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Breaking News: Yohannes Tikabo, a famous Eritrean artist, abandons the dictatorial PFDJ regime in Eritrea. sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea. Wedi Tikabo has been sent sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea.

Wedi Tikabo has been sent abroad by the PFDJ along a group of artists for propaganda shows, which the regime often uses to dissuade the decline of its support base among Diaspora Eritreans.

In light of the recent Lampedusa tragedy, which shocked the whole nation and the world, excluding the regime in Asmara, Yohannes Tukabo’s decision was both timely and morale.

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  • shaka October 23, 2013

    who is next to abandon the dictatorial PFDJ regime in Eritrea? might be MONKY,KISHA…
    definitely NOT WECHU,he is stupid can’t survive abroad he is glued with PI till the end

    • amir akeza October 25, 2013

      Abandoning the country and its expectations will never be a promising solution. The regime is very skillful in strategic filling the vacuum created by defectors. Defectors are considered by PFDJ as cancers of the country and hence believes Eritrea is cured from cancer cells anytime a person defects. Defecting can be a means only and only when those who defect organize themselves to perpetuate struggle to overthrow the regime. We should not always be naïve to think that some of the defectors, if not all, could be servants of the regime sent on purpose to disintegrate the unity of the forces for change. Keep in mind that PFDJ thinks more about how Ethiopia could prosper amid weakening Eritrea and its people. Time will witness that Weyanes and PFDJ are working in clandestine strategic alliance. The only solution is therefore to start armed struggle within the Eritrean territory before the nation totally collapses. This responsibility should entirely rest on the youth if not the destiny of Eritrea and its people will inevitably be regretful. Every Eritrean should remember that PFDJ is primarily serving the agenda of Woyane in Building Abay Tigray.

      • sammy October 27, 2013

        what a fool. you really believe in what you r writing?
        mihret yewrdelka tesfa skoretska tmesl

  • yohannes anbessa October 23, 2013

    Yes the taller you are the narrow minded you become Mr issayas . It seems as you have missed some important equipment from your brain . From this time oneard do not expect to be trusted by the majority eritreans . You have been faking so many story’s but the movie ended with a few spectators who are blinded by your trick I for one thinking you were true Eritrean but it seems your dream is to destroy our beloved county which did cost so many life but you have chosen different life while people are suffering you are an embarrassment because of your personal problems the country left without any friend

    • Sarah October 23, 2013

      I hope you are under age to write what you wrote otherwise, it is childish. Forgive me for saying that and I recommend you to to read and dig out the history of Eritrea. Then if you are open minded, you will understand the stand of the president and you will appricate what he is doing for his people and country.

      • lili October 24, 2013

        sarha, you sound very stipid!!! open your eyes sweet heart. you just don’t know whts going on. so be quite!!

      • Genet October 25, 2013

        You think and talk like it is the 1990. You are snoozing… Wake up sister. This dictator is not only wrong for our country, he is deadly. You don’t have to take my word or any body else’s word for it, just look around you. There is noting but dead bodies(literally speaking) and unimaginable scale of misery. No food, water, no freedom to breath. No body in his/her right mind would says this is OK.

  • Rahwa October 24, 2013

    Oh!!! May be he was sent as a spy to the opostions, be aware Anti-Higdefs!!!

  • yohannes anbessa October 24, 2013

    Sara sariti you seems to be blinded by Mr issays foolish talk however you have either little knowledge of Eritrea or you want to involve in the chat to improve your English need to grow up in order to have a credible conversation because you need to read and ask the older people otherwise don’t tell any one what the government is doing is good in your eyes only if your eye sight is good do read read repeatedly satire if that is your name I doubt it

    • lili October 24, 2013

      yohannes, I like you 🙂 You gave good advice to sara I mean sariti Lol

      • yohannes anbessa October 25, 2013

        Hi lily I very much like your opinion about politics and as eritreans we have got to learn from each other for the good of our beloved country . It seems there are few Sara who needs a bit of history lesson without been critic of some people they need a convincing point to understand .my dream is for us to stand together and voice our demand as things can not get any worst from the horror we have witnessed our people have become a food to sharks in the sea and it is our responsibility to stand against issayas and his small loyal supporters to give a freedom to all our citizens . This time to fight for standing firm for the people of Eritrea and our cogunty . God bless all the good Eritrean and our small and beautiful nation . Once we have been supporting the government and principles however it was empty promises .I don’t think if he remember what he had been saying for the past 20 years . All the answers seems to be not giving a straight answer he would rather likes the confrontation the interviewer that is just to please his ego next time i will put some of the questions and his silly answers . We should be ashamed to tell any person he is Eritrean president.

        • lili October 25, 2013

          You so right yohannes, I agree a100% with what you said. As long as we stick together and pray, pfdj is going down sooner or later, becouse the truth always comes out…

  • wedi zbansinkey October 25, 2013

    can i ask to my eritrean people? how we end up like this?i mean realy?? i be come to be shame to be eritrean. i mean it…. can some one tell me?!!!

    • gual asmara October 25, 2013

      I feel you and ,I dont know how we end up like this. All eritrean should be one. stick together and work for something positive. Please let’s stop hating each other ,and work for something better… its ridiculous !!

  • murur October 26, 2013

    Weldan wedi tikabo.

  • murur October 26, 2013

    Finaly the regim of isayas will remain with skeleton with out flesh.

  • Kibreab Habtom October 26, 2013

    Great Wedi Tikabo.You took this action as an extegadalie and an a popular artist. I am sure other HGDEF members will follow your example.

  • yohannes anbessa October 27, 2013

    In all the issayas there is a very stupidity to think anyone who is questioning a very difficult and real question must have been a member of opposition which is clearly show they need to be examine their mental states the country is belongs to all Eritrean so we are entitle to ask when the government become so irresponsible

  • michael October 27, 2013

    be ashamed to be eritrean.

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