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Breaking News: Yohannes Tikabo, a famous Eritrean artist, abandons the dictatorial PFDJ regime in Eritrea. sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea. Wedi Tikabo has been sent sources in the US confirm, the famous Eritrean artist Yohannes Tukabo (Wedi Tikabo), who has been in the US for PFDJ organised official tour abandons the dictatorial regime in Eritrea.

Wedi Tikabo has been sent abroad by the PFDJ along a group of artists for propaganda shows, which the regime often uses to dissuade the decline of its support base among Diaspora Eritreans.

In light of the recent Lampedusa tragedy, which shocked the whole nation and the world, excluding the regime in Asmara, Yohannes Tukabo’s decision was both timely and morale.

Review overview
  • Kombishtato October 19, 2013

    Congratulations assenna,
    It is one of your greatest news scoops.

    wedi Tukabo,

    welcome to justice and freedom. You are a freeman, not a Hgdef slave anymore. Like any free man, you have every right to live freely, to live anywhere and to pursue your artistic dreams.

    • Kombishtato October 19, 2013

      ኣብ ውሽጢ ሓደ ሰሙን፣ ብዘይ ሓንቲ ቶኽሲ፣ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ቅድሚ ምሉእ ዓለምን ኣብ ቅድሚ ኤርትራውያንን ጨርቁ ደርብዩ፣ ዕርቃኑ ወጺኡ።

  • berhan gedem October 19, 2013

    If it is true he will be next hero because the batcher dictator send him for false propaganda to show to his loyal puppets solodarity,unfortunatly this kind terrible event live alone for eritrean for world community it is sad.
    the action take it by Yohannes in the really moment.

  • aus 17 October 19, 2013

    I once refered him as a dead body/talent while still alive.Today I hear his rebirth to life simply and hopefully to defend the unjustly judged people of yours WEd Teklu. An artist is by definition God given especial knowledge/insight that was forfeited by your own willing hopefully serve your people at this time of severe crises where gothering ours common souls is a must.
    WEllcome to your peoples side and throw away the barbaric devillish agenda of sacking the blood of the innocent youths and elderly and widows for Hidefs sake
    Good to say enough is enough.

  • Yerhiwo October 19, 2013

    I hope this is a credible story!! If it is, this is a big blow to HGDEF and Mad dog Wedi Medhin Berad!!!

    May god bless the victims of Lampedusa!! Wedi Tikabo you did not forget the victims, you heard their cry, you heard the tears of their mothers!!! Bravo Wedi Tikabo and I salute you on behalf of the 365 Eritreans who died in the sea!!!

    “Ezom 360 resa hiaw eyom”!!!!

  • Haqi October 19, 2013

    I use to refuse to hear his song. Tonight I will.
    Wodi Tukabo , please do one for our fallen in Lamprdusa.

  • belay nega October 19, 2013

    As any person, wedi Tekabo has the right to make his choice,however, my question goes to the ID providers who use to call him Ethiopian.Now that he abandoned the gov, is he going to be Eritreans?

    • abdu October 19, 2013

      Mr. Belay; You are totally wrong; we never ever call names or baptize to any individual like ourselves who is been created by God. One thing you have to understand is been in one nationality ; ethnicity; religion ; colour and and so on it didn’t happen by choice

      • belay nega October 19, 2013


        “Mr. Belay; You are totally wrong; we never ever call names or baptize to any individual like ourselves who is been created by God.”

        May be you never did,but unfortunately that is an Eritrean syndrome.

    • abdu October 19, 2013

      Mr. Belay
      Who was and still calling wayne when some one who refuses to kneel down under the dictator; who was calling names when a Muslim Eritrean refuse to take side with dictator a mujahedin and hamushay mesrea

      • belay nega October 20, 2013

        “Who was and still calling wayne when some one who refuses to kneel down under the dictator”

        Abdu, forget about the nick names, and keep on saying what you think is right.

    • Suleiman Salim October 19, 2013

      Belay Nega,

      Excellent point.

      • belay nega October 20, 2013

        Thank you Suleiman.

    • COW FACE October 19, 2013

      Belay ,

      I was thinking the same myself ,Belay ,you are brilliant remind me of me..That is why while I am glad he has defected will that cure our rotten mentality ? Bravo Belay ,I know we do not see eye to eye on our believes ..but my respect continues.

      Bravo Belay

      • belay nega October 20, 2013

        Thanks,Mehretu Habte,and I hope that everyday, everybody learns out of his/her mistake.

        • COW FACE October 20, 2013

          Brother Belay ,

          I say Amen too that and as myself have revealed ,Mehretu Habte ,Cow face ,Cyber Cure & Yugoslavo Eritrean is one & the same …different Sexy names..but one message.

          Bless you Belay

  • Harnet October 19, 2013

    Congratulations to assenna and Welcome Wedi Tukabo!
    You are on the side of justice.
    You are on the side of the suffering Eritreans.
    No more serving the Evil regime in Asmara!
    You have made the right decision at the right time my brother.
    I welcome you.

    May God Bless you both and keep you safe.

    Ertirawit haftikum

  • Wedi Tororonto October 19, 2013

    This is huge! This is one more indication that Lampedusa is Pfdj’s Bermuda Triangle!
    Wedi Tkuabo, I salute you, sir! Welcome to your people.

  • The Truth October 19, 2013

    How is one singer who will most likely be a taxi driver in the Diaspora going to be a big blow to PFDJ? We need to get real with ourselves especially given there are so many singers in Eritrea nowadays. This does nothing for the status quo.

    • Haile October 19, 2013

      He made a personal decision, his life is in the hands of justice seekers. Now, does it matter his future profession?


      • The Truth October 19, 2013

        I would think to him it would. From being a man adored by many in Eritrea and around the world to a nobody in the States with no discernible skills. I guess he could be a wedding singer. If so, he won’t engage in politics because money is green no matter who you’re taking it from. Wish the best for him but let’s be honest his departure means nothing in the grand scheme of things. If anyone thinks otherwise, they’re lying to themselves.

        • answer October 19, 2013

          What you wrote is non sense. I would just advice you to be humane. And for Wedi Tkabo I dislike him. He is just a singer full of lies, but may be he will be an example to others. Well, we will see what he will do. Time will be the judge.

          For Assena, the best true teller, thanks for updating new information.

          • The Truth October 20, 2013

            Thank God I don’t take advice from idiots such as yourself.

    • Meretse Asmelash October 20, 2013

      The Truth,
      After I read your comments I said “hmmm” to myself.
      Here is the reason why? First, I tried to understand you where you are coming from; but with all that in mind, I also tried to differ with your comments. In the present time there is one thing that we should all remember; making a difference starts with one person.
      Of course I am not sure how big is going to be his role, but I do expect him to add his voice to our voice “Enough is Enough”; yours included.
      Brother/Sister The Truth, let this time be the time of welcoming whoever abandons the regime.
      Hisab dehar.

      • TheTruth October 20, 2013

        No offense to him but he’s simply a singer. Nothing more nothing less. Eritrea has hundreds if not thousands of new singers who will carry the torch and if want’s a career in the Diaspora then he will not engage in politics. Will interfere with his ability to earn a living. This is the reality that you must understand. If anything he will offer his services at festivals hosted by PFDJ. He offers nothing concrete to your desire for change. You don’t change governments from a mic. As for me, I’ll voice my concerns to the parties that can invoke real change. The opposition in my eyes is worse than PFDJ. Who wants to join a band of misfits?

        • Meretse Asmelash October 20, 2013

          Cool down but please don’t freeze there. As you have said, You don’t need to join the opposition, but the main stream.

      • ahmed saleh October 20, 2013

        Integrity , morality , self-confidence , fair judgment and most of all to proof as a man of honor requires
        a courage to act rightfully regardless its outcome to preserve your respect as a human being.
        Most of us love Wedi Tukabo songs and it is nice to see his solidarity with his people’s plight .

    • Haqi October 20, 2013

      He was and is Eritrean now , forever and ever.

    • Haqi October 20, 2013

      This is the exact reason DIA is ahead of pseudo-intellectual beings like you and I. Like it or not WodiTukabo has huge higdefites and worst silent Eritreans that his exit will reverberate.

      I can tell you however he was awakened & hurt him is Atlanta. He partied the people while the news of Lampedusa was fresh&. Then came the barrier of truth head priest of Atlanta sermon.

      Now the question is SHiLAN ? Is he going to be Yemane Barya or washilakh Bereket Mengistab. You see truth is reeling right in their eye. Only goodmen and women face truth and do the right thing.

      • The Truth October 20, 2013

        What you fail to understand is in 1988 mass departures from the front occurred because they didn’t believe the struggle would ever end. For those that believed, they put their heads down and went to work and subsequently brought independence. Same logic applies here. He may or may not have fled but you don’t cry over spilled milk. Eritrea will move on and PFDJ will still be there because they understand the game a whole lot better than all the emotional dimwits in the Diaspora.

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