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ሚኒስተር ዜና ኤርትራ ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ዑቕባ ንምሕታት ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ሰነድ፣ ላዕለዎት ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኤርትራ ንኢሳይያስ ብሓይሊ ካብ ስልጣን ንምውራድ እማመ ኣቕሪቦም ከምዝነበሩ ገሊጹ።

ሚኒስተር ዜና ኤርትራ ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ኣብ 2012 ዓመተ ምህረት ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ድሕሪ ምርሕርሑ፣ ዑቕባ ንምሕታት ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ሰነድ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደዮሃንስ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ተኽላይ ሃብተስላሰ፣ ብሪገደር ጀነራል ተኽለ ልብሱ (ወዲ ልብሱ)

ሚኒስተር ዜና ኤርትራ ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ኣብ 2012 ዓመተ ምህረት ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ድሕሪ ምርሕርሑ፣ ዑቕባ ንምሕታት ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ሰነድ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደዮሃንስ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ተኽላይ ሃብተስላሰ፣ ብሪገደር ጀነራል ተኽለ ልብሱ (ወዲ ልብሱ) ዝኣመሰሉ ላዕለዎት ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኤርትራ፣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ለውጢ ንምምጻእ ንኢሳይያስ ብወተሃደራዊ መንገዲ ካብ ስልጣን ንምውራድ እማመ ኣቕሪቦም ከምዝነበሩን ምስኡ ከምዝተመያየጡሉን ገሊጹ።

ዓሊ ዓብዱ ኣብቲ ኣብ ኢንተርነት ተዘርጊሑ ዘሎ ሰነድ ሕቶ ዑቕባ፣ ኢሳይያስ ንሲቪል ህዝቢ ክሳብ ደቂ 75 ዓመት በልማማ ንምዕጣቕ ዝወሰዶ ውሳኔ ንብዙሓት እንተላይ ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኣቖጢዑ ከምዝነበረ የመልክት።

ንሱ ኣብቲ 11 ገጻት ዝሓዘ ሰነድ፣ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ብብልሽውና ዝተቛማጥዐ ምዃኑ፣ ከም ብዓል ብሪጋደር ተኽለ ማንጁስ ዝኣመሰሉ ነዚ ናይ ህዝቢ ጃምላዊ ምዕጣቕ ዝለዓለ ሓላፍነት ተዋሂቡዎም ዝነበሩ ኣዘዝቲ ዝርከቡዎም ሰበስልጣን ኣብ ምስግጋር ኤርትራውያን (Human Trafficking) ተዋፊሮም ከምዘለዉ ‘ውን ይጠቅስ።

ኣብ 2012 ኣብ ኣውስትራልያ ዑቕባ ዝሓተተ ሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ብዛዕባ እዚ ዝተጠቕሰ ፍጻሜታት ዛጊት ወግዓዊ መግለጺ ኣይሃበን። እዚ ንሕቶ ዑቕባ ኢሉ ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣቕሪቡዎ ተባሂሉ ዝእመነሉ ሰነድ ኣብ ኢንተርነት ተዘርጊሑ ‘ሎ። ኣብ ቀጻሊ ሰፊሕ ትርጉሙ ከነቕርበልኩም ክንፍትን ኢና።

Review overview
  • Mightyembasoyra June 8, 2014

    How is that possible for assylum case to be published online? Is this the work of wikileaks? Unless….

  • Berhe Tensea June 8, 2014

    Comical Ali has no crediblty, what so ever he says is will not make sense. He was a big tatula of the dictator. The dictator has lost a yes man and is getting abandoned by his trusted boys as always.
    Ali Abdu who has no real power however may know so many secrets and will be used as a witness when the right time comes to identify and sentence the so many generals and security agents who have comited crimes against the people.

  • Tsehaye June 8, 2014

    gerimna, asdemimna, dentsina, asHiqna:: Ali Abdu, Yesterday’s criminal, is trying to act like an angel. Going through the article, I felt that I was reading an article written by his brother, Saleh Younis. If we, Eritreans, have any scintilla of courage left in our veins, let beg and lobby the Australian authorities to deport this criminal back to his boss.

    • abdu June 8, 2014

      Tsehaye & Samuel
      Look ! when your grand father and your father were serving the past ex-emperors deceived by money and as a result of it; that you become a doctor;;engineer;a pilot and a teacher through the scholarship from Johnny in selling your country;the.;the Jeberti were started the revolution and continue to participate in revolution until independence. Have you ever heard a jebrti who have double face;have ever heard a jebrti who betray his country; have you ever seen any jeberti who recive a scholarship as a bribe .FYI Jeberti have a stand our principle is aleays one (Ter kam ater no welk zelk) means we stand for truth ; justice and freedom .our histry told as we fought Italia;we fought Joanne your ex master and we are fighting DIA and we will fight who ever wants to take away our rights as well as some one else’s as long as he or she is remained an Eritrean.
      In general if it wasn’t the Jeberti you would have not opend up your dirty mouth that you are proud of today as an Eritrean ;you would have lived under slavery by bow your head and say eshe;eshe eshe geta to the amahra and tigray

      • abdu June 8, 2014

        Tsehsye & Samuel
        Antom werdatagnatat ;you Should re open your histry book that stank in your shelf and have some reversion of it about jeberti’s contribution to Eritrea ; it might make youfeel better your retarded brain . when did you join eritrean Sawra after the sharp arrow directed towards to you. So; please let us live together in respected each other.
        1) Jeberti is not going any were an inch
        2) if Jeberti is going to go we allgoing too
        3) i suggest you read your orignality where you come yourself.
        4) YOU represent only 45percent of the people ;and who gave you the authorization to hand out nationality behind closed carton meaning behind the monitor we will see.

      • Gerimuna June 8, 2014

        Abdu, My name is Berhane. I cringe when individuals such as Tsehaye & Samuel write such mindless, abusive and apolitical view. But, it is not by digging old history or sophistry on your side. I will respect you more only and only if you respond in a civilized manner. The proof is in the pudding. One who writes authentic matured Eritrean content and acted up onis whether you like it or not is Eritrean. The rest is scraped to the bin with PIA.

        • abdu June 8, 2014


          I really ;really appreciate for feed back and understanding . I’m sorry for emotional and probably improper comment. Once again i apology for some people that i cause uncomfortable comment.

        • Tsehaye June 8, 2014

          Gerimuna, let me test you if you are an honest man or another crook who is trying to defend the ugly comments of the pennames (freeman and Abdu). What do you think about Abdu’s comment, “when your grand father and your father were serving the past ex-emperors deceived by money and as a result of it; that you become a doctor;;engineer;a pilot and a teacher through the scholarship from Johnny in selling your country”? Tell us your take on this above comment. Remember, I did not talk or mention about anyone’s nationality. You have just made that up. zeitetsahfe aitenbb bejaKa.

      • Eritreawit June 8, 2014

        If you were Eritrean you wouldn’t say that. You and Ali abdu are not Jeberti. You like all confussed self haters, by supporting the dictator you think you will be more Eritreans.

        • abdu June 9, 2014

          Eritrawit haftay don’t get mad i don’t really mean to hurt you haftay maray gowal aday .
          the equation of been an Eritrean or not please let us leave it on the side if you don’t mind when the time ripe me and we will have a chat on the round table. But ; don’t forget to present your id with your picture on it .

  • በየነ June 8, 2014

    እዋይ ክስታን ኤርትራ ትገርሙ ኢኹም ብሓቂ ዕላማ የብልኩም ኮምፓስ የብልኩም ተቃወምትኹም ኣይፍለጡ ደገፍቱኹም መቸም ጀበርቲ ተሰሚዕኩም ሙሁራትኩም መሃይማትኩም ኣብ ሓደ ደረጃ እዩ ዝከውን አተሓሳስባኹም።ትፈልጡ ኢኹም ዕድመ ሓራዲኹም ድሕሪ ናይ ዓሊ መርሕራሕ ከም ዝሓጽር ዘሎ።ጌና ኢኹም ዘሎኹም ከይተመሀርኩም ክትበርሱ ኢኹም ዘሐዝን ግን ኩሉ ግዘ አሰላማይ ብሰንክኹም ይልከም።

    • sina June 8, 2014

      What happened to you people? Whether we are Muslim or Christia, Kun am or Hubert or all ethnic groups we are Eritrean. We need only to unite to overthrow the dictator.

      Do not insult each other.

      Please let us give a chance to Ali Andu. He kNOs plenty secrets about DIA. YOU WERE WITH HIM FOR 34 years. Please tel to the people whom you said dedicated. Since you are out of home we are waiting for interview.

    • Gerimuna June 8, 2014

      Beyene, My name is Berhane. I cringe when individuals such as Tsehaye & Samuel write such mindless, abusive and apolitical view. But, it is not by digging old history or sophistry on your side. I will respect you more only and only if you respond in a civilized manner. The proof is in the pudding. One who writes authentic matured Eritrean content and acted up onis whether you like it or not is Eritrean. The rest is scraped to the bin with PIA.

    • abdu June 8, 2014

      Thank you for telling the truth for those who wants and have an ear that listen.

  • samuel June 8, 2014

    Exactly, Jeberti have contributed nothing to the Eritrean struggle. Even after liberation. Jeberti should go back to their country Tigray, but even Tigray is land of Tigrigna …hahaha…no luck for Jeberti….hahaha …even their homeland Tigray is ruled by Tigrigna speaking Christians, Jeberti will always be at the mercy of Tigrigna Christian majority….or maybe they should return to Saudi Arabia since they claim they are the descendants of Muhammed followers who immigrated to Axum because they were persecuted in Mecca…Mecca is fine no, go back to your Mecca, fake arabs….but I doubt a Barya gorilla looking ugly guy like Ali Abdu and the likes will be accepted as real and as equal as the native Saudis. abotat christian Tigrigna guday aslam arab beduins, muslim nomads and landless Jeberti mesteketeluwo kemzi elom mesilom: Semay Yeblun ‘Andi, Aslamay Yeblun ‘Adi……haahhahahah—kalie abotatna christian zebeluwo bahri aslam mesmezenu; Aslamay Telamay….hahahaa…abotatna christian tukurat eyom nerom.

    • manfree June 8, 2014

      wed comarit , do you know your father , I do not think so be you were born in your mums bar or dasewa , it is advisable to find out who is your father before it is to late. your might be jeberti as your mum use to buy cloth from jeberti shop so you should what jeberi look like. I LOVE WEDI AFEWARKI HE IS KICK YOU YOUR ASS CHENWTI CHRITAIN RESAHAT LEKBATIN

      • Suleiman Salim June 8, 2014

        He made you say things that you didn’t want to say. In a way he took control of you. Shame! Shame! Shame!

    • solomon June 8, 2014

      Anta baeleg kabey eka metsieka?
      Haymanot wey emnet nay kaleot ketekbr
      Aleka. Entezeykoinu ezi tshufatka neka men meqanka zegelits ember.
      Nzkone christian yekun kale emnet zelewo Ertrawi zewikel aykonen.


  • teberaber June 8, 2014

    How stupid and ignorant can one be

  • Simon G. June 8, 2014


  • Wushtu Hurur June 8, 2014

    Dear Ali Abdu:

    I read your asylum document with great interest. I am not sure of what percentage of your story is true or lie and honestly i do not care. I know may people would say things out of the line to save theit skin and you are no different. At the end of the day, you have a life to save.

    That was the past: Now your future should be:

    1. You have to confess for every bad thing you did including killings (if you killed) and then
    ask for apology. That is the only time you can have “LUWAM Leyti”.
    2. Jeberty are no worse or better than any one. As far as I am concerned, there is no Hamasien,
    there is no Akeleguzay, there is no Seraye, there is no Sahil, Denkel, Semhar or Barka. THERE
    3. If you want to be forgiven, then expose every crimes the dictator did (of course the ones you
    know of). We may feel it in our bones, hurt badly, cry and may lose our temper. Then will
    start fresh.
    4. Other wise, you may be safe from the mad man and protected by the Australians, but you will
    5. Next time, please do not bring the Jeberti issue. I am not saying thay you are lying or you
    were not told. All I am saying is it is their ingorance.

    For starter:

    Do you have any documents? Show it
    Do you know something? Say it.
    Do you have a story? Tell it

    Or else, you will be hated by the supoters, oposition, your kids, wife and brother. After all, your brother is seaking the truth. LEARN!!

  • Smerrrrrrrr June 8, 2014

    Mr. Ali abdu,

    No matter what you are one of the criminals and you will have to face justic some time in the future.

  • Wadbahar June 8, 2014

    Ali Abdu is an individual who does not represent any nationality, social group, religion…etc. He just raised the issue of the jeberti to win sympathy; plain and simple. So, we need to see him as an individual and avoid saying stupid things about any ethnic or social group he says he belongs to, if we really stand for the country and its entire people. Talk about him; not his ethnic, social or religious background. No ethnic, social, religious group … had elected him to represent it. He did what he did because he is Ali Abdu (an individual); not because he is from this social group or that. So, if he has done crimes, he is responsible for it; not his social group or brother or anybody else. This is the way we should treat him or any other Eritrean. I am writing this comment because I see the discussion taking a bad turn. Let us behave as responsible Eritreans who appreciate, respect and value diversity and choices of others, no matter who they are. This is the only scientific approach that could build a country; not prejudice and stereotypes that will end us nowhere. Let us grow up and be responsible. Therefore, punish the sinner as an individual; not others who have nothing to do with his sins.

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