WHO IS LETTING ERITREA DOWN? Ezana Sehay 03/05/ 2014 Eritrea is at a critical juncture. It is facing a fundamental threat: its unity is under assault, social norms are deteriorating, and the economy is in an extreme

Ezana Sehay 03/05/ 2014
Eritrea is at a critical juncture. It is facing a fundamental threat: its unity is under assault, social norms are deteriorating, and the economy is in an extreme derailment. All these as the consequence of Isayas’s pitiful iniquitous 23 year rule that is blighting the nation, capsized the people’s aspiration for democracy and caused mass exodus that rivals that of the Derg era.
The question on every one’s mind is; is there a way out of this maelstrom situation? The answer is a qualified yes.
Truth be told, Eritrea has everything it needs to overcome the current existential quandary or fend off the consequential demise of the PFDJ regime, with one giant exception; a lynch pin. An effective and visionary leadership is the missing link of the Eritrean politics. Such leadership has been the chimera goal of Eritreans and still remains to be as such.
We all know Eritrea is walking on a thorny rope and that people are stuck with a polarizing government and an opposition eco-system that is dysfunctional. At this stage, both lack the credential to garner the people’s trust. Because the politics of both are not working and won’t work or May I say don’t commensurate with democratization and pluralism.
I have confidence given the opportunity; the people of Eritrea are capable of making the right decisions. I know their culture of enterprise is still strong, most of them still have the values and characteristics that helped them achieve independence and overcome two decades of PFDJ brutality. I know despite the daunting challenges their spirit is adamantine. All they need is a leadership that can sublimate their impulses and give them guidance.
Wherefore, Eritreans are asking where are those intellectuals who are supposed to be vying for remedies to mitigate the country’s quagmire and avoid the specter of national disaster. Where are those?
Policy makers; who can build functional institutional structures, lay the ground for one coherent objective: a democratic nation building. Social analysts; who can help unleash the creative potential of the people. Critical thinkers: who can form political and civic societies which in turn would facilitate a new paradigm: sin qua non for pluralism.
In other words why are so many Eritrean intellectuals outside the loop of Eritrean politics or are so poorly equipped or disinterested in playing a positive role? Hence, the most important challenge for Eritreans is to figure out how to court these reluctant compatriot scholars and develop the kind of leadership the Eritrean political landscape lacks.
And that is disconcerting. Because the gravity of the problems the people are facing added to the absence of a genuine leadership is already beginning to have its toll. There are signs, the collective national identity and cohesiveness is eroding.
Not because of the sins of pride, religious, or ethnicity, rather, because of the failure of the Eritrean leadership at both end of the political spectrum, to offer perspectives that properly addresses the current political and social reality.
And certainly is not the “blatant external meddling”. Eritreans know, this is a narrative perpetuated by the regime as an excuse to cop out of its national responsibilities.
No, the greatest threat to Eritrean national unity – besides the obvious (ISAYAS) – is the ineptness of the people who are tacit or should’ve been natural leaders of the Eritrean transformation: the Eritrean intellectuals and professionals, Sons and daughters of Eritrea who seem to have lost track of the important national imperatives.
Not all of them, I hasten to say, there are great scholars and some daring thinkers, who keep on inspiring and playing an indispensable role in the rough-and-tumble of Eritrean politics.
I am talking about those scholars, who have become cauterized about Eritrea’s plight. Higher learning in the Eritrean Diaspora esp. in the West has mushroomed. But despite the cornucopias of scholars, hither to, an inordinate of them are in inertia. Some demonstrate vapid concern, but most are indifferent or may I say sufficiently disinterested about what goes on in Eritrea or its future.
As for those intellectuals active in politics; their loyalty is apportioned between the government and the opposition. The sad reality is though, that so many of Eritrea’s best educated, best placed people are too invested on old politics and primordial values to genuinely help the country transition to the next level.
Take for example the regime affiliated intellectuals: instead of guiding and advising the regime to act on the interest of people, they have opted to serve as its spin doctors. And by in large, buttress divisive narratives … loyalty vs. betrayal, authority vs. subversion, and pull the government away from the middle all the way to the extreme.
Instead of opportunities for change they see threats; instead of hope they see danger; instead of healing a broken nation they inflame gaping wounds; and instead of focusing on the possibilities of progress they duel on revision and the undoing of everything that is true and worthy to stand.
The intellectuals on the other side of the isle (opposition) are hard to bunch in to one category. Some are consistently reflecting the peoples’ aspirations as well as their angst. Yet, there are those, who from to time devote their considerable talent, time, and energy to petty squabbles, trivial chatter and sectarian or partisan pontification that relives the ugly past rather than to transcend it.
Another invidious feature of such intellectuals is vivid in the proliferation of Eritrean political or civic groups, ostensibly opposition. If political or civic groups are tradable commodity, Eritrea will be the richest country in the world.
Eritreans, rightfully so, are suspicious of such mass incubation of groups. And sometimes question the sincerity of those who are keen on fabricating parties in lieu of joining those already in the field. In addition, the parties or groups that have emerged recently seem to follow a pattern, a pattern that looks unscrupulous.
Some are formed as a parallel group and to perpetuate schism. Some pop up at a particular time, usually to divert attention away from an opposition group that’s gaining momentum. Some are formed for the sole purpose of creating a chasm with another group. All these groups initially conjure up some cursory ideas but cope out fast.
If the leaders of all these groups or parties are for democracy and pluralism I am sure there is one group among the well established that would satisfy most of their political ideals. All they have to look is for mutually advantageous grounds. They should know, such proliferation is counterintuitive and is becoming an albatross to the opposition’s success.
On the other hand, may be that is their goal, May be they are the cats Isayas sent to roam among the pigeons. May be their mission is to throw a monkey wrench at any one or group that seems to pose a serious challenge to the regime. I mean it is plausible. If you see the trade mark of these humbugs: one day they raise the bar, but they limbo under it the next day.
Evidently, Eritrean elites are still haunted by some back ward sentiments. Perhaps due to embedded mediocrity or general tendency and inclination to express parochial loyalties that favor regional or religious predispositions, Eritrean political leaders remain ravaged by baseless arguments and ad-hominem attacks.
There lies the problem; rather than face the stark reality of existential national predicament, and address the socio-economic break down of the nation, their discourse tends to be dominated by partisan, regional or religious grievances and victim hood, beneath which begat an inter-group animosity.
This entails the rather disturbing realization that Eritreans are more prone to day (more than any other time), to relinquishing their own sense of identity.
We know the country doesn’t have the right leadership running it. Unless things change, and change fast, it is hard to say for sure, what kind of leadership or system it will have in the future and survive in the long haul.
Eritrean politics, for too long, has been dominated by unpleasant and destructive discourse, mixing self-pity and arrogance in equal terms. Consequently, each of Eritrea’s failures has a pre-fabricated excuse, each of its successes generate significant controversy.
This will continue unless the political and civic leaders expand their outreach, wholly absorb the reality on the ground and fully respect the lines of division drown between them according to their sphere of influence, profoundly believe in democracy as an idea, and prepare to work with the others not against the others.
This problem will continue unless the educated class tries to rectify its shortcomings, misjudgments, and failures concerning the country’s current socio-economic and political dispensation.
It is worth noting, that there is always going to be differences in political interests or ideals. Moreover, politics is not about unanimity, at best, politics is about consensus. So in the name of democracy and pluralism the stake holders should look for ideological similitude.
More often than not, a party’s (group) political interest or goal and the national interest are mutually exclusive. In such circumstances it is acknowledged; the former should be the handmaiden of the later.
It is time for the Eritrean scholar and leaders carpe diem. It is time for the intellectuals give a little to the country and people who gave them a lot. It is time for all the political and civic leaders engage sensibly and open an earnest political discussion in the spirit of collaboration and reciprocal altruism.
waEro March 5, 2014
Where are the G13. Where is Haile Debas, Asefaw Tekeste, Araya Debesai to mention some. You could give a great support to Amanuel and wedi Vacaro. You have responsibility.
Sala March 5, 2014
aytdkem…the only hope is smret meneseyat. the rest of the population is siezed by extreme cowardice. Eritreans would shit their pants than to ask their rights from hgdef mekete organizer. forget them mushmushat
waEro March 5, 2014
My hope these intellectuals could guide the younger generation. Semret menesyat I agree
Zufana March 5, 2014
Well said. However, the so-called intellectuals have opted for silence while poor Eritrea
is disappearing from the map all together. I also agree very much of ‘Semret Menasyat’.
ahmed saleh March 5, 2014
Thanks Ezana for your educational article concerning the ups and the down political obstacles on national issues . Our approach
on partisan politics would only prolong the
sufferings . For the sake of those who endure
hardship life we should focus on how to end
the practice of injustices to save the victims.
Delaying the expectations might effect the
credibility of the oppositions unless they come
with satisfactory solutions . Mutual understand-
ing and collaboration will solve the difficulties.
ahmed saleh March 5, 2014
The game of division and suspicion among our
young age and old age group as some try to put it reflects the already damaging tactics of HGDF . We call for UNITY and you call for separation , wake up guys be realistic and learn from our past to recognize our elders
history of patriotism beginning from the era of
Hareka , Mahber Shewate and Ghedli . The
founders were matured older age men . So stop
this nonsense crap of age discrimination.
Yerhiwo March 5, 2014
Nice article! I hope you point finger at those who are serving the Dictator for little supplementary money. Some of the so called Ph.D.’s and Drs. such as the squeaky voice Gideon Abay and “Chegora” face Tesfay Aradom and Berhe are not making sufficient money from their work in the colleges. One is Dr. of Maths, one is Psychology major and the other is Business that is not money making fields. Thus, they work for the dictator to supplement their meager wage. Believe me that these 3 stooges and blood suckers are paid from Eritrean Embassy that is collected illegally (2% taxation) to confuse and lie.
It is very sad that those kind of knuckle head doctors are engaged in this kind of business, but time will catch up with them. They are hurting their own people and add years to the misery of Eritrean people.
MightyEmbasoyra March 5, 2014
Brother Yerhiwo,
If you don’t mind, I will try to correct some of your statement. I agree with your these Educated idiots are beneath the ordinary citizen, looking at what they are doing. However, about the money making fields, you can make tons of money with these 3 fields. for instance:
1) Business – no need to look at beyond working in Wall street
2) Math (statistics) – you can make tons of money either in Wall street or some companies in Silicon Valley. Actually, you can work and make a decent living with this field.
3) Psychology – you can even open your own business and charge hefty fee/hr
Unless, these 3 are mediocre PhD holders – according to their current performance, I would guess they are. Why? A guy who knows how to read a book has dropped HGDF, long time ago but these guys still support the criminal individual.
Semira March 5, 2014
The old has tried but never finished the straggle for freedom and liberation. It’s time for the new generation to fight for freedom, library, quality and justice.
Semira March 5, 2014
Mcps fellow Eritreans:
The old has tried but never finished the straggle for freedom and liberation. It’s time for the new generation to fight for freedom, library, quality and justice.
ahmed saleh March 6, 2014
Well said Semira , the whole point is to look after the requested obligation with courage to follow the elders step of bravery and dedication
to reach the goal we anticipated for prosperous future after we paid expensive price ..
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis March 5, 2014
Eritreans not yet finished thier real indipendence ftom foreigners, Arabs, Egiptians and other forces that eritreans never new them.
in fact eritreans are condacting a war against abstract enemy without identifing the real enemy.
I think Ezana have difined it proporly , but in eritrea we have Meskerrm website, and Mr. Keleta who detail the enemy of eritreans, by listing ethiopian leaders, Eritrean oppositions, even Dr. Vacaro is on the list.
I have never seen Old people like Mr. Keleta who can have good exprirnce about Eritrean history he have never mentioned that the problem of eritrea are Arabs and Egiptians.
we forgot thecwar which has been vonducted in the eritrean soil,we forget the real history, we are very short sited peole , we rifues owers and accept what aother people give us.
Eritreans are have nation , with two language, two flage and no costitution. We are afreid to say the truth, we are afraied of every thing.
Kalighe March 5, 2014
Ezana Sehay, you said it all.
Kalighe March 5, 2014
” in eritrea we have Meskerrm website, and Mr. Keleta who detail the enemy of eritreans, by listing ethiopian leaders, Eritrean oppositions, even Dr. Vacaro is on the list. I have never seen Old people like Mr. Keleta who can have good exprirnce about Eritrean history he have never mentioned that the problem of eritrea are Arabs and Egiptians.”
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis
Are you trying to fool people ???, don’t waste your time.