As if to discredit Yemane’s statement, you countered, What about the 1998 Ethiopian-Eritrean War?, when he talked in connection with the evolving theme among genuine Eritreans that the con artist isaias afeweeeqi is systematically destroying Eritrea and the people of Eritrea to build tigrai-tegrigni and that his closest cabals, such as Hagos kasha, Yemane Monkey, Yemane G/mesqel, Abraha Kasa and many others whom he has placed at the nerve center of his mafia organization and Demhit are supporters of his scheme.
First and foremost, as the proponent of the theme now catching fire among genuine Eritreans, the theme that the con artist isaias afeweerqi has been an enemy of the people of Eritrea and their country all along , I am more than ever convinced that the days of the impostor are numbered. The first sign of success is identifying one’s enemy. Once this crucial barrier is overcome, Unity and the ultimate victory follow of their own momentum.
I have been maintaining all along that the illegal and unnecessary of 1998 Ethiopian-Eritrea war was secretly concocted between the con artist isaias afeewrqi and the now dead meles zenawi. Probably, their third partner in crime was Paul Henze, a former veteran CIA and an ex- national security advisor to president Carter, who, by the way, was never comfortable with the independence of Eritrea.
Incidentally, Paul Henze was a close friend of meles zenawi and the con artist isaias afeweerqi has had secret contact with CIA since early seventies as disclosed by wedi Tesfankeil Georgio. I bet the con artist isaias afeweerqi and no one else who introduced meles zenawi to Paul Henze.
The Eritrean Ethiopian Claim Commission exposed the false claim of the con artist isaias afeweerqi that he ordered the Eritrean defense force to invade Ethiopia in self-defense. He acquiesced to the result of EECC investigation and signed to pay Ethiopia a war reparation.
However, treacherous as he always has been, let say that he agreed with the EECC because, as he always evades his crime, because there was no other viable option as the decision of the Commission was Final and Binding. But he cannot exit of the dilemma that easy. There are valid questions that he ought to answer before he extricates himself:
1. Why did he send a message to promptly return to their country to all the members of the Committee who were sent to addis abbeba to discuss with woyane the issue of the border dispute before they were through with their work?
2. If the situation of our country were too precarious as to prompt the recall of the Committee from addis abeba, why did he travel abroad just before the alleged defensive counter attack was launched instead of staying engaged with development as a Chief Commander of EDFs?
3.If indeed he recalled the Committee because of breakdown of the negotiation that resulted in woyane invasion of our country, why didn’t he notify the UNSC and OAU in accordance with the International law before the counter offensive?
4. Why, after independence, did he leave Badme in the hands of woyane despite the complaints of the inhabitants and other Eritreans?
5. Why did he exclude the renown war commanders from taking part in the war?
6. Why, in the third woyane offensive in which he took complete control of the War, did the woyane troops, penetrating deep into Eritrean territory, despite the warning from the militia,attacked our defensive forces, in Gash Barka, from behind?
7. Why, in the woyane third offensive, did he order EDFs to withdraw from Assab Front?
8. Why, in the third woyane offensive, under the guise of signed accord of cessation of hostilities, did he order the EDFs to withdraw from their stronghold before the arrival of the peacekeepers and exposed them to slaughter?
This criminal will never give any pertinent answer to any of the above questions because the War had been preplanned long before , for the ignition of which Badme was purposely left in hands of woyane, the War which was designed to serve him as conduit to seize complete control of the helm of the government of Eritrea under the guise of State of Emergency, through which to bring the current catastrophic condition our people and country are passing through as a prelude to their ultimate decimation.
Remember, if you want to completely kill a tree, you must dig and remove all of its roots, and the con artist isaias afeweerqi is just doing that; by decimating the youth, he is completely uprooting us.
Those of you who are still procrastinating, you must be aware, you are affording him a golden opportunity to realize his evil dream. Wake Up!!
Is it historical necessity to have Ghedli in order to achieve the current reality, after a heavy price was paid in terms life lost and property destroyed? It is well over time to say enough is enough and to get back to normality and also to the competitive world of the 21st century. We are already lacking so much of the new technology and also new infrastructures up to the standard of today’s world.
Atto Yemane for sure ALL ERITREAN PROBLEMS AND TRAGEDY CREATED BY SOME PEOPLE FROM THAT THREE PROVINCE specially in the last three stages from Eritrean history because they (Siltan susua’at ) like Isiyas .Yes Mr. Yemane you touch a fact but you bend it when you said Mettahit people in general was Eritrean Muslims abused from Ethiopian authority the pure reality is an old events are repeated some of Eritrean people are inviting foreigners clean up their mate citizens in eghteen’s century RA’AS ALLOLLA INVITED BY THEM AND AGAIN HAILE SILLASE AND GEDLI STAGE TWO TIMES IN EIGHTIES WIYANE BY ISIYAS’S SHABIA AND BY THE IDIOT DEMHIT .
MR.Yemane said that he left Addis Ababa uni. to defend for Muslim Eritreans who get killed destroying their villages letting to fled to Sudan , Mr yemane the fact is different from what you said that time who was abusing the people you have mentioned are from that three provinces as well as now please please be honest and tell us that your left uni just you are SILTAN SUSU LIKE YOUR EX BOSS AND YOU FLED SABIA BECAUSE YOU FEAR FROM THAT KILLER ISIYAS FROM BEEN KILLED BY HIM . anyone from that three provinces dose not matter if he is from that criminals or from that innocents Mr Yemane and all that three province’s people for Eritrean future people review the History honestly and fairly if you want good future for Eritrea because fair and honest are base and good guide for better and bright future anyone in general CHRISTIAN OR MUSLIM stop cooperating with SILTAN SUSUA’AT ERITREA NEED GOOD LEADERS WHO WORK FOR THE COUNTRY NOT WORK JUST FOR TO BE ON POWER .
Clearly – all you have to done is jump in to my comments. That is exactly why Eritrea is bleeding. People blindly jumping in to the wagon of so many criminals and rapist and drunken men and shall I need to say more…. I am sure if Mr. Yemane would come out and do some explaining on what he did “wrong” – you would probably be hiding behind the door and not come out stating you were mislead. The fact still remains that – once you are in a “system that eats up” its own – you also have a hand in it. The “jar of honey” is not sweet always. In this case it is a jar of sour honey and it smells bad. There is always a story.
Did you not all jump in to Issayas’s wagon ever since liberation? I am sure some of you even took this evil man as a God sent – no? Now you are looking back and eating your words. So that is the same story here too. I am glad Mr. Yemane saved his life but pointing a finger at everyone else and not even consider once that of his own actions does not pass a simple litmus test.
Another point to make (if I have any) is – I would not point a finger at myself. I never was part of any movement that rightly so liberated Eritrea. So, my fingers are right where they belong.
What I would want to see is – add something that we all could move things forward rather than siding with a person who came out and pointed a finger at everyone. Was Mr Yemane a prince in the liberation where he did nothing? Simply nothing? If that is what you believe then – be it. I have nothing to worry but I do not change my perceptions. Mr Yemane’s innocence shows when he keeps mentioning three regions in Eritrea. His emphasis is so bad it seems to indicate Mr. Yemane’s inclination.
Let me guess – when the person who used to write articles like “From the belley of the beast” gets to come out exposing the government in Eritrea in the future – you will also speak of him as Angel. Be fair and be right. Keep your emotions in your heart and let your mind reason. Eritrea needs a mind that could think now. Young Eritrean kids are being deprived of their prime time; parents left empty handed…by the criminals in power in Eritrea.
Brother Mike,
You making valid and brillian points as usual. However and sadly, as in our tigrigna saying “ab zeysemiAka derbiyi aytimahlel’eyu negeru”. It was Einstein who said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. “You don’t move on to the next level unless you break something in yourself”. No one in his/her mind would deny that ghedli caused untold misery on tegadelti and hafash alike. The root cause of main Eritrea’s post-independence predicaments are also to be found in the secrecy, intrigue, lack of accountability and excessive concentration of power forged during the ghedli era. No more of lets just march on (hade mezmur/one type mentality) regardless of consequences.
Our national liberation struggle for independence is the most important factor for us to understand our situation and the task before us towards democratic change. Our history of liberation was a history of struggle for freedom against colonialism and colonial subjugation. Such a fight is a fight for survival as a nation, as a people, as a community and as individuals. It was a struggle for peace, justice, and stability for ourselves and for the region. Thus it was the struggle of establishment of justice against injustice. It wasn’t simply a litany of dead people, places, and dates. Thus, we should, indeed, learn from our past particularly from the mistakes we have made.
But we also don’t want to spend a lot of time masticating these mistakes; they’re over and done, and there’s nothing we can do about them except learn from them. So we don’t continue to rehash them, and we don’t become obsessed with them. If we do, they could become a source of frustration, and they could make us fearful of failure and disunited in the future. In short, they could make us very insecure, and this is, of course, something we don’t want.
It is, of course, okay to think about the past occasionally, savoring the successes we have experienced, but we should return to the present as quickly as possible. Even our past was better in some respects, we should not develop nostalgia and magnify the past and forget about the struggles and sorrows we experienced. Hence, if our present appears to be dull or good compared to our past, it’s up to us to make it better or keep up for the future. So we need to learn from them, certainly don’t make the same mistakes again and the same time we shouldn’t’ try to exploit them.
Bravo Yemane jigina. It’s true since 1991 up to date poor Eeitrea fell under domination of one party regime that commits unforgivable crimes against all Eritreans regardless their origins, political stands and religious beliefs, nothing can be improved unless we topple the PFDJ repressive regime for once and for all. Lets unite unconditionaly and save our beautiful Eritrea. Thanks Assenna and Emma in particular, God bless you all and please more of the same for the future.
The only way to have an educated guess of what is going to happen in future is, by reading history and understanding event that led to the present realities.
Yemane’s interviews made a huge contribution to our history. Let’s call it the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of our Ghedli history.
Yes! Yes! Yes! As Lord Jesus Christ said, “You will know the truth, and only the truth will set you free.” (John 8, 32) If you want to know the truth about the imposter con artist Isyas Afeworki´s hidden mission, and you like to set free from the unbearable slavery bondage yoke, from that he put a load on the backs, shoulder and head of our people, our dearest brother Dawit Meconnen has already reviled to you part of the trickery Isyas´s very confusing altitude.
If you allow me dear Dawit Meconnen to add a little more concern from that very confusing Isyas´s stand during the war he acting, as we may all know PM Meles Zenawi self exposed, I think during interview with Paul Henze was, “Isyas as was not satisfied with Eritrean independence.” As you rightly asserted dear Dawit to reverse the independence was Isyas secretly from inside by collaboration with Woyane and foreign powers he ignited the war. But the out come of the first and second round battle because ended by Eritrean army victory, the disappointed Isyas and allies for another war to accomplish the unfinished mission, it took them two years interval and strong preparation by modern weapon to armed the Woyane army. That time, so that the world not know the reality on ground, systematical to armed the Ethiopian army to crash the mighty Eritrean army, short before start the third round Woyanes offensive begin, the foreign mighty powers the systematical instrument that used to support Ethiopia was, “as if there is famine and hunger in Ethiopia caused and about 20 millions people are in need of support by propagating was.” By this horrible news confused and touched the world community as response specially all reach nations in addition of humanitarian aid, they seen when most wealthy nations they cancelled the Ethiopia loan debt. But some wealthy nations i do not think purposely by strengthen Ethiopia to harm Eritrea was they did that. Anyway what happen because happened, by the support encouraged and motivated the Ethiopian army we know it how easily defeated the Eritrean army. Will continue,,,
Dear citizens the above story is not the point i liked to share you, but the point i like to share you is the following Isyas´s trickery stand it is.
Dear citizens with Christ as my witness, I speak utter truthfulness.My concious and the wholly spirit confirms me as i am not lying to you. I hear with my own ear short before start the war, one foreign journalist when asked Isyas weather he allow all in the name of humanitarian support that donated donation to pass through Asab port when asked him . Do you know what Isyas responded? Why not! we do not like to see Ethiopian suffer. To this news all domestic media, be newspapers even radio and TV news reported as evidence if you like.But after Ethiopia systematical in the name of humanitarian aid because armed with modern weapon, Isyas after approved that was without consulted anybody by rejecting the the US and Rwanda peace plan, despite some of the ministers he put them in jail advised to face the conflict this time in peaceful means because understood the coming danger, but by ignoring their concern also was, he deliberately ignited the war and at a result he humiliated our nation and extincted our citizens. About the all lost territories and until now to that late occupied our territories to describe i have no time but he agreed also to pay war compensation for Ethiopia 173 million dollar in reverse to 163 million despite all the war damaged caused inside Eritrean territories. Two years ago also when the domestic journalist asked him about transparency where going the money for mine and how much, everyone knows what he answered about the water and electricity scares also you know it as he mocking to built for Eritrea, a 20, 30, 40 MW to build, why he belittling the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam around 7000MW expecting to produce, from all this Isyas´s behaviour What are you learn? I think when they finish the Dam his plan may to transfer all our mine money to his homeland for electric charge could be.
The other few concerns to add, the honourable Tegadalay Yemane Tekle Giorgish told us” Isyas as was travelling with Ethiopian airlines, while he was Eritrean rebel leader during the war,” Imagen! in contrast with Isyas who was in lowest position, the unknown Tegadalay Yemane while scares for his life not to be known if travel by Ethiopian airlines. Please more than this witness, what more evidence you need Isyas as is Ethiopian agent sent by H/Selasie? Our people are doomed because of luck of knowledge, because hate truth and love lie. What a cursed people!
Thanks dear Tegadalay Yemane for exposing Isyas´s past crime, but we have to give more concern about current and in future Isyas causing more damage. Will continue.
Dawit Meconen December 5, 2014
As if to discredit Yemane’s statement, you countered, What about the 1998 Ethiopian-Eritrean War?, when he talked in connection with the evolving theme among genuine Eritreans that the con artist isaias afeweeeqi is systematically destroying Eritrea and the people of Eritrea to build tigrai-tegrigni and that his closest cabals, such as Hagos kasha, Yemane Monkey, Yemane G/mesqel, Abraha Kasa and many others whom he has placed at the nerve center of his mafia organization and Demhit are supporters of his scheme.
First and foremost, as the proponent of the theme now catching fire among genuine Eritreans, the theme that the con artist isaias afeweerqi has been an enemy of the people of Eritrea and their country all along , I am more than ever convinced that the days of the impostor are numbered. The first sign of success is identifying one’s enemy. Once this crucial barrier is overcome, Unity and the ultimate victory follow of their own momentum.
I have been maintaining all along that the illegal and unnecessary of 1998 Ethiopian-Eritrea war was secretly concocted between the con artist isaias afeewrqi and the now dead meles zenawi. Probably, their third partner in crime was Paul Henze, a former veteran CIA and an ex- national security advisor to president Carter, who, by the way, was never comfortable with the independence of Eritrea.
Incidentally, Paul Henze was a close friend of meles zenawi and the con artist isaias afeweerqi has had secret contact with CIA since early seventies as disclosed by wedi Tesfankeil Georgio. I bet the con artist isaias afeweerqi and no one else who introduced meles zenawi to Paul Henze.
The Eritrean Ethiopian Claim Commission exposed the false claim of the con artist isaias afeweerqi that he ordered the Eritrean defense force to invade Ethiopia in self-defense. He acquiesced to the result of EECC investigation and signed to pay Ethiopia a war reparation.
However, treacherous as he always has been, let say that he agreed with the EECC because, as he always evades his crime, because there was no other viable option as the decision of the Commission was Final and Binding. But he cannot exit of the dilemma that easy. There are valid questions that he ought to answer before he extricates himself:
1. Why did he send a message to promptly return to their country to all the members of the Committee who were sent to addis abbeba to discuss with woyane the issue of the border dispute before they were through with their work?
2. If the situation of our country were too precarious as to prompt the recall of the Committee from addis abeba, why did he travel abroad just before the alleged defensive counter attack was launched instead of staying engaged with development as a Chief Commander of EDFs?
3.If indeed he recalled the Committee because of breakdown of the negotiation that resulted in woyane invasion of our country, why didn’t he notify the UNSC and OAU in accordance with the International law before the counter offensive?
4. Why, after independence, did he leave Badme in the hands of woyane despite the complaints of the inhabitants and other Eritreans?
5. Why did he exclude the renown war commanders from taking part in the war?
6. Why, in the third woyane offensive in which he took complete control of the War, did the woyane troops, penetrating deep into Eritrean territory, despite the warning from the militia,attacked our defensive forces, in Gash Barka, from behind?
7. Why, in the woyane third offensive, did he order EDFs to withdraw from Assab Front?
8. Why, in the third woyane offensive, under the guise of signed accord of cessation of hostilities, did he order the EDFs to withdraw from their stronghold before the arrival of the peacekeepers and exposed them to slaughter?
This criminal will never give any pertinent answer to any of the above questions because the War had been preplanned long before , for the ignition of which Badme was purposely left in hands of woyane, the War which was designed to serve him as conduit to seize complete control of the helm of the government of Eritrea under the guise of State of Emergency, through which to bring the current catastrophic condition our people and country are passing through as a prelude to their ultimate decimation.
Remember, if you want to completely kill a tree, you must dig and remove all of its roots, and the con artist isaias afeweerqi is just doing that; by decimating the youth, he is completely uprooting us.
Those of you who are still procrastinating, you must be aware, you are affording him a golden opportunity to realize his evil dream. Wake Up!!
monica salguero December 5, 2014
Ato Yemane beklu yemeseguen kemey agibe behakenetka
nekulu mare bemer-ayka ezi tray yu dehalefe kusli dehewi.
Netom tekalesti debehalu sebat win ternifka kem hayli
ktekemelomn kenkeblomn yehayesh.
Nabta kulena nemeneya hagerna nkenmeles Hebretna tray yu haylena.
Eden B. December 5, 2014
Is it historical necessity to have Ghedli in order to achieve the current reality, after a heavy price was paid in terms life lost and property destroyed? It is well over time to say enough is enough and to get back to normality and also to the competitive world of the 21st century. We are already lacking so much of the new technology and also new infrastructures up to the standard of today’s world.
WEDDI KEBESA December 5, 2014
Atto Yemane for sure ALL ERITREAN PROBLEMS AND TRAGEDY CREATED BY SOME PEOPLE FROM THAT THREE PROVINCE specially in the last three stages from Eritrean history because they (Siltan susua’at ) like Isiyas .Yes Mr. Yemane you touch a fact but you bend it when you said Mettahit people in general was Eritrean Muslims abused from Ethiopian authority the pure reality is an old events are repeated some of Eritrean people are inviting foreigners clean up their mate citizens in eghteen’s century RA’AS ALLOLLA INVITED BY THEM AND AGAIN HAILE SILLASE AND GEDLI STAGE TWO TIMES IN EIGHTIES WIYANE BY ISIYAS’S SHABIA AND BY THE IDIOT DEMHIT .
MR.Yemane said that he left Addis Ababa uni. to defend for Muslim Eritreans who get killed destroying their villages letting to fled to Sudan , Mr yemane the fact is different from what you said that time who was abusing the people you have mentioned are from that three provinces as well as now please please be honest and tell us that your left uni just you are SILTAN SUSU LIKE YOUR EX BOSS AND YOU FLED SABIA BECAUSE YOU FEAR FROM THAT KILLER ISIYAS FROM BEEN KILLED BY HIM . anyone from that three provinces dose not matter if he is from that criminals or from that innocents Mr Yemane and all that three province’s people for Eritrean future people review the History honestly and fairly if you want good future for Eritrea because fair and honest are base and good guide for better and bright future anyone in general CHRISTIAN OR MUSLIM stop cooperating with SILTAN SUSUA’AT ERITREA NEED GOOD LEADERS WHO WORK FOR THE COUNTRY NOT WORK JUST FOR TO BE ON POWER .
Mike December 5, 2014
Fair Enough.
Clearly – all you have to done is jump in to my comments. That is exactly why Eritrea is bleeding. People blindly jumping in to the wagon of so many criminals and rapist and drunken men and shall I need to say more…. I am sure if Mr. Yemane would come out and do some explaining on what he did “wrong” – you would probably be hiding behind the door and not come out stating you were mislead. The fact still remains that – once you are in a “system that eats up” its own – you also have a hand in it. The “jar of honey” is not sweet always. In this case it is a jar of sour honey and it smells bad. There is always a story.
Did you not all jump in to Issayas’s wagon ever since liberation? I am sure some of you even took this evil man as a God sent – no? Now you are looking back and eating your words. So that is the same story here too. I am glad Mr. Yemane saved his life but pointing a finger at everyone else and not even consider once that of his own actions does not pass a simple litmus test.
Another point to make (if I have any) is – I would not point a finger at myself. I never was part of any movement that rightly so liberated Eritrea. So, my fingers are right where they belong.
What I would want to see is – add something that we all could move things forward rather than siding with a person who came out and pointed a finger at everyone. Was Mr Yemane a prince in the liberation where he did nothing? Simply nothing? If that is what you believe then – be it. I have nothing to worry but I do not change my perceptions. Mr Yemane’s innocence shows when he keeps mentioning three regions in Eritrea. His emphasis is so bad it seems to indicate Mr. Yemane’s inclination.
Let me guess – when the person who used to write articles like “From the belley of the beast” gets to come out exposing the government in Eritrea in the future – you will also speak of him as Angel. Be fair and be right. Keep your emotions in your heart and let your mind reason. Eritrea needs a mind that could think now. Young Eritrean kids are being deprived of their prime time; parents left empty handed…by the criminals in power in Eritrea.
Peace to Eritrea.
Girma T. December 6, 2014
Brother Mike,
You making valid and brillian points as usual. However and sadly, as in our tigrigna saying “ab zeysemiAka derbiyi aytimahlel’eyu negeru”. It was Einstein who said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. “You don’t move on to the next level unless you break something in yourself”. No one in his/her mind would deny that ghedli caused untold misery on tegadelti and hafash alike. The root cause of main Eritrea’s post-independence predicaments are also to be found in the secrecy, intrigue, lack of accountability and excessive concentration of power forged during the ghedli era. No more of lets just march on (hade mezmur/one type mentality) regardless of consequences.
AHMED SALEH !!! December 6, 2014
We heard you , good try so far who ever you are .
Yes hade mezmur hade mentality for you United Eritrea .
Jake December 5, 2014
The fact that DIA used an Ethiopian Airlines in the 70’s will connect the dots. WAW! mind blown.
Gezae December 5, 2014
Our national liberation struggle for independence is the most important factor for us to understand our situation and the task before us towards democratic change. Our history of liberation was a history of struggle for freedom against colonialism and colonial subjugation. Such a fight is a fight for survival as a nation, as a people, as a community and as individuals. It was a struggle for peace, justice, and stability for ourselves and for the region. Thus it was the struggle of establishment of justice against injustice. It wasn’t simply a litany of dead people, places, and dates. Thus, we should, indeed, learn from our past particularly from the mistakes we have made.
But we also don’t want to spend a lot of time masticating these mistakes; they’re over and done, and there’s nothing we can do about them except learn from them. So we don’t continue to rehash them, and we don’t become obsessed with them. If we do, they could become a source of frustration, and they could make us fearful of failure and disunited in the future. In short, they could make us very insecure, and this is, of course, something we don’t want.
It is, of course, okay to think about the past occasionally, savoring the successes we have experienced, but we should return to the present as quickly as possible. Even our past was better in some respects, we should not develop nostalgia and magnify the past and forget about the struggles and sorrows we experienced. Hence, if our present appears to be dull or good compared to our past, it’s up to us to make it better or keep up for the future. So we need to learn from them, certainly don’t make the same mistakes again and the same time we shouldn’t’ try to exploit them.
Wedi Embaderho December 6, 2014
Bravo Yemane jigina. It’s true since 1991 up to date poor Eeitrea fell under domination of one party regime that commits unforgivable crimes against all Eritreans regardless their origins, political stands and religious beliefs, nothing can be improved unless we topple the PFDJ repressive regime for once and for all. Lets unite unconditionaly and save our beautiful Eritrea. Thanks Assenna and Emma in particular, God bless you all and please more of the same for the future.
Wedebbat December 6, 2014
The only way to have an educated guess of what is going to happen in future is, by reading history and understanding event that led to the present realities.
Yemane’s interviews made a huge contribution to our history. Let’s call it the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of our Ghedli history.
Truly Truly i say to you December 6, 2014
Yes! Yes! Yes! As Lord Jesus Christ said, “You will know the truth, and only the truth will set you free.” (John 8, 32) If you want to know the truth about the imposter con artist Isyas Afeworki´s hidden mission, and you like to set free from the unbearable slavery bondage yoke, from that he put a load on the backs, shoulder and head of our people, our dearest brother Dawit Meconnen has already reviled to you part of the trickery Isyas´s very confusing altitude.
If you allow me dear Dawit Meconnen to add a little more concern from that very confusing Isyas´s stand during the war he acting, as we may all know PM Meles Zenawi self exposed, I think during interview with Paul Henze was, “Isyas as was not satisfied with Eritrean independence.” As you rightly asserted dear Dawit to reverse the independence was Isyas secretly from inside by collaboration with Woyane and foreign powers he ignited the war. But the out come of the first and second round battle because ended by Eritrean army victory, the disappointed Isyas and allies for another war to accomplish the unfinished mission, it took them two years interval and strong preparation by modern weapon to armed the Woyane army. That time, so that the world not know the reality on ground, systematical to armed the Ethiopian army to crash the mighty Eritrean army, short before start the third round Woyanes offensive begin, the foreign mighty powers the systematical instrument that used to support Ethiopia was, “as if there is famine and hunger in Ethiopia caused and about 20 millions people are in need of support by propagating was.” By this horrible news confused and touched the world community as response specially all reach nations in addition of humanitarian aid, they seen when most wealthy nations they cancelled the Ethiopia loan debt. But some wealthy nations i do not think purposely by strengthen Ethiopia to harm Eritrea was they did that. Anyway what happen because happened, by the support encouraged and motivated the Ethiopian army we know it how easily defeated the Eritrean army. Will continue,,,
Dear citizens the above story is not the point i liked to share you, but the point i like to share you is the following Isyas´s trickery stand it is.
Dear citizens with Christ as my witness, I speak utter truthfulness.My concious and the wholly spirit confirms me as i am not lying to you. I hear with my own ear short before start the war, one foreign journalist when asked Isyas weather he allow all in the name of humanitarian support that donated donation to pass through Asab port when asked him . Do you know what Isyas responded? Why not! we do not like to see Ethiopian suffer. To this news all domestic media, be newspapers even radio and TV news reported as evidence if you like.But after Ethiopia systematical in the name of humanitarian aid because armed with modern weapon, Isyas after approved that was without consulted anybody by rejecting the the US and Rwanda peace plan, despite some of the ministers he put them in jail advised to face the conflict this time in peaceful means because understood the coming danger, but by ignoring their concern also was, he deliberately ignited the war and at a result he humiliated our nation and extincted our citizens. About the all lost territories and until now to that late occupied our territories to describe i have no time but he agreed also to pay war compensation for Ethiopia 173 million dollar in reverse to 163 million despite all the war damaged caused inside Eritrean territories. Two years ago also when the domestic journalist asked him about transparency where going the money for mine and how much, everyone knows what he answered about the water and electricity scares also you know it as he mocking to built for Eritrea, a 20, 30, 40 MW to build, why he belittling the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam around 7000MW expecting to produce, from all this Isyas´s behaviour What are you learn? I think when they finish the Dam his plan may to transfer all our mine money to his homeland for electric charge could be.
The other few concerns to add, the honourable Tegadalay Yemane Tekle Giorgish told us” Isyas as was travelling with Ethiopian airlines, while he was Eritrean rebel leader during the war,” Imagen! in contrast with Isyas who was in lowest position, the unknown Tegadalay Yemane while scares for his life not to be known if travel by Ethiopian airlines. Please more than this witness, what more evidence you need Isyas as is Ethiopian agent sent by H/Selasie? Our people are doomed because of luck of knowledge, because hate truth and love lie. What a cursed people!
Thanks dear Tegadalay Yemane for exposing Isyas´s past crime, but we have to give more concern about current and in future Isyas causing more damage. Will continue.
assenna December 6, 2014
Dear Truly Truly I say to you,
Your comments are too long. Keep it short and keep it to the point. Thank you.