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Wedi Temnewo vs. Wedi Bilata: Self-exposed system doesn’t need makeup to cover up

The members of Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group first came together when the members of the Jeberti delegation, who flew from Saudi Arabia, on a special mission of Jeberti nationality, were arrested upon their arrival at

The members of Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group first came together when the members of the Jeberti delegation, who flew from Saudi Arabia, on a special mission of Jeberti nationality, were arrested upon their arrival at Asmara airport.  To many of the Jebertis, the myth that Isayas hates them became realty when the arrest controversy became a serious political incident due to their questioning why and who had ordered the gunning down of Dr. Yassin Aberra.  As a result, Isayas accused the arrestees of being enemies of his regime and other serious crimes.  Isayas even denied hearing to the case of Jeberti nationality because he sensed that the Jebertis had no willingness to commit their monies and subordinate themselves to his kingdom or rule.

Because most of members of Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group were also members of ELF-RC (presently Dehnet/Inqaz/Salvation) turning to the leadership of the ELF-RC for help on the case of the arrestees was the only available option.  The ELF-RC promised to follow up and brief the world on the arrestees’ situations and health conditions through its newsletters, magazines and news releases.  As promised, the organization reported the arrestees’ case to the United Nation’s human rights and kept briefing the world on their case and situations until the day of their release.

The case wasn’t without collateral damage.  Because the arrestees’ situation was a disappearance case for a long time, many of their family members suffered heart attacks and sudden deaths.  Also, because the members of the Johar group were in Saudi Arabia, the Isayas group right away unleashed its coercive measures of denying passport renewal and other ambassadorial/consular services.  Most of the members, then, had to leave Saudi Arabia to avoid being victims of coercion or being targeted for denied consular services.

One of the leaders of Johar group was an ELF Wooga’At Harinet and an expert on group organization.  His big time organizational advice was on safety of the members of the group.  He used to describe Isayas as a monster claiming to be Rebicoom Al’AlaA (supreme power) with long arms to reach any point.  This expert used to describe Isayas’s false supremacy as to be revolving around telling the Eritrean families and its members that “if you are one I am the second; if you are two I am the third; if you are three I am the fourth; and so on.” So, this Woogu’Harinet’s advice to members of the Group was to have a strong filtering process to filter out Isayas’s infiltrators.  Indeed, that advice helped the members of Johar Group to safely go underground without any trace until most of the members left Saudi Arabia.

This response paper pursues some special discussions on the nationality question of Jeberti and seeks to touch upon and respond to Wedi Temnewo and Wedi Bilata narratives in their interview contexts regarding issues related to the question of Jeberti nationality.   From the standpoint of Johar Group, no one nationality is better because all of the Eritrean nationalities are oppressed and persecuted.   As a matter of fact, the other Eritrean nationalities are better off in the absence of Isayas’s recognition of the Jeberti’s nationality for if he does grant his recognition to the Jebertis he will start charging yearly renewal fee targeting the Jeberti’s monies, the wealth that is a threat to his rule.

After the attending members of Johar Group discussed the question of Jeberti nationality, they tried to reduce the Jebertis difference with Isayas to just a resolvable misunderstanding.  However, the members of the Group found the difference to be hatred fed by fear of Jebertis’s wealth and that adds up to other elements that Isayas uses to divide and rule the Eritreans.  The Group had no agenda to issue any resolution but opted to issue a reminder to the Eritrean public as regards to their ongoing revolution.   Surely, it is time to remember how the Eritreans won over the occupying forces by opinionating in unison, no matter how it seemed unreasonable initially, that “what is taken by force must be regained by force.”   And now, it is time to sing the song of the ENCDC and the opposition that “what has been hijacked must be brought back and handed to the people either by will or by force.” Additionally, in pointing out at some cover ups by some individuals, this respnse paper will not elaborate in detail the repressions practiced by Isayas and will not unveil the sinister activities of his Diaspora agents.

Comparing myths to facts about the question of Jeberti Nationality 

Wedi Temnewo as a walking encyclopedia with a lot of narratives of matter-of-fact on Isayas’s crimes kept telling the world how Isayas purged all those whom he deemed threats to his power.  In widening and protecting his territory, Isayas is continuing to trample on some people’s rights, crush some resisting people, and eliminate some groups totally.  These are everyday occurrences in Eritrea; what the Eritrean people hear/see every minute every day about sufferings of their fellow Eritreans and what they themselves experience every minute every day.

Some so-called self-exiled leaders are coming out of their shells or seclusions, like Wedi Bilata, claiming as the actual eye witnesses, and groping for words against the narratives of Wedi Temnewo but yet not a drop of fact to disqualify him as the real eye witness.  Those anti-Wedi Temnewo groups are giving their counter-accounts and are openly saying that all narratives of the undocumented lives (witnesses’ accounts) about Isayas’s crimes are lies, only based and arising out of a deliberate conspiracy to tarnish or damage the name of Isayas.  Wedi Bilata, if you would know, your belying the opposition amounts to renouncing the opposition and that de-associates you from the opposition like your ingrained Isayas politics or approach of resolving problems de-associates you from the ELF history.

If Wedi Temnewo is tarnishing Isayas’s name to advance the oppositions’ political gains! What is wrong with that? Isn’t that what you too, Wedi Bilata, should do as an opposition in support of the Eritrean people, who are suffering at the hands of Isayas?  Otherwise, tell the whole world in simple and clear words that you are in Isayas Trojan Horse trying, under the cover of self-exiled ex-leaders; to crush or weaken the opposition and to enable Isayas continue enslaving the Eritrean people endlessly.   If so, you are not self-exiled but sent out to become an opposition against the opposition.

In this endeavor, Wedi Bilata is not alone or the only infiltrator seeking to save-face Isayas.  There are many Jeberti Higdef members who infiltrated the Diasporas Jeberti communities in a mission to protect Isayas’s interest under the cover that communities should be non-political organizations.  These infiltrators are missing the essence of non-political organization stance.  That stance gives priority to the interest of the members of the community through non-association with any governmental or non-governmental or political parties.  That stance, for example, enables a community’s leadership to speak up against Isayas if Isayas is abusing power against the community’s interests and so also equally against the opposition when the opposition is neglecting to respect the community’s interest.  So, the goal of the infiltrators is to strip the communities of their rights to speak up against Isayas’s abuses by having the community’s hands tied behind its back and its tongue tied not to utter a word of truth, just making it look and behave like a confused and dead inside person with no feelings towards anything.

To all anti-Wedi Temnewo groups, don’t you know by your de-tarnishing Isayas, you are not only exonerating Isayas from all wrongdoing but also portraying Isayas as fair and just as well as a great leader?  Believe us; by so doing you are only dumping your good names into the sewage system of the history of spies and traitors of the Eritrean Revolution. What a shame!  But what you are doing won’t stop or affect the flow of the untold stories of crimes against humanity in Eritrea.


Wedi Bilata, as anti-Wedi Temnewo lately resorted to a business of sorting people into who should get rights and who should get recognition.  This ex-fighter, Wedi Bilata, as cheerleader of an abuser, an abuser against whom he didn’t even say a word as an eye witness of Isayas’s abuses of his comrades of G-15, now is coming out from his shell again to repeat the betrayal.  Politically, Wedi Bilata remained mouth dry even about G-15.  We don’t know as to why Wedi Bilata rushed to make the Jeberti nationality question his mouth water.  In so doing, we believe, he exposed himself and he is only moments away to foam around his mouth when he reads some essential points presented by his arrestees back then at his presence.

When the people were waiting for Wedi Bilata’s narratives about matter-of-fact and not his opinion about the conditions of G-15, he chose to remain silent.  We all know that Wedi Bilata was there with the G-15 before he changed side and he was there when they were sent into disappearance; yes again Wedi Bilata was there when the G-15 were picked and thrown one by one into their graves and yet he claims having soul and power to proudly come out into another betrayal in commending Isayas for his mistreatment and abuses against the Jebertis.  Does Wedi Bilata know about the roles of the Jebertis in the Eritrean Revolution?  We don’t think so.  If he did, he would have not said what he said about the Jebertis’s rights.

For sure, trailing back the history of the Eritrean Revolution will surprise Wedi Bilata to find how heavily the Jebertis paid as the initiators of the Eritrean revolution.  Again, trailing back into how Isayas had ordered the gunning down of Dr. Yassin Aberra, the advocate for Jeberti nationality, will surprise Wedi Bilata how much Isayas is involved into purging those who stand for the rights of their people.  No doubt, Wedi Temnewo as a close friend of Dr. Yassin’s family knows the smallest of smallest as to what led Isayas to commit his heinous crime on Dr. Yassin. Accordingly, Wedi Bilata should be missing the full picture of what went wrong and that totally disqualifies his narratives about the Jeberti’s nationality question.  That is why Wedi Balata is repeating Isayas’s words.  In so doing, Wedi Bilata chose to wholly and entirely associate himself with the stand taken by Isayas against the Jebertis.

At a time when many Eritrean youths are being pulled in many directions in their struggle to make sure that their basic requirements for survival are met, Wedi Temnewo has a job to finish telling the world about the untold crimes of Isayas and that could be crucial part of the sought solution to what the youth are facing in Sinai and other places where their lives are endangered.  Similarly, Wedi Bilata has a job to finish with the deliberate cover ups of the perpetrated crimes against the youth.  Wedi Bilata, rather than be involved in cover ups, he better play clean politics because post-Forto the truth is coming out faster and it is readily out there.  Wedi Bilata should take notice that nowadays Isayas’s secret books that were kept by his office are no more secret and therefore it is better to stop cover ups and to start airing publicly the dirty launders of Isayas.

By the way, Wedi Bilata – do you know that when Eritrea was under Derg, its Leninist-Marxist department entrusted with the studies of nationalities, reviewed the ethnic makeup of Eritrea and agreed to consider the Eritrean Jeberti as the tenth nationality?  Even thought that method (Leninist-Marxist) of defining ethnic groups based on common language and shared territory is outdated by the fact of free movement under globalization, we can still prove Jeberti’s nationality because it meets the ethnogenesis theory that Wedi-Bilata referred to in support of Isayas’s unfair treatment of Jeberti.

Facts that support the question of Jeberti Nationality

Firstly, in defining the Jeberti’s and describing what differed them during the federation days from the Bihere Tigrigna was that most of the Jebertis as industrialist or business people they did not have loyalty to a small plot of land as the Bihere Tigrigna did.  The loyalty to a small plot of land made the Bihere Tignrigna micro-regionalists.  On the other hand, The Jebertis loyalty was to the whole nation of Eritrea, conducting business within its borders, and that was why they were more nationalists than any ethnic group in Eritrea.  They were all over Eritrea, unlike the other ethnic groups and were/are known in all places as Jebertis.

Secondly, the Jebertis’ nationality is unique among the other Eritrean nationality in their mode of dress and as such they can be identified by their different way of dressing from the others.  The Jebertis also differ from Bihere Tigrigna in their values, way of greeting, food and food/eating habits.  In their values, the Jebertis are guided by the word “Amana” or their commitment to a balanced scale and they keep warning themselves “stay away from unbalanced scales and don’t manipulate the objects over the scale.”

Thirdly, due to foreign borrowed words, the languages of the two Biheres are also different as different as Saho and Afar are.  That is why, the members of “Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group” referred to Jeberti’s Language as Al Jebertia.

Each group’s language influenced their culture in assembling, wedding, celebrating and marriage ceremonies.  Moreover, ethnic groups should be defined by their spoken languages and not by what the authority wants them to be known by.

Therefore, if the Afars and Sahos speak a semi-common language but do not share a territory, yet they are allowed to constitute two different nationalities.  And, if the Bilenis and Tegres share the same territory but do not speak the same language, yet they are allowed to constitute two different nationalities.  Then, why Isayas is imposing on Jebertis and wants them assimilated.  By the way, the melting pot in the U.S.A. is about assimilating into the nation and not assimilating an ethnic group into another ethnic group.

If we look into what made Hindi and Urdu two different languages, we will find that the two languages are the same, developed from a dialect spoken in the Delhi region and yet through time the two languages developed their difference through their incorporation of borrowed words.  There are some words unique to one culture and there are times when new word-phrases get introduced into a language bring or cause a cultural shock, just as in the case of the Tigrigna phrase “Com’Dilayie” of early 1970.  That single and only single word “Com’Dilayie” brought cultural divide and cultural liberalism to many Eritrean families as well as division and difference between parents and their children.

By The Ways 

The first by the way is that the Leninist-Marxist theory of nationality requires the nationals to share common language and territory repeat a shared territory within a defined border.  That shared territory within a defined border is solely about creating grounds for the “right to secession.”  As we all know that the clause “the right to secession” within the nationality theory is the most hated thing to Isayas because someone like he did can use the clause or surprise him with another version of “Nihnan Ilamanan” to dismantle the unity of Eritreans.

The second by the way is that the Isayas’s one person party should not partially accept the theory of nationality.  Either accept and practice it wholly or reject it wholly.  Partial acceptance and application shows that Isayas does not have a good grasp of the theory.  If he did he would not impose on the recognized nationalities of Eritrea a forced resettlement despite the fact that the decision is causing nationalities conflict and hatred.

The third by the way is that the Jebertis are all over Eritrea by their free will.  Because they believe in free movement, the Jebertis adopted local globalization within Eritrea long before the world knew about the term globalization and its concept of free movement.  Knowing well about the dynamics of the free movement within a nation enabled the Jebertis to be open and mingle-able with all Eritrean cultures and languages.  However, the Jebertis are against forced resettlement.

The Jebertis voluntarily move to resettle elsewhere within Eritrea.  But for those forced by Isayas to resettle, they are not moving with their own freewill.  They are on a coerced movement and they are driven from their houses by force to be resettled elsewhere.  That decision is a Eib (defective) decision and is totally unacceptable.  However, if the purpose of Isayas’s resettlement is to produce Jeberti like nationalities first he has to commend and not condemn Al-Jebertia or Jebertinet.


More to the explanation of power abuses against Eritreans, in conclusion, there is this: Since the infiltrators in all communities and organizations aim at defamation, weakening and destruction of internal unity of the opposition, it is imperative that in order for the opposition to stand up together for their rights, they need to fight back together as well as they need to support each other and to express theirr solicitude for each other as victims of Isayas.  So long the infiltrators are among us, we will remain weak and divided.  The infiltrators are successfully keeping their infiltration into the opposition because the oppositions do not care to filter them out and to keep the opposition’s arenas safe.  So also Isayas is continuing his abuses of power because the people are not confronting him together nor any one is resisting him from being the ultimate power in all Eritrean issue that he is pursuing either directly or through his infiltrators or his agents.

Johar Ibrahim Sisto Group
Zahara Ahmed, Coordinator

Review overview
  • netabay July 10, 2013

    KOl’a Jeberti niJIdah: Kol’a kistanay ni mieda!! misila deki akhiria/asmara

    • Zaul July 11, 2013

      ቆልዓ ጀበርቲ ንጅዳ ፥ ቆልዓ ክስታናይ ንሜዳ ፨ ምስላ ደቂ ኣኽርያ/ኣስመራ

      • abdu July 11, 2013

        Ata; Hallay anjal. What are the Denkelia Bahri hayli; the Beni Amer the grounder; how about the Saho; the bilin and so on who made a miracle to Dergi era aren’t they muslim did they go to Jiddah. Oh yea.. you are absoulty right the only ethnic who fought for Eritrea independent are Christian kebesa the one and the only senkilom kemuwen tesweom ; that’s way they are ferdti gezati adegti sheti you are every thing. when did you join sewra; you just join when the sour come to you.

  • netabay July 10, 2013

    ane zigeremenis , jebertis kalie kanka alena kab tigrigna ziteflye mis belu yu. kabey zimetse fuluy tigrigna. ay nisom endiyom kendi tigrigna, mis kalot bihierat zeytehanafetsu, kitehanafetsu entedeleyu win etom kalot zeykibeluwom.

    kalie ”amana” zibehal cultural Value nay jebrti alo elu. antum sebat entay ina kinsemie tsenihna.

    globalized zikone atehasasiba yu zelna ka tebahilu. this is ethnocentrism/racism zihawuna

    kuburat JEBIE, bejakatkum da meseretkum aytitxlu. kabzi tibluwo zelekum ni TIGREN TIGRIGNAN hanti bihier eyen elka mikita’e yikerib. aklikum entetsebibukum ka kalie amaraxi alekum endo…
    -genzeb alena ka tebahilu…KOL’A JEBERTI NI JIDAH : KOL’A KISTANAY NI MIEDA do aybelun deki akiriya kedem.

  • senay July 10, 2013

    The issue of the Jeberti as an independent ethnic group does not make any sense at all. I can sense the deep sense of in security and hatred towards their Tigrigna speaking brothers in Eritrea. After all this are the very people who sheltered them and they claim they are more superior towards the indigineous inhabitants. The writers say ‘the Geberti does not have loyality to a piece of land.’ But my argument is they don’t have loyality to the entire nation either. Wedi Temnewo greatly exagerated the role of a handful of Geberti in the armed struggle, while 98% were hiding in different arab countries especially Saudi Arabia. Even in the recent war with Ethiopia most of the Geberti were the first who started escaping to the Sudan abandoning their comrades in the front line. I STRONGLY believe we should question their loyality, before considering their claim of ethnic group status.

    • Abdu July 10, 2013

      Mr. Foreign authority OK sir. Why don’t u learn your origin and plus you are minority of all ethnic Eritrean.

      • Zaul July 11, 2013

        ከይመስለምካ ዓንዱ ምስመስለምካ ዓብዱ ፣ ሽም ኣቦኻ’ኸ፧

      • abdu July 12, 2013

        Respond to Senay .
        I can’t expect good thing from you BCZ. you graduated inthe university of Adhanom G/SElasie.Misinformation ; disinformation

  • weygud July 10, 2013

    Who is the author this article about Jeberti? We live and learn absurd things. If this guy ethnic crisis, I would recommend him to read his origin. It is better for him to go to Tigray , called Negash where Mohammed El Negash burial place.Then the question Jeberti nationalities to the Eyhiopian government. The othet point to bring to the attention the writer is that the Jeberti live in Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, the Sudan , and in Eritrea. Those who live in Ethiopia and Eritrea speak Tigrigna. No one will buy his fabricated new name Al Jebertia. Hahahkikikiki. It is funny that he is telling us that the already knew the concept of globalization and free movement to teach the world whereas the Bihere Tigrigna are stuck in microregionalism by means of small plot ownership. What a sick mentality!. Your article is exposing you how how narrow-minded you are. You microethnicist and before advocating for Jeberti, please come to your senses and then if want to advocate on behalf the Jebertis, try to bring them from different countries in one location and tell to speak your fabricated language. If the Jeberti people a reasonable claims, that would be contitutional right. For that matter , I agree with the comments of M.Berhan Blata’s. Period.

    • Abdu July 10, 2013

      Don’t be deceived by M/ blata’s comments I can assure u he has a hidden agenda and as well as he is being sent to do the dirty job from HGDEF. Because ; as u may not be aware it’s being said and written about jeberti by so many intellectuals in to many occasions the last God knows how many years since ever M/blata run away from Eritrea & he never said nothing at all ; now all of sudden when one of our hero wedi temenew starting to reveal their criminal act during gedli (Sewra) he is using that opportunity as excuse to use wedi temenew ; before he expose him he is rowing

  • Kombishtato July 10, 2013

    Ethnic identity in many parts of the world especially the Horn of Africa is defined by language, history, land, linguistic identity, heritage, customary laws, culture, music, dance, dress attire, cuisine …
    In Eritrea, for example, the Kunama, Saho, Bilen, Nara, Afar … have their own land, history, language, customary law, dance, music … but the Jebeli, the Italian, the Amhara, the Arab, the Oromo in Eritrea do not have these identities; therefore, they are not and they can not be an Eritrean Ethnic Group.In Eritrea, the most defining aspect of ethnicity are land and language.
    However, an Italian, an Arab, an Amhara, an Oromo, a Jebeli, Fred Hollows, Dan Connel … may/can be Eritrean citizen by naturalization or by birth but not by ethnicity the way the Saho, Afar, Kunama or Bilen … are defined Eritrean ethnic groups.
    There are many recent settlers in Italian Eritrea, such as Jebelis and some Arabs, Bosnians who came as port labourers around Massawa, or as mercenaries or some ethnic Tigrayan and Amhara Jebertis who were given temporary settlements in some parts of Eritrea by the Italians, many in the then Seraye region around Mendefera and Adi Quala, Eyamo, Dubarwa, Himbrti, Sef’a, … etc…
    What surprises me the most in the Eritrean political identity is that the Italian Eritrean, Amara or Oromo Eritreans … do not demand that Italian or Amaharic become the legal language but a moslem Amara, a moslem Tigrayan or a Jebeli settler have no shame to demand an imported Arabic language to impose as a “legal language” of Eritrea by denying the Kunama, Afar, saho or Bilen to protect their own languages (this is another subject).
    The bottom line is that ethnicity is primarily defined in the Horn of Africa and many parts of the world by land and language.

    • Kalighe July 11, 2013

      “some ethnic Tigrayan and Amhara Jebertis who were given temporary settlements in some parts of Eritrea by the Italians, many in the then Seraye region around Mendefera and Adi Quala, Eyamo, Dubarwa, Himbrti, Sef’a, … etc…”


      – Not all Jebertis came from Tigray. When the Italians came, they too were there. You can refer to Italian colonial archives.

      – Some groups are believed to be of Tigrayan origin. But compared to other Tigryans who re-settled in Eritrea, they are a small group.

      – Some Jebertis are originally from Saho families who left their ancestral land in Semhar and moved to Highlands and parts of northern Tigray.

      – In Eritrea at the moment there are no nationalities. The three largest communities (Tigrigna,Tigre and Saho) are linguistic groups (they are not ‘consanguinei’, i.e. they don’t share the same blood or genetic pool). The Marxist definitions used by both ELF/EPLF do not fully describe the Eritrean social reality(which is very complex). These theories about nations and nationalities were may be valid in European context.

      – The Jebertis were/are persecuted because of their religion and distinct culture.

  • Kombishtato July 10, 2013

    ወይ ጉድ ተዛሪቡ ከዛርበና ድዩ ነዚ ኹሉ ጽሒፍዎ ፧ ትም ተበልና ወዮ እንተመለስና ወዮ፤ ዘመን ግርምቢጥ ማይ ንዓቐብ፤ ዝበሉ ከምዚ ምስ ረኣዩ እዮም።
    ጸሓፊ ይብል፤ ” ጀበርቲ ንግድን ገንዘብን ይቆጻጸሩ። ” ካበይ ኣምጺኦሞ ፧ እሺ ሕራይ፤ ዓዲ ወይ ጤሳ ዶ ኣለዎም ፧ ስለምንታይ፧ ጀበሊ ወይ ጣልያን ዓዲ ወይ ጤሳ ኣለዎዶ፧ መልሲ፣ የብሉን። ስለምንታይ ፧
    ኣያ ዝብኢ ኣብ ዘይፈልጥዎ ዓዲ ገሹ እንታይ ኢሉ ይበሃል፧ “ኣጎዛ ኣንጽፉለይ ። ” ካብዚ ኹሉ ጽንጽዋይ ናይ ኤርትራ ግና “ቋንቋና ዓረብ እዩ፤ ” እትብል እያ።

  • Abdu July 10, 2013

    Still continue to WEYGUD
    do you now the aboriginal (first) Eritrean are the Kunama & Saho the rest start from yourself are settlers don’t take my word just go and educate yourself Mr. Professor. Second thing is I would like u to find out and read abut Chaluk and Maluk family tree and then the Jeberti will follow you right behind. The third thing I would like to ask you is ; if France speaks french ; Italian speaks Italian; Arabs speak Arabic Amhra speak amhric and if so is there any language call tigrigina Eritrina big no tigray tigrigna period so you are tigrawhy and so do all your leaders.

  • NEW HOPE ERITREA July 10, 2013

    Quoting FAO….¨In less than a decade, Ethiopia has jumped from being a minor producer of sesame (38,000 tonnes in 2002, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation) to the largest producer in Africa and fourth largest in the world (320,000 tonnes in 2011, according to the most recent data available)….END OF QUOTE..

    I was ¨enraged¨ by this news. This is like poking our Eritrean eyes ,I would say this is the right time to invade woyane.
    After they encouraged us to secede they become richer ,peaceful & progressing at a super sonic speed .IT IS NOT FAIR ;NIOW IS THE TIME TO INVADE THEM & SAY THEY INVADED US !!!

    • Zaul July 11, 2013


      If you think Eritreans have Ill-wish for Tigreans/Ethiopians, then I overestimated your brilliance. All we wish from Ethiopia is to leave our land, so the Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia can return home, we’re greatful that Ethiopia has recieved them with open arms. I hope the free and democratic Eritrea will be able to show the same gesture of hospitality, if our Ethiopian brothers ever need a place of refuge.

      I know you are not here as a private person, but can you please convey the message to…

      • NEW HOPE ERITREA July 11, 2013

        Do not say we .I believe you as Zaul,but ,the opposite is true about many self hating ¨hizbe Tigrinya CYBER WARRIORS.I am just showing our self defeating attitude.This does not hurt Ethiopians ,it hurts us .
        …And please stop this PFDJ´s tactics ,if you can not challenge one try to give it to the mouth of Agame or fifth column.
        I am nobody´s messenger ,but ,I do not follow ¨HERD MENTALITY¨like the we you describe ,I think I and recommend what I think is good for us.
        Please Zaul ,you are articulate person ,but you are suffering from Eritrean herd mentality Syndrome. WE REBUKE OUR KIDS BECAUSE WE LOVE THEM ,ONLY AN ENEMY CLAPS WHEN YOU ARE DOING SELF DEFEATING ACTIONS.


  • NEW HOPE ERITREA July 10, 2013


  • Abdu July 11, 2013

    Continue to Weygid.
    Listen what happen ( kab Tigray zeyweled eyechwan manifesto or chiroho) do you mean long time ago when you were mamma tigray you were chiwa hiji gun baria malet do you?
    Or the Jeberti said it you mean.
    Finally ; if you don’t know what the jeberti peaple played on the Eritren struggle I think I am not going to west my time go and read period .plus I think with out jeberti the

    • Zaul July 11, 2013

      Keymeslemka Andu mesmeslemka Abdu, shm abokha’khe?

      We have language classification in Eritrea not “Ethnic” classification. We have Ethiopian Tigreans and Eritrean Tigreans. The “Jeberti” are as Tigrinya and Eritrean as anyone else, but you are creating a wedge-issue, where there is none.

      • Zaul July 11, 2013

        Al-Jebertia, what a load of non-sense, I think you mean Al-Saudia.

        • Abdu July 11, 2013

          Respond to Zaul(Dohul)

        • NEW HOPE ERITREA July 11, 2013

          Brother Zaul ,

          I followed the link you provided History of Eritrea in 1943 written by Nadel ,Needless to say I admired your research ability ,but was disappointed to find on my mom´s side I amybe Shoan /Amharai people from Seraye are of such origin .NO WONDER WE WERE GETTING A LOT OF taff/teff FROM SERAYE .
          I think we need to invade the author NADEL ,I AM SURE HE WAS PAID BY THE 1st WOYANES !!!

      • Tamrat Tamrat July 11, 2013

        Is there a difference between the eri-tigrians and ethio-tigrians? These two big Groups now controlling both Powers in North and South.

        • Zaul July 11, 2013

          There are some historical, slight cultural and sllight linguistic differences. But I believe they are practically the same ethnic group. Just like Wollo, Gonder (some Eri-Tigreans trace their roots to Gonder), Gojjam and (Shoa?) are all Amhara. You should read about the history of Mereb-Millash and how Eritrea came to be, as a result of an agreement between Menelik II and Italy to weaken all Tigreans, to understand the relationship between Eritrea and Ethiopia.

          Many Ethiopians (even some Tigrinya) make the misstake of equating Eritrea with “Bihere Tigrinya”, we are just one part of a larger entity. There are deep blood relations between Tigre, Saho, Tigrinya, Blin and even some Beni-Amer trace their roots to Hamassien.

          I do not know about the power structure of Ethiopia, But I think your beef is with Woyane, not Ethio-Tigreans.

          • abdu July 11, 2013

            Oh My God ! what’s next the people you use to call them Sahabi Gemel all of sudden they become your mix blood like Behere Tigre ; Ben-Amer; Blin;Saho. listen you don’t have a drop of blood with any of those mantioned abave you are just mixed with Gonder Amhara believe me.It’s only a day dream. So; next you going to tell us you are mix with Reshayda; with Soudi With Italia; Frinch put yourself in a pot and mix it

          • Zaul July 11, 2013

            “Respond to Zaul(Dohul)


            Do you know where that expression comes from? It comes from being war-weary, from fighting invader after invader and getting no help from Jeberti-people like you. But we are still here.

            The difference between you and me is that I base my information on history books, not shear unsubstantiated hatred. Go read a book. No Eritrean dislikes Jeberti, you are bringing on this misery on yourself.


          • abdu July 11, 2013

            Respond to Zaul (Dohul )
            You would like to know where the abve expression come from yea. Well; it come from some one like you Tewlawalay; Some one like you who has multiple faces;some one who doen’t have metkel & tsnat(not sticking with the truth ) some one who can’t see things below his nose.
            Let me tell you some thing very intersting Duhol; we have a huge proplem in our back home that we give priority to; i mean bigger than you can imagine don’t you think we should deal with that first.
            Second; I rally meant it if i was Tigraway Ethiopia i would have proud of it ; been in Tigraway isn’t a crime well ofcourse for some one narow minded only.

      • abdu July 11, 2013

        Respond to Zaul
        Key Kistenka Dohul, meskistianka Portuguse Ketkonalay almost from zaul to Raul.the next thing as usual you’ll be Roma; Elsabet; Ethiopia; hijika who knows i don’t know i leave to you?

        • Zaul July 11, 2013

          The Italian cardinal objective was to commite Genocide on our people. To that effect they used many methods:

          1. Military conscription of the youngsters. This had at least two goals:
          A.To exterminate the youngsters on the war front of expansion of their colonialism
          B. To terminate sexual reproduction of our population
          2. Confiscation of Fertile land as a means of starving them to death
          How did the Jeberti of Tigrai turn the agony of our people to their windfall of opportuniy?

          At the time, our people were 99.9% peasants and therefore, their kids and land were part and parcel of their survival means; the land for food production, and youngsters as their helpers tilling the land, collecting the harvest, tending their livesstock etc.
          When these two were taken from them by the Italian colonialist , our people became paupers and many of them flooded the mushrooming urban areas seeking employment as janitors, house maids, guards etc. since they did not have any skills other than farming.
          On the contrary, the Jeberti had two good opportunities in Eritrea:

          1. since alien loves alien, they were welcomed warmly by the Italian colonialists.

          2. Since they did not have land in Tigrai, they had been forced to develop retail market skills as a means of survive.

          Armed with their retail market skills and provided readily with Licenses by the colonialists, the Jeberti sprang their shops very quickly at every corner of urban and semi-urbanized areas and set themselves up to bleed poor people white.

          Our peasants were impoverished because their fertile land was confiscated and their grown up kids conscripted by force by the Italians but some of them never gave up attempting to draw sustenance from the arid land the colonial Italy forced them into.

          Like any one else, the poor Eritrean peasants could not satisfy their basic needs from their farming production and therefore, had to go to the market to sell their produce and livestock and buy other needs, like clothes, coffee etc.

          Unfortunately, for them, the retail market was in the hands of the jeberi, who bought their produce cheap and then turned around and sold it to the unskilled urban worker at many times over.
          Needless to say, from the late 19th century up to mid half of 20th century ,our people were under the yoke of twine mortal enemies– the fascists and Jeberti.

          Even after the defeat of the fascists, the plight of our people did not get better. The British Occupation Forces took over and quickly dilapidated the economic infrastructure built by the fascists with slave labor of our people; some of it transferred to their colonies, some sold for cash and the rest burnt them down.

        • Zaul July 11, 2013

          In the medivial times, the inhabitants were nomads moving for pasture. There were battles, fights and raids from the south that new tribes began to migrate to the Sahel. Some decades ago, the tribes living there are supposedly 24, like the;
          Asgede, Degdege, Zager
          Asfeda, Almeda Shiho
          Harabes, ZAUL, Tsaura
          Aderke, Dob’at, Aflanda
          Reshaida, Belew, etc.

          Their main kin live in Barka and Kebesa. The Asgede, a powerful group came up there from Adi Nefas, but originally of Tsena Degle of Akele Guzai. The historian Conti Rossini states it was in 1500, also Crawford, that Asgede came amongst the Habab. Alberto Pollera in his book “Le popolazioni dell’Eritrea” 1935 states that Asgede’s father Be’imnet was a noble of Tsena Degle. An extensive history on the Habab is written by Anthony D’Avrey 1996, ”Lords of the Red Sea” It is a common story by the Tsena Degle elders I had talked to.

    • Yahannes July 11, 2013

      No Mr Abdu;
      The song goes in that in 70s and in 80s fm our mother”Wedi Christian n meda Jeberti N jiddha”while our brothers die for you live in comfort in in Arab land,and it is not enough you try to deport christan who change their name instead to feed their Children back home fm Abraham to Ibrahim you contact dealiy with Saudiareb Imams to harm Habesha.Jeberti have no bold to fight but to bussiness with any boday like “Guragie”in Ethiopia even to sale their nation and their sister.I warn you mr Jeberti in that case you were in save heaven bcs HaileSilassie and Dergue and Isaias but when comes power to people we will deport you where you belong eather to to Tigria(there wait you fundamentalist´)or to Arab land there you can work like runing boy and house boy.

      • abdu July 11, 2013

        Mr. Yahnnes
        i My change my name From Abraham to Ibrahim. But; you see i pray in any mosqe any where with all kinds of Muslims who share the same fath as me all around the world. Here look when Christianity come in Europ a little more than 2000 years a go not in Eritrea i am talking inEurope. But; when you they export to you it was around 1;800 by throwing phanphlet on the top of helcobter and some of them on the ground holding in thier right hand a bible and the left hand Mashela and sernay and you are still not equal to the Europian or american christian and you can’t even pray in the same church as human how so.
        Second ; our record shows never been collaboraters to any foreigners nor to soudies and also it’s not our nature to inform authority to deport our brothers unlike you collaborated with Jany (haleslasie) or else we would be pilos; engeners polticians; doctors and we would’ve getting schoolarship to us and europ; But we choose our dignity over money.
        finally; Saho; Ben amer;Dekelia bilin Jeberti; and the rest arn’t fought and died for their country did they they left their contry and live in soudi?
        when did you join the struggle? why?

        • abdu July 11, 2013

          Cont. to respond to Mr. Yohannes (Janny; Halieselasie)
          I just want to remind you to the regard to my deportation; if that is the case i suggest you to think twice BCZ. that will be like shooting yourself in the foot; guest what you going first and i will be right behind you leaving the Kunama; Nara ; Dankalia and Saho.Rather than that i never have contact with papas and cardnel to deport my uncle Janny(yahannas)

    • Lilay July 11, 2013


      A non-sence grupp or individual wrote this garbage text above and you have accepted it I suppose and people like you are enlongating the Life span of the PFDJ. Thanks people who look for non-sence things and go arround.

      Wedi Temnonwo is a puppet of Isseyas. What he talks just baybish. Hade hisur seb eyu. Zelielu sebat zeykewun zanta hizbi zikefafil tezaribu.

      Nisun kemankan edime PFDJ tenawuhu sebat sile zikonkum kitlileyu stubuk eyu.

      What is JERBERTI??????????????????? Jeberti malet kab nai areb kal JEBERUNA!!! kab zibil ziweste eyu kifelit ente delika. Tigringa timali Jigina Lomi Jigina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeberti kedemulu ysteri ember ayresihin eyu kitfelit. Mis tigringa mukankum kitemesginu ygibae.

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