ህጹጽ እዋናዊ ጻውዒት ንኹሉ ኣባል ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ
እዚ ህጹጽ እዋናዊ ጻውዒት እዚ ብፍላይ ንዓኻ ነቲ ኣባል ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ኮንካ ተገልግል ዘለኻ ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ዝምልከት ጻውዒት ኢዩ። እዚ ጻውዒት እዚ ብፍላይ ናባኻ ናብ ኣባል ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ዘቕንዓሉ ቀንዲ ምኽንያት፡ ኣብዚ ሃገርካ ኤርትራ
እዚ ህጹጽ እዋናዊ ጻውዒት እዚ ብፍላይ ንዓኻ ነቲ ኣባል ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ኮንካ ተገልግል ዘለኻ ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ዝምልከት ጻውዒት ኢዩ። እዚ ጻውዒት እዚ ብፍላይ ናባኻ ናብ ኣባል ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ኤርትራ ዘቕንዓሉ ቀንዲ ምኽንያት፡ ኣብዚ ሃገርካ ኤርትራ ባዲማን ዓንያን ከም ዘይነበረት ክትከውን ህዝብኻ ብባርነትን ሕስረትን ተበታቲኑ ክጸንት ተወሲንሉ ዘሎ እዋን፡
ክንዲ ዘለካ ዕድልን ዓቕምን ተጠቂምካ ህዝብኻን ሃገርካን ካብ ጥፍኣት ተድሕንን፡ ሰብኣውን ዜግነታውን መሰልካ ተኽብርን፡ ወስ ክትብል’ውን ከይፈተንካ ኢድካ ኣጣሚርካ ልኡም ኮንካ ትሃልቕ ስለ ዘለኻ ኢዩ።
Berhe Tensea July 17, 2014
If you people misbehave and mistreat pfdj and the lion of Tembien the Demhit forces based in different parts of Eritrea will teach evry zombie unforgetable lesson.
ኣርዓዶም July 17, 2014
ዝገበር ነዲ ኡ ነይነግር፡ ይብል ምስላ ኣበዋት። ሕጂ ድማ እንታይ`ዩ እዚ ኹሉ`ዚ ! እንታይ ኣድለየ !! እቲ ክትግበር ትብልዎ`ሞ ግበሩ፡ እቲ ብድሕሪ ኡ ዝኸውን ድማ ግዚኡ ይጽበ። ንጸላኢኻ ይመጸካ ኣለኹ`ሞ ካራን ካላሽንን መዳፍዕን ታንክታትን ኣዳሉ ክትብሎ ኣይትኽእልን ኢኻ።
ምንግቕስቓስ ንሓርነት ድማ እሙናት ክገብረኩም ተኮይኑ፡ ነዚ ኩሉ ዝጸሓፍክሞ ከይጸሓፍክሞ ከለኹም ህዝቢ ይርድኦን ይደልዮን ኢዩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ድልየቱ፡ ነዞም ሸፋቱ ጠላማት ዓመጸኛታት ኣጥፊ ኡ፡ ሃገሩ ብሕግን ቕዋምን ትምሓደር ሃገር ክትከውን ባህጉን ድልየቱን ኢዩ። ስለምንታይ ግን ንስኻትኩም ክንድዚ ዝ ኣክል ብተስፋ ዘስክር ጽሑፍ እንድጽሓፍኩም ኣብ ርእሲ ዘለና ሃንቐውታ፡ ብረስንን ዋዕን ኣብ ደይሕማምና ተብጽሑና ኣለኹም ? እቲ ዝኸውን ጻዊዒት ኣየድልዮ ዋላ ደውል ኣየድልዮ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብቕሳነት ዝድቕሰላ ገዝ ኡ ናፊቑ ኣሎ`ሞ፡ እቲ ይኸውን`ዩ ትብልዎ ዳይ ብዘይ ሃረርታ ኣርእዩና። ንሕና ህዝቢ ድማ ኣብ ጎንኩም ኣለና። እቲ ዝግብ ኣኩም ድማ፡ ህዝቢ ከም ዝኽእሎ ይኸውን። እተ ታሪኹም ግን ከም`ቲ ባዕላትኩም ዝበልክሞ፡ ብህዝቢ ዓቢ ክብሪ ክውሃቦን ኣብ ዓመት ተኾነ 2-3 ግዜ ንዝኽርኩም ተወጸ፡ ኣይክበዝሓኩምን ኢዩ`ሞ፡ ንዓና ንህዝቢ ከም ብሃማት ገርኩም ከይርኣኩም እቲ ዝኸውን ግበሩ፡ህዝቢ ድማ ኣብ ጎንኹም ኣሎ።
m July 18, 2014
you are right bro,why we do a lot of gurrra,we do nothing only talk help nothing, go be man like wadi Ali forto,not only talk and talk we do nothing
ERITREAN UNCLE July 17, 2014
(ንመንግስቲ ህግደፍ ዝጭርቕ ግጥሚ, Satire at the expense of PFDJ’s Government)
ሰብ ናብ ኤለትሪክ ዘለዎ ይኸይድ እምበር፣ኤለትሪክ ናብ ሰብ ዘለዎ ኣይመጽእን እዩ !!!
“ተወሊዔ ኢሉ_____ ብብርሃኑ ዝፍሳሕ
ጸላኢ ሃገር ,ማይ ዘይፈቱ______ ረሳሕ
ብሰውራ ሽምዓን ኩራዝን ውዲቱ ይከሻሕ ”
ብጊዜ ጃንሆይ ሴዳው________ንብሎ ዝነበርና
ኣብ እዋን ደርጊ ኤልፓ ተቐይሩ_____ ዘገልገለና
ሕጂ ግን ሓንጊዱ፣__ኮይኑ ሓደ ካብቶም ጸላእትና
ጎረባብቲ ሃገር እናብርሄ_______ _የማነ ጸጋምና
ንዓናን ሓሪሙ,ኣብ ሰውራ ሽምዓን ኩራዝን ዘእተወና
ዶብና ዝተሓሰሞ__________ጸማም ባዶ ገረወኛ
ንመድሓርሓሪ ኤለትሪክ፣______ክንድርዕሞ ኢና !!!
ብጸጋም ሲ ኣይ ኤ፣_____________ብየማን ወያነ
ኣንጻር ምዕራባውያን_________ ቃልስና ከይተዛዘመ
ሲንጋፖር ዕማምና____________ ሸቶኡ ከይሃረመ
ዶብና ጥሒሱ _____ብኢትዮጵያ ጌሩ ንሱዳን ዝሃደመ
ከዳዕ ተባላጺ_____ሆስፒታላትን ፋርማቻታትን ዘጻገመ
ከም ስርሒት ፈንቅል፣______ ብጽንዓት ከይተደርዓመ
ከምቲ ብመኻልፍን ሜላዊ ምዝላቕን ዝገበርናዮም ንወያነ
ኤለትሪክ እውን ይወቓዕ፣ብዋርሳይ ይክኣሎ ሕቖኡ ይገመ !!!
ቴሌቪዢንና ተቐይራ _____ናብ መብልዒ ጣውላ
DVD ና ተረሲዓ_________ ኮርያ ኣስተማሲላ
MOBILE ና _____ናብ መውረድ ጻሕሊ ተቐይራ
ግን ንባዕሉ ሉቺ ስለ ዝኾነ __ህዝብና ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
ኩራዝን ሽምዓን___________ መሊሰን ይኽበራ
ቃልስና ነዊሕን መሪርን ዩ__ 30 ዓመት ይጨመራ
ካብ ኮሎኒ ኤለትሪክ_______ ወጺእና ኣለና ሓራ !!!
ንኻብ ኮሎኒ ኢትዮጵያን ኤሌትሪክን ሓራ ዘውጽኣና ሰራዊትና ክብረትና ዘልኣለማዊ እዩ !!!
ከም በርበረን ጣፍን ናይ ጥዕና ጠንቂ ዝኾነ ኤለትሪክ እውን ብቓልስና ዓናዊ እዩ !!!
ሓምሻይ መስርዕ ዝኾነ ኤለትሪክ_______ ካብ ወያነ ጸላኢና, ፈሊና ኣይንርእዮን!!!
Wedi Hagher July 18, 2014
Do you remember a few years ago when Amanuel interviewed someone who said (just paraphrasing) “they were going to bring about change and were preparing for a plot” ? . At the time, during the interview, Amanuel said a telephone was smuggled to them by some justice seekers so that he can interview them. For few days, I thought change was coming soon, may be a matter of days, and was so excited that could not even sleep properly for several nights. I have strong doubts and clues that suggest to me, the writers of the document above are more or less the same people or belong to the same disinformation unit of the regime. They want people to expect a lot and when that does not materialize stop support for the opposition and lose faith in whoever claims working to bring about change. Amanuel may not be aware, but this could be the case.
The other day, when someone in Assenna reported that in Asmara there was no electricity and the blood bank there had to throw away precious blood donated by people, what actually had happened was the contrary. According to several sources in Asmara, that was the time in months when Asmara got electricity for two consecutive full days. May be someone has reported to Assenna to discredit it. Please make sure that the regime and its disinformation department (03) are not feeding your website with false news.
abraham July 19, 2014
Assena this decleration
Agenst the gangster HGDEF
to destroy them is good, but
the expire date is 20 september
If the matter is not executed
on this date you have to think
about 21st september.