መጸዋዕታ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ኩርናዓት ዓለም ንእትርከቡ ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ድምጺ ኣሰና – ብዛዕባ ደገፍ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል [Some have already started donating, why don’t you…]

ኣቐዲምኩም ብዜናታት ኣሰና፣ ሎሚ ቅነ ድማ ብቃለመጠየቕ ትከታተሉዎ ከምዘለኹም፣ እቲ ብምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ብዘይ ክሲ ን15 ዓመታት ተኣሲሩ ክሳቐ ዝጸንሐ፣ ምቝሕ ናይቲ ጨካን ስርዓት ሰይሩ መሰናኽል ካርሼሊ ፈንጢሱ ናይ ገዛእ ርእሱ ሓርነት ዝተጓናጸፈ ጅግና ኤርትራዊ ፓይሎት ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል፣ ኣፍ ወጽዓ ናይቶም ብዘይ ገበን ገና ኣብ ኣብያተ ማእሰርቲ ዝሳቐዩ ዘለዉ ንጹሃት ኤርትራውያን ግዳያት ኮይኑ፣ ንቕሓት መላእ ህዝቢ ክብ ዘብል ኣብነታዊ ምስክርነት የቕርብ ኣሎ።
እቲ ኣቡኡን ኣዴኡን ተጋደልቲ ዝነበሩ፣ ኣብ ሳሕል ዝዓበየ፣ ድሕሪ ናጽነት ሃገረይ የገልግል ኣለኹ እናበለ ኸሎ፣ ገና ህይወቱ ከስርዐ 15 ዓመታት ካብ ንእስነቱ ብስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ዝተሰርቀ ደጋፊ ዘይብሉ ውጹዕ ግዳይ ደጀን ዓንደ ሕሸል፣ ህጹጽ ሕክምናዊ ኣገልግሎት መታን ክረክብን ሞራላዊ ደገፍ ክኾኖን፣ ገንዘባዊ ኣበርክቶ ክትገብሩሉ ንእትደልዩ ግዱሳት ሰናይ ተግባርኩም ንምስላጥ ናይ ወፈያ መሳለጥያታት ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኣሰና ተዳልዩልኩም ኣሎ።
ነቶም ድሮ ገንዘባዊ ሓገዝ ክትገብሩ ድሌት ኣርኢኹም ዘለኹም ብስሙ እናኣመስገና፣ ካልኦት ግዱሳት ነቲ ንሓጺር ግዜ ዝጸንሕ ናይ ወፈያ መሳለጥያታት ኣብ እዋኑ ክትጥቀሙሉ ነዘኻኽር።
እዚንኡስሕሳብ ‘ዚ (UNITY Account)ካብቲ ንራድዮ ኣሰና ንምስሳን እትገብሩዎ ወፈያ እተበርክቱሉ ዝተፈልየ ሕሳብ እዩ። ወፈኣኹም ካብኡ ዝተፈልየ ንምንጻር ከኣ ንዝርዝር ናይቲ ናይ ባንክ ሕሳብ ደጊምኩም ኣረጋግጹዎ። ንደጀን ንምሕጋዝ ወፈያ ክትገብሩ ከለኹም ናብዚ ኢመይል ዚ መዘኻኸሪ ምጽሓፍ ድማ ኣይትረስዑ። – dejenwegihulu@gmail.com. ዝርዝር ኣስማት ኣበርከቲ ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኣሰና ክዝርዝር ስለዝኾነ፣ ስምኩም ክወጽእ ዘይትደልዩ እንተዄንኩም ውን ብኢመይል ኣፍልጡና።
ብዝተኻእለ መጠን በዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ ቀሪቡ ዘሎ ሕሳብ ባንክ ከተወፍዩ ዝምረጽ ኳ እንተኾነ፣ ብባንክ ምውፋይ ቀሊል ኮይኑ እንተዘይረኺብኩሞ ከም ኣማራጺ Pay Pal ናይ ኣሰና ተጠቒምኩም ከተበርክቱ ትኽእሉ፣ እንተኾነ ን ‘ደጀን’ ዝብል መዘኻኸሪ ክትጽሕፉልና ኣጥቢቕና ንምሕጸን።
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Assenna Foundation Ltd/ Unity Account
Branch Sort Code: 40 -05-31
Account Number: 41573098
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IBAN: GB96MIDL40053141573098
ኣሰና ፋንውዴሽን
22 ግንቦት 2014
Donor Name | Extra Description | Amount | |
1 | Berhane Haile | Boston, USA | $172.99 |
2 | Alem Haile | £50.00 | |
3 | Michael Tzerai | USA | £60.00 |
4 | Anonymous | Oakland, USA | £60.00 |
5 | Abrehet Weldesilasie Fisehaye | Finland | £50.00 |
6 | Mussie Fesehaye | £100.00 | |
7 | Yoel Kiros | Belgium | £100.00 |
8 | Abraham Tecle | Frankfurt , Germany | £50.00 |
9 | Yohannes Gaim,& Mekonen Teame, | Midland, TexasCalifornia | $207.00 |
10 | Mulubrhn Rezene | Stamford, USA | £37.00 |
11. | Negede Tesfamariam | Germany | £100.00 |
solomon May 25, 2014
Ertrawian Ertrawian zereb yebkie
Kltuf sgumti entezey tewesidu , hager
Kemhager hzbi kem hzbi zebkealu gezye
Yekerib alo.
Natsinet zemetse bezereba teray aykonen
Gbrawi sgumti ksab hiji aytewsden zelo.
Tselot May 25, 2014
Thanks God for the freedom of this hero, we need to pray daily for those who are languishing in the countless prisons of PFDJ.
bahabala May 26, 2014
Amanuel Iyasu How much money you contribute for this pilot first
Tes May 26, 2014
loser loser go and kiss wedi bered ass
kiros May 26, 2014
Fuck you bahabala monster lover.
ahmed omer May 27, 2014
you idiot asking Amaniel about money why you do not ask your master A MONSTER WEDDI KHOMMARIT ASIYAS a bout how many ERITREAN HEROES AND INNOCENCES ARE HIS VICTIMS .you are an idiot loser .soon all our beloved ones in your master’s prisons are going to be free like Dejen .
araya May 27, 2014
Amanuel dedicated all his precious time,,, you don’t deserve to ask amanuel this kind of question,,,
Eritreawit May 26, 2014
Amanuel EYASSU contributed to brave Dejen Ande Heshel, When he thought him in SAHEL IN BET TMIHIRTI SEWRA; you need to clean your clogged ears. Shame on you animals still supporting killer dictator.
Kid May 28, 2014
You idiot ! He is contributing countless money. I can tell you are head less couse it’s the
Same old PFDJ stories. FYI he is doing every thing that he can his time,energy
Resource AND this ===== money .
Makda May 26, 2014
Good job Amanuel, and Jigna Dejen Ajoka.. keriba ya ma’alti HGDF
Teclay May 30, 2014
Amanuel you have been doing very great job, you proved to be a wonderful journalist .The sequence of the narration have been great too . God bless you .
About the narration it self, my god i don`t have a word to explain.
rti May 30, 2014
Assena, please send me an address through my email, I prefer to send you a money order to support this brave pilot. True to the nature of proven Eritrean bavery.
haben June 1, 2014
Instead of money send him AK-47 and advice him to kill his abductors. if everyone leaves then who is going to be a real hero? Hamd Edris Awate?
rahwa June 2, 2014
haben ab zeyhaben1. guahaf. nska/nski ke entadeki kitgebri iki 15 bzeyfrdi ab betmahbus ztedagone Ertrawi kab megzati eseyas hara zewxaki. mshmshti! zeyErtrawit. kidi nab goitaki eseyas chamue lahasi. abzi mexiki mok ayteblna kalina yaklena. ede. mwti adgi.
Haben June 2, 2014
Explain to me please what you mean by ” zeEritrawit” can somebody explain this to me. Who is killing eritreans? Eritrawi! Who is smuggling eritreans? Eritrawi? Who is arresting eritreans? Eritrawi! Who is beating eritreans in prisons? Eritrawi! Shaebiya installed this zeyeritrawi thing and still you are using it to attck anyone who opposes your idelogy! Denkoro!
gorgo June 4, 2014
Awet hgdef nihna ab wilqawi gudayatna kem ingdes migbarom iyu. Bi alet qebila haymanot kem infelale mgbarom abi awet yu. Deqi komarit do deqi tigraydo inbelna ineznbo tserfi zemtsio lewti yelen. Ab 50 tat temelisna deqi qolan kebesan islamin kirstiyanin awrajawi simietatin inkelona ab lieli hgdef kin ewet zey hiseb yu. Mejemerya ni gezae riesna kab zi kulu himamat netsa nikhun. Dihri u awet ba ela kitkuhkuhana iya.