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  • ghezai September 27, 2014

    Yemane gigna anbesa you are the eye witness keep going thank you brother

  • Habesha September 27, 2014

    Ato Yemane, has not told us how many people he had killed in the many years he was a hit man directly ordered by Isaias or Petros in many countries. I am sure Isaias will not keep him in those countries with out killing a single person. If you are going to tell the truth tell nothing but the truth.

    • abrham September 27, 2014

      it doesn#t matter how many was killed by Yemane,if his Job was killing ordered he must kill like the eneur enemiesmy,no way.i was also eplf fighter,i killed alo more then 200 war prisoners,amhara we called them ” ZEMACH” WITH OUT ANY JUSTFICATION; but i was thinking they are o

    • abrham September 27, 2014

      it doesn’t matter how many was killed by Yemane,if his Job was killing and was ordered he must kill no way.i was also EPLF fighter,i killed aloT more then 200 war prisoners,amhara we called them ” ZEMACH” WITH OUT ANY JUSTFICATION; but i was thinking they are our enemies

  • Truly Truly i say to you September 28, 2014

    Mighty what a miserable person are you! Please where have you seen when i add hateful comment to individuals or neighbours? If you talking regarding Tegadalay Yemane and brother Dawit´s opinion, I never practiced hateful comment against Yemane by supporting Dawit, In the contrary if you not twisted my point of view, every healthy person can judge us by reading to what i wrote , i gave credit to Yemane´s contribution by describing as it is a million dollar worth useful information and i concluded by wishing him long life.
    As about identity suspension Dawit Mekonnen raised, i described it as irrelevant since a person for good will of our nation and people something useful contributed. I even said, since he do better than the so-called former minister Mesfin Hagos and Amb. Adhanom as long as the necessary criteria fulfils such as to love the nation and for well-being of our people honestly stands, let alone Tegadalay yemane alike , even completely Woyane origin a person would be, i explained as i am not against of him, even hold power in coming democratic Eritrea.
    Secondly, despite i trust Dawit as citzen and i like his direct uncomplicated art of point of views, i adviced him, not to hate all woyanes and to discredit the sacrifice they paid for our independence, even now as there are a lot of worthy ordinary and regime leaders woyanes, the pain and suffer of Eritreans they consider like there owns. Wordily, i almose said it the late PM Meles and Sebhat Nega alike worthy people as have more compassion for Eritreans and Ertrawinet, more than the treacherous mercinary Isayas Afeworki wolf with sheep skin. If you get my point in all my attempt, i was criticizing Dawit Mekonnen´s stand, not Yemane´s. For that normally Dawit mekonnen should a one who to be offended, not you. Since that is my point could you please show me where i expand or i encourage someone to expand hatter against individuals or neighbours?
    Anyway since you have a twisted heart and motive, it doesn´t that much surprise me your perverse reaction. Because i know the reason why you offended.
    You also blaming me as if i misusing the holy book someone to insult and expand hatter. First of all who told you, to call a wolf, “Wolf,” to call a thief “thief,” to devil “devil,” liar “liar”, to treacherous, “treacherous” etc. is an insult? If you may you would not know, rightly to give any persons its right name is not an insult, but is honesty and truth. This is why Lord Jesus Christ also was saying to those pretenders (Pharisees)according their deed you are liars! You are not from God, but you are children of devil´s from the beginning who was murderer. ( read if you like John chapter 8; 39- 44.)So do you mean Jesus baseless was condemining people, or you mean he was expanding hatter?

  • Truly Truly i say to you September 28, 2014

    part 2
    I also if i do practice that, do you think i have no enough reasons? Wey Good! Even i don´t like to tell you detail about my experience, but for your surprise as much as i can i was seeking and still seeking honest love and reconciliation for our nation and neighbours by using to go church. By convincing that is the real place where everybody can find real wisdom which can unite even all nations. But as my experience told me, let alone those of you possessed in politic, whom are to far from the spirit of God, even those in church pretending and preaching unity because i found them all liars, in the name of vision, when they following their own ambition by misusing they opening churches i saw for personal gain like a commodity using , from disappointment my spirit because burns at me is, i am running after any side and anybody to criticize, not baseless or without reason.
    From the beginning in church that you could not find true love, honesty and unity, how can you expect to see on you and others involving in dirty poltic? This matter, it is just like the say goes, “ካብ ፀባ ዘይተረከበስ ካብ ማይ-ጨባ” ” It is like from milk that you do not get butter, dreaming to get from water, milk.”
    Anyway like the spirit said, “I know that you can not tolerate evil men and you have tasted those who say they are apostles (meant also opposition politicians) but are not, and have found out they are liars. read ( Revelation chapter 2; 2-3 ) Do not wrongly think i didn´t search it to gain true love and unity. In dead i searched it. But at the result i hardly disapointed and losted trust is now i am running after every side to criticize, not baseless without reason.
    Anyway i know your motives and why you are angerd at me. You people a lot in this forum when in name of hatting Shabia, see someone belittling our Gedli, insulting our nation , when even mocking at our suffering and victimizing people in Sinai and Mediterranean because you fill comfort, we didn´t see that much when opposing it and you closed your eyes, but when I, and Dawit alike, by defending our nation interest when we criticize those belittling us; you start at hard blowing dust and defining us as evil preachers and hatter expanders. What a mockery!
    Please, for the sake of truth, though this is Eritreans website, who is at most in the name of opposing the dictatorship, who practising to insult and belittle nation? Those with woyane agenda pretending as if like Eritreans, or those of with Eritrean agenda? What a paradox! I definitely sure, if I insult and belittle Eritrea, mighty and alike as you do not have problem and fill comfort with that, but to satisfy you i never do that. Finally you told us as 4 of you family members sacrificed, which i deeply sorrow about and give them great respect, but as excuse to use it, and you and I instead to have once mind for the reason they sacrificed, and stand together to fight the dictatorism , if we start blame each other and start against our nation interest to work by siding in different position, if you have honesty it is shame. Anyway in such stupid argument to engage and waste time, though it was not my intention, but sometimes even truth hurts hard, it should to be told. Peace!

    • Mightyembasoyra September 28, 2014

      Keshi truly,
      You and people like you who contributed to Eritrea are pretending to be the country’ defenders. When you pay many brave citizens, like my family did, you understand the benefit of making peace. I am sure you won’t understand it because all you family members are residing in the west. Give me a break.

      • Mightyembasoyra September 28, 2014

        Meant to say contributed Nothing

  • Fact-is-Fact September 28, 2014

    Ato Yemane,
    Whether you, [like many at that inexperienced, young age] set out to Gedli for
    (a) a revolution that worth fighting for and even dying
    (b) a revolution that you believed in, or circumstance forced you to choose from

    ..still you spent a very good portion of your life for a casue.

    Whether you later found out that it wasn’t a clean revolution as you thought it would but had no choice
    but buying for time to get out and served those who were evil as you did,

    ..still you spent a very good portion of your life for a casue.

    Sadly, you served a very evil front. your intellegince gathering may have been used to destroy
    other human beings whether you like it or not. For this fact, just like wedi Vacaro, you’d
    at some point consider in genuinely saying that the position that you were put in may have
    indirectly affected others, that is if you are honestly telling history without compromising the facts
    that you squarely know.

    \\And so at some point, people like you who served at the highest positions and who knew & saw crimes,
    must accept responsibility & accountablility. //

    The commentator Truly Truly is a reflection of Eritreans mindset who questioned Ato Yemane’s lingua word (Tigraway..)
    Eritreans are as diverse as wild animals. Besides, Ato Yemane stated that he moved to Addis with his parents as a 5th grader and stayed there al the way until he left to Gedli as a 2nd year AAU student. is this hard to crack?

    besides who says pure tigrigna is what Truly Truly spoeaks. but it shows his depth and that is the reflection & disease amongst so many. No wonder Eritrea find itself in the predicament it is in. amazing people pay attention to a word spoken by someone instead of the real cause. what a waste.

  • Fact-is-Fact September 28, 2014

    Read this > but buying for time to get out and served those who were evil as you did,”


    but buying for time to get out but still served those who were evil as you did,

  • Fitsum Beraki September 28, 2014

    Brother Yemane T/Gerigish very well said and done indeed. My only concern and question to you would be WHY it has taken you this long to come out and tell the whole truth? However, it is always better late than never. Eritrea is a country of patriot and our current problems will one day in the near future be history. Great job from brother Ammanuel Eyassu and Assenna in general as well. Peace be upon you all and keep up the great work, my utmost respect to you brother once again.

  • sambo September 28, 2014

    Where I can find Tesfay Temnewo’s book?

  • Melake September 29, 2014

    Harbegna Haw Ato Yemane,
    Brilliant and positive contribution towards the new and democratic future Eritrea. God bless you and keep it up brother. Lots of credit and appreciation also due for our jigina brother Emma and with his Assenna staff. Thank you all and please more of the same.

  • Dawit Meconen September 29, 2014

    Simon G.

    You are abusing your God given intellec. Here is, among others, why: The Tigrigna phrase, Aba Treg, you used strictly applies to one who courageously confronts and knocks down the unjust while he is committing the unjust act. Yemane did none of that. He was the con artist and impostor isaias afewerqi collaborator and confidante and enjoying the juice that flowed from the relationship.