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መግለጺ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ሰሜን ኣሜሪካ

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Review overview
  • Wedifre May 13, 2015

    We are all proud and happy of your very positive and reasonable move!!!!
    There is no point to follow the devil group who is leading our nation.

    Condolence to the families of the deceased and all the Eritrean people who has the same feeling.

    God Bless Eritrea and its lovely and peace loving people.
    Down with CHIFRA MAFIA and their leakers.

  • Tes May 13, 2015

    Good exemplary action. Hope other follow suit.

  • nsmer May 13, 2015

    Good plan, I hope the Eritrean residing in Europe and Asia specially middle east follow suit.

  • Samson Medhane May 13, 2015

    Who is writing on behalf of all deleyti fithi in North America? I am delay Fithi and a member of Bayto and as far as I know such a meeting never took place. The content of the letter is good but whoever wrote this message should have reached out to all deleyti fithi through their organizations and then claim it is a message from deleyti fithi. Integrity matters!

    • tesfu May 13, 2015

      Dear Samsom,
      We meet an individuals/people who represent an organization and some are individuals from the cities who believe the holly statement. we the people participate on tele conference and decide as is. With all respect to your membership of Bayto, but if you don’t use it to organize the people, it is useless. we should not come to you to bless our work.
      Just motivate people who are working while you are sleeping.

    • Eritreawit May 13, 2015

      WE SHOULD WORK ON UNITING MATTERS, NOT COMPLAING ABOUT THEY DIDN’T TELL YOU THEY ARE TALKING ON BEHALF OF THE WHOLE NORTH AMERICA DELEYTI FITHI. Samson Medhane are you a leader in the Bayto? who is bayto any whays. ? Please if you care about your people who are perishing in the see, stop complaing, you worried about integrity and Eritreas future jeneration is perishing and your country is at risk of standing as a nation.

    • Teclay May 13, 2015


      with all respect.Do you support the decision? if yes, why do you complain about representing or not representing.This is not a leadership election.

      Please just follow the good initiative.

    • national pain May 13, 2015

      Samson ,

      ኣብ ጉዳይ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ምስ እንመጽእ ሓቅነት ብዙሕ ኣገዳሲ ኣይኮነን__ ን ኣብነት ጃንሆይን መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያምን ኤርትራ መሬታ እምበር ህዝባ ኣየድልየናን እዩ ኢሎም ይብሃል፣ኣይበልዎን ዝተማህዘ እዩ፣ ግን ህዝቢ ከተቃልስ እንተዄንካ ቁሩብ ቅመም እናሓወስካ እዩ። ኩሎም መንግስታት ዝገብርዎ እዩ ፣ንቀበሎ።

      ዕድመ ንህዝብና

  • rezen May 13, 2015

    “…ኣብ ኤውሮፓን ኤስያን ኣፍሪቃን እትርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ብሓፈሻ ነዚ ሓላፍነታዊ መግለጺ ኣሰር ኽትስዕቡ ንጽውዕ።”

    To be fair, Australia, Mid East and South America should be included.

  • Almaz Gual Asmera May 13, 2015

    ዝኸበርኩም ሕዝባውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ፡ ብሓቂ ዝንኣድ ተበጉሶ እዩ። ሕዝቢ ዝመርሖ ኩሉ ግዜ ምኽንያታዊ፡ ትርጉም ዝህብ፡ ካብ ትርግታ ልቢ ነፍሲወከፍ ተራ ዜጋ ርሑቕ ዘይኮነ ምዃኑ እዚ ሓደ ኣብነት እዩ። ንዕስራን ኣርባዕተን ዓመታት ሳዕሲዕና ብዘይካ ሕሰም ካልእ ኣይተረኽበን። ሃዲእና ሱር ሽግርና ኣለሊና ናይ ሓባር ግብራዊ መፍትሒ ከነምጽእ ንኽእል…ኣብ ክንዲ ጓይላን ዳንኬራን ምስ ፍትሓውነቶም ብግብሪ ዘመስከሩ ሙራትን ለባማትን ክንዛተ ከሎና ጥራይ እዩ። ጓይላ ከም ዕጸ ፋርስ…ንስሚዕትና ኣለዓዒሉ ንግዜኡ ሽግርና ከረስዓና ይኽእል ይኸውን…ካብቲ ንምጥፋእና ዝደናደን ዘሎ መዓት ግን ኣየገላግለናን እዩ። ድሕሪ ደጊም ኤርትራውያን ዛዕባና፡ ሕጊ፡ ቅኑዕ ኣሰራርሓ፡ ምዕቡል ምሕደራ፡ ስሉጥ ትካላዊ መስርሕ…ጸብጻብ…ገምጋም ስራሕ…ነፈሰ-ነቀፌታ፡ ቅኑዕ ብጻያዊ ነቀፌታ…ለበዋ ንውጺእታዊ ስራሕ…ተሞክሮ ካልኦት ሃገራት…መጽናዕታዊ ጽሑፋት…ዎርክሾፕ…ወዘተረፈ ዝብላ ኣምራት እምበር ጓይላ ወይ መጠን ኪግበረሉ ኣሎዎ ወይ ድማ ንግዜኡ ኣብ እዋን እህህታን ስቓይን …ሓጎስን ስሓቕን ተጋራጫውን ዘይባህርያውን ስለዝኾነ…ጸግዑ ኪሕዝ ኣሎዎ። ….ስለምንታይ እዩ ሕጊ-ግደፍ ከም ሰብ ቆሎ…ጓይላን ዳንኬራን ዝፈቱ ኢልና ነብስና ንሕተት? ከዘናግዓናዶ ቀይስ ከዘንግዕና? ኤርትራውያን ንለብም…ድሓር ድሕሪ ማይ ናብ ብዓቲ ..ዋይ ዋይ ምባል ዋጋ የብሉን። ንሕሰብ ንመራመር….ብስምዒት ኣይንገዛእ።

  • hara May 13, 2015

    DELEYTI FITHI NA, lebam wsane u amlak ybarkum
    ERITRAWIT ,grm melsi thank you HAKIKI giziu aykonen
    ALMAZ GUAL ASMERA , sgab hisem hizbna zidimses WALA enteziterf wn GUAYLA amlko nay aganinti iyu seb ymewit nsatom ziada amlko ydelyu bhaki kinhasbelu zelena guday iyu AMLAK YBARKKI

  • Simon G. May 13, 2015

    This is a very good start! I am kind of curious why I don’t see many cities joining this noble act. Did you guy approach other cities? If you did, are there any cities that refuse to join? It would be good to know. That could answer Samson’s question as well. No one approached me either but I am no where to be found to begin with.

  • Wedifre May 14, 2015

    Dear Samson.

    Your concern is genuine but the action is correct and if you agree on it no need to complain but follow.

    God bless you.

  • asmara May 14, 2015

    We definitely don’t need guayla, especially at this dark season. But there is one thing that we all should agree on. When we oppose Isias and his regime it is for reason. We have base for it. If we are to go beyond opposing and criticizing the brutal nature and act of the so-called Governments, we need to be aware of what we do. Of course if some rights an article like this with out consulting the states, that person/group should be held accountable for their act. Democracy never had any boundary. If we surely truly are looking for democracy, we must first exercise it on ourselves.
    Let me come to my point. Deletyti fithi (Justice seekers) is a broad word. It describes individuals, groups, civic associations, political groups, bayto…And if a stand is to be taken on the name of delyti fithi, all those groups must be consulted. If not it clearly is undemocratic. Whenever there is undemocratic act, building trust becomes so difficult. Basically, the ownership of this article is vague.So, we need to be as clear as we can to avoid such kind of confusions.
    It seems some of you are trying to be more nationalists than others, trust me, whether you accept it or not, you are not. Don’t preach about Eritrea and Eritreans if you don’t see things from different perspectives. No matter who or where a person is, if it happens the person is making a mistake, correcting the mistake is the best and only option we need to take.