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ህግደፋዊ ሰብ ድዩ ብዕራይ – ዋላ ንጥፍኣቱ ዝብሉ ሕራይ

ህግደፋዊ ሰብ ድዩ ብዕራይ ዋላ ንጥፍኣቱ ዝብሉ ሕራይ Tesfamariam W/giorgis 19/06/2014 ህዝብኻ እና ሃለቐስ ናብ ጓይላ ብጥልሉ ሬሳ ተጓሒፉ ኣብ ዒላ ተራእዩኳ ድዩ ኣብ ልዕሊኡ ዝላ ወለዲ ተሰምዓስ እንታየን ክብላ   ኣንቱም ጨካናት ጥሪት ህግደፍ ሕማም ተላገብ ጉልሓይ መንደፍ ደስታ ዝስምዖም ህዝብና ክቕዘፍ ንግዜኡ ተላገጹ ላክሳብ ዝሓልፍ   ፍርሕን

ህግደፋዊ ሰብ ድዩ ብዕራይ

ዋላ ንጥፍኣቱ ዝብሉ ሕራይ

Tesfamariam W/giorgis


ህዝብኻ እና ሃለቐስ ናብ ጓይላ

ብጥልሉ ሬሳ ተጓሒፉ ኣብ ዒላ

ተራእዩኳ ድዩ ኣብ ልዕሊኡ ዝላ

ወለዲ ተሰምዓስ እንታየን ክብላ


ኣንቱም ጨካናት ጥሪት ህግደፍ

ሕማም ተላገብ ጉልሓይ መንደፍ

ደስታ ዝስምዖም ህዝብና ክቕዘፍ

ንግዜኡ ተላገጹ ላክሳብ ዝሓልፍ


ፍርሕን ራዕድን ጭካኔን ከይ ነገሱ

ከይ ሳዕረረ ምስ ህዘብኹም ተመለሱ

ግዜ እንተወሲዱ ኣይርከብንዩ ፈውሱ

ካልእ ሕማም ከየድህበልኩም ተቓለሱ


እንሆ ይወናወኑ ንዕብዳን ቦሎኛ

ዕጠቕ ተሸባሽብ ንጥፍኣት ህዝብና

መቓብርና ረጊጽኩም አይትነቕኑቑና

ኣይሪኡ ኣይሰምዑ ኢልካ ጠሊምካና


ናትክን ከፊኡና ብዓል ውንጅ ምንጅር

በዋርቕክን ጸሚምና ደቂስና ከይንሓድር

ሰላም ሃባና ግደፎኦ ኣብ ርእሰና ዕግርግር

ኮቦሮ ተበዝሐ ናብ ቅዝፈት ገጹዩ ዝቐየር


ዘገርመና ዘሎ ናይተን ኣደታት ዝሸምገላ

ሓደ እግረና ንጉድጓድ እቲ ሓደ ንጓይላ

እዚአንሲ ኣርሆ እምበር ኣደታት ክባሃላ

እናጠፋእና ንዓማጺ ኣብ ጎነኻለና ዝብላ

ንዕቐትን ብድዐን ምስ ተፍአ ኣጉሊሑ

ጳጳሳትና ተቖጢዖም ደሞም ፈሊሑ

ሕልና ተገዲዶም መልእኽቲ ዘርግሑ

ዘስፈርዎ ጽሑፍ ኣብ ዓለም ተባጺሑ


ጳጳሳት ሃዋርያት ካቶሊካዊት ኤርትራ

ካብዘን ዘለዋናስ እምነትኩም ሲዒራ

ጀሚርኩሞ ዘለኹም መንፈሳዊ ሰውራ

መስዋእቲ እዩ ምእንተ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ


በዛ ኣርእስቲ ዝሰንበደ ሓውኻ ኣበየሎ

ኣብ ማሕንቖ ኣእቲኹሞ ንህግደፍ ጃሎ

መዋጽኦ ዘብይላ ሽግሩ ፈቲሑ ዘይክእሎ

ብህዝቢ ተፈንፊኑ ሕጂኸ ኣበዩ ዘብሎ

ዓማዊሉ ከይጎርሑ ብጣዕሚ ተሻቒሉሎ

ኤረና ከሑሎ ሎም ዘመን ሓዲኡሎ


Review overview
  • Berhe Tensea June 20, 2014

    Hgdefawian means a herd that is a group of domestic animals incapable of thinking logically. The dictator also believes the Eritrean people is a herd , when he directed or advised the people to go to where the water is than to complain about the acute shortage of water in Asmara and other towns.

    • Tselot June 20, 2014

      You nailed it man.

      • Saba June 24, 2014

        ብዕራይ እባ ይሓይሽ፡ ብጫዩ ዝብኢ እንተበልዓሉ ዓዕ ይብል።

  • Dan June 20, 2014

    Truly truly

  • Stefanos Temolso June 20, 2014

    Tesfamariam, you are really great! I enjoy your poems very much. Please keep the torch of our struggle burning by writing such enlightning poems. Literature is an art that feeds a hungry mind, it awakenes and revitilizes the mind. keep the good job! The brutal regime will perish under our pressure!

  • Dan June 20, 2014

    The herd of nihna nusu they like wedi medhin berad but he doesn’t like them he wasn’t sleep even one minute to do all evil things against eritrean people and the country.

    • mg June 20, 2014

      well said Dan and great poem T. W/G!

  • ERITRAWIT June 20, 2014

    Very nice poem they are responsible for supporting this Devil man. Keep it up Brother!!!!!!

  • Sorobeti June 20, 2014

    They are like what Amnuel Eyassu once characterized them ZEMACH that think they will be beneficiaries from the misery and sufferings of our poor people.

  • mg June 20, 2014

    Shame on this beautiful young lady kissing a killer’s hand!

  • SPECIAL BREED June 20, 2014

    Tesfamariam W/giorgis,
    ንኢሳያስ ደዊለሉ እዛ….
    “ህግደፋዊ ሰብ ድዩ ብዕራይ
    ዋላ ንጥፍኣቱ ዝብሉ ሕራይ”

    ከስምዖ ኢለ፣ምስ ወድኤት ኢሳያስ ከት ከት ኢሉ ስሒቑ፣
    ድሓር ናቱ መልሲ ብመልክዕ ግጥሚ ጌሩ ሰዲዱልካ።

    ንጀብሃ ኣስላመይቲ ______________ጓል ሓሊማ ኢለ ከቕህማ
    ንህዝቢ ኩናማ__________ብመጅሙዕ ጠየይት ክድርዕማ ኣልማማ
    ንዓፋር ምስ ደቃ_______ኣጽኒተ ኢትዮጵያ ከም ትስደድ ከጣምማ
    ኣበይ ኔርክን ?____________ ህዝበ ትግርኛ ሰብ ክልተ ዕላማ
    ሎሚ ዶ ተሰሚዑክን,እተን ዝሞታ እኒ ጎይትኦም እኒ ኣልማዝ ምስኮና
    ንደምሒት ሕጀ____ ኢትዮጵያ ከእትወክን እየ እንታዴኽን ከይትኾና
    ጽጋብን ሰላምን ኣቢሲንያ፣___ Allergy ጌሩልክን ካብ ትሕሰማ
    ስጋ ሲ ኣይ ኤ____ ክፍንጥሓክን እየ ፋሕ ፋሕ ደላ ባራዩ ክትኮና ?

    ኢሉ ምስ ወድ ኤ፣ንዓይ ኣታ ሙታንታ ቀበሌ ሕጂ ክ ኣ ሙታንታ ወያነ ኴንካ ተጋጊ ኣለኻ___ሓንቲ ጓል ሳምረ ኣፍቂርካ ዲኻ__፧ ድምበዛን ጸማማት ኣእዛን፣እዘን ዓጋመ ፈውሸናኻ ድየነ ምስ በለኒ__ኖእ ጓል ተምቤ እያ ምስ በልኩዎ ሓሪቑ ነታ ቴሌፎን ኣብ እዝነይ ዓጽይዋ።፡

    Bad Bad Isaias ,We thought he was pure Eritrean, cheater cheater..he is tembien ?
    ጥዕና ጥራይ ደቂ ሃገረይ እምባሕ ጥራይ ንበል፣ወጋሕ ትበል ለይቲ

    • Gideon June 20, 2014

      The one and the only undisputed champion of the tigrigna poems.
      Very well said uncle SYE (SPECIAL BREED) and please keep it up.
      The dictator has been deceiving the Eritrean public repeating the
      same rhetoric’s of ‘we are special people’, fuluy hizbi’, ‘invincible’,
      ‘civilized than the rest’ etc hallow words, did not & will never work at all.

    • asghedom June 26, 2014

      Tesfamaria, I appreciate your poem , but the conclusion is not correct. It is not good after millions of Eritrean Emblta , koboro to send him to Tembien.
      I don’t agree Eritrean Dictator to send him to Temben.
      why Eritrean they don’t want to be responsible of their deed, and accept their mistake. Form these Typically Eritrean. If we go back to Eritrean recent history . Bahta Hagos Segeneiti Brought Italians to Eritrea , his brothers was not agree with him and he was killing them , finally disagree with Italians decided to fight and has been killed by Italian srmy, the support of the Akeleguzai was not prompt for his past deeds.
      Ras woldemikael from Hamasien, he destroyed all the notable people of Hamasien and Igrian lords, agreeing with Egyptians. when the British has obliged the Egyptians not to help woldemikael and give him to yohannes he turn home and he died in Adwa, his tigrian brothers did not kill him , instead gave him a wife to procreate children from Tigrawiti. he participate in the battle of Adwa and has been given permeation by Menelik to go back to Hamasien but he refuse to go back because no Hamsaenai liked him and he new that he will be killed.
      What about Esayas Afewerki of Hamasien, he fought against the Eritrean arms , he succeed to win the war, look what is happening , he is not Eritrean but a son of lords of Tembien Abye Addi, what big shame to Eritreans, it is possible to underestimate oursalves and all our leaders from outside of Eritrea by descendent.
      1. weldeab woldemariam tigraway
      2. Asfaha woldemichael wwolamo
      3. the first president of Eritrea from Nigeria
      4. Isayas Afewerki from Tembien
      5. all the generals, and all the apparatus of the actual government Tigrians , Arabs, Indians etc.
      this means when we don’t like them we give them name and sure name from different neighboring countries , when we like them we give them names and sure name that they don’t merit it.
      what make Eritreans to be like this, because they are not sure even themselves from where they come. they know the village where they born, but they luck to know their origin.
      they don’t want know their history, they know only that they where occupied by the Italians and they start to eat spaghetti and bread as they don’t have Engera , and they put themselves one of the most civilized people of east Africa because they have been colonized by ignorant Italians.
      It is not true the kebabi Hamsien are not Agame origine , and the Anseba people from gonder, the metahet people from SHAO, and the seraye fom Adwa and shire.who is the original Eritrean , would like to stop bla bla and think who are you and where you come from.
      what makes Eritreans shay of their origin and their original history. after all human biengs are all equal wither you born from east, west, north or south. After all most of us we ignorant of our history , the few people who are writing neberya nebere tolled by their fathers and grand fathers they think it is true history. It has no any proof by they believe in these tells and they are very proud of their undocumented history.
      I would like to repeat it one thousand times ( even though I don’t like him ) Isayas Afewerki Is FULL ERITREA FROM HAMASIEN weather we like or no. If we heat him we have to heat him of his deed but not of his origin, Temben they don’t call him he is from Tembien.
      I can even add it ( most Eritrean Tigrigna speaking they don’t know where they come from) that is the biggest problem.
      Tigrigna speaking are the problem of Eritrea they are not constant in words and origin.
      My Brother Tesfamariam your poem is very good but you killed it in your conclusion, don’t be ignorant about the Tigrigna speaking people, they are all brothers but unfortunately they have got enemies bigger than them, but they demonstrated they are brave people , and they succeed to wine in war Turkish, Egyptians, Italians and other inside and outside enemies. the enemy of this people have studied more and more how to deal with these people and the easiest way was to divided them agreeing with inside and outside power and subject them. this is the end of the history of Mereb people.

      • Justice has come finally June 27, 2014

        Whether he is from Tenben or Hamasen , the damage is already done . People are venting out their frustration with different media .

        But you have a point . Eritreans require fundamental change in education and mindset to go far beyond what they are now .

  • deranto June 20, 2014

    Higdefawyan kisab meas ekom tlibmu kulo gzye kitsawetelkom knebir asha mengisti.

    • windshield June 21, 2014

      Ayiii der’anto iski kilte shewate teahatseb kurub tsebel dere’anto intetekemeka….Ashas isika ika menghistna aykonen!!

      • Saba June 24, 2014

        “መንግስተይ” ድኣ በሊ፡ መን ምስ ወከለኪ “መንግስትና” ክትብሊ፡ መን ምስ መረጾኸ ንኅዝቢ ኤርትራ ክውክል?

  • Delaii fithi June 21, 2014
