ልዕሊ ሸውዓተ ሽሕ ተምሃሮ ካልአይ ደረጃ ዞባ ማእከል ብሓይሊ ተገዲዶም ናብ ሳዋ ወሪዶም።
ብዕለት 15 ሓምለ 2015 ካብ ዞባ ማእከል ብሓይሊ ተገዲዶም ልዕሊ ሸውዓተ ሽሕ ተምሃሮ ካልአይ ደረጃ ናብ ሳዋ ወሪዶም። እዞም ናይ ዓሰርተ ሓደ ክፍሊ ትምህርቶም ወዲኡም ናይ ዓስርተው ክልተ ክፍሊ ትምህርቶም አብ ሳዋ ንኽመሃሩ፤ ከምኡ ድማ

ብዕለት 15 ሓምለ 2015 ካብ ዞባ ማእከል ብሓይሊ ተገዲዶም ልዕሊ ሸውዓተ ሽሕ ተምሃሮ ካልአይ ደረጃ ናብ ሳዋ ወሪዶም። እዞም ናይ ዓሰርተ ሓደ ክፍሊ ትምህርቶም ወዲኡም ናይ ዓስርተው ክልተ ክፍሊ ትምህርቶም አብ ሳዋ ንኽመሃሩ፤ ከምኡ ድማ ናይ መበል 29 ዞርያ ሃገራዊ አገልግሎት ኮይኑም አገልግሎቶም ንክቕጽሉ ብዝብል ስም ናብቲ ወፈሪ ባርነት ተባሂሉ ድጽዋዕ ናይ ባርነት መሰጋገሪ ማእከል ሳዋ ወሪዶም አለው። ካብዞም ተምሃሮ እቶም መብዛሕትኦም ስድራ ቤቶም ድጾሩን፤ ናይ ስድራ ቤት ሓላፍነት ዘለዎም ኢዮም። መብዛሕትኦም አብዚ ናይ ማሕረስ ግዜ ንወለዶም ዝሕግዙን ድርብ ሓላፍነታት ዘለዎም ኢዮም።፡እንተኸነ ግን ስርዓተ ህግደፍ ብምምሕዳር ከባቢታት ከቢድ ጸቐጥን መጠንቀቕታን ክህብ ስለዝቐነየ ብሓይሊ ወሲድዎም አሎ። ካብዚ‘ም ልዕሊ ሓምሳ ካብ ሚእቲ ደቂ አንስትዮ ምኻነን ተፈሊጡ አሎ። አብዚ መ ዓስከር ሓያለ ግፍዕታተን ምግሳስን ከምዝፍጸም ከምኡ ድማ ብሓማም ዓሶ ሓየለ ሰባት ከምዝሞቱ ዝፍለጥ ኢዩ። ህግደፍ ነዚ ናይ ዓሶ ግዜ ኮን ኢሉ ከምዝመርጾ ዝፍለጥ ኢዩ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብደረጃ ህዝብን ዓለምን፤ ነዚ ዋፍሪ ባርነት ድተሰየመ፤ ግዱድ ዕስክርና ጠጠው ከብል ተሓቲቱ ግን ብዝገደደ መልክዑ ይቕጽሎ አሎ።
ምስ እዚ ተታሓሒዙ ድማ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኩሎም መምህራን ናብ ታዕሊም አብ ዝመጽእ ሰሙን ናብ ዝተፈላለየ ከባቢታት ወትሃደራዊ ታዕሊም ንኽኣትው ከቢድ መጠንቀቕታ ሂቡ አሎ። መምህራን ነቲ ዓመት ሙሉእ ብኽለተ ፈረቓ ናይ ንግሆን ምሸተን ክምህሩ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ፤ ዕረፍቲ ዝወስዱሉን ገለ ድማ ክረምታዊ ትምህርቲ ኮርስ ክሳተፍሉ ዝግባእ ግዜ፤ ናብ ወተሃደራዊ ታዕሊም ንክኸዱ ዘገድድ መምርሒታት አውጺኡ ይሰርሕ አሎ። መብዛሕቶም አብ መምህርና ዘለው አባላት ሃገራዊ አገልግሎት ኮይኖም ሙሉእ ታዕሊም ዝገበሩ ክንሶም ሕጅ መሊሱ ንታዕሊም ይእትዎም አሎ። እቲ ዕላማ ከም ኩሉ ሰብ ዝብሎ ዘሎ፤ ሰብ ከይቀስን ካብ ዝጥቀመሎም ሜላታት ሓደ ታዕሊም የእቲኻ ሰባት ከምዘይራኸቡ ምግባር ኢዩ። መብዛሕቶም መምህራን አባላት ሃገራዊ አገልግሎት አብ ወርሒ 450 ናቕፋ ዝኽፈሉ፤ ከምኡ ድማ እቶም ንልዕሊ 20 ዓመት ብመምህርና ዘገልገሉ ወርሓዊ ዶሞዞም 800 ናቕፋ ኮይኑ ስጋብ ሕጅ ናይ ጥሮታ መሰል ዘየብሎም ኢዮም፤መምህር አብ ኤርትራ ብድኽነት ዝፍለጥ ዜጋ ኢዩ።
k.tewolde July 17, 2015
The saga continues…. and there is nobody in there who is bold enough to suck this dickhead.You know,he takes a crap in toilet bowl like any of us. Sorry for the language.
internal source July 17, 2015
To all eritreans inside and outside eritrea!
SAWA is going to be destroyed by the ethiopian military force soon.Please bring back your children and daughters to home!bring back your sisters and brothers home!
internal source July 17, 2015
Let us stand together to fight the Isayas dictator regime in bringing back the teens from the war zone SAWA!
sara July 17, 2015
Issais will destroy these people and country. it is sad
Fisehaye July 17, 2015
Sereat HGDEF ab mengo CatholicawianenOrthodox meaemenanankebid tslei yesawir alo.
Ezi kekonelu zekeale dema bedehri
Eti Catholicawian Abunat hawka
Abey alo zebiel tsehuf mes habwo eyu.
teklit July 18, 2015
Libi mibay iu.
Aman July 17, 2015
Wedi Medhin Berad is paranoid by the Geneva demonstrations and the UN resolution. He is shocked and terribly scared as a result he is trying to put the people under extreme pressure to make every single family get bothered by its loved members and the possible war with Ethiopia. In effect Isayas feels a bit of relief. However, it only takes a hand full of military officers to finish the job, no need for popular uprising and I can see that coming soon.
k.tewolde July 17, 2015
S.A.W.A. Serve me,Abide by my rules,Worship me,Ask no questions. I know he is not dropping barrel bombs on the eritrean people, but the mental and psychological warfare he is waging against our young in this infamous camp will haunt us for generations to come.Mothers and fathers defend your children,slam your doors in their face , and tell them you are not giving your children away.Say no!Say enough is enough!how many childhood can be stolen? How many dreams can be broken!OOOOOOH!mother eritrea is the worst enemy of her children-…SHE EATS THEM! LET’S PRAY!GOD IS ABLE!YIKAALO IYU!
k.tewolde July 17, 2015
Mothers and Fathers, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy!belu. Let your howling echo through the valleys and over the hills of eritrea, fight back, use the weapons he gave you. it’s your fight, he came to your turf,he doesn’t own you, suck it to him, stop him in his track. he is coward.he just did’t find anybody to stand up to him so far. he is daring you.What else can he do to you what he haven’t done so far?leave a legacy like TAHRIR SQUARE, TIANAMAN SQUARE, SELMA…FLOOD THE STREETS OF ASMARA,MENDEFERA , TESSENEI, AGURDAT….TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS ,HE DOESN’T OWN THE PLACE ,IT BELONGS TO YOU.
rezen July 17, 2015
I cannot resist commenting the following with sadness.
I cannot help going back to the euphoria of 1991 — the LIBERATION DAY, achieved by the semi-god, beloved, the Father of Eritrea, Isayas Afewrki Abraha. And I cannot help imagining about a phantom of single person expressing negative opinion about the Savior of Eritrea i.e. like “wedi Medhin Berad” or “Agame”, or……. That poor and crazy human being would have been minced right on Combisctato.
I cannot help wondering about the failure of highly educated Eritrean scholars of the highest caliber in the world to analyze the psychological make-up and past history of the inherent nature of the so-called liberation/revolutionary movements. All their history books that they have gone through pages, chapters and verses tell it all glaringly. But they refused to apply [or gave it blind eyes] to Dear Eritrea. Eritrea was so special that world history cannot be applied to! Not a single one of them dared to face the the hidden truth! Is there really a HOPE for Eritrea? It is a question based on the concept of liberation and freedom of expression. THE END
Eritra July 18, 2015
“ብዕለት 15 ሓምለ 2015 ካብ ዞባ ማእከል ብሓይሊ ተገዲዶም ልዕሊ ሸውዓተ ሽሕ ተምሃሮ ካልአይ ደረጃ ናብ ሳዋ ወሪዶም። ”
I hope Higdef supporters, in particular, a few stupids who think Iseyas is their son, he is from Zoba Makel ..bla bla etc. understand what is happening to their people back home.