ልኡኻት ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ኣዴታት ዓዲ ጥልያን ናብ ኤርትራ ክገሻሉ ዝሓሰባ ትኬት ነፋሪት ብምቕያር ኣብ ቦለኛ ክቕንያ ይጉስጉሱወን ኣለዉ – ኣብ ሰሜን ኣመሪካ ዝርከቡ ልኡኻት ‘ቲ ስርዓት ‘ውን ገንዘብ ተኸፊሎም ኣብ ቦለኛ ዝሳተፉ ሰባት ኣብ ምንዳይ ወዲቖም
ኣማኢት ሰማእታት ላምፐዱዛ ወግዓዊ ቀብሪ ኣብ ዘይረኸቡሉ፣ ወለዶም ሬሳ ደቆም ስኢኖም ሰንፈላል ኮይኖምሉ ኣብ ዘለዉሉ ኣጋጣሚ፣ ኣብ ቦለኛ፣ ዓዲ ጥልያን ‘መበል 40 ዓመት ቦለኛ’ ብምምኽናይ ናይ ዳንኬራ ጽምብል ክገብር ዝሸብሸብ ዘሎ ሰብኣዊ እንዶ ዘይብሉ ምልካዊ

ኣማኢት ሰማእታት ላምፐዱዛ ወግዓዊ ቀብሪ ኣብ ዘይረኸቡሉ፣ ወለዶም ሬሳ ደቆም ስኢኖም ሰንፈላል ኮይኖምሉ ኣብ ዘለዉሉ ኣጋጣሚ፣ ኣብ ቦለኛ፣ ዓዲ ጥልያን ‘መበል 40 ዓመት ቦለኛ’ ብምምኽናይ ናይ ዳንኬራ ጽምብል ክገብር ዝሸብሸብ ዘሎ ሰብኣዊ እንዶ ዘይብሉ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ እቲ ናይ ፈንጠዝያ ዳሱ ከይጽሙ መታን፣ ኣዴታት ዓዲ ጥልያን ኣብ ክራማት ናብ ኣስመራ ክገሻሉ ዝሓሰባኦ ትኬት ኣቐይሩ ኣብ ቦለኛ ክቕንያ ብመንገዲ ልኡኻቱ ናይ ምድንጋር ጎስጓስ የካይድ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ካብ ዓዲ ጥልያን ሓቢሮም።
እተን ኣዴታት ዓዲ ጥልያን፣ ሬሳ ዜጋታትና ናብ ዓዱ ከይኣተወ፣ ኣብ ክንዲ ዳስ ሓዘን ከመይ ጌርና ኣብ ቦለኛ ዳስ ጓይላ ክንተክል ኢለን፣ እቲ ስርዓት ንዘዋፈሮም ሃሱሳት ክብድሃኦም ከለዋ፣ “መንግስቲ ኤርትራ፣ መምለሲ ሬሳ ምሉእ ገንዘብ ከፊሉ’ዩ ግን ጥልያን በሊዖሞ’ እናበሉ መታለሊ መልሲ ይህቡወን ከምዘለው ክፍለጥ ተኻኢሉ’ሎ።
እዚ ከምዚ ኢሉ ኸሎ፣ ዝሓለፈ ቀዳም ኣብ ሰሜን ኣመሪካ ዝርከቡ፣ ዶክተር ኣባይ ኣስመሮምን ዶር ኣስገደ ሓጎስን ንልኡኻት ህግደፍ ኣብ ዘካየዱሎም ቴለ ኮንፈረንስ፣ ናብ ቦለኛ ዝኸይድ ሰብ ስኢና ስለዘለና፣ ከፊልና እንሰዶም ሰባት ርኸቡ ብምባል መልእኽቲ ከምዘመሓላለፉሎም ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።
እቶም ናብቲ ኣብ ቦለኛ ከካይዱዎ መዲቦሞ ዘለዉ ፈንጠዝያ ዝሳተፍ ሰብ ብምስኣኖም፣ ኣብ ልዕሊኡ ኸኣ ደምበ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ንምቅዋሙ ብዘካይዱዎ ዘለዉ ምድላዋት ሰጊኦም ዘለዉ ልኡኻት ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ገለ ግሩሃት ከዘንግዑ መታን ብታሕቲ ታሕቲ ቲከት ምሻጥ ኳ እንተጀመሩ፣ ኣንፈቱ ተስፋ ስለዘቝረጾም ዓወንወን ክብሉ ይረኣዩ ‘ለዉ።
ሓፋሽ June 14, 2014
ኣቱም ሰባት ሰላም ዘይትቡና ሰባት ናናቱ መርገጽ ኣለዎ እስካትኩም 45 ውድባት በጺህኩም መሳረሒ ናይ ወያነ እኮ ኢኩም ናትኩምን ናይ ይግደፈን እንታይ ፍልልይ ኣለኩም ።እስካትኩም ገና ስልጣን ከይ ሕዝኩም ኸምዚ ዝገበርኩምስ ኣብስልጣን ምስምጽኩም ሓገር ክሽቱ ደይኮንኩምን ድሮወ ዕርቡን ወስድኩም ዘለኩም ሰላም ሃቡና ሰብ ድልይቱ ይግበር ዓቅሚ እንተለኩም ስመሩ ኣብሓደ ውድብ ተጠርነፍ ውጺት ኩም እብ ጥውላ
ሓፋሽ June 14, 2014
ሓሶት ካብ መዓልቲ ንመዓልቲ ረብሓ የብሉን ፈኩስኩም ምትራፍ ኢዩ ውጺቱ
rahwa June 14, 2014
nska hade lokmax medanageri ika. hafash ilka nebska kitxiwie hifer. resatatna ab adi tlyan tekomiru kolo eti zeytewelde hxan alo abu nska nsasietn dankeran kgebr nzbele nehwatna zeyhigawyan sdetegnatat zbelom seraki sirat tihlekelu aleka. fekuisu zelo sraat hizbi lekimu enatefe aytitahalekelu. nab lbka temeles lbi entehalyuka. mahanzel
habtu June 14, 2014
Asenna always be the same . tell him to kiss weyane meakor. Drbay gohaf harie ekli nay hizbi Eritrea.
Petros June 14, 2014
1. Are you saying Assenna is creating wrong news or it is paining you to hear truth
2. Is Dejen also creation if Assenna.
3. Is Ali Abdu still foreign minister or Assenna created the news?
4. A manuel is telling a dream of four catholic Abunat braving leadership.
If Assenna reminded you live in either America, Australia, Europe enjoying democracy & prosperity that come out with it, Assenna would be wrong . You would say I live in TV Eri illusive Eritrea.
Michael Tesfamariam June 14, 2014
People like have no right to worry about Assenna or Eritrea and its people,,because you are truly dipstick trash fellow,, you don’t even deserve any reply from me. However, it is the responsibility of any genuine Eritrean to remind you that you are deadbeat. You have serious psycho problem you got to deal with before you come here to articulate your ignorance. You and your goon dictator issais will continue to suffer from your inferiority complex,, Assenna is always determined to expose your outrageous crimes against the people of Eritrea who had paid and still paying their blood and treasure to build free and democratic country in which illiterate people like you can go to school. You will continue to live with your ignorance and backward mentality as long as you have remained felching your mad dog Issais’s ass.
ሓፋሽ June 14, 2014
ካብ ሓሶት እንታይ ረብሓ ከምዘለኩም ክርዳኣኒ ኣይከ ኣለን
ሓፋሽ June 14, 2014
ንሓሶት ካብ ወያነ ሕማም ስለዝወሰድኩማ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣይገርሞን ኢዩ
Michael Tesfamariam June 14, 2014
People like have no right to worry about Assenna or Eritrea and its people,,because you are truly dipstick trash fellow,, you don’t even deserve any reply from me. However, it is the responsibility of any genuine Eritrean to remind you that you are deadbeat. You have serious psycho problem you got to deal with before you come here to articulate your ignorance. You and your goon dictator issais will continue to suffer from your inferiority complex,, Assenna is always determined to expose your outrageous crimes against the people of Eritrea who had paid and still paying their blood and treasure to build free and democratic country in which illiterate people like you can go to school. You will continue to live with your ignorance and backward mentality as long as you have remained felching your mad dog Issais’s ass.
TwoWayStreet June 14, 2014
You said “Hasot”! OK! So Why don’t you tell us the truth. Do you know why Issayas is still in power after 23 years of independence? To bury the truth. If he had been leading by the right of the people he would have transferred responsibility to others long time ago.
-Ali abdu fled the country. “Hasot”
-Naizghi Kiflu’s corps was not allowed to be buried in Eritrea. “Hasot”
-Military personnel attempted a coup(Wedi Ali and company). “Hasot”
-Dejen escaped from high security prison. “Hasot”
-Mustafa Nurhussien/ Tewil and others are in prison. “Hasot”
Please face the facts the truth. When the news comes and says that Hafash (meaning you) is in prison, there will be nobody left to say “Hasot”
Tes June 14, 2014
I have no words to describe HGDEF and its stooges. It is real shame to see people educated to that level to low themselves to that deep and the institutes they award them that accolades. This is the highest crime against humanity and out of our cultural norms. Our ancestors postpone wedding until to more than a year when they lose one of their close family member. Now HGDEF came with foreign culture and create a society hollow with out soul which warship Gaila and love to dance while is brother even don’t get proper burials. It was still fresh memory the tragedy of Lambadussa which shocked the entire world and HGDEF dared to even contemplate to dance on top the dead brother by itself is outrageous. It should been condemned at the highest level and boycotted. It disgusting me and it is disrespectful and it shows how out off the earth those HGDEF and its stooges are.
So what is the People need to do now? At any cost we need to take measures. We can not just be observers and see the horrors act taking in front of our eye. Every one of us have an obligation to fight and pay the altmate price if that is what is required. this should be show time and it is a call for action. Demo is not good enough we need to take measure as deter-ant for those zombies not to do it again.
Any person who is able to go to bologna have to discharge his/her responsibility. Don’t expect organizations to do it for you. You and me have equal stake and required to do our bit. Kettet kettias Now. Eritrea is not ny Ghedewon or Sophia the now comers…who contributed nothing on its liberation and now to see them as movers and shakers of the main affair.
Afom June 14, 2014
As senna
FTHAWIAN WILL WIN their dgnity for ever.
hagos berhane June 14, 2014
Enough is Enough. Join the Catholic Church’s current agitation. Let’s rise and stand for the right of our people!. This is a good blow for the Hgdfites. They are accelerating their grave yard. “Remember that!We didn’t act and take an immediate & swift revenge during the incident of Lampedusa”. But the dictator’s flaw is helping us and creating this opportunity for us to take a decisive roll to act and change Bologna to Lampedusa’s memorial day. What a surprise!!!!The time is near at our hand that must determine whether Eritreans are going to be free men and rescue their beloved nation or slaves of HGDF and who knows which cliff they dump us.
tessenei June 14, 2014
Nay bahaky zehzen u ety zeyfelto melake mot mes metso tray u zfelto slemntayse mot tmet erkan tsmey sle zey felto bwere tray sle zsemo gen eta maletey hardware eya zkrey n lampaduza. A wet nwutsuat
Haile Tekle June 14, 2014
ሞደረይተር (ኣማኔል)
ክጻረሩ መሰሎም እንድዩ ነቲ መጸየፊ ጽሕፎም ምትእንጋድ ግን ቅኑዕ ኮይኑ ኣይተራየንን ኣሞ ንህብቱ ጽሑፋኣቱ ከተልግሶ እማሕጸነካ