኣበሎ ናይ ምልኪ ሰንሰለት
ሸበድበድ ኣትዩዎም ጉጅለ ኣሰለት
ህዝብና ክጽበ ራህዋ ምስ ቅሳነት
መላኽን ሰዓብቱን ክኣትዉ ኣብ ጻዕረ ሞት
ገና ኣሎ የባህርሮም እቲ ናይ ወጥሪ ህሞት!
ኣንታ ሰባር ራዕዲ ወዲ ዓሊ ጅግና
ቅያኻ ዚደግም ተባዕ ብምስኣንና
መላኺ ብሕሰም እናጨፍጨፈና
ቃልካ ክንደጋግም ክልተ ዓመት ጌርና!
ወዲ ኢብራሂም ሱልጣን ሕጹብ መዓንጣኻ
ወዲ ዓብደል ቃድር ከቢረ *ዲፋኖ ህዝብኻ *ገንሸል
ህዝቢ እናተገፍዐ ኣብ ቅድሚ ዓይንኻ
ከምቶም ዝሓለፉ ጀጋኑ ወለድኻ
*ዘላሚ መኪትካ ዓጢቕካ ስረኻ *ጨቋኒ፡ ረጋጺ
ብኽቡር መስዋእቲ ተበጂኻ ኣለኻ!
እቲ መላኺ ግን ዓይኒ ጤል ድራሩ
ሓሶት ንኺምድር ዘይፈልጥ ሓፊሩ
ብባዶ ሰለስተ ልቢ ሰብ ኣዕዊሩ
ወፍሪ ናይ ጀጋኑ ብጌጋ ምንባሩ
ሃይማኖት ቀቢኡ መናውሒ ዕምሩ
ህዝቢ ንኸጋጊ ንከንቱ ጽዒሩ
ዕላማ ክጥምዝዝ ፈታቲኑ ኔሩ!
እዚ ዕቡይ ደማሒ ኣብዘይተጸበዮ
ሃንደበት ተንሲእካ ልቡ *ረሚኻዮ *ወጊእካዮ
ዘርባዕባዕ እንክብል ብቲቪ ብራድዮ
ፍጹም ተዳሂሉ ኣየ’ወ ተትርእዮ
ሃልሃልታ ሓርነት እቲ ዝኣጎድካዮ
ቃልቃል ይብል ኣሎ እናኣንበድበድናዮ!
ሓየት ገንሸል ህዝቢ ፎርቶ ዝደየብካ
ስለ ህዝብን ሃገርን ህይወት ዝኸፈልካ
“ሕጊ ይንገስ!” ኪትብል ቃልካ ዓው ኣቢልካ
“መቚሕ ይዝለቕ!” ኪትብል ከም ነብሪ ነዲርካ
“ፍትሒ ይስፈን!” ኪትብል ስሑል ደጋጊምካ
ድምጽኻ ሰሚዕና ካብቲ መቓብርካ!
ልሳን ናይ መላኺ ቀዲምካ ክትዓብስ
ካብ ጎልጐል ጸሮና ናብ ፎርቶ ክትግስግስ
ወስ ዝበልካያ ኢድ ስሒብካ ክትመልስ
ጠላም ዓንቂጹካ ገጢሙካ ቅልስ!
ቅሳነት ሰፊኑ ከይንረክብ ሰላም
ምህርቲ ከይሕፈስ ብያሒት ብእንተላም
ዝወላዕካያ ሽግ ከይትቐድድ ጸላም
መንኮን’ዩ ኣጥፊኡዋ መን ኔሩ’ቲ ጠላም?
ስዒድ ጎይታ ታንኪ ሃምበል ጎብለል ሰውራ
ኣብቲ ዘለኻዮ ናይ ጀጋኑ ስፍራ
እቶም ደቂ ህዝቢ ሰማእታት ኤርትራ
ህዝቦም ክበታተን ከምዘን ደቂ ዛግራ
ኣወጊዞሞዶ ናይ ምልኪ ምሕደራ?
እስከ ንገረና ከመይ ኣሎ ናብራ?
ህዝቢ ካብ ሃገሩ ብከንቱ ከጥፍእ
ሰብ ዘብርስ ዘሎ መንደላይ ኣጻምእ
መላኺ ብህጹጽ ካብ ቤትና ኪወጽእ
ህዝባዊ መንግስቲ ናብ ስልጣን ኪመጽእ
ግድንድዩ ሎሚኸ ጀጋኑ ክንስውእ?
ኣቱም ደቂ ህዝቢ ገንሸላት ናጽነት
ህግደፍ ምስ ጨወያ ህያብኩም ሓርነት
ህዝቢ ተዋሪዱ ብናይምልኪ ሕስረት
እቶም ኣቦታትኩም ተሓሪሞም ክብረት
ምርኩሶም ደርብዮም ክሕንገጡ ብረት
ይህደኑ ኣለዉ ስኢኖም ቅሳነት
ምውጋሕ ኣብዩዎም ናይ ምልኪ ደልሃመት!
ዝኽርን ክብርን ንጅግና ስውእ ምልኪ ወዲ ዓልን ንኹሎም ምእንቲ ሓርነት ህዝቢ ዝሓለፉ ኣእላፍ ሰማእታትናን!
ኤርትራና ክሓልፈላ፡ ስርዓት ምልኪ ንእለየላ!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 21/01/2014
A.. Temesghen January 20, 2015
Unless demo.archive.assenna.com are running out of top writers in terms of teaching and delivering great ideas and solutions to our current predicaments, why are they giving us pain with the same old boring poem and irrelevant writers? Where are the great demo.archive.assenna.com writers like the champion Mr Fetsum Abraham who gets readers especially the heavyweight commentators like sister Genet-O, Mr Meretse Asmelash, the brilliant rezen, and the level headed & sweety Embassoyira and many more intelligent ones involved. It seems we are sadly stuck no only with boring writers like Messinas but also boring commentators like dawit meconnen, ahmed salih, ERITRAWIT(real Eritrawit zega!!), truly truly and last but not least tamrat tamrat the mischievous Ethiopian Amara (sweet talk snakes).
A.. Temesghen January 20, 2015
correction/addition : please add or read the undisputed champion Eritrean Mr Fetsum Abraham. Thank you.
ERITRAWIT January 20, 2015
A Temesghen,
Never mind about us it will be nice if you pay little respect to the hero Wedi Ali the message was all about him.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 20, 2015
The name doesn’t ring in my ear and if he tends for grudges or hard feelings to participants with
different point view , we can’t help him .
I appreciate his recognition but to abuse it and
shove in our face becomes too much for my taste .
The real sweet talk snake with sheep skin revealed
from accuser’s stupidity contrary to our Ethiopian friend Taamrat allegation .
ERITRAWIT January 21, 2015
Nay Mesinas Gtmey n hgdefawyan resom eya tezrelom. Entay da kem Begey koynom Tekolew k-mesew nay geden eu.
Today where ever we are let’s remember our hero Wedi Ali and his friends.
Eritreawit January 21, 2015
A. Temesghen.
Stop mixing things up, 1, Genet-Original, the brilliant is here i read her excellent comments, here and there, 2, Rezen is Pro Adnet so is Tamrat Tamerat; I think. LOL. ERITRAWIT, truly truly, Ahmed saleh, Mityembasoyra,samerawit 2 Mesinas the Brilliant poem, and many more are still here fighting the infiltrators like COW FACE & CO. and crazy HGDF zombiees 3, Why is Fitume out of the forem ? He only know, and hope fully he willl let us know soon.
murad ali January 20, 2015
Great poem.
murad ali January 20, 2015
ሓው መሲናስ
haleeb astekana haleeb sete (tigre)
shukren shkren ya assad (anbessa)
murad ali January 20, 2015
A. Temesgen, you have an ulterior motives.
tamrat tamrat January 20, 2015
This hero is a victim of isaias brain child of conspiracy.
My theory based on isaias history and the coup drama of Forto is that isaias could have sent his people to different top militaries who he suspect can joine this kind of plot against him. And out of all military leaders one hero was found by the great name of Wodi Ali. Why not make the usual car accident you may ask. The evil genius wants to give a memorable lesson to all who may concern.
God bless the wife and kids of Great Wodi Ali.
rezeb January 20, 2015
Subject: “ሰባር ዕርዲ ራዕዲ! መሲናስ 20//01/2014”
Commentary on tamrat tamrat’s concluding good will sentiment on the subject. Quotation: “God bless the wife and kids of Great Wodi Ali.” so writes tamrat tamrat.
I like to express the same sentiment with a modified version of the above>>> God bless the wife and the kids of the ever emotional and innocent [1] Wedi Ali
[1]Fearing of displaying educational snobbishness I refrain from quoting a famous ancient writer and his book.
rezen January 20, 2015
Correction: Please correct the name to “rezen”. Sorry!
change January 20, 2015
Good job Mesinas, keep it up, l love it
sam January 20, 2015
messinas – spend ur time on better deed . . .who the heck will read all the crap?
assena, – dont post all shit as if it means something . . .
Tes January 20, 2015
Sam…Eden! Dihul tsahtsahi HGDEF dog.
Haki January 20, 2015
What is a better deed then someone giving up his/her life for an Eritrean cause?
assenna January 20, 2015
Are you asking us to deny Brother Mesinas the right to express himself? On what grounds?
tamrat tamrat January 20, 2015
Even you read assenna.
tamrat tamrat January 20, 2015
Even you who have a better thing to do have read assenna.
Biniam Kidane January 20, 2015
I find myself agreeing again with you brother/sister. We are aware of individuals who have fun with the messy politics we are in at the moment, not only that but they also take advantage to get cheap fame and this so called mesinas is a prime example of that misfortune. Next time Mesinas should become like what Asmarinos used to call Isaias Afewerki “Tesfom” (hope giver) before they adopted the new one “eta Tsl’lti sebay” (the crazy one). Mesinas (Tesfom) please next write us about electricity is coming! Water is coming! Airlines are coming! Sanctions are going to be lifted! We are changing our gear from reverse to 5th just like our DIA (Tesfom) promises and writes us in his dreams.
Brother/sister A.Temesghen, you forgot one name from your top heaveweight commentators of sister Genet-O, Mr Meretse Asmelash, brilliant Rezen and Embassyira the great, that is Mr Belay Nega. Mr Belay Nega may not be in the same top class and brilliance as the ones you mentioned but when it comes to sense of humour and charms he is simply the best and as you already pointed out with so many boring commentators around we desperately need people like Mr Belay Nega for some fun and amusement.
As for that tamrat tamrat, I thought he was an Oromo Ethiopian and not Amara Ethiopian. However, why was he banned and kicked out of Awate.com and what he is doing at Assenna? He should be wasting his time at ESAT with his losers all Amaras.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 20, 2015
Unfair critics directed to Mesinas looks a campaign to
degrade , discredit and discourage contributors of this
forum . By saying something vicious to justice seekers
won’t move us forward and for whatever reason the purpose
of your attempts we will not turn our back on them .
Martin L. King said ” when it is dark , that is we see the
stars “.
Remember 2001 secretive campaign to silence our journalists
and other would be political activists under our nose in
front our blinded eyes and deafened ears .
No more again for fooling game , we learned a big lesson .
ERITRAWIT January 20, 2015
Lovely poem thank you so much yes wedi Ali is our hero he left his family and die for us.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 20, 2015
From 2013 until now more than 25 high rank military officers
died inside the country . Many cases get little attention .
Wedi Ali death makes unique comparing worth sacrifices of heroism .
He is blessed to leave behind legacy to be remembered in Eritrean
history called FORTO .