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Voice of Assenna:Intv with Yemane T/Gergish, Fmr Member of the EPLF’s Secret Party & Intelligence – Part 6 – Saturday, Aug 30, 2014

Review overview
  • Berihu August 30, 2014

    Poor tegadelti Eritreans, for the past fifty years have been told, by all the ghedlis, they are unique, skilled, SUPERIOR and have developed a superiority complex disorder. As you know, individuals with a superiority complex often exhibit a sense of empty graniosity. The removal of a single dictator won’t bring a lasting peace, prosperity and tranquility in the Eritrean landscape. DIA is a symptom not the cause of the problem. Yes, dear brother Yemane, the problem is ghedli and the whole Eritrean independence movement! Mind you, I am not against the Eritrean independence. I am glad you guys are free and living in your nirvana. However, the secession of Eritrea was a blessing in disguise for Ethiopia. Why blaming the fake independence and the movement then? The forefathers started it with sole ambition of creating a unique Eritrean identity – an identity that has no similarity with its past, race and continent. An identity that identifies itself with Arabism and unAfricanism – and the mishmash of Arabic civilization(??) and an adulation for the Western way of life. In other word, a culture devoid of its past and heritage. It was sheer hatred of the others (Amhara & Ethiopia) and feeling of economic superiority and admiration foreign cultural identity (of the Arabs) for the Moslems. An attempt to curve an Arabic speaking Eritrea, even though no Eritre has Arabic ancestral background. The simple point is that Eritrea’s problems couldn’t be solved by removing the dictator only. Previous instances of regime changes (in Egypt for example) didn’t bring peace. More than the political change, what is really needed in Eritrea is culture change that is the ghedli generation SHIT backward culture change. As much as the fake independence didn’t bring prosperity, the removal of DIA won’t be a single penance that heals Eritreans current ills. PERIOD. Wake up ghedli generation riffraffs and start living in the fiercely competetive World of the 21st century and NOT the isolated and backward of the last centuries. Last, thanks haw Yemane, better late than never as they say!!!!!

    • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis August 30, 2014

      I think you are right, but eritrea hsve a lot of empity head prople.
      they are not able to calculate consequences.
      people who search unesisting thing and they creat diaster.
      Eritreans like mathemayics but not history , they like ptoblems not solution.

    • nati September 1, 2014

      take your nonsense elsewhere bro. this is an Eritrean website.

  • Hazhaz August 30, 2014

    ኣንቲ ኤርትራ እንታይ መዓቱ እዩ ወሪዱና ፧

    ከማና፣ ኣብዚ እዋን፣ ከም ኤርትራውያን እብዛ ዓለም እተዋረደን ዝሓሰረን ሰብ ኣሎዶ ፧

    እዚ ኹሉ ሰብ ብሽም ገድሊ፣ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሓምሳ ዓመት ዝሃለቐ፣ ንብረትና ዝዓነወ፣ መንነትና ዝሓረረ፣ ብኸነንቱ ግዜን ዕድመን ዝበለየ ነዚ ድዩ ፧

    እወ ብቐደሙ እንድየ፣ ጅምር ክትብል ተዘንጊዔ። ሕጂ ግና ኣብ ኤርትራ፣ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ፣ ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ” ኡይ! ኡይይይ !” ኢለ እንተገዓርኩ፤
    ኣብ ግዳም መበጎር ዘርጊሔ፤ ከምቶም ወራዙት ለባማት፣ ካብ ኩሉ ኩሩዓት ኣባሓጎታተይ፣ ጋቢየይ ተዓጢቐ፣ ” አይ! አይ! ” ኢለ እንተልቀስኩ መን ይሰምዓኒ፧

    እወ መን ይስመዓኒ ፧!

    እወ ሽዓ ብብጊሓቱ እንድየ ተዝንጊዔ። ኣባሓጎታተይ እኖታተይ ሰብ ክብሪ፣ ሰብ ልቦና ምንባሮም፤ ሎሚ ፈሊጠ። ኣነ ግና ናይ ዝተማህረ ደንቆሮ፣
    ናይ ሽማግለ ኣብዲ ዝኾነ ወለዶ ምዃነይ ሎሚ ተፈሊጡኒ።

    ኣነ መንነተይ ብሓዊ ዘልመስኩ፤ ንኩርዓተይ ዘቋናጽብ፤ ታሪኽ ኣባሓጎታተይ ዘይፈልጥ ከንቱ እየ።

    ውድቀት ድንቁርናይ ድማ ፣ እነሆ ባዕሉ ብስእሊ ይምስክር።

    • Wedi_Hagher August 31, 2014

      “ኣነ መንነተይ ብሓዊ ዘልመስኩ፤ ንኩርዓተይ ዘቋናጽብ፤ ታሪኽ ኣባሓጎታተይ ዘይፈልጥ ከንቱ እየ።
      ውድቀት ድንቁርናይ ድማ ፣ እነሆ ባዕሉ ብስእሊ ይምስክር።”

      Hazhaz aka Kombishtato, Teclay, Paradiso … a rootless with 11 nicknames

      Who told you that you have history and tradition in Eritrea ?

      If you hate to be known as Tigrayean its not our fault. Actually you are the ones to blame, because you hate the very people you hail from (Tigreans). We have no problems with them, you are the ones who are ashamed to be part of them. You need to come to your senses. Hating Eritreans and Tigreyans, who happen to share a lot, won’t solve your problems. Fomenting problems between the two brotherly people is not going to help you.

  • Mike August 30, 2014

    I just wanted to make two points:

    1: First point is the fact that Yemana and Ammanuel were questioning the people in Eritrea as to why they do not rise up against the dictator. Although I am asking the same question myself but here the question to you two (Ammanuel and Yemane)

    My short and simply reply: Why did you leave the country then instead of standing up to the tyrant? Why did not you not use your connections while you were in Eritrea and finish it up? You both seem to have had several inside information and connections from the information you are revealing through the interview?

    2: Yemane indicated “most of the fighters if not all ‘some selected group’ got any woman to be their maid/radio operators/or “secretary” if asked and wanted”…. This was displayed during every stage of the struggle and moments of all “Cultural tour” all over the world. It is understood people (men or women) have feelings but not – the way it was done in the Eritrean struggle. How is the Eritrean struggle different in this very sense then compared to all other countries who are accused of rapping and abusing women? Someone of us who read and understood the out come of “some unruly and power hungry people during the struggle” abused and rapped many women freedom fighters. Sad to say that some kids who is the out come of the struggle era must have a story to tell. It can not be reported as abuse but it shows how contaminated the struggle was and still is. It is still true in SAWA and other fronts – right? Yemane – you accused and stated that they did such acts against some women but you were part of that group and you had power to speak out or leave. Or take action with what you had…. I applaud you for coming out and speaking out but have some “reflection yourself” on what you either did wrong or could have changed if given a chance. Pointing a finger at others as if you are clean yourself is becoming a repeating story from every person that is coming to assenna and speaking out….

    Peace and Freedom for Eritrean People!

    • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis August 30, 2014

      Mike you are not intelligent, he coame out to sensiblise you

    • Ma'E'Kobay August 30, 2014

      It is between expert (yemane) and Journalist(Amanuel). therefore they were trying to put the proper way – why people do not raise up against the regime? and the answer differs from person to person we all differ how we view this question. I BELIEVE YOU were WRONG to put it they were wrong. both amanuel and yemane are great people telling us their experiences I myself learned a lot from them.
      Mine would be like this.
      1. they afraid their family(the risk they may take could bring negative consequences both ways) – anything you do in the open or known to the society could loom to your entire family. but Sahel and Gedli was isolated from everything whatever you do it become on you only then disappears into secret or treated as not happened.How many fighters murdered by easyas some committed suicide but presumed martyred – think Wedi Ali(Forto hero) it loomed to his family he committed suicide, then left kids and wife widowed then then mother and his kids left their country furthermore, both father and mother if alive they will suffer the rest of their life even they may hurt themselves. so Eritrean may see two sides that could be dilemma – having been in Gedli and every activity isolated and living among the general society and family very bad to act.

      • ahmed saleh September 1, 2014

        To make it easy , since 1991 we heard how they illuminate them , imprisoned them and other tactics to suffocate them .
        And some lucky ones saved themselves now eager to talk their experience . If we miss to defend them or side with them
        at that time it doesn’t make a sense to question them at this time . We were obsessed with Issayas unreserved support
        neglecting every facts on the ground which attract our attention . Even though it might sound offensive but it is true
        the blame lies to everyone of us after we have own country not to maintain our part .

  • selamawit2 August 30, 2014

    Dear Brother Amanuel Eyasu,

    after my opinion the forum od have been infiltrated by detsructive people who try heard to damage destroy
    Assenna. Therefore i would suggest to implicate binding rules for the forums, which makes easier to sort out those individuals who just want to destroy. Here is something i worked out, you can use it if you want. But i my English is “developable” and therefore the text need correction…

    Rules For The Utilization of the Forums of

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      • ahmed saleh August 31, 2014

        Dear selemawit
        Recently we witnessed unwanted guests in this forum who look with sinister intentions. And I admire the very few
        participants like you who showed courage to confront at any undesired ideas or arguments .
        Amanuel Iyassu deserve to find loyal friends to lean on and we have obligation to protect the forum’s reputation .
        At this moment it is necessary to have the will for readiness to stay alerted and vigilant from infiltrators send
        either by HGDF or other foreign agents .

      • selamawit2 September 1, 2014

        Dear Assenna, dear Brother Ahmed Saleh I just can say may God, Allah, Anna bless you and your loved ones the whole life through. You are doing such a great job!!!
        (And i feel honoured – too much – by your kind words.)

  • efrem yohannes August 31, 2014

    Selam radio assena Bflay Amanuel btaemi yemesgneka buzuh zeynfelto negerat knfelit kielna.Bflay Tegadalay Yemane Azyu bslet zelewo Mistral.Isayas Afeworki,mesalin m’enti Hager zwedekun berthing eti tihutn,busuln kulatna tegadalay Yemane bhankowta n ketetelo alena beal Mesfin Hagos buzuh mistir endafeletu kizarebu zeymkialom azyom zehznu.

  • Berhe Domenico August 31, 2014

    Eritrea, like many African nations including Ethiopia, is indeed “manufactured” and made up of disparate ethnic groups. The idea, experience, feeling and determination of Eritrea is both an internationally legal and permanent reality. The challenges of the last 23 years cannot change the permanence of Eritrea as an enduring fact. We will come out of the current predicament and live the aspirations of the ghedli generation.
    Eritrawyan are resilient.

  • Aida Kidane August 31, 2014

    The interview with Yemane is very interesting and important historical document. BUT, is it possible to hear the narration without the irritating interference of journalist?

    • Berhe August 31, 2014

      Aida K

      How on earth would you expect an interview with out interference or interruption. Interview is the art of interruption. Actually, the journalist should do more of that to double check the facts and accuracy of the historical account. If it was a narration it is another matter, the journalist shouldn’t be there at all. BUT if the journalist irritates you don’t force yourself to listen to his show. Why do you have to go to a restaurant if you are irritated by its chef.

    • nati August 31, 2014

      Aida Kidane,
      if you wish to hear Mr. Yemane’s uninterrupted narration going to Assenna is not the best option. interviews are conducted for a reason. and i believe assenna as a media is interviewing the former EPLF fighter and secret party member to find out the truth. that being said such shows can also be used as references in the future. however that is only a by product. so anyone who wants to listen to a narration with out interruption needs to wait up until Mr. Yemane records his own narration. by the way if you are into documenting use such shows to get ideas for your next project. one more advice: keep your tone in check.

  • Sina August 31, 2014

    meskinay Amanuel (Assenna),

    kan akhiluka qumneger zeybilu haTewqeTw Tray koynu xiHufka? kindey ametat koynu kemzom teref meref nay Jebha kiquzim kitnebr ikha. HGDEF kiwedQ qeribu kitibl Tray ametat aQuxirka

  • Mike August 31, 2014

    To all (or perhaps few) who reacted to my two points earlier in the mix of colorful comments regarding the interview Assena is doing with Yemane….

    I placed my two observations/points. These two points I pointed out are worth noting. If the idea of the platform is to listen/read and not express an opinion of what we (I) heard through our own “eye of justice and fairness” measurement then that is easy to do. The danger is then repeating the same mistake again. By mistake I mean – not questioning and speaking out brought the wrath of destruction to Eritrea as we see it today. On wise man once said something in these lines “either eliminate your enemy or make him your friend….”. In this case then – if you filter opposing viewpoints on the discussion here you will for sure end up behaving another failed system (perhaps not); and if you welcome opposing points (given the points are respectful and valid) you generate and understand where the other side is working on. I for one am on the side of Assena either through email contact or posting comments. But questioning facts and making you think again will sharpen your work and address in a holistic way. I do think those who are vile and unruly comments to be blocked or filtered. But to those comments that make you think or make you pause and re-visit your own words does help you and not hurt.

    Assenna – as always I have encouraged you to keep pressing with your work to bringing a change in Eritrea. It is the number one task and a noble work that you (Assenna) working towards too. Because of your work the voiceless are having voices. So keep it going and do not be swayed nor should you be questioning your worthwhile work to get rid of the current system in Eritrea.
    We are all accountable for something in life. Especially those who “have Authority” and those “who had Authority”. Very few do have power and that is however a “limited power” and they do need to be held accountable at a higher level. Example: the folks running the show the Eritrean government. All that is and no one should be immune for that matter.

    So Assenna = keep your good work moving. But do ask a few more why’s when interviewing and questioning key figures who are willing to speak out? It ought to clear the mud a bit more for all of us. If they (or we) keep pointing a finger all the time at the other side and fail to see looking at the mirror ourselves (this is again to those who are coming out and exposing the current Eritrean government’s role) who had some kind of role to play – then we might be failing to see what we did to bring all these hardship for many young Eritreans and Eritrea over all. Yes, I still think my two points are/were worth mentioning it. To those who use childish lingo to insult some postings – come up with constructive words and life. When you do place your ingenious comments consider the young, mothers, fathers who are in desperate situation in search of peace and freedom.

    Peace , Freedom and resolution to all Eritreans.

  • Mike August 31, 2014

    To selamawit2

    Your points are strong. You either believe in expression or not. You either face the enemy or not. To some degree I agree with your points (that is – filtering out vulgar/rubbish/insulting….comments) but be willing to also take some jab. It could open up a new understanding. If the world was all one color and one idea – would it have been beautiful? will let you dwell on that note…. some will keep driving to the cliff, some will come to a stop point and make a U-turn and some others will drive themselves to the cliff – and seeing it all is rather better than “encountering the unforeseen events”. Let the fools be a fool and let the wise be wise but focus on the task at hand and learn and see what the others are willing to reveal for free…. time to get to my real life….:-)

    • selamawit2 September 1, 2014

      Dear Mike,

      thank you for your comment.

      “filtering out vulgar/rubbish/insulting….comments” – that’s exactly what i am talking about.
      And this is something very, very common if it comes to communication in internet forums as we experience it everywhere in the www. So i think it was a matter of time till this issue would be raised (again) also on

      “be willing to also take some jab” – i am not very allergic to jabs myself, but i can’t accept vulgar comments against my sisters and racist comments against my brothers. and it also disturbs me, when i see the precious time and energy of Amanuel Eyasu and of all the justice seekers here in this forum is beeing systematically channeled into “…vulgar/rubbish/insulting….comments” for the sake to hinder very urgent, creative interaction between us and therefore the progress of justice seeking…by destructive powers (hgfs and rivals of eritrean sovereignity).

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