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Voice of Assenna:Intv with Mr Yemane T/Gergish – Part 17 – Thursday, Nov 13, 2014

Review overview
  • Simon Haile November 15, 2014

    Hade tariK xubuqn Hmaqin zHaze koynu kulu nay hade hager tariK iyu.
    iti zdile zelo kab tariKna intgay nmehar iyu.

    asEibe kibla zdeleku Yemane ab felema qale-meHtet bzaEba nay wedi-libi meswaty
    kigelix kemzkone aten-bihu neru. koynu gin kisab hiji zey migkaxi iti miKniyat
    intaykon yKewin ile yHasib, do walas tehawiKe aleku?

  • kg November 15, 2014

    Dear Yemane Tesfay was in Augusburg not in Ulm ..
    I was that time in Augsburg and I know Tesfay very well.
    So He was in Augsburg base

  • Samrawi G/hiwet November 15, 2014

    Isaias seems to get the better of Eritrean people and devour us at will, and we just take it with only minimal complaint. It is now well over five decades and still continuing until God knows when! It is said that Eritreans think by their heart; NOT by their brains and could this be the simple reason that Isaias and his criminal gangs are still in power? Indeed, outside looks can be very deceiving and PFDJ have been deceiving us with their outside makeups and fake acting. Thank you brothers Yemane and Aman of Assenna.

  • yohannes November 15, 2014

    Yemane thank you and my hut off for you. Coming to my point where is wedi photo now? Is he in canada? Because I think he have canadian citizen now. It will greatly appreciated if you let us know. Because we have to becarful about this person in canada.

    • Wedi Tororonto November 16, 2014

      Not sure if he is the same wedi Foto, but there are two Deki Foto brothers in Toronto. They are both niHna nisu Nisu niHna, Isayas or mot pfdjites

    • sMRET November 16, 2014

      one of the wedi foto is the husband of pfjd singer Almaz Teferi. He lives in toronto. I dont think he is the same wedi foto.

      • wedi Forto November 16, 2014

        Smret is right, the younger wedi Foto is a husband of the pfdj wannabe singer wachil Almaz Teferi.

        The one Yemane is referring to, most likely is the older wedi Foto. He came to Canada through Europe in the late eighties. He is very close friend with the pfdj enforcer Estifanos (that Ali Abdu referred to on his Australian Immigration Application).

        I agree with wedi Toronto, both of the brothers are ardent blind Issayas supporters. It is very conceivable that the older wedi Foto is the one Yemane is referring to on his interview.

  • Tesfaldet November 15, 2014

    Dear Yemane,
    Integrity is so crucial in societies so they stick together. You are very honest person! You are a man of integrity! There is no way to recover the lives of the EPLF victims in the past.Thank you for sharing this historical information with your people. We need it, because, we don’t want it to happen again.
    I was impressed when you mentioned during your interview that ” Eritreans never act until the tip of the knife turns around them”.This is deadly true! Unfortunately, history is repeating itself!
    Most people wouldn’t sympathize with Dayan’s assassination in Sudan, because he attempted to kill you. How ever, when you detail the story, you stood up at the right side of the proffetional judgment. Dayan shouldn’t been killed for his failure to assassinate you. So, you deserve huge credit at this point.
    Don’t expect that everyone would be happy about your interview; still there are few mentally incarcerated deadly lost individuals.But the majority is happy to hear the truth from you. Keep it up and thank you!

    • abrham November 15, 2014


      you quoted

      ‘I was impressed when you mentioned during your interview that ” Eritreans never act until the tip of the knife turns around them”.This is deadly true! Unfortunately, history is repeating itself’

      even Yemane also assigned and served for 14 years for the dirty Job.he is smart for his selfish to scape when he noticed the sward was pointing to him.
      i blame Yemane,with his own words,he was the first Chosen Esseyas to chair EPLF in the secret congress Meeting,

      Why why and why again and again

      • Tesfaldet November 15, 2014

        If Yemane keeps the secret and dies with it, we wouldn’t have known anything. At least we know the truth now regardless of the nature of the crimes. The killing has never stopped. We are still facing the consequences of their power based corrutions. There are still a bunch of criminals out there who needs to be locked up behind the bars for their wrongdoings. We are asking people like Yemane to come forward and tell us the truth. We shouldn’t let the next generation to conduct a hypothetical scientific investigation to find out the truth when we have physical witnesses. In fact, we need to reconcile with open heart and space for forgiveness. Thank you for your comment!

        • abrham November 16, 2014

          Dear Tesfaldet,

          Thank you for your honest comment.however we can’t see any Change by words,unless we don’t take an Action.we Need a leader,but what Kind of leader where Comes from?if you were as a leader having strong Ambition,target,,,do you like or want some one oppose you ?what would you like to do?

          A ‘shifta’ has followers and obedient,even they have the same weapons they don’t take any Action even for holding them brutality.

          We were all worshiped to this eritrean leaders,even now they have come to my Point,

          For God sake,i dodn’t feel regret on them before Independence.

          Eritreans lost ‘GOLDEN TIME’after independence

          • Tesfaldet November 16, 2014

            Dear Abraham,
            If we aren’t navigating away from the subject area, Yemane is telling history, not mobilizing people for change. What ever comments we make here are just complements. But I do agree with you with the point that a bunch of words may not make any change when dealing with a system change. I believe Yemane’s story is our history. And I needs to be documented for future generations. There is always good and bad history; but it’s up to us to choose the good from the bad. Thank you! It really great discussion.

  • Simon G. November 15, 2014

    Brother Yemane,
    Thank you as always. Don’t worry about some commentators negative view because you can’t make everyone happy. I am sure you know that already.
    I like one of the critical points you have made. isayas is trying to cloud Eritreans by talking on the past heroism (that has nothing to do with him btw), but we need to look at today’s situation. Eritrea is in a dire state. People are hungry and angry at isayas and his circle of hell. What is the point of bragging about Nadew when you can’t feed your <5 million people? This is one city's population in a lot of countries.
    That tells us this criminal guy has no desire or the skill to lead a country.
    I am glad that you are alive. Keep continue on bringing the dirt out!

  • oromay November 16, 2014

    Appreciation by name calling is really unnecesary waste of time. Are you telling your customers not to call a spade is a spade? Or is it love your enemirs? Scutinizing every single word will definitely sap your precious time.

  • Tesfa November 16, 2014

    Hi! Brother Yemane,
    You are one of the rarely people, who un-naked the brutality of leadership of Isaias, that we knew it from the early stage of
    the struggle. You will be remembered by your courage and sincerity to the people of Eritrea. Your contribution is very very significant in putting our History straight.
    I have one wish, if you can share your knowledge, on the case of martyr of Ibrahim Afa. Thank you!

  • Sami November 16, 2014

    Thank you ato yemane. I hope you write a book in English so people around will know the mafia regime in eritrea.

  • Eritreawit November 16, 2014

    Assenna team and Amanuel Eyassu thank you for what you are doing. Informing us the Eritrean people.

    Mr Yeman T/Gergish, you are a witness what Tegadalay ment to Eritreans. You break the fear of people who was scared to expose the crimes of the criminal regime. Thank GOD you are alive. I think even if you stayed with these criminal HGDF leaders’they would have find a way or excuse to get rid of you. They don’t like persones like you. HONEST, BRAVE, INTELEGENT, THOUGHTFUL and WedibAt ERITREAN. Thnk you for your service to free Eritrea, and exposing this all hidden crime of the Stupid, cruel, dictatorial govermnet. Please write a book about this all.