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Breaking News: Yohannes Tikabo, a famous Eritrean artist, abandons the dictatorial PFDJ regime in Eritrea. sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea. Wedi Tikabo has been sent sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea.

Wedi Tikabo has been sent abroad by the PFDJ along a group of artists for propaganda shows, which the regime often uses to dissuade the decline of its support base among Diaspora Eritreans.

In light of the recent Lampedusa tragedy, which shocked the whole nation and the world, excluding the regime in Asmara, Yohannes Tukabo’s decision was both timely and morale.

Review overview
  • Angle Tom October 30, 2013

    U are a trash butterfly tikabo I think u lose mind how much they pay u to do the? STUPED

    • cici October 31, 2013

      Angle tom
      Trashy people always talk trash. U the one stupid trash. I don’t think you even understand wedi tikabos lyrics …its too much for your little cheesehead all you know is what a butterfly is. So next time u better shut ur mouth unless you wanna go alllll the way.

  • rose October 30, 2013

    Wedi-Tkabo is ever single peron but by good luck he was appericated by his song but he used to modify the words we talk normally he is not like philosephers or a man we could worried that much .Whether he support the government or not it dosen,t mean tha everything will be destroyed because of him no not at all he not prophet .

  • Almaz October 30, 2013

    I feel sorry for you wedi Tikabo. You have been a talented artist but I wonder what makes you decide this route. You have been proud and well respected in the homeland and bad some unforseen prize will make you defect, if that is the case.
    One thing for sure is, your future is starting to collapse, no matter what.

    • Aman November 1, 2013

      I could not belive it what I am reading with some of the people posts. Let me tell you something, If, Wedi Tikabo wanted to defect, he would have done it 10 or 15 years ago, he several chances. But, just like all of us, he thought, changes might come, Unfortunately it is getting worest ever second. As far as Wedi Tikabo future, he will be better off abroad. He songs live forever, he song them from his bottom of his heart not for Issaia or his Korakurs. Bravo Wedi Tekabo!! Let me know, if you want a manager or promotors, will be very happy to assist you.
      Take care my friend, it was a pleasure to know you and call you a true eritrean revolutionary. ” it is just a begging” Warning PFDJ….run, find place to hide now!!

    • cici November 1, 2013

      who r you to predict someone’s future??

  • the monkey family October 30, 2013

    Some of you idiots have no manner at all. If life in Eritrea is so good what the hell are you doing in a third country as refugees?. Isayas is no doubt a dictator or does any one claim otherwise? you must be out of your mind. Just like PIA. The country’s economy is in ruins, Eritrean youth die like flies trying to make a future for themsleves. Eritrea and Eritreans have lost thier dignity because of the refugee crisis. Grow a brain cell and think for your self. Who is reponsible for this Eritrean apocalypse?. PFDJ has killed Eritrea.

  • Metkelawi October 31, 2013

    ናብ ኣዳለውቲ መርበብ ሓ-ኣሰና
    ኣብዚ ሎሚ እዋን ኣብ መርበብ ሓበረታታት እናኣተወ ዝከታተል ሰብ ብዙሕ ኢዩ። እንተኾነ እተን መ-ሓ- ካብ ግዝየ ናብ ግዝየ እናደኸማ ክኸዳ ኢኻ እትርኢ። ሓደ ካብቲ ቀንዲ ጠንቅታት ከኣ። ብዘይካ ጸርፍን-ንዕቀትን-ክፋእን ካልእ ተመሊስካ ከተንብቦ እትብህጎ ጽሑፋት ስለ ዘይብለን ኢዩ። ንኣብነት ኣባኻትኩም (ኣሰና) ክኣቱ፣ ትሕዝቶ ጽሑፍኩም (ኢሳያስ ከምዚኣ ገበረ=ኢሳያስ ከምዚኣ በለ== ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ—–ወዘተ) ጥራይ ኮይኑ ዘረባኹም።ውድሚ ኹሉ ፣ንዕቀት ኣኣይግድን፡ (ኣባ ጎብየኮ ንማንቲል ስለ ዝነዓቐቶ ኢዩ ዝቐደማ)። ግና ሓደ ዝጥርጥሮ ነገር ኣሎ። ሻዕቢያ ሓደ ካብቲ ቀንዲ ዘዐወታ፣ ንጸላኢ ኣብ ውሽጡ ኮይኖም ዝተሓባበሩዋ ሰባት ስለ ዝባርዋ ኢያ ተዓዊታ። እቕረታ ደኣምበር እቶም ኩልሉግዝየ ዝጻረፉ ከም በዓል ኣማንአል እንድዕሎም///

  • eri October 31, 2013

    Wedi tukabo is talented singer. However, no one knows what is in his mind. The mistake he made is , to give interview. It is not worth to destroy your image. NOT A SMART MOVE AT ALL..

    • eri October 31, 2013

      Big mistake brother.

  • eri October 31, 2013

    I do not think wedi tukabo understand the damage he create for himself.

    • cici November 1, 2013

      eri, u need to shut up shut up and shut up!!!!!

  • ChemblaliE November 1, 2013

    ነታ ጽንብላሊዕ ትብል ደርፉ፡ ጭምብላሊዕ ኢሉ ክደርፋ እዩ ኣብ ትግራይ።

    • cici November 1, 2013

      chemblalie, and you r resah agame.

  • Angle Tom November 2, 2013

    cici u and yohannes trash. anyway tell to yohannes to pay off his lone. he borrow form a lot pople. or pay his dead. I hope u understand TRASH

    • cici November 2, 2013

      Angle tom
      fuck you! You stupid liar . Keep running ur mouth like that b/c thats whts you good at. Snitch get a life!

  • Amni goyta yesus November 2, 2013

    Guday hagerna ab kidmi amllak kerbna mitsilayn hatyatna miemanin eyu

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