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  • jemal September 26, 2011

    this is not opposition. this coward. shame on you. i oppose the regime in asmara, but in this way. its stupid to insulte, but gentile to oppose in intelligent way. this guys who was going after yemane are hooligans, not oppositions.

    • Concerned Eritrawi September 27, 2011

      Jemal, you do not seem to oppose the regime,
      Our people are suffering back home and everywhere due to this regime and you are saying this act is stupid? I do not know where you came from but to the regime that do not understand anything, one has to use anything and by any means to show them how really the Eritrean people hate them.

  • Temesgen Medhanie September 26, 2011

    I am not sure about you my brethren but I can’t seem to get enough of this historic video. I wish the silent majority of the Eritrean people in Eritrea could watch it. The spin doctors and PFDJ handlers in land and other good for nothing websites including the neither here nor there will to try to downplay it as if it was a minor incident where it doesn’t “reflect the wish of the Eritean people” when the reality in fact dictates that, the bent up unger in every Eritrean’s heart is about to explode. As you watch the video you can’t help it but notice how Yemane Monkey kept his composure as he was calculating not to provoke them any further where it could have backfired on him. Here is the deal: had one of the brave young people spit on him or throw a punch at him, sure enough, Monkey would have responded back and of course, as much as it is a busy street, the altercation would have gathered momentum where the police would be at the scene. The scene would have attract the attention of the media where a diplomat is in a browl with young people with specific political demands from the very government which claims to represent them. As the media would have dug onto the matter, Yemane and PFDJ would be exposed further as the major media outlets would give the incident a considerable coverage which would eventually benefit to further the political demand of the young brave Eritreans. Thus, it is a calculated move on Monkey’s part to walk with his tails between his legs to his hotel with out saying a single word what so ever.

    • Rusom Merhawi September 26, 2011

      Temesgen Medhanie,

      They did well. Confronting evil where ever you find it is honorable. I am still squeamish about the their xenophobic comments, though. Tigrians and many other decent people may not see it the same way you looked at it. All and all, however, it’s a good start, albeit it’s bumpy.

  • adgi zigebereka teyki gibero September 26, 2011

    Temesgen medhanie I support your comment concerning why they insulted him agame.As to his crime it is hard to control your emotion. But more will come”Izi hitse iu meria alo Gena”.

  • Hmmm September 26, 2011

    I heard about this video today and had to see it what it was. I didn’t expected it to be such a confrontation. Man, what a humiliation! He got treated as he deserves. I wonder what the HGDEF supporters will say? “It is a lei”, “Where is the evidence”,”It is not Yeman in the video”.
    What I wonder is how come he didn’t even try to protect the lady? Instead she had to run after him.
    Thank you guys, this video overshadowed the gathering of HGDEF.

    The way things are moving, it won’t be long before we see the dictator gets dragged out of a hole, like Saddam

  • Temesgen Medhanie September 26, 2011

    I am not sure about you my brethren but I can’t seem to get enough of this historic video. I wish the silent majority of the Eritrean people in Eritrea could watch it. The spin doctors and PFDJ handlers in land and other good for nothing websites including the neither here nor there will try to downplay it as if it was a minor incident where it doesn’t “reflect the wish of the Eritean people” when the reality in fact dictates that, the bent up unger in every Eritrean’s heart is about to explode. As you watch the video you can’t help it but notice how Yemane Monkey kept his composure as he was calculating not to provoke them any further where it could have backfired at him. Here is the deal: had one of the brave young people spit on him or throw a punch at him, sure enough, Monkey would have responded back and of course, as much as it is a busy street, the altercation would have gathered momentum where the police would be at the scene. The scene would have attracted the attention of the media where a diplomat is in a browl with young people with specific political demands from the very government which claims to represent them. As the media would have dug onto the matter, Yemane and PFDJ would be exposed further as the major media outlets would give the incident a considerable coverage which would eventually benefit to further the political demand of the young brave Eritreans. Thus, it is a calculated move on Monkey’s part to walk with his tails between his legs to his hotel with out saying a single word what so ever.

    • Fresewra September 27, 2011

      I agree with you 110% temesgen. It is a very good idea and definitely some thing we need to consider for the future. Those guys have done their part and now it is our turn to do ours.

  • Berhane September 26, 2011

    Aseye Assena
    kmzi endbelna mguyaynaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    nhgdef anasu abzezatewuwo selam nklayom agjona deki Ere bi

    • abdi September 29, 2011

      Lol kem’eu endabelka mugyayka ‘we,hadami

  • Neguse September 26, 2011

    HIGDEF who is gang and mafia? the best of both is your Junta these are brave young Eritreans chasing the bloody thug.No more HIGDEF Meeting you are going to be chased you cannot abuse Eritreans no more.Hade libi bunch they don;t reflect the Eritrean masses.

  • tesfit September 26, 2011

    hiiiiiiiiiii brukat yehwat itmiqiwamkum aymitetselienmeselkum selezekone ETA AGAMETBL ZEREBA MO AYGIDEN

    • abdi September 27, 2011


  • Hagos September 26, 2011

    I like the comment by Dawit Tsehaye.hahahahah. hahahah. thank you very much you give a wonderful say. I know that they are like a barking dog.

  • Samrawit September 26, 2011

    This video has been the talk of the city I am not isias’ seminar. Job well done brothers/sisters. You may have been out numbered but with video you showed the us who is true and selfless Eritrean.

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