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Wedi Temnewo vs. Wedi Bilata: Self-exposed system doesn’t need makeup to cover up

The members of Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group first came together when the members of the Jeberti delegation, who flew from Saudi Arabia, on a special mission of Jeberti nationality, were arrested upon their arrival at

The members of Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group first came together when the members of the Jeberti delegation, who flew from Saudi Arabia, on a special mission of Jeberti nationality, were arrested upon their arrival at Asmara airport.  To many of the Jebertis, the myth that Isayas hates them became realty when the arrest controversy became a serious political incident due to their questioning why and who had ordered the gunning down of Dr. Yassin Aberra.  As a result, Isayas accused the arrestees of being enemies of his regime and other serious crimes.  Isayas even denied hearing to the case of Jeberti nationality because he sensed that the Jebertis had no willingness to commit their monies and subordinate themselves to his kingdom or rule.

Because most of members of Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group were also members of ELF-RC (presently Dehnet/Inqaz/Salvation) turning to the leadership of the ELF-RC for help on the case of the arrestees was the only available option.  The ELF-RC promised to follow up and brief the world on the arrestees’ situations and health conditions through its newsletters, magazines and news releases.  As promised, the organization reported the arrestees’ case to the United Nation’s human rights and kept briefing the world on their case and situations until the day of their release.

The case wasn’t without collateral damage.  Because the arrestees’ situation was a disappearance case for a long time, many of their family members suffered heart attacks and sudden deaths.  Also, because the members of the Johar group were in Saudi Arabia, the Isayas group right away unleashed its coercive measures of denying passport renewal and other ambassadorial/consular services.  Most of the members, then, had to leave Saudi Arabia to avoid being victims of coercion or being targeted for denied consular services.

One of the leaders of Johar group was an ELF Wooga’At Harinet and an expert on group organization.  His big time organizational advice was on safety of the members of the group.  He used to describe Isayas as a monster claiming to be Rebicoom Al’AlaA (supreme power) with long arms to reach any point.  This expert used to describe Isayas’s false supremacy as to be revolving around telling the Eritrean families and its members that “if you are one I am the second; if you are two I am the third; if you are three I am the fourth; and so on.” So, this Woogu’Harinet’s advice to members of the Group was to have a strong filtering process to filter out Isayas’s infiltrators.  Indeed, that advice helped the members of Johar Group to safely go underground without any trace until most of the members left Saudi Arabia.

This response paper pursues some special discussions on the nationality question of Jeberti and seeks to touch upon and respond to Wedi Temnewo and Wedi Bilata narratives in their interview contexts regarding issues related to the question of Jeberti nationality.   From the standpoint of Johar Group, no one nationality is better because all of the Eritrean nationalities are oppressed and persecuted.   As a matter of fact, the other Eritrean nationalities are better off in the absence of Isayas’s recognition of the Jeberti’s nationality for if he does grant his recognition to the Jebertis he will start charging yearly renewal fee targeting the Jeberti’s monies, the wealth that is a threat to his rule.

After the attending members of Johar Group discussed the question of Jeberti nationality, they tried to reduce the Jebertis difference with Isayas to just a resolvable misunderstanding.  However, the members of the Group found the difference to be hatred fed by fear of Jebertis’s wealth and that adds up to other elements that Isayas uses to divide and rule the Eritreans.  The Group had no agenda to issue any resolution but opted to issue a reminder to the Eritrean public as regards to their ongoing revolution.   Surely, it is time to remember how the Eritreans won over the occupying forces by opinionating in unison, no matter how it seemed unreasonable initially, that “what is taken by force must be regained by force.”   And now, it is time to sing the song of the ENCDC and the opposition that “what has been hijacked must be brought back and handed to the people either by will or by force.” Additionally, in pointing out at some cover ups by some individuals, this respnse paper will not elaborate in detail the repressions practiced by Isayas and will not unveil the sinister activities of his Diaspora agents.

Comparing myths to facts about the question of Jeberti Nationality 

Wedi Temnewo as a walking encyclopedia with a lot of narratives of matter-of-fact on Isayas’s crimes kept telling the world how Isayas purged all those whom he deemed threats to his power.  In widening and protecting his territory, Isayas is continuing to trample on some people’s rights, crush some resisting people, and eliminate some groups totally.  These are everyday occurrences in Eritrea; what the Eritrean people hear/see every minute every day about sufferings of their fellow Eritreans and what they themselves experience every minute every day.

Some so-called self-exiled leaders are coming out of their shells or seclusions, like Wedi Bilata, claiming as the actual eye witnesses, and groping for words against the narratives of Wedi Temnewo but yet not a drop of fact to disqualify him as the real eye witness.  Those anti-Wedi Temnewo groups are giving their counter-accounts and are openly saying that all narratives of the undocumented lives (witnesses’ accounts) about Isayas’s crimes are lies, only based and arising out of a deliberate conspiracy to tarnish or damage the name of Isayas.  Wedi Bilata, if you would know, your belying the opposition amounts to renouncing the opposition and that de-associates you from the opposition like your ingrained Isayas politics or approach of resolving problems de-associates you from the ELF history.

If Wedi Temnewo is tarnishing Isayas’s name to advance the oppositions’ political gains! What is wrong with that? Isn’t that what you too, Wedi Bilata, should do as an opposition in support of the Eritrean people, who are suffering at the hands of Isayas?  Otherwise, tell the whole world in simple and clear words that you are in Isayas Trojan Horse trying, under the cover of self-exiled ex-leaders; to crush or weaken the opposition and to enable Isayas continue enslaving the Eritrean people endlessly.   If so, you are not self-exiled but sent out to become an opposition against the opposition.

In this endeavor, Wedi Bilata is not alone or the only infiltrator seeking to save-face Isayas.  There are many Jeberti Higdef members who infiltrated the Diasporas Jeberti communities in a mission to protect Isayas’s interest under the cover that communities should be non-political organizations.  These infiltrators are missing the essence of non-political organization stance.  That stance gives priority to the interest of the members of the community through non-association with any governmental or non-governmental or political parties.  That stance, for example, enables a community’s leadership to speak up against Isayas if Isayas is abusing power against the community’s interests and so also equally against the opposition when the opposition is neglecting to respect the community’s interest.  So, the goal of the infiltrators is to strip the communities of their rights to speak up against Isayas’s abuses by having the community’s hands tied behind its back and its tongue tied not to utter a word of truth, just making it look and behave like a confused and dead inside person with no feelings towards anything.

To all anti-Wedi Temnewo groups, don’t you know by your de-tarnishing Isayas, you are not only exonerating Isayas from all wrongdoing but also portraying Isayas as fair and just as well as a great leader?  Believe us; by so doing you are only dumping your good names into the sewage system of the history of spies and traitors of the Eritrean Revolution. What a shame!  But what you are doing won’t stop or affect the flow of the untold stories of crimes against humanity in Eritrea.


Wedi Bilata, as anti-Wedi Temnewo lately resorted to a business of sorting people into who should get rights and who should get recognition.  This ex-fighter, Wedi Bilata, as cheerleader of an abuser, an abuser against whom he didn’t even say a word as an eye witness of Isayas’s abuses of his comrades of G-15, now is coming out from his shell again to repeat the betrayal.  Politically, Wedi Bilata remained mouth dry even about G-15.  We don’t know as to why Wedi Bilata rushed to make the Jeberti nationality question his mouth water.  In so doing, we believe, he exposed himself and he is only moments away to foam around his mouth when he reads some essential points presented by his arrestees back then at his presence.

When the people were waiting for Wedi Bilata’s narratives about matter-of-fact and not his opinion about the conditions of G-15, he chose to remain silent.  We all know that Wedi Bilata was there with the G-15 before he changed side and he was there when they were sent into disappearance; yes again Wedi Bilata was there when the G-15 were picked and thrown one by one into their graves and yet he claims having soul and power to proudly come out into another betrayal in commending Isayas for his mistreatment and abuses against the Jebertis.  Does Wedi Bilata know about the roles of the Jebertis in the Eritrean Revolution?  We don’t think so.  If he did, he would have not said what he said about the Jebertis’s rights.

For sure, trailing back the history of the Eritrean Revolution will surprise Wedi Bilata to find how heavily the Jebertis paid as the initiators of the Eritrean revolution.  Again, trailing back into how Isayas had ordered the gunning down of Dr. Yassin Aberra, the advocate for Jeberti nationality, will surprise Wedi Bilata how much Isayas is involved into purging those who stand for the rights of their people.  No doubt, Wedi Temnewo as a close friend of Dr. Yassin’s family knows the smallest of smallest as to what led Isayas to commit his heinous crime on Dr. Yassin. Accordingly, Wedi Bilata should be missing the full picture of what went wrong and that totally disqualifies his narratives about the Jeberti’s nationality question.  That is why Wedi Balata is repeating Isayas’s words.  In so doing, Wedi Bilata chose to wholly and entirely associate himself with the stand taken by Isayas against the Jebertis.

At a time when many Eritrean youths are being pulled in many directions in their struggle to make sure that their basic requirements for survival are met, Wedi Temnewo has a job to finish telling the world about the untold crimes of Isayas and that could be crucial part of the sought solution to what the youth are facing in Sinai and other places where their lives are endangered.  Similarly, Wedi Bilata has a job to finish with the deliberate cover ups of the perpetrated crimes against the youth.  Wedi Bilata, rather than be involved in cover ups, he better play clean politics because post-Forto the truth is coming out faster and it is readily out there.  Wedi Bilata should take notice that nowadays Isayas’s secret books that were kept by his office are no more secret and therefore it is better to stop cover ups and to start airing publicly the dirty launders of Isayas.

By the way, Wedi Bilata – do you know that when Eritrea was under Derg, its Leninist-Marxist department entrusted with the studies of nationalities, reviewed the ethnic makeup of Eritrea and agreed to consider the Eritrean Jeberti as the tenth nationality?  Even thought that method (Leninist-Marxist) of defining ethnic groups based on common language and shared territory is outdated by the fact of free movement under globalization, we can still prove Jeberti’s nationality because it meets the ethnogenesis theory that Wedi-Bilata referred to in support of Isayas’s unfair treatment of Jeberti.

Facts that support the question of Jeberti Nationality

Firstly, in defining the Jeberti’s and describing what differed them during the federation days from the Bihere Tigrigna was that most of the Jebertis as industrialist or business people they did not have loyalty to a small plot of land as the Bihere Tigrigna did.  The loyalty to a small plot of land made the Bihere Tignrigna micro-regionalists.  On the other hand, The Jebertis loyalty was to the whole nation of Eritrea, conducting business within its borders, and that was why they were more nationalists than any ethnic group in Eritrea.  They were all over Eritrea, unlike the other ethnic groups and were/are known in all places as Jebertis.

Secondly, the Jebertis’ nationality is unique among the other Eritrean nationality in their mode of dress and as such they can be identified by their different way of dressing from the others.  The Jebertis also differ from Bihere Tigrigna in their values, way of greeting, food and food/eating habits.  In their values, the Jebertis are guided by the word “Amana” or their commitment to a balanced scale and they keep warning themselves “stay away from unbalanced scales and don’t manipulate the objects over the scale.”

Thirdly, due to foreign borrowed words, the languages of the two Biheres are also different as different as Saho and Afar are.  That is why, the members of “Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group” referred to Jeberti’s Language as Al Jebertia.

Each group’s language influenced their culture in assembling, wedding, celebrating and marriage ceremonies.  Moreover, ethnic groups should be defined by their spoken languages and not by what the authority wants them to be known by.

Therefore, if the Afars and Sahos speak a semi-common language but do not share a territory, yet they are allowed to constitute two different nationalities.  And, if the Bilenis and Tegres share the same territory but do not speak the same language, yet they are allowed to constitute two different nationalities.  Then, why Isayas is imposing on Jebertis and wants them assimilated.  By the way, the melting pot in the U.S.A. is about assimilating into the nation and not assimilating an ethnic group into another ethnic group.

If we look into what made Hindi and Urdu two different languages, we will find that the two languages are the same, developed from a dialect spoken in the Delhi region and yet through time the two languages developed their difference through their incorporation of borrowed words.  There are some words unique to one culture and there are times when new word-phrases get introduced into a language bring or cause a cultural shock, just as in the case of the Tigrigna phrase “Com’Dilayie” of early 1970.  That single and only single word “Com’Dilayie” brought cultural divide and cultural liberalism to many Eritrean families as well as division and difference between parents and their children.

By The Ways 

The first by the way is that the Leninist-Marxist theory of nationality requires the nationals to share common language and territory repeat a shared territory within a defined border.  That shared territory within a defined border is solely about creating grounds for the “right to secession.”  As we all know that the clause “the right to secession” within the nationality theory is the most hated thing to Isayas because someone like he did can use the clause or surprise him with another version of “Nihnan Ilamanan” to dismantle the unity of Eritreans.

The second by the way is that the Isayas’s one person party should not partially accept the theory of nationality.  Either accept and practice it wholly or reject it wholly.  Partial acceptance and application shows that Isayas does not have a good grasp of the theory.  If he did he would not impose on the recognized nationalities of Eritrea a forced resettlement despite the fact that the decision is causing nationalities conflict and hatred.

The third by the way is that the Jebertis are all over Eritrea by their free will.  Because they believe in free movement, the Jebertis adopted local globalization within Eritrea long before the world knew about the term globalization and its concept of free movement.  Knowing well about the dynamics of the free movement within a nation enabled the Jebertis to be open and mingle-able with all Eritrean cultures and languages.  However, the Jebertis are against forced resettlement.

The Jebertis voluntarily move to resettle elsewhere within Eritrea.  But for those forced by Isayas to resettle, they are not moving with their own freewill.  They are on a coerced movement and they are driven from their houses by force to be resettled elsewhere.  That decision is a Eib (defective) decision and is totally unacceptable.  However, if the purpose of Isayas’s resettlement is to produce Jeberti like nationalities first he has to commend and not condemn Al-Jebertia or Jebertinet.


More to the explanation of power abuses against Eritreans, in conclusion, there is this: Since the infiltrators in all communities and organizations aim at defamation, weakening and destruction of internal unity of the opposition, it is imperative that in order for the opposition to stand up together for their rights, they need to fight back together as well as they need to support each other and to express theirr solicitude for each other as victims of Isayas.  So long the infiltrators are among us, we will remain weak and divided.  The infiltrators are successfully keeping their infiltration into the opposition because the oppositions do not care to filter them out and to keep the opposition’s arenas safe.  So also Isayas is continuing his abuses of power because the people are not confronting him together nor any one is resisting him from being the ultimate power in all Eritrean issue that he is pursuing either directly or through his infiltrators or his agents.

Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group
Zahara Ahmed, Coordinator

Review overview
  • oromay July 11, 2013

    Mr.Abdu, I know history unless you want to teach me a new history. Like any other Eritreans, the Jebertis fought for freedom during the armed struggle. What they fought like Abdul kadir Kebire , was for Eritrea as a whole. But please stick to the point of nationalies and language. Making mountain out of molehill doenot convince the Eritrea society and everything you so callef experts claim must be evidence-based, otherwise a mere talk is cheap. It is better to leave history to historians.

  • Forto July 11, 2013

    I’am proud to be an ERITREAN and Iam thankful for being Eritrean and God bless Eritrea and the Eretriano.

  • NEW HOPE ERITREA July 11, 2013

    Respected Zaul ,
    I QUOTE YOU ..¨If you think everybody migrate from Tigray to Eritrea, you’re badly misstaken. It’s as if you would claim all Tigreans came from Mekelle.¨END OF QUOTING YOU

    It is not my intention to make it an argument ,but, again you must be reading some one´s comment .¨I HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT DIMBEZAN ,THAT I AM FROM CAME FROM DEMBIYA ,GONDER ,I even said In my line of heredity there is Bet OTMAN…Turkey ,….What part of that is Tigray ??? I did not say we are fake people ,I said ¨HIZBE TIGRINYA IS FAKE IDENTITY.
    If Ethiopia is fake ,go tell Ethiopians .There is no ethnic group called Ethiopia though. The rest of eritrean oeoples do not have fake identitry. The Afara do not call thenselves ¨Hizbe Afarnya¨..I am not trying to annoy you ,IF WE DECIDE WE ARE NOT AGAME ,AS HIZBE TIGRINYA WE JUST NEED TO VOTE.But only we can create a fake identity mnot the Jebertis …We have to draw the line somewhere ,one fake ethnic identity for a country.


    • Zaul July 12, 2013

      If Eritreans were to be classified by clan-Identity, we woud have a 100 biher. I doubt that the Afar call their language “Afarnya”.

      All it takes to be called Eritrean is that one of your parents is an Eritrean citizen. we don’t have to go back 800 years to Lalibela.

      Once again, so the old DERG soldiers may understand, the classification is linguistic.

      • NEW HOPE ERITREA July 12, 2013


        I truly agree with you ,I am of the believe that Eritrea is a free country and we do not have to go even 40 years let alone 800 years .My challenge is not to no matter what we are all Eritreans ,but to making up an identity to mislead people .Gonder & Gojam are my blood relatives ,but Eritrea is my country and Afar & Saho are my fellow citzens .According to the final Analysis ,a person from Axum is not more Tigraway than I am ,Tigrinya is my language ,not my Biher.

        thank you Zaul

  • abdu July 11, 2013

    DIMBEZAN meaning dem bezan meaning dem bezihuna.

  • ahmed saleh July 12, 2013

    Isn’t it funny to observe some commentators who preach for democracy and human right to reject or try to silence
    others voices ?
    Jeberti people are part of our society and they have their own story of victimization as anyone else . The writer
    of the above article tried to raise awareness of their plight and we should appreciate the effort on sharing in
    assenna forum . By the way , why is all the fuss about jeberti not to be recognized while it was okay to recognize
    RASHAIDA who was an alien to Eritrean either in good or bad times . FAIR IS FAIR , COME ON GUYS !
    Do not forget equality and justice is a matter of right in a true democracy not a matter of favor or grace as wrongs .

    • NEW HOPE ERITREA July 12, 2013

      ሓው ኣሕመድ

      ንሱ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ¨እታ ጻሕሊ እኮ እያ ነታ በራድ ጸላም ትብላ ዘላ¨።እምበይተይ ዘይሓንካ ሞይተን እሞ ኣቃብሩና¨ ይብሉ ሰብ ማይ ቂነጣል።በዚ ዕድመይ እንተዄንካስ ኣሕመድ፣ዋላ ብንእስነትና ከለና፣ትግራዋይ ናይ ኣስመራ ድዩ መቐለ ኢልና ኢና ንሓትት ኔርና።እዞም ባባ ኢሳያሥ¨ህዝበ ትግርኛ¨ኢሉ ኣጠሚቑና ዘሎ ተጋሩ ኤርትራውያን ኢና።ንሕና ከማን ስፓገቲ ስለ ዘይበልዑን ኡኖ ድወ ትረ ኢሎም ስለ ዘይቆጽሩን ነብስና ካብ ትግራዎት ናይ ትግራይ ክንፈሊ ኢልና ዝኣመንናሉ ዝተሰንዔ ብሄር ትግርኛ፣ ንጀበርቲ ክንከልኦም ግን ዋላ ክስምዑ ውን ክንከልኦም የደንጹ።እዞም ንጀበርት ከም ምሳር ኣብ ልዕሊ ኦም ዝወርድዎም ዘለዉ ድማ ህግደፍ ኣይኮኑን እቶም ንኢሳያስ ዝቃወሙን እዮም ። ኣት ሊስት ግን ክልተ ነገር ዘሕብርኦም ኣለዋ ___ዝኾነ ኤርትራዊ ሽግር ንዓጋመ ይህብዎ፣ንጀበርቲ ድማ ከም ስደተኛን ወዲ ውሽማን ይቖጽርዎ።

      welcome to future fantasy Eritrea.

  • kombishtato July 12, 2013

    ወይ ጉድ ተዛሪቡ ከዛርበና ድዩ ነዚ ኹሉ ጽሒፍዎ ፧ ትም ተበልና ወዮ እንተመለስና ወዮ፤ ዘመን ግርምቢጥ ማይ ንዓቐብ፤ ዝበሉ ከምዚ ምስ ረኣዩ እዮም።
    ጸሓፊ ይብል፤ ” ጀበርቲ ንግድን ገንዘብን ይቆጻጸሩ። ” ካበይ ኣምጺኦሞ። ፧ እሺ ሕራይ፤ ዓዲ ወይ ጤሳ ኣለዎም ዶ ፧ ስለምንታይ ፧
    ጀበሊ ወይ ጣልያን እከ ዓዲ ወይ ጤሳ ኣለዎዶ፧ መልሲ፣ የብሉን። ስለምንታይ ፧
    ንጀበሊ ወይ ጣልያን፣ ኤርትራ ዓደቦ ስለዘይኮነት ወይ ከም ስርዓት ብሄረ ኩናማ ድማ ዓደኣደ ስለዘይኮነት። ንጀበሊ ወይ ንጣልያን ገንዘብ ኣለዎ፤ ኣብ ኤርትራ ግና ዓደ ኣቦነት ወይ ጤሳ ብገንዘብ ኣይግዛእን እዩ። ገለ ዓያሹ መሬት ጤሳ ሸይጦም ይኾኑ። ወይ ሓያላት ገዛእቲ ከም ቱርኪ ጣልያን መንጢሎሞም ይኾኑ።
    ዜግነት ግና ብሕጊ ንኹሉ ይፍቀድ እዩ። እዚ ድማ ሓድሽ ነገር ኣይኮነን ኣብ ሱዕድያ ቀጠር ኩወይት ይስራሓሉ እዩ። ብተዛማዲ ውን ሕጊ ዜግነት ናይ ኤርትራ ካብ ናይ ሃገራት ኣዕራብ ኣጸቢቑ ልዙብን ክፉትን እዩ።
    ኣያ ዝብኢ ኣብ ዘይፈልጥዎ ዓዲ ገሹ እንታይ ኢሉ ይበሃል፧ “ኣጎዛ ኣንጽፉለይ ። ” ካብዚ ኹሉ ጽውጽዋይ ናይ ኤርትራ ግና “ቋንቋና ዓረብ እዩ፤ ” እትብል እያ። ያኢ ጀበሊ ወይ ጣልያን፣ ሰብን ቋንቋን ዘይብሉ ፍሒሩን ዳህሲሱን ረኺቡ ማለት እንድዩ፣ ቋንቋኡን ባህሉን ኣብ ርእሲ ቋንቋናን መንነትናን ክነድቀሉ፧ ወረ ዝገርመኒ ናይቶም ካብ ትግራይን ወሎን ዝፈለሱ እዩ። ምኽንያቱ ኣምሓርኛን ትግርኛን ናይ ኣቦታቶም ገዲፎምሲ ንሕጋውነት ቋንቋ ዓረብ ልዕሊ ዓረብ እሞኸኣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ይማጎቱ። እዚ ድማ ቋንቋታት ናይ ኤርትራ ብሓዊ እንዳ ኣንደድካ። ዝኾነ ሰብ መንነቱ ታሪኹ ቋንቋኡ ዘየኽብር ካልእ ሰብ ወይ ህዝቢ ከኽብሮ ዘይሕሰብ እዩ። ኣብዚ ጉዳይ እዚ እቲ ዝዓበየ ገበን ካብ ዝፍጽሙ ዘለዎ ብሄር ትግርኛ እዮም፤ ምኽንያቱ ንሕሉፍ ታሪኾም መንነቶም ስለዘይኽብሩ።

    • ahmed saleh July 13, 2013

      I know you may have own reason to compare them with Jebeli or Italians even though on some places
      in highland particularly in Hammassien treated as such not to share lands in respect of local law called
      HIGI INDABA . Where is the rule of wedi arba’A when it comes to those JEBERTI peasants right ?
      If you have the will to fight for justice , fight for all . In fact there is nothing courageous in
      spreading biased outlook about certain group of which you are willingly and purposefully ignorant .
      Sorry to say it , but it is your true representation on this forum . And you have a gut to say Amharic
      language belong to our grand fathers . You are lucky to receive farming land after 40 yrs residence in
      Eritrea though .

      • Kombishtato July 14, 2013

        Ahamed saleh has no shame to accuse the poor people of Hamassien as his likes buy cheap land around Asmara and drinks a clean water from their reservoirs.
        The issue of Tiessa land was not only in Hamassien but also in Saho or Afar villages or even Yemen or your own Arab “masters” in Egypt, Tiessa land was not handed freely to anyone unless you fulfill the customary laws. A Saho village do not give a farm/Tiessa land to any “visitor or refugee” as an Arab in Libya, Saudi Arabia or Egypt would not give a mere refugee piece of paper to allow one to live or transit.
        Of course, things have changed a lot now. Any person who made money in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, California or Australia was able to buy Hamasien land for cheap under the Dergue and Hgdef.
        The Poor people of Adi Nefas, Adi Guadad, Tselot, Adi qe, Arabaete Asmera, Godaif, Gejeret, Adi Sihel, Adi Segdo, Adi Abeyto, Wekidiba, Kushet, Embaderho have lost their precious land. The people of Shakha, Embardae, kutumewlie, Himbrti, Adi Gebray, Belza, Adi Bidel … were forced to hand their precious land so that water dams be built for the Asmara residents to drink clean tap water while the poor Hamasienaites fetch dirty water on their backs from unregulated wells.
        Relatively, “Eritrean” village citizenship is easy to get and was easy to get “refugee” status for anyone from yemen, Welo or Tigray. You only need to see the villages such as Adi Tekelezan, Himbrti, Dubarwa, Mendefera … and our tolerant fathers and mothers a century ago. Compare this what Eritreans are going in Libya, Egypt-Sinai, yemen, Saudia … under Arabs in 2013.
        The Amahric is the language of those people whose parents came from Wello or Gonder but I have never seen any Amhara-Eritrean advocating for Amharic language for Eritrea now. But I have seen many coward Eritreans burning Eritrean languages, some of them came from Tigray speaking Tigrigna or Amharic from Wello, some have deep seated inferiority complex and they want to be more Arab than the Arabs; some have developed identity crisis after being brain washed for many years under Gamel Abdel Nasser, Gadafi or Sadam Hussien so called “free scholarship” and indoctrinated badly by low level Arab cadres or their Abeeds.
        With all its weaknesses, the Higi Indaba that was written centuries back is better than the “opposition/Sewra” political programs that advocate to burn Eritrean languages; there is no Higi Indaba in Eritrea that I know of that advocates to burn Eritrean languages and import alien Arabic language.

  • Morosso July 13, 2013

    we red it again and again you are telling us that you are not tigrigna speakers so let The People of Eritrea dicide,”The Jebertis loyalty was to the whole nation of Eritrea, conducting business within its borders, and that was why they were more nationalists than any ethnic group in Eritrea. They were all over Eritrea, unlike the other ethnic groups and were/are known in all places as Jebertis.”<<<< according to you jeberti has no (kishot) so they are Eritreans by birth&raised. their culture (bahli) is 99% is same tigrigna the only difference with tigringa bahir is death you conduct as moslem do again hear you cry way way anta hawey,,,,,like tigrigna,at I agree with wedi Blata as he said we should fight as eritreans but jebert (naheda) is jebertis organization not for eritreans you find no other tribee,and as you said I have never met on Jeberti in 10year in jebha I have met them in sauia arabia. and most jeberti went to Cairo not to meda what i know if some one praise jebeti you make him hero and not one thin mentioned in your statemetn about Suw'at eritrean you mention only Yassin Abera more than 5,,,,,,times and wish you good romedan.

  • poor bekitai July 13, 2013

    -jeberti means ” ANCHIWA KILTE ANDIEL” if they met a muslim ERitrean
    -they say we r ”muslims”
    -if they met Ethiopians they say we r”ETHIOPIANS’,
    -if they met a proud Eritrean tigrigna village elder , they say we are tigrigna highlanders
    and so on and son

    the worst is they secretly act as spies on both sides LIKE ETAY ADI GUDO…..

  • MightyEmbasoyra July 13, 2013

    This forum becomes a breeder for hate. How is that a person who calls himself try to treat the Eritrean Jeberti brothers this way?
    Please go study our revolution history and you will find out what the Jeberti heroes have done for the country. I see many people fall into Isayas’s trap.
    Start reading and you can learn something rather than typing mambo jambo here.
    I can assume some of you here, if you had the power would be worse than Isayas.
    Rashida is Eritrean and Jeberti is not? Nonsense.

  • Kombishtato July 14, 2013

    Ahamed saleh has no shame to accuse the poor people of Hamassien as his likes buy cheap land around Asmara and drinks a clean water from their reservoirs.
    The issue of Tiessa land was not only in Hamassien but also in Saho or Afar villages or even Yemen or your own Arab “masters” in Egypt, Tiessa land was not handed freely to anyone unless you fulfill the customary laws. A Saho village do not give a farm/Tiessa land to any “visitor or refugee” as an Arab in Libya, Saudi Arabia or Egypt would not give a mere refugee piece of paper to allow one to live or transit through to Italy or Israel.

    Of course, things have changed a lot now. Any person who made money in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Dubai, California or Australia was able to buy Hamasien land for cheap under the Dergue and Hgdef.

    The Poor people of Adi Nefas, Adi Guadad, Tselot, Adi qe, Arabaete Asmera, Godaif, Gejeret, Adi Sihel, Adi Segdo, Adi Abeyto, Wekidiba, Kushet, Embaderho have lost their precious land. The people of Shakha, Embardae, kutumewlie, Himbrti, Adi Gebray, Belza, Adi Bidel … were forced to hand their precious land so that water dams be built for the Asmara residents to drink clean tap water while the poor Hamasienaites fetch dirty water on their backs from unregulated wells.

    Relatively, “Eritrean” village citizenship is easy to get and was easy to get “refugee” status for anyone from yemen, Welo or Tigray. You only need to see the villages such as Adi Tekelezan, Himbrti, Dubarwa, Mendefera … and our tolerant fathers and mothers a century ago. Compare this what Eritreans are going in Libya, Egypt-Sinai, yemen, Saudia … under Arabs in 2013.

    The Amahric is the language of those people whose parents came from Wello or Gonder but I have never seen any Amhara-Eritrean advocating for Amharic language for Eritrea now. But I have seen many coward Eritreans burning Eritrean languages, some of them came from Tigray speaking Tigrigna or Amharic from Wello, some have deep seated inferiority complex and they want to be more Arab than the Arabs; some have developed identity crisis after being brain washed for many years under Gamel Abdel Nasser, Gadafi or Sadam Hussien so called “free scholarship” and indoctrinated badly by low level Arab cadres or their Abeeds.

    With all its weaknesses, the Higi Indaba that was written centuries back is better than the “opposition/Sewra” political programs that advocate to burn Eritrean languages; there is no Higi Indaba in Eritrea that I know of that advocates to burn Eritrean languages and import alien Arabic language.

    • Kombishtato July 14, 2013

      For those who did not follow the previous discussion, below is part of what I wrote:
      ኣያ ዝብኢ ኣብ ዘይፈልጥዎ ዓዲ ገሹ እንታይ ኢሉ ይበሃል፧ “ኣጎዛ ኣንጽፉለይ ። ” ካብዚ ኹሉ ጽውጽዋይ ናይ ኤርትራ ግና “ቋንቋና ዓረብ እዩ፤ ” እትብል እያ። ያኢ ጀበሊ ወይ ጣልያን፣ ሰብን ቋንቋን ዘይብሉ ፍሒሩን ዳህሲሱን ረኺቡ ማለት እንድዩ፣ ቋንቋኡን ባህሉን ኣብ ርእሲ ቋንቋናን መንነትናን ክነድቀሉ፧
      ወረ ዝገርመኒ ናይቶም ካብ ትግራይን ወሎን ዝፈለሱ እዩ። ምኽንያቱ ኣምሓርኛን ትግርኛን ናይ ኣቦታቶም ገዲፎምሲ ንሕጋውነት ቋንቋ ዓረብ ልዕሊ ዓረብ እሞኸኣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ይማጎቱ። እዚ ድማ ቋንቋታት ናይ ኤርትራ ብሓዊ እንዳ ኣንደድካ። ዝኾነ ሰብ መንነቱ ታሪኹ ቋንቋኡ ዘየኽብር ካልእ ሰብ ወይ ህዝቢ ከኽብሮ ዘይሕሰብ እዩ። ኣብዚ ጉዳይ እዚ እቲ ዝዓበየ ገበን ካብ ዝፍጽሙ ዘለዎ ብሄር ትግርኛ እዮም፤ ምኽንያቱ ንሕሉፍ ታሪኾም መንነቶም ስለዘይኽብሩ።

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