Voice of Asssenna: 6 months on, Sinai hostages Kasko and his wife, Million, speak about their ordeal
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAJy4Z5qecM&width=200&height=200 A restaurant owner from Shagerab refugee camp in Sudan, Ghirmai (Kasko) and his wife, Million, who had been sold to the Sinai Bedouins by Sudanese security conspirators, with the knowledge of UNHCR employee in the
A restaurant owner from Shagerab refugee camp in Sudan, Ghirmai (Kasko) and his wife, Million, who had been sold to the Sinai Bedouins by Sudanese security conspirators, with the knowledge of UNHCR employee in the camp, 6 months ago speak about their ordeal in the hands of the cruel Sinai Bedouins who have kept them in a secret location for tens of thousands ransom money. The Sudanese government and UNHCR have been informed about the incident; evidence has also been provided to them to investigate the matter. But no action has been taken so far. The Eritrean victims are still suffering as hostages.
Kombishtato April 24, 2013
Thank you Assenna for being the voice of voiceless Eritreans suffering in the hands of the savage Arab Bedouins, Rashaidas and the Sudanese security.
I have never seen such heartless people. As this is happening, the Eritrean regime, its opposition or the Arab regimes, Arab media and the Arab intellectuals do not care of the poor enslaved Eritreans in the Arab world.
As I write, this is repeating in Libya, Yemen and Djibouti against Eritreans and many other black Africans.
Eritrea has become a curse to Eritreans with endless misery.
” … 1) 76 Eritrean refugees in Libya are being used to clear land mines in Sirte, the home town of the late Gaddafi. The refugees are forced all day to clear land mines. These are not trained professionals. This is not humanitarian de-mining. This is a callous, inhuman treatment of humans as if they were disposable pieces of equipment. It amounts to nothing less than murder.
2) Over 400 Eritrean refugees have been trafficked from Sudan to Libya and involuntarily held in Ajdabiya, near Banqazi. Over 120 refugees had paid a $1,700 ransom per person before their release; the remaining 400 are held inhumanly, and those who were released report that they were starving and subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment. This could not happen in such large numbers if the Libyan government took action against it, so it can only be assumed that they are complicit.
3) Eritrean refugees are also detained incommunicado and under harsh conditions at the following prisons:
Salma prison (near Tripoli) – 81refugees
Al-Khums (near Tripoli) – no numbers available
Al-Kufra – Over 300 refugees
Sabha – around 1,200 refugees
Zuwara – no numbers available
It is very sad to see what the so-called revolutionaries in Libya are doing to the refugees from Africa. We had hoped that they would empathise with the situation in Eritrea, and the plight of Eritrean refugees, as they themselves have suffered at the hands of Gaddafi. Instead, the Eritrean refugees are detained like criminals under harsh conditions. The UNHCR office in Tripoli is not notified of the presence of those refugees in Libya. Why not?
Libya is one of the signatories to the African Charter on Refugees and a member of the United Nations. And yet it flouts the most basic human rights requirements in its maltreatment of Eritreans.
We appeal to the international community to condemn these horrendous developments in Libya.”
Kalighe April 25, 2013
በጥ ኣቢሎም ክገርፍዎ ኩርማጅ ዝፈቱ
ጃንሆይ ኣትዮም እንተሃብዎ ናጽነቱ
ኣድጊ ሳዕሪ እምበር ምዓር ስለ ዘይትፈቱ
ባንዳታት ደቂ ብሉቕባሽ ተረፍ መረፍ ዝለመዱ
ክብረት ኣለርጂ ጌሩሎም በረኻ ፈርጠጡ
ነጻነት ኢሎም ባርነት ሸመቱ
It’s indeed difficult to tell who is who in the internet (you could be even be dog), but what you have been writing about Eritrea tells it all, for the moment there is no other way to tell who you are. Your writings clearly show your are someone regretting to be called Eritrean. You say: “ጃንሆይ ኣትዮም እንተሃብዎ ናጽነቱ”,”ባንዳታት ደቂ ብሉቕባሽ: ተረፍ መረፍ ዝለመዱ” “ነጻነት ኢሎም ባርነት ሸመቱ”. Isn’t this a proof that you are an Ethiopian or one who is not sure about his identity ?. Isn’t that an insult to the people of Eritrea and their history ?.
Now tell me how a person like you can claim to be an Eritrean ?
Kabbire April 25, 2013
Just listen to the Assenna radio broadcast above. Why are you obsessed on who is a real Eritrean and who is not, while Eritreans are sold like goats in a land called Eritrea and abused by the Arab world, raped and their poor Eritrean families terrorized by the Arab mafia and their servants to pay more than US$ 35,0000 to buy their freedom.
I am glad HOPE LESS ERITREA does not belong to the Higdefite or Jabha clan or to the people who volunteered to be Arab servant Abeeds in order to walk and talk like the brute and bestial Arabs of Libya, Sudan or Egypt. Again listen to the radio.
There is nothing to be ashamed of being or related to the Ethiopians or Habesha people but there is a lot to be ashamed of to be a volunteer Arab Abid and burn once own language to promote Arab values.
If I were you I will be ashamed of what the Arabs are doing to Eritreans.
“History repeated itself again 28 years later after the second organizational conference of the ELF/Jebha in 1975. Educational books, which were prepared in the Tigré language by teachers at the Sawa training center, were ordered to be burned by the Executive Committee [of Jebha], citing the reason that it was a conspiracy directed against the status and prominence of the Arabic language in Eritrea. The leadership of the ELF gave orders not to prepare any more educational texts in the Tigré language henceforth.”
ahmed saleh April 26, 2013
SPADEisSPADE April 25, 2013
and yet they tell us Islam is a religion of peace..peace my a$$
Said April 25, 2013
don’t get involved in something you don’t know nothing about. and whatever your name is
spadeIsspade April 26, 2013
I dont need to know, there is nothing to know.it is all crap about abusing humnity.
Said April 25, 2013
there is a good news today aljeezera . the Egyptian the president announced today. that they going to clean sainia . the footage showing a war zone. mini are fleeing. they even announce that this rashaida and eritrean Komando involving in human trafficking, same running by foot , and some are driving pickup trucks, and chase them true the mountain , and by seas . they can no longer tolerate. this human trafficking. the question would be.????.they gone back to eritrea what we will do..4/25/13
seb kedem April 25, 2013
Asenna, what evidence was given to UNHCR?
Said April 25, 2013
Go to aljeezera tv in Arabic.
Said April 25, 2013
I don’t no
Said April 25, 2013
But it’s a big big operation.
Said April 25, 2013
We going to wait and see.
Said April 25, 2013
They are plying. political drama..they said . to restore the rule of law.
Araya-11 April 25, 2013
Amlak tsedfi yfetr medaybo kea yfetr kem zibehal, Amlak mewatso yfterelkum!!!!
Kabbire April 25, 2013
Rightly, other Africans are very sad for our sorry state in Eritrea and in the Arab lands. We have become the shame of Africa.
Watch this short clip: