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ሚኒስተር ዜና ኤርትራ ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ዑቕባ ንምሕታት ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ሰነድ፣ ላዕለዎት ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኤርትራ ንኢሳይያስ ብሓይሊ ካብ ስልጣን ንምውራድ እማመ ኣቕሪቦም ከምዝነበሩ ገሊጹ።

ሚኒስተር ዜና ኤርትራ ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ኣብ 2012 ዓመተ ምህረት ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ድሕሪ ምርሕርሑ፣ ዑቕባ ንምሕታት ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ሰነድ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደዮሃንስ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ተኽላይ ሃብተስላሰ፣ ብሪገደር ጀነራል ተኽለ ልብሱ (ወዲ ልብሱ)

ሚኒስተር ዜና ኤርትራ ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ኣብ 2012 ዓመተ ምህረት ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ድሕሪ ምርሕርሑ፣ ዑቕባ ንምሕታት ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ሰነድ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ወልደዮሃንስ፣ ሜጀር ጀነራል ተኽላይ ሃብተስላሰ፣ ብሪገደር ጀነራል ተኽለ ልብሱ (ወዲ ልብሱ) ዝኣመሰሉ ላዕለዎት ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኤርትራ፣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ለውጢ ንምምጻእ ንኢሳይያስ ብወተሃደራዊ መንገዲ ካብ ስልጣን ንምውራድ እማመ ኣቕሪቦም ከምዝነበሩን ምስኡ ከምዝተመያየጡሉን ገሊጹ።

ዓሊ ዓብዱ ኣብቲ ኣብ ኢንተርነት ተዘርጊሑ ዘሎ ሰነድ ሕቶ ዑቕባ፣ ኢሳይያስ ንሲቪል ህዝቢ ክሳብ ደቂ 75 ዓመት በልማማ ንምዕጣቕ ዝወሰዶ ውሳኔ ንብዙሓት እንተላይ ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ኣቖጢዑ ከምዝነበረ የመልክት።

ንሱ ኣብቲ 11 ገጻት ዝሓዘ ሰነድ፣ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ብብልሽውና ዝተቛማጥዐ ምዃኑ፣ ከም ብዓል ብሪጋደር ተኽለ ማንጁስ ዝኣመሰሉ ነዚ ናይ ህዝቢ ጃምላዊ ምዕጣቕ ዝለዓለ ሓላፍነት ተዋሂቡዎም ዝነበሩ ኣዘዝቲ ዝርከቡዎም ሰበስልጣን ኣብ ምስግጋር ኤርትራውያን (Human Trafficking) ተዋፊሮም ከምዘለዉ ‘ውን ይጠቅስ።

ኣብ 2012 ኣብ ኣውስትራልያ ዑቕባ ዝሓተተ ሚኒስተር ዜና ነበር ዓሊ ዓብዱ፣ ብዛዕባ እዚ ዝተጠቕሰ ፍጻሜታት ዛጊት ወግዓዊ መግለጺ ኣይሃበን። እዚ ንሕቶ ዑቕባ ኢሉ ናብ መንግስቲ ኣውስትራልያ ኣቕሪቡዎ ተባሂሉ ዝእመነሉ ሰነድ ኣብ ኢንተርነት ተዘርጊሑ ‘ሎ። ኣብ ቀጻሊ ሰፊሕ ትርጉሙ ከነቕርበልኩም ክንፍትን ኢና።

Review overview
  • Simon G. June 8, 2014

    I am not sure why the topic has changed to become about Jeberti. Is that because he claims that Ali Abdu is Jeberti? I think there was an article written by someone here at Assenna (few months ago), that explains Ali Abdu doesn’t want to associate with Jeberti.
    Anyways, whether this article was really written by Ali Abdu or not, it has nothing to do with Bihere Jeberti. If that is the case, nothing is worse than Bihre Tigrigna. Why? Well, let me tell you why. Isayas is Bihre tigrigna (you may have heard of this). Most of the individuals in his circle are bihre tigrigna. Need I to add more? I don’t think so. I am sorry for ruining some of your theory.
    If some of you guys are ok with Rashaida as one of Eritrea’s biher, I am not sure why are you objecting to Jeberti. On my book, bihere Jeberti should be listed as #1. Why? To get the answer for this, you should do your own research. While doing that you will learn something. Also, I don’t want to turn you into a coachpotato. Read my friends read – it is good for your brain.

  • Hager June 8, 2014

    Sewrawi, I totally agree with you. it is done as a revenge by his brother Selah AA Younis and his cousin Selah Gadi of because of Ali Abdu refusal to join them and became an opposition. by the way it is not uncommon for a government of Eritrean official who become terminal ill to ask for a fake asylum in the west to get free medical treatment. for example there are some of them in German just doing that and still part of the Eritrean Government. Ali abdu is no different from other medical asylum seekers of GOE Official. All we heard so far is from his Brother Selah but not a word from Ali Abdu himself

  • Kiflom June 8, 2014

    ኣቱም ሰባት እንታይ ኢና ንዛረብ ዘለና፡ ንምዃኑ ኸ ትብልዎ ዘለኹም ተስተውዕልሉ ኣለኹም ዶ? ኣብ ሰውራ ኤርትራ ዘይ ኣበርከተ ሕብረተስብ እኮ ብጥራሽ የለን። ነዚ ሓቂ ንምርግጋጽ ድማ፡ ታሪኽ ምንቅስቓስ ኤርትራውያን ካብ መጀመርታ 40ታት ምውካስ ከድልየና እዩ። ሓደ ሓቂ ኣሎ ኩላትና ኤርትራውያን ክነስተብህለሉ ዝግብኣና ፡ ንሱ ድማ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ብሄር፡ ኣውራጃ፡ ብዘየገድስ፡ ኩሎም ንሓንቲ ነጻን ሓራን ኤርትራን እዮም ተቓሊሶም። ሕጂ ናይ 21 ክፍለ ዘመን ወለዶ ድማ ነዚ ሰናይ ዕላማ ደኣ ክንቅጽሎ ኣለና እምበር፡ ኣብቲ ስዉር ዝኾነ መጻወድያ ናይ ውሕዳት፡ ንኤርትራ መንገዲ ጥፍኣት ዝወስድዋ ዘለዉ፡ ክንጉዓዝ ክንመርጽ የብልናን። እዚ መንገዲ `ዚ እንተመሪጽና ድም፡ ከም ህዝብን ሃገርን፡ ናብ ዘሕፍርን ብቐሊሉ ክጠፍእ ዘይክእል ሓዊ ነሳውር ከምዘለና ክንዝንግዕ ኣይግባእን። ካብ ከምዚ ዓይነት ቶኽታኺ ሽርሕታት ድማ ክንቁጠብ ኣለና፡ ንጹሃት ኣሓትናን ኣሕዋትናን ዝተስውእሉ ትርጉም ዝርደኣና፡ ሓላፍነታውያን ዜጋታት እንተ ኮይና። እዚ ታሪኽ ሓድነትን ምክብባርን፡ ስኒትን ሰላምን፡ ፍቕርን ሓልዮትን፡ ነቶም ፍትሒ ረጊጾም ረብሓታቶም ከተግብሩ ዝሰርሑ ዘለዉ ውሑዳት ናይ ታሪኽ ጥፍሻት ህግደፋውያን፡ ድቃስ ዝኸልእ ስለዚኾነ፡ ነዚ ክብሕጉጉ ቀጻሊ ምስሰርሑ እዮም። ሓደራ፡ ከምቲ ኣዴታትናን ኣቦታትናን ነጻ ሃገር ዘረከቡና፡ ንሕና ድማ፡ ሓራ፡ ግዝኣተ ሕጊ ዝሰፈና ሃገር ክንምስርትን ክነውርስን፡ ታሪኻዊ ሓላፍነት ኣለና።
    ሃይማኖታት ምስልምናን ክርስትናን ይቕረታ ክንብል፡ ክንሓድግ፡ ካብ ሕሉፍ ጌጋና ክንመሃር እዩ ዝምህረና፡ ስለዚ ሓውና ዓሊ ዓብዱ ድማ፡ ረሳሕ ኢደይ ክሕጸቦ እየ፡ ንመትከል ዝተሰዉኡ ብጾተይ ክሰርሕ፡ መንፈሰይ ክሕድስ፡ ነቲ ዝበደልክዎ ህዝበይ ድማ ክኽሕስ እየ እንተ ኢሉ መርሓባ እና ክንብሎ ዘለና። ኣበይ ኔሩ፡ መሳርሒ ብልሽው ስርዓት ኔሩ እናበልካ ንሰብ ምጉናይ ግን፡ ነቲ ናይ ለውጢ ቃልሲ ብኣሉታ ክጸልዎ እዩ። ዋላ ነቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ዘሎ ወገን፡ ጌና ትገዲዱን ከይተገደደን መሳርሒ ኮይኑ ዘሎ፡ ኣብቲ ናይ ለውጢ ቃልሲ እጃም ከምዘይብሎም ኢና ንሕብር ዘለና። ግዝኣተ ሕጊ ምስነገሰ ድማ፡ ሕጊ ክምዝፈረዶ። ናተይ ቅሬታ፡ ኣብቲ ዓሊ ዓብዱ፡ ጀበርትን ምስልምናን ዘጋጥሞም ኣድልዎ እዩ። እዚ ስምዒታት ኣብቶም ሰብ ፍሉይ ረብሓ ተዓዚብዎ እንተ ኮይኑ፡ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝወክል ኣይኮነን። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ብፍላይ ድማ ህዝቢ ክርስትና፡ ከምቲ ዓሊ ገሊጽዎ ዘሎ ስሚዒታት የብሉን፡ በኣንጻሩ፡ ንዝመጽእ መራሒ ሃገር ኢሎም ኣጠሚቖሞ እምበር። ስለዚ ሓውና ዓሊ ዓብዱ መጀመርታ፡ ካብዚ ከምዚ ድሑር ኣተሓሳስባ ነጻ ግበሮ ኣእምሮኻ።
    ኣምላኽ ንሃገርና ይባርኸልና።

  • henok June 8, 2014

    denkoro resah,abey nerka eka higi lok lok tbl kemzeyneberka msu seb tegosakl kem zeyneberka etom bzey gele teesrom zneberka ke ab ministrika zserhu zneberu higi nbat harget tnebee ab galka ab dekika ab nebska ms metseaka teredeeeuka. MEn eyu ke metsae president eluka baelka nebska teteababiy zeleka wela koinka keman kab ti zeebeyeka sebay zfle atehasasban akaydan yfle aybln eye . corrupt aykonkun tbl netsa eye ntsuh eye kea tbl kem dletkum tebaknwo zneberkum genzeb ke men eyu kihtetelu ab ministrikaa znebera tgasesen tweel zneberka ke men eyu kizarebelen . sofia do gele do tbl zeleka kea ab mekina ka koinka kitgebra keleka reseeato keytkewn nsa kea hanti shermuta seb ya ab zeytfelto tzareb seb eya aytgedesela . kabaka zeytsbeyo gna abi nebse mthat zeleka seb eka geberti do aslam do tblsi lemani kemu aynet sentiment alo aybln ab mengo aslam christian kemu aynet atemamta zelwo seb kea yelen geberti do gele do tbl denkoro b zeytekm negerat seb keterasasn aytfetn zblae ztekm zeemen tezareb denkkoro blay saeni . If you want to commit suicide , go for it not because for the people zgeberkayo srahka zbedelkmo hizbi dikas keleeuka zeykones ab sdraka sle zmetseaka ab galka sle zmetseaka kindey sdra eyen kemu aynet nay suicide feeling zehlefa bsenki msan deken. higi kmzemi eleyo kemzi degimelu n isayas tebelka seb ms tserere seb ms kehare adi ms bademe tm elkum teezebu kemza zeyneberkum higi caseka ketsebk elka zelon zeyelon aytzareb

  • abraha111 June 8, 2014

    Good Job Mr. Ali Abdu…
    There are some higher officials who have been fighting from PFDJ too….We should not judge them in one pot….I beleieve Ali Abdu was one of them too….Great great great Job Ali…

  • Diana da Bologna June 8, 2014

    ኣነስ ነዚ መርበብ ሓበሬታ’ዚ ክሓቶ ደልየ። ኣብ ኣውስትሬልያ ስለ ደይቅመጥ፡ ሕጊ ናይ’ታ ሃገር ከመይ ከም ድሰርሕ ኣይፈልጥን ኢየ። ኣብ ድነብረሉ ሃገር እንተ ኾይኑ ግን፡ ሓደ ናይ ፖለቲካ ዑቕባ ድሓተተ ሰብ፡ እቲ ንፖሊስ ድሃቦ ቃል ምስጢር ኮይኑ፡ ኣብ ፖሊስን ነቲ ጉዳይ ድምልከቶ ቤት ጽሕፈት ጉዳይ ስደተኛታትን’ዩ ድተርፍ። ካብ’ዚ ሓሊፉ ተሪፉ ግን፡ ኣብ ቃልዕ እሞ ድማ ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታታት ክዝርጋሕ ክብድ ድበለ ይመስል። እንተ ዳኣ እዚ ጽሑፍ’ዚ ብፍቓድ ኣቶ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ተዘርጊሑ ኮይኑ ግን፡ ኣብ ክንዲ ሰነድ መሕተቲ ዑቕባኡ ድኾነ ጽሑፍ ክዝርጋሕ ድመርጽ፡ ምስ ኤርትራውያን መርበብ ሓበሬታታት ወይ ሬዲዮታት ቃለ መጠይቕ ምግባርዶ ኣይምሓሾን ነይሩ?
    ኣነ እዚ ጽሑፍ’ዚ ሓቅነት ደልዎ ኮይኑ ኣይስመዓንን ኢዩ። ከመሲ፡ ከም ናተይ ኣፍልጦ እንተ ኾይኑ፡ ኣቶ ዓሊ፡ ኣብ ትሕቲ ቀይዲ ናይ ሓይልታት ጸጥታ ኤርትራ ኢዩ ደሎ። ነዚ ደራጉድ ጭብጥታት ድማ፡ ኣቶ ዓሊ ነዚ ካብ ልቡ ከገልግሎ ድጸንሐን ሓደ ካብ’ቶም ቀንድን ናይ ቀረባ ሰብን ናይ ፕረሲደንት ኮይኑ ድጸንሐ ሰብ፡ ሕጂ ተገልቢጡ ይስልበጦ እንተሎ ኮይኑ፡ እንታይ ደሕብእ ኣለዎ? ንምንታይ ከምቶም ሃገር ገዲፎም ድወጹ ሰበስልጣናት ነበር ኣብ ቃልዕ ወጺኡ ደይዛረብ?
    ሓደ ካብ’ቲ ኣብ’ዚ ናይ ኣቶ ዓሊ ተባሂሉ ወጺኡ ደሎ ጽሑፍ ደገርም ነገር ድማ፡ ያኢ ኣቶ ዓሊስ ኣገዳሲ ሰብ ኮይኑስ፡ ዓበይቲ ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት፡ ከም ፍሊጶስን ወዲ ልብሱን ወዲ ሃብተስሉስን ድኣመሰሉ ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ናብኡ መጺኦም ብዛዕባ ብሓይሊ ምእላይ ንፕረሲደንት ምስኡ ክመያየጡ ይኽእሉ? ኣቶ ዓሊኮ ደይወግዓዊ ምኒስተር ዜና’ምበር ኣዛዚ ሰርዊት ወይ ኣባል ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኣይነበረን። እዚ በየናይ መልክዑ ተኣማኒ ክኸውን ይኽእል? ልዕሊ ኩሉ ድማ ኣቶ ዓሊ ዓብዱ፡ ብዙሓት ገዳይም ተጋደልትን ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊትን፡ በቲ ሒዝዎ ድነበረ ሓላፍነት ደይዕጉባት ነይሮም ኢዮም። ሓደ ካብኦም ጀነራል ፊሊጶስ ኢዩ። እዞም ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት እዚኣቶም፡ ንፕረሲደንት ክኣልዩ እንተ ኮይኖም፡ ምስ መዛንኦም ሓለፍቲ ሰራዊት’ምበር፡ ምስቲ ብዙሕ ናይ ምምራሕ ተመክሮ ደይነበሮ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ክመያየጡ የድልዮም ኣይነበረን። ንሙዃኑ፡ ከም ኣገላልጻ ኣቶ ዓሊ እዚ መንግስቲ’ዚ ጭፍራ ናይ ኣጋንንቲ እንተ ኮይኑ፡ ንሱ ከመይ ገይሩ’ዩ ኣብ ሓደ ወጋሕታ መልኣኽ ተቐይሩ? ስለዚ እዚ ጽሑፍዚ ተኣኣማንነት ክህልዎ እንተ ኮይኑ፡ ዝያዳ መብርህታት ከድልየኩም ኢዩ። ከመይሲ ኣብዚ ድሓለፈ ዓመትን መንፈቕን ብዛዕባ ዓሊ ዓብዱ ብዙሕ ተዘሪቡ ኢዩ። ኩሉ’ቲ ክዝረብ ድጸንሐ ድማ ሓቅነቱ ኽሃፍፍ ጸኒሑ ኢዩ። ስለዚ ኣብርህዋ እዛ ነገር!!!

    • samuel June 8, 2014

      here is your answer:

      “Guardian Australia, which on Wednesday broke the story of the government’s massive data breach whereby the private information of almost 10,000 people in immigration detention in Australia was published on the Department of Immigration website, welcomes Scott Morrison’s admission that this is an “unacceptable incident” and “a serious breach of privacy by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection”. We welcome the review into how the breach occurred, and the privacy commissioner’s announced investigation.”

  • Werki June 8, 2014

    Hi Ali you very intelligent I believe your fate would be that of mustafa and others

  • Berhane June 8, 2014

    How accurate is the pdf you posted, the more i read it the more i am having trouble beliving what has been written publicly with no concern to family members and friends in eretra, the worst is that awate team are very quit, why? That brings me to the question was the document leaked without the knowledge of ali-abdu.

    • samuel June 8, 2014

      very accurate:
      here is your answer:
      “Guardian Australia, which on Wednesday broke the story of the government’s massive data breach whereby the private information of almost 10,000 people in immigration detention in Australia was published on the Department of Immigration website, welcomes Scott Morrison’s admission that this is an “unacceptable incident” and “a serious breach of privacy by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection”. We welcome the review into how the breach occurred, and the privacy commissioner’s announced investigation.”

      • Towle June 8, 2014

        Dear Samuel,
        I couldn’t trace-out even a single phrase concerning to Mr.Ali’s case. would you help me where to find it?

      • Berhane June 9, 2014

        Selamat Samuel,

        Thanks for providing the link, indeed there was a breach on asylum seekers database in Australia, eventhough I couldn’t find the document it could be very dangerous for those family members and friends in Eretra, at any rate the guy has a lot of blood in his hand as a former henchman of Isaias doing all the dirt work for him he should be brought into the world court. His ethnicity (Jeberti or Seraye or Hamsien or Akeleguzai)shouldn’t play any role you see Eretra was freed by all ethinic group thus it is very stupid to use ethnicity now days to attack any individual this is exactly what Isaias wants to use to prolong his power (devide & rule), let us not give him that chance.

  • Ambabi June 8, 2014

    you are not less than the mad president, why not take action in collaborating with the military to eliminate PI at the time ass hole.

  • samuel June 8, 2014

    Jeberti biher eyu teblu, mejemerta Tigriga gedifkum hadish Quanka feteru emo, dhriu nezarebelu……hahahahahha

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