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Abrham Sahle

Review overview
  • k.tewolde July 11, 2015

    God bless your soul, my friend.We will follow you.eternal peace.

  • Amanios Makonnen July 12, 2015

    How sad and what a big loss: a gentle soul and a tender heart has just departed us. RIP Abraham Sahle. My deep condolences to Amanuel Sahle.
    “Paradise was made for tender hearts; hell, for loveless hearts”. Voltaire

  • Abel July 12, 2015

    God bless your soul.May you rest in peace.

  • Zahlay July 12, 2015

    What a SAD news to hear about a childhood friend
    Who grew up to be the most intelligent artist.
    When we were young students we asked him if he could draw the picture of Haileselassie’s cartoon,
    And his answer was, “It’s easy, all you have to draw is a small monkey (watchful) and that’s it”‘
    That was who Abraham Sahle was.
    RIP Abraham and some comfort to his children and his wife with his brothers Zakarias and Amanuel.

  • Gemal July 12, 2015

    God bless your soul. However, I will never forget the incenerating cartoons you published in Haddas Eritra about Muslims when Isayas started his ventures against Eritrean Muslims(January 1994), especially the one which Zemehret apologized after public uproar and announced its withdrawal from the National archive.

    • Khalid July 13, 2015

      “I will never forget the incenerating cartoons you published in Haddas Eritra about Muslims when Isayas started his ventures against Eritrean Muslims(January 1994)”


      I don’t want blame Abraham, because it’s against my culture.

      But he was not the only one to think Iseyas was a God. Iseyas, first he persecuted Muslims,
      while many “others” either encouraged him or kept silent. Now, they think he is a rat, but it’s too late, because Iseyas managed to push the whole country to the precipice of total chaos.

    • Alamin A. July 13, 2015

      Indeed, it was a shocking drawing, I kept that newspaper for a record.

  • Bini July 12, 2015

    It is really sad news, such a humble and funny guy.
    I use to take my coffee breaks at bar empero next to where I use to work & every time I see him he
    Will say casual comments but it is always funny.
    One day I came with a friend and said hello to him
    He had a table for himself and it was kind crowded
    So after a while the usuals brokers (delalo) showed
    Up and asked him if they can sit with him & he said
    Ya sure, then came another one sat down and after a
    While one of their friends showed up and he was going around the table shaking hands and when he tried to shake abraham he simply said ‘mesom aykonkun’ I’m not with the group only people with sense of humor will do that. He made my day and laughed that day & still laugh about it.
    RIP Abraham.

  • Mulue July 12, 2015


  • Kombishtato July 12, 2015

    Eritrea is very lucky to have people like Abraham Sahle (AS)who can see the staggering political, economic and social issues ahead of the entire citizenry and are courageous enough to express it.
    There are few Eritrean thinkers like AS in current Eritrea who are not afraid to challenge injustice, false historical narratives and lies of Ghedli – people who can ask hard questions and provide bitter but truly relieving pills for medicine.
    Eritrea does not need now AK-47s, tanks, suicide bombers or any “liberators”, what Eritrea needs are honest free thinkers like AS and the few like him.
    It is sad to see people like AS to be born at wrong places and times in places like the repressive Horn of Africa and the Arab world where their true potential are not realized and appreciated during their life times.
    May his family and friends get comfort by celebrating, sharing and treasuring the lives and times of our own Abraham Sahle.

  • Senbetu July 12, 2015

    I am so sad to hear the death of an eritrean artist Abraham Sahle. It is a loss for the country. I extend my heartfelt condolence to all the family of Abraham Sahle.

  • Wediare July 12, 2015

    RIP Mr. Abraham. My condolences to his beloved family.